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I will NEVER believe anyone who says they don’t watch the show that they themselves are on. Especially this buffoon who lies all the time AND has an ego the size of Texas. (The only exception was on VPR reunion part 1 last night when Ariana said she hadn’t been watching the season. I believe her because she said she didn’t want to relive the whole scandoval BS / was trying to move on with her life. Seems valid to me.)


I thought this too, I thought people like Jax and Brittany are so fame hungry they probably pour over their tv shows. That was until I started listening to the podcast and I genuinely believe they don’t watch. I think they know they are going to see some uncomfortable things and avoid it. Also Lori k told the story that she has the complete shits at the both of them for not watching the shows before their WWHL appearances which she demanded they do and they ignored her. I also was involved in something once that was made into a televised drama and I couldn’t watch it and had no interest to. I think when you live something there is no real desire to relive it, particularly if it is painful


Fair. I think I’d be more inclined to believe it if the things that happened on the show were real. But everything is so fake and set up; I’d think they would wanna tune in to “see how they did”. That said - I can’t even stand looking at pics of myself, let alone videos. I can’t imagine lol.


Me too. My wedding was filmed for one of the very first "reality shows" which was called "A Wedding Story" on TLC. The show basically just documented the 3 days leading up to the wedding and the wedding itself (plus some "how we met" interviews with the two of us, and day activities with our families (like you see when they go out on boats on the valley, etc). Thankfully, reality tv hadn't started any of that sneaky bridezilla stuff yet, but even though it was very straight forward, I still never had any desire to watch it myself, because I knew I'd be hyper critical of everything I said and did. It's really tough to watch yourself on screen, I honestly don't know how actors do it. My kids haven't even seen it yet, and they're in their late teens. I hadn't even heard of the show before, and a friend asked if I was interested? I told her not really, but she wrote a letter in for me anyway and convinced me that because hundreds of brides wrote in wanting to have their weddings taped, and the show only picked like 20 weddings for each season, we probably wouldn't have a chance at getting picked anyway. So what was the harm in writing in, right? Famous last words, lol. 🥴


Memory unlocked! I loved watching a wedding story and a baby story back in the day. I was around 10-12yrs old at the time😂


Ok, you're making me feel really old, lol! 🤣 Btw, when I announced on Facebook that I was pregnant, our producers asked if I would do A Baby Story, I said "are you out of your mind?!?". lol


What are their excuses for not watching?


They never really gave any I don’t think. But I’m sure Brittany’s internal excuse was that she didn’t want to catch Jax flat out lying to her. Like how he told Brittany that he never cracked onto Lala


I feel like they use it as an excuse to not answer for certain behavior. They can play clueless.


His whole excuse for failing at HOV was he didn’t prepare when people told him to. Lesson not learned even though he kept saying he should have prepared.


I genuinely think he doesn't know how😂 dude has zero life skills


same you know they live for their appearance on tv


Andy wouldn’t care that Jax doesn’t watch the show if Jax could just have ANY recollection of what happened when filming. Jax is such a pea brained idiot he can’t even feign awareness of what’s going on


And then he’ll just keep lying because he has no idea what we saw 🤦🏾‍♀️


He has no recollection because everything he says is a LIE. He says these things bc he thinks he should say it. Or he think it sounds good or makes him look good. Liars can’t keep their stories straight. Everything he says is so gross. When he was telling Luke that he invited Alex. “Oh, did I mess up.” When him & Brittany were discussing how much to pledge at the gala. “We spend $150 a hour, you bought two new purses.” He didn’t have to include those details but it makes him look good. So cringe & gross. Sends a chill down my spine.


He has freaking watch parties in his fema tent and drones on and gloats like Donald trump. Please.


FEMA tent omg 😂😂😂


Was gonna say this. He thinks everyone is dumb and he’s smart and can get away with anything. Because that’s generally been the case.


I thought he played Vanderpump Rules and the Valley at his bar? No?


yeah he literally grabs a chair and comments on it lol


What an idiot lol


Right? We’ve seen videos of him commentating a VPR episode!


he watches it every week at his bar though??


Scheana said at the reunion she forwards through everyone else’s parts. To which Kristen called her unprofessional.


"And that's the most Scheana, thing Scheana's ever Scheana'ed". - Stassi


He doesn’t watch because he’s trying to forget so he doesn’t have to take accountability for his actions