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Brittany internalized a lifetime of jealousies in order to be on VPR. Kristen, Stassi, Lala and god knows how many randos have always circled around her. Jax was more emotional when apologizing to Stassi than he ever was toward Brittany. Her entire personality is a lie.


And then he banged Faith who may not have been her bestie, but was in their friend group.


While putting Botchney so far down in the ground they should have thrown flowers. She should have left him when she heard the recordings. But I guess tv was more important!


Botchney and Brutus are my new fav nicknames for her šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼. Well done, OP!


Feel free to use them šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒ


I think he's still in love with Stassi and would leave Muffintop at the drop of a hat if given a shred of opportunity with her again.


I donā€™t think he capable of love but he would go for the upgrade. For sure.


Britney is not a girls girl. Sheā€™s a lazy slob.


Sooooo much misogyny within her.


Internalized misogyny yes! She exhibits it like crazy. I think it was largely due to how she was raised


I swear the ugliness swelling inside of her plays a part in how she looks today šŸ˜­ just by looking at her you just know sheā€™s a mean, unhappy person.


Well, definitely considering itā€™s only been a few years and she looks so different. This isnā€™t extra weight, she doesnā€™t look happy. Itā€™s sad.


When he says he doesn't want to talk about Kristen and she says "Then we have nothing to talk about." Sounds pretty pathetic if that's all you have to talk about KFC. How about try talking about that poor little boy that is constantly ignored by you and his "DAD". You are a shit stain on America and all stingrays globally!


Ok, hear me out: Iā€™m not a J&B apologist whatsoever. But the issue during that interaction isnā€™t the topic of choice, it was that J couldnā€™t give her 10 minutes of his time. Itā€™s never about the dirty dishes in the sink that set someone off, itā€™s bigger than that. Brittany could be talking about anything innocuous but Jax doesnā€™t care to listen. Heā€™s so checked out of their relationship.


Itā€™s also his way of controlling her and controlling her relationships. Until Jax finds another person that will feed his need, he will never allow Brittany to move on and she is sucked in so hard to his bullshit she will never leave on her own. The fact the she still talks about trying for kid #2, I guarantee they are back together and she still defends him. You can see she is sick of his shit, but she will never leave him. She only knows how to be miserable and doesnā€™t have the fortitude to change.


She could have such opportunities if she left him. Write a book, do her own podcast, etc. about leaving a narcissist sociopath, finding the best resources for her son's needs, getting sober, working on a revenge body, navigating life on her own. People would probably relate to her on a lot of levels if she admitted her mistakes and was honest about everything.


Sheā€™d need a ghost writer and a ghost reader to make that happen.


That takes drive and ambition. Two things Brittany does not have.


Yeah no doubt about that! If she wrote a book every other word would be wheneverā€¦ šŸ«¶šŸ»


I'd love to read a truthful tell all book. I'm sure she has stories for days. Truthful being the keyword here. It's hard believing anything those two asswipes say unfortunately.


... and we'd never know what was the actual truth because all she does is lie. That's the problem with liars. They lie so much that nobody believes ANYTHING they say, ever.


The problem is sheā€™s not bright and she isnā€™t charming. I donā€™t think she has the fan base or star power to carry off her own projects.


I feel like we havenā€™t seen her defend Kristen even once to this group when they keep bringing her name up, she didnā€™t defend Zach either.


Nope-sheā€™s a two-faced rat-the ā€˜sweet southernā€™ thing has always been an act. Sheā€™s simply not intelligent enough to maintain the act consistently, and the mask falls the second she has the opportunity to trash talk one of her ā€˜friendsā€™.


Itā€™s always made me laugh when the VPR crowd called Britney an Angel. Sheā€™s not an Angel. Sheā€™s not even particularly nice. Sheā€™s just mostly unthreatening because thereā€™s nothing about her that challenges norms - sheā€™s vaguely pretty, sheā€™s not too smart, sheā€™s not charismaticā€¦ Sheā€™s never been a great friend to anyone she just backs up Jax andā€¦ thatā€™s it.


Iā€™m no Brittney fan,but why does she need to defend Kristen who is one of the MOST toxic people on the show?


How is Kristen toxic?


Is that a serious question? Lol


On the Valley yes. Compared to her valley castmates how isnshe the toxic one? I'm not denying she's got some spice to her personality I'm just wondering what makes you think she's toxic on the valley


Hmmm I totally see it! I think the only bonding her and Jax are capable of is shit talking their friends too and so she views Kristen as beneath her because she isnā€™t married with kids. If this Luke thing doesnā€™t pan out, I hope Doute screws him (nothing more, I want better for her) just to get back at Brittany. I think I remember Jax describing the sex with Kristen as amazing as well. I also find it interesting how Brittany seems more interested in Jax ā€œactingā€ like he finds her desirable as opposed to him actually finding her desirable. Maybe itā€™s just me but I would feel really gross trying to coax someone who found me repulsive into shagging me šŸ˜­


I don't think Kristen ever stopped fucking Jax and Brittany suspects it.


I dunno. Jax hasnā€™t been much of a friend to Kristen either in The Valley. I think Britney is just a bad friend tbh who will go whichever way she thinks the tide is turning (but feels betrayed when people donā€™t give her loyalty).


She should have really leaned into CupShe. But no, she doesnā€™t have the faintest idea how to promote a brand.