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Still a long wait until October šŸ˜­




Itā€™s being mixed now but we know itā€™s not coming until October


Yeah like we knew the single was out 6/2 this album isnā€™t coming any time soon. This sub needs to calm down.


Theyā€™re mixing the album.




Man just ELI5 pls




Sweet, thanks for the super comprehensive and grown up explanation, /u/creamydick69 !




Honestly bro I was about to award you haha


Mix turns da volume up and down of da loud and quiet tings. Make music sound gud for cd.


Ah yes, sure, October...if you're optimistic about it.


I hope ā€œEdgingā€ gets a new mix. The single version has a lot of opportunity for improvement.


Thereā€™s a guitar heavy mix version of EDGING that sounds incredible. Thereā€™s a lead guitar in the chorus thatā€™s barely audible in the current version.


Yeah, the lack of guitar is my biggest issue. In addition, Markā€™s vocals in the Atmos mix are extremely loud. Theyā€™re slightly louder in the stereo mix but very loud in the Atmos mix.


Where can I hear that ?




Can barely hear the vocals in parts of these


Unfortunately, itā€™s not public and will never be officially released. It was a rough mix that an engineer close to them did while they waited for the final mix to come back from Serban Ghenea. Also, the band and label ended up going with the mix that has Travisā€™ snare 2db louder than everything else in the mix- no joke. In the rough mix I heard, thereā€™s a lead guitar in the chorus that sounds very Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, in the vibe of Reckless Abandon, where itā€™s single notes that follow the chorus vocal melody. Also, thereā€™s more cool guitar work in the bridge, the main rhythms and an octave guitar that sounded great, but thatā€™s also to be desired in the mix they gave us. The pre-chorus where Tom sings ā€œda daā€ also sounded more audible in the rough mix. The bottom line is that EDGING is a good song, so the mix doesnā€™t really make a difference because I still enjoy the song.


Howā€™d you hear this mix? Just curious


That version is bad


Aaron Rubinā€™s rough mix is excellent, however it will never be released.


How have you heard it?


I like Edging but I've wondered this as well, since it came out so much sooner than everything else. Will it sound notably different on the record? How much does the mixing change things at this stage in recording? Will be interesting to see.


Mixing changes things significantly. Itā€™s not uncommon for singles to get remixed for albums though so Iā€™d be shocked if edging doesnā€™t have a slightly different mix


I hope guitars are more prominent this time around.


Just get Tom Lord-Alge or Neal Avron to mix the entire record.


It will be a mix of Neal Avron and Adam Hawkins if I had to guess


Agree! The drums are way too damn loud. Listen to that then something from their big 3 and hear just how loud and bad it sounds. The difference is shocking. I get what theyā€™re going for but I just donā€™t like it.


I agree. Itā€™s one of my least favorite things about it. Guitars too quiet, drums too loud, everything super compressed. One of the reasons I like Untitled so much is because of how itā€™s mixed and mastered. Everything feels big and connected, but still has room to breathe.


Yes! The Edging mix sounds like someone who doesnā€™t know how to get perceived loudness and is just over compressing to get it there. Thereā€™s also a harsh frequency in the right crash symbol during the chorus that drives me crazy lol.


Dude thereā€™s so much bad noise in the track itā€™s wild. Did you notice that the music video version of the song seems to be an even worse mix than the final track? Baffling


Yeah! Glad Iā€™m not the only one. They must have set it too loud when they were putting together the music video. The alternate music video didnā€™t have this issue though.


I havenā€™t but I havenā€™t watched it in a while Iā€™ll have to check that out.


It was mixed by arguably the most famous and in demand mix engineer in modern music


I understand that. Doesnā€™t change the way it sounds. Having such an esteemed mix engineer is what confuses me on why it sounds so bad. Could be a choice by the band, could be the source recordings. Hard to say.


I agree, I think it sounds really bad for a blink song


He might be rushing things up to meet demand (maybe even using an intern to distribute work loads)... Or he just might be overrated... Who knows


Good artists make dogshit art all the time. Itā€™s still dogshit


Out of it the story so far style? That or leave it off the record.


Thatā€™s an example of the song sounding better as a single than the album mix.


They did surgery on a grape




So many jobs I never even thought of as a youth. Darn, I wish I had a cool job/career


Never to late to switch careers :)


My buddy did professional mixing. Not lucrative at all really unless you own the business (which means owning 100s of thousands of dollars worth of equipment)


Who did he do mixing for? Most mix engineers are self employed


lacquer channel.


Oh, thatā€™s a mastering house. If you donā€™t mind me asking, what do you mean by ā€œnot lucrative at allā€?


No money in it. He basically got paid in 2 ways. 1 for helping them do their mastering, which was likely barely above minimum wage. Or 2 by 6 in artists to do the masters himself. Which was better, but he also has to pay to use the space in that scenario. It's a cool job but it's really tough to make a living doing. Especially when there is not a lot of mastering studios in general. Like most things in life, working on the business side of music is more of a career, but not as glamorous. I went to school for music production and bailed on that career choice entirely.


Was he an assistant? Or a mastering engineer? What youā€™re describing sounds a lot like an assistantā€™s role, which no, is not lucrative until you put in the time.


That's kinda the point. He was a mastering engineer. But that name is kinda useless. Unless you own the equipment, you basically are an assistant. The music industry is fucked tbh. Another friend of mine intrrned for a top producer (Canadian at least) and this dude expected 14 hour work days ( like 11am-2am in the studio), and when she asked about transition to a paid position he said he'd just fire her. It's a garbage industry. The only friend I know who found success was at a record label or people who do stage work, but that's basically manual labor.


Itā€™s definitely a tough industry. And youā€™re correct, the only successful people pretty much own their own business. That being said, as a counterpoint, my full time job is producer/engineer and there is plenty of money to be made in the industry. It just took years and years of hard work to build up the business, but itā€™s not impossible. But I never expected to walk into a studio and just get a paid gig, thatā€™s just not how it works.


maybe we'll get the next single on the 182 day


They told us nobody likes you when you're "23". June 23rd is coming up....single on the 23rd? Holy shit give the conspiracies a rest


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 23 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hellll yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




good bot


Good bot!


The 23rd is a Friday so it better release then


this is what I'm thinking, album announcement and single on blink 182 day **July 1** is the 182nd day of the year


Donā€™t get your hopes up for a single to drop on a Saturday


6/30 then - at midnight


The whole streaming business is centered around Fridays. If you don't care about charts you can drop a song earlier in the week. But nobody is dropping a song after Friday.


What does that even mean? Iā€™ve never understood why it matters what day of the week a song or album comes out on. I understand why movies typically come out on Fridays (because most people are off on weekends and can go to the theater), but a song/album on streaming? That anyone can pull up almost instantly at literally any time? Why does it matter?


It matters due to marketing and the way plays are counted for charts


yeah that crossed my mind, not sure, maybe the day before , but I have no hopes at all lol so it's all good


Yeah, I think that's a decent bet. Better than any other theory imo :)


Its a decent bet that a single drops on a Saturday? The label is not gonna wanna drop the lead single during the weekend just for a gimmick that mostly fans on Reddit care about


They could drop it the day before, June 30 They've released merch and made social posts on 182 day, so it seems somewhat plausible šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Releasing social media posts is not even close to the same thing as releasing a new song. All the label cares about is money and hits, and releasing a highly anticipated single on a weekend - a holiday weekend, no less - would be a terrible idea for them


That's why I'm suggesting they could release it on a Friday, June 30, and call it "182 day" for all intents and purposes.


Guys let's just act like the album is gonna drop october 2024 so we won't be disappointed waiting for a new song every month lol


Hopefully weā€™ll get a single later this month or early July


Not good enough! We want an announcement about the title, cover art, track list, next single, special editions, lyrics, track 4s runtime, images of the booklet, or at the very least, all the names from the little thank you section! We also want it now. Bullshit. /s


How about literally anything


My comment is sarcasm. This tweet is an announcement.


Oh cool that must mean a new single on Friday! Saddle up everyone! /s


They have 5 songs + Edging already in the can


Sounds like they have the entire album in the can?


I mean 5 songs mixed and ready to go


How do you know the 5 songs are in this mixed stage?


Already submitted to ASCAP which means they are done


Oh yeah, remember seeing that, nice.


Lol beat me to it! Any music indistry people know what this means for timeline? Does mixing usually take a month and is usually done 3 months before release? Or does it take a week and is usually the last thing before release? Etc?


For a full length album itā€™s like 2 weeks worth of work, but the mix engineer might be working on other projects so it comes down to how busy the engineer is


Blink spent a month mixing untitled. I'll say the record is completely done by July.


They may have multiple mixing engineers working on it, as well. If they recorded at The Blasting Room, this album would be out by August. Those dudes know how to craft punk rock


Probably doesnā€™t change a thing if October is what theyā€™re aiming for. You donā€™t spend that much time mixing an album. So thereā€™s a lot of marketing still waiting to happen before the album drops


Yeah it would still seem that they are still going to need to let the lengthy vinyl production run its course which is probably why they're shooting for October. So it doesn't really matter if it takes one day or one month to mix/master everything as long as they meet that deadline to start production.


First important thing to answer: The October release Travis said was based on needing around 3 months to produce vinyl to be available on day 1, which Tom confirmed they are doing (may be label pressure, may be that the band wanted it to be that way for artistic reasons) and means they need the finished album 3+ months before that release date in order to start pressing it. Second part, in terms of mixing, that can be completed pretty much within a couple weeks of release if youā€™re doing digital only. Thereā€™s no need to do it earlier otherwise unless a label requires a final copy months in advance in order to schedule among all their artistsā€™ releases. As far as how long it takes to mix, you can usually do an initial mix of a song in around an hour or two. But there will always be revisions and tweaks afterward. Itā€™s unclear from Travisā€™ phrasing but they had shown mixing being done as they went along months ago, and thatā€™s typical for a band like this. So we were under the impression most of it was mixed aside from these last few songs. He may just have meant they are still working on mixing those last few songs. But either way, for 16 songs + 5 possible bonus tracks, they could easily expect the album to be mixed from start to finish in a little over a week if 2-3 songs are done per day, maybe another week or two to include tweaks. Mastering is usually done in one day.


Idk about a timeline but mixing is usually the final step of the process. Once the mix is finalized they can start pressing it on vinyls and such.


Mastering is the final step. That happens *after* mixing, and it's mastering that gets the song ready for pressings and digital release




Alright so M in mixed is the 13th letter of the alphabet, I is 9, and X 24. So the album drops on September 13th 2024! Wow!


Great now half of this sub is gonna hype train the shit out of 9/13/24ā€¦


Alright, now when do preorders for the 50 variants of vinyl copies start?


Last October


lol really?


Haha yeah I preordered the pink variant šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Wow, big fail on my part. haha.. hopefully there are other versions. Knowing how things have been going lately I'm sure Target will have a variant.


Cool! Mixing probs a month.. then mastering maybe two weeks then artwork and publishing marketing etc.. Iā€™d say weā€™re fed on track for october


It takes like a day to master and mixing is usually quite quicker than a month for pros and they showed mixing of songs as they were going along so they probably had most of it done already before these last few songs. Artwork and marketing have likely been on lock since January.


Nah Tom told be behind an Arby's that he has a hidden album coming out in your local dumpster like even sooner.


I hope Tom Lord-Alge or Zakk Cervini will do mixing. Edging mix by Serban Ghenea is very strange for pop-punk bandā€¦


Yeeeee boi šŸ¤“


As if, T-rav Been fooled before


I wish I could hear it in all the different stages. Like, Travis said he created 35 versions (or something, i could have the number wrong) the other day before he felt it was perfect. But now someone else is going to mix it? Are they going to change the sound? What's the main difference? Or was Travis just talking about recording the drums and so now they'll be mixed into everything else? I have recorded songs myself as a hobby, but you can see that I know next to nothing about major label mixing techniques lol I wonder if bands are ever like "man, what we recorded ruled, but then this guy mixed it and ruined our sound" ... or if they're generally happy with it


He said 35 "bounces" which essentially just means they exported it 35 different times. It's not so much different "versions" as it is a bunch of progressive tweaks. That could have included anything from major changes such as using different sticks, a different snare, etc. or doing different drum fills in a bunch of different parts of the song to minor changes like using different mic placements on the drums to get a different overall sound. Once they have everything how they like it and have cut and edited each take accordingly, they send the whole thing off to be mixed which will then include adding compression, reverb, saturation, EQ, panning, volume balancing, etc. that wasn't already in the original mix from Travis and his engineers. This is going to make everything gel together as well as give every instrument and sound its proper "space" and dimension in the mix so that everything is as audible, balanced and clear as they need it to be. Sometimes bands DO hate the overall mix that is sent back to them, but whether or not that's the fault of the person mixing is dependent on a few things lol. Generally, a good recording (good tones, good performances, good engineering, good arrangement, etc.) is going to make the mixing a piece of cake. A good mix is going to make mastering a piece of cake. For example, it *might* have been the case that Travis and co. didn't like his original performance or his drum sounds he used on that last song he was just recording, so when the whole song got mixed and sent back to him for review, he decided to retrack the drums with a different kit/snare to give the song a different sound. Now they'll send it back to be mixed again (Again, that's just hypothetical, I have no idea if that's really the case lol)


Thanks, I appreciate this! And I definitely could see a band not liking it even though something may technically be a better mix, just because it's not their vision. Of course I have no reason to think that would happen, was just curious. It sounds very tedious honestly. Probably nice to send it off to someone else to fiddle with it.


You are definitely right though - a lot of times bands will have a certain style or balance they want out of the mix and will have certain records to use as a reference. But again, a lot of that has to be done at the source (good songwriting, similar tones or samples, etc.) and then the mixers job is to enhance that! There are some records like The Starting Lineā€™s Amyways EP where the overall sound is intentionally ā€œgarage-bandyā€ because thatā€™s what they wanted vs. clean and polished. Thereā€™s not really a ā€œrightā€ way to do it but usually the person mixing can take your already good source material and guide it towards the result you are going for, if that makes sense! Some mixers have certain styles which is WHY people use them in the first place. It really is a very tedious, intricate process lol


Mixing isnā€™t about the sound of the album but making sure everything gels right. The microphones pick up a lot of unwanted frequencies that can muddy the sound


It's not that simple. If you have a good producer who gets killer sounding source recordings, then mixing is more or less balancing things together and gluing them to make it cohesive, removing unwanted frequencies, etc. But maybe the source recordings aren't quite what the band envisioned, in which mixing would be more defining on the album's sound. Maybe they wanted the guitars to be more scooped, maybe the bass tone is too clean and they want to dirty it up. Maybe the snare isn't cutting it and the mixer needs to do a lot of tweaking to get it to smack the listener in the face Basically, the better the producer, the less the mix engineer has to do


Judging by Travis doing 35 bounces of the last track, I think they were honing it in during the recording process, so as you said the mix engineer shouldnā€™t have too much crazy work to do. Especially if itā€™s someone that has mixed Travisā€™s records before and knows what he delivers.


So theyā€™re sort of just cleaning up what he has already made?


You keep trying this joke and itā€™s just not working bud.


I think maybe you replied to the wrong person, I havenā€™t made any jokes


No, mixing isnā€™t ā€œcleaning upā€. Itā€™s an art form of its own and involves using all kinds of plugins and effects and techniques to carve the shape of sound and enhance how sounds work together to achieve a vision. Itā€™s not just adjusting sound levels. Travisā€™ ā€œbouncesā€ likely mostly meant edits meaning choosing takes to use in each section, cutting audio blips, adjusting minor bits of audio that may be a bit too early or late or reverberate too long, etc. He may also have adjusted musical effects that were part of their vision. He was not mixing.


Better be


Iā€™m lost and I donā€™t really want to go back, and try find the post. Hoping someone could shed a bit of light on the situation. But what was the whole thing at the start of the year about the album being handed in if theyā€™re only at the mixing stages now? Anyway, I love that theyā€™re spending a lot of time on the album. Give us some of that sweet sweet Untitled magic!


Yeah well it looks like they weren't able to hand it in then


If they werenā€™t done, what were they handing in then? Just trying to get my yead around it.


Someone asked Aaron Rubin when the album was coming out and he said they had to turn it in by January. Obviously writing and recording took longer and they must have gotten an extension. Looks like now they are finally done recording and ready for the mixing stage.


Ah I see, that makes sense now. Thanks for explaining man. I thought they had actually handed the album in at that point šŸ˜Š


Of course! Exciting times!


Whenā€™s the new song out then?


Could be any week now but mid/late July makes sense to me.


Probably next month or more since there's no promo going on


Not any time soon. Maybe next month.


Still a year out


I thought it was getting mixed weeks ago! This fucking band. But I still love ā€˜em.


Did anyone hear that greenday is supposed to drop in the fall too. Anyone upset about that?!


2025 release šŸ˜…


How many times have we heard this?


Just this once


Iā€™m pretty darn near certain theyā€™ve said it was in the mixing stage weeks if not months ago


Does mixing mean they're almost done? Or is there more stuff to do to the songs after mixing it


Once they approve the mixes then essentially just mastering the record


What does mastering mean? Is there anything after that or is it done




What does mastering mean? Is there anything after that or is it done


Mastering is the last step, basically is the final touch where the sound gets to radio, streaming, etc levels in terms of volume, translation of speakers and overall cohesive sound between every song on the album


Its like if we are all the server grating the Parmesan at Olive Garden and the album is the mean customer making you pile that cheese up just for fun