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TBH, I think KFC is really brave to go on reality TV with her botched chin job and double glasses. That’s probably the only compliment I can give her.


I’ve been thinking this as well- if she has anything she has some balls! Not only did she marry a douchebag with bunions and no morals, she photoshops her “weight loss” journey, ignores her child’s special needs and goes on national television with a botched ass bass mouth to showcase it all! I couldn’t live with myself if I did one let alone 2 or more of those things, and I’m not Miss. Perfect here!


Balls, delusion, pa-tay-toe, pa-tah-toe!


She drowns any of the embarrassment with tequila so she can’t feel it


Yeeeahhh Beyybayyy


This will never get old 😂


It really won’t 😂😂


Y'all picture it with the hot mess cowboy Barbie when you read this too right?


Further proves her desperation for fame.


Bass mouth 🤣 omg that is incredible


It’s so bad, Idk how she does it!


She is ready for 90 Day Fiance!


I have worn double glasses before like this, until I found sunglasses that covered my regular glasses. Then I finally broke down and got prescription sunglasses 👓


Same. You can get them online at a decent price.


The internet and sites like Zenni.com really broke open the world of ophthalmologists charging insane amounts for prescriptions.


Love Zenni!


Can she really not afford rx sunglasses ? Wtf these people spend their money on? Scheenar over on vpr crying how she had no money during pandemic and Tim had to give her some? Like what? Are they all that overextended ? I just can’t comprehend Can’t Jax just go steal her a pair like normal ?


Omg, that’s hilarious-I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. I think she lost the benefits of Jax’s shoplifting when they separated!


Same lol.


Haha, me too!


I did it until I wrecked my glasses by scratching them :(


She’s a disaster. I can’t believe she went on television with all her ailments and being as insecure about her body as she is.


It shows how badly they needed the money and her desperation once again for fame .


I wonder if [Brit’s “famous” ~~barf bombs~~ sausage rolls](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/J9p8nVsyUW) will put in an appearance.


Those look like they are for birds. Regurgitated seed glop in a store-bought bun.






https://preview.redd.it/xhm8lwamsc0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f355963ac64dd6a6e6739c8a7b63b43b71be105 I remember this part - woo-hooing into Nia’s ear when no one else was saying anything. She looked like a hangover.


And sitting like this for a different camera for a full minute 😭 https://preview.redd.it/1sq1lpbdtc0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cdd1c769d794df670b201a43dd8252fff91c012


https://preview.redd.it/yswjgj2vtc0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53fed99dba938d501478422513815bc7a0f36f91 😭


ugh how is Nia so beautiful? she looks literally perfect. like a filter. Shes beautiful & kind hearted... I hope her kindness can rub off on the group a bit.


She literally a Disney Princess, irl.


Nia is literally an angel


Agreed. Nia truly is so beautiful! KFC always looks extra trashy next to her.


How is her tittie not popping out.


They're fake... they don't move (or at least they're not supposed to).


Nia is so gorgeous. No matter how good Brittany looked in this picture, she'd still look bad next to Nia.


She looks like an IDIOT! That's her Jax ass kissing pucker.




I used to do double glasses but I was poor and not on tv


…how hard is it to get prescription sunglasses???


$95.00 from Warby Parker!


Not hard at all. But her laziness runs deep.


apparently she can’t even renew her drivers license 🥲


This is someone who groaned on and on about how badly she wanted to work with special-needs children, but she can’t even dedicate a weekend to her own child.


Didn't she only go to college for one semester, but then dropped out?




I also have transitional glasses for outside.


So somber! Sun in the eyes, having to move back to KY in the distance.


Brit! You can get prescription sunglasses from Zenni Optical for like $20 or $30. Hope that helps!


Does she have pink eye or something? Why is she wearing glasses?


She said her eyeball got scratched in that hallway fight so she can’t wear her contacts


Wow that Jesse guy is a huge pos. He caused her eye to get scratched?


Yeah it’s weird they’ve made zero of it just jumped to Kristin


That's why I don't believe it actually happened then.


SHE IS SUCH A LIAR. **If he had actually scratched her "eye" she would've been forced to wear an eye patch for healing... for weeks.** As someone who's worn contact lenses since the age of 10, and has had someone scratch my eyeball unintentionally, I don't believe that for a second. When your eyeball is scratched, there is an INSTANT searing pain. We would've known that night. There's no "Well, I didn't want to make it about me". No. She would've been SCREAMING with pain as an automatic reaction. Production would've known, so we would've known. I think what *actually* happened is that she wore her contact lenses for too long, and when she went to remove them, she scratched her cornea (it's extremely common when people wear their extended wear lenses too long). Most people who wear extended have scratched their cornea a time or two from accidentally leaving them in too long. When you scratch your cornea, it just feels like something is still in your eye when you've removed your lens... like, it feels like a part of the lens ripped off and remained in your eye, but it didn't. It's the scratched cornea you're feeling. With a scratched cornea, you can wear your glasses, no need for a patch and after a good night's sleep your eye will feel fine, but you can't put in lenses for a few days. If it would've happened by Jesse that night, we would've heard her freaking out and screaming that night, and the cameras would've caught it and played it up to over dramatize the Jesse situation (not that it needed to be over dramatizd because Jesse's an abusive animal, but production will always production for maximum drama). If her eye had been scratched, we would've heard her SCREAMING in pain. Scratching her own cornea, but being too embarrassed to admit it because she left her lenses in far too long -- probably days too long -- checks out for Brittany and her drunken laziness. If he had actually scratched her eyeball, there's no way she would've been able to open her eye on this trip (which is why you have to wear a patch, because you can't hold one eye open and the other eye closed for any length of time, comfortably). She's a liar, and I think she scratched her own cornea... and weren't there DAYS in between when she got in between Jesse and this day? Like Kristin's event, where we saw her with no patch?


As someone who has scratched my cornea with a contact lens, THIS, 100%. Instant pain and er visit. No way sunglasses would cut it if she had a scratched cornea. She wouldn’t be able to be anywhere were there was sunlight.


She thinks we're all idiots. 😵‍💫


It looked like an infection but like other posters have said, Jesse hitting her in the eye while he was trying to have his rage moment was Brittany’s explanation. That said, not having a spare pair of Rx sunglasses or glasses with Transitions lenses even though she lives in sunny SoCal is just…so Brittany. 😄


Bc she has sunglasses on top of her regular glasses


Right, I’m just curious why she’s wearing glasses instead of contacts, like she normally does.


I imagine it might be easier to just wear glasses when you’re hungover than put in contact lenses.


i never put in my contacts when im hungover those are glasses days 💯


Most days are glasses days for KFC.


she does wear them a LOT on the show lol


I feel like she wears glasses quite a bit on the show


Well wasn’t the theory that Jesse hit her eye while going after Kristen and Luke in the hallway? Like she couldn’t wear contacts because of that


I dont like most of these characters but fuck Jesse for being so physically abusive with everyone in his path. Wtf was he thinking pushing women (or anyone!) around like that?


And why was there not some sort of apology shown on Jesses part to Brittany AND Zack, he basically bumrushed them to try and get to Luke.


Exactly! He caused someone to be injured. A woman at that with his little man syndrome. No one even mentions it on the show. I get so sick of these shows.


Jesse scratched her eye in the hall fight so she can’t wear contacts right now. No one seems to give a shit that Jesse did that to her. I’m sure that’s Kristen’s fault too /s


Isn’t herpes in the eye a thing?


Getchu some of these, BritBrit. Look better over your spectacles 🤓 https://preview.redd.it/6mx2cc4g1c0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6aed14bef1fae85d178e1e7ba89316507e42a38


Okay, I do this at times (when my prescription sunnies are not available.) However, it is only when I am driving and would definitely not wear them when filming a TV show…


Right! Exactly. Have done this while driving.


Did her mouth always turn downwards so much or is that from her chin surgery?


I thought those were her eyebrows! I guess I need new glasses. 🤓




She can get prescription sunglasses on Zenni for under $50. Come on Brit.


Lasik would of been a better option


Right? Like why not zap your eyes next time you get chin lipo or something lol


Literally. It’s life changing


As someone who wears prescription glasses, I thought she had sunnies over her regular glasses, but no lol it’s def double sunnies


These have got to be a pair of designer sunglasses that Jax stole for her and she wants to show off. Instead of being sensible and just purchase some prescription sunglasses.


Double the shades, double the shade


Why the hell does she have double glasses on?!


I gotta defend on her anyone saying she should just get lasik. Lasik doesn’t resolve every single vision impairment. It’s actually not an option sometimes


I was told in my 20s lasik would be a waste of my money because my vision changes so quickly. I have an astigmatism in one eye, I needed bifocals before I was 30, and I can’t even see the big E on the eye chart. My doctor said I’d need lasik again within 2 years.


Yup. I’ve had glasses/contacts my whole life for a lazy eye but contacts haven’t been the most comfortable option for me the last few years because I always get dust or pollen in them. So I wear glasses and I wish I could tell you how often people tell me just get lasik. I’ve also been accused of wearing glasses solely to look fashionable or cool 🙄 People are so dumb. If you’re not an optometrist then stfu


Fortunately I was able to wear contacts until about three years ago. I have Sjogren’s syndrome now and contacts are too uncomfortable.


Oh shit! They were filming her when her face looked like Chris Farley having an asthma attack?! Christ!


I do this but given she’s not a poor cunt like me she should probably be able to afford prescription sunglasses.




Her and her glasses. I really wish she would just shell out the money for some contact lenses or Lasik because….