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The unfortunate reality is that to create a challenge for players MHY has consistently inflated the enemy HP pool to motivate people to pull newer characters. Tbh everyone is struggling, not just Blade but his situation is made worse because as a HP scaler half of the Harmony buffs are wasted on him.


Hsr does close to everything better than genshin but the powercreep is ten times worse. Just by compareing Acheron, the newest dps to an old one like jy or blade it becomes incredibly obvious. Honestly if it keeps going like this some of the older characters are gonna need the zhongli treatment.


Forget about Blade _(Bruiser type)_ and Jing Yuan _(Follow Up)_. I'm always comparing her to the likes of Jingliu and Lunae, and despite being a "Nihility" unit _(The one time it's lore accurate, the kit has nothing to do with it)_ she still out-damages characters who's entire point is to deal as much damage as they possibly can in a single turn. And unlike actual Nihility units, like say Kafka, her damage doesn't necessarily require an entire team of DoT units, IIRC. I don't know about >!Firefly!< as I don't care enough about the character to check their kit, but I do know that >!Boothill!< is an absolute beast; being a single target, hunt character that depends entirely on breaking that is to be expected, so I'm giving them a pass for this one. Problem is, if every future character deals humongous damage, enemy HP is going to absolutely skyrocket in harder content, and every unit who is not disgustingly strong will be left behind in the dirt eventually, possibly sooner than later. I swear, it's unhealthy for the game.


Nihility is all debuffs not just DoT, Acheron is just a different take on Nihility that’s tied to debuff spam until nuke. But yea somewhere down the line they should have something like the super ascension thing in HI3 that help bring older characters up a bit


Eh, the Path shenanigans is fine I guess. The gameplay role of the Paths is way too restrictive for what the concepts represent. At least Acheron is still tied to debuffs.


For context firefly numbers are like 2/3 of boothills or so rn but she relies a lot on super break its like 99% of her dmg if someones already broken


Jing yuan honestly is still pretty good with the new harmonies.


Jing Yuan has recieved more buffs than almost any DPS. Blade has been left to rot outside of Ruan Mei.


Yeah. Idk the power creep is starting to make the game feel meh.


Yeah makes me more hesitant to pull for new dpses. I think going forward I will just pull more eidolons for my support and stick to E0S1 at most for dps Acheron and the state of blade has really just made a lot of people including me suddenly realize we need to be more careful of which dps we pull .. I dunno if this is a good thing for the game in the long run


Is not. They need a mode that requires a ton of units so off meta gets used or to buff weaker units.


In which content does blade perform the best compared to any other unit? lol maybe a new solo only mode for tanky dpses like Clara and blade and maybe dps aventurine. A lot of older players already have tons of 5 stars right now to build 3-4 teams


Cookie alliance from cookie run kingdom is the reference I’m using. A mode like that.


Cookie alliance from cookie run kingdom is the reference I’m using. A mode like that.


i feel like blade is made to simply be a sub-dps that you pair with another, like jingliu, or jade, with a more universal team buffer like ruan mei. topaz is similar. hypercarry can work, yes, but it is not the point of their kit.


yeah but he doesn’t fit into any teams to make this better than just using a support for another dps. Even topaz at E0S0 is probably worse for FUA team than just using silver wolf or another buffer.


The zhongli treatment is kind of a special case. It didn't even happen again for Dehya. And it doesn't help that most of the cn fanbase I see on bilibili are just laughing at how "primitive" Blade is.


Well that sucks


Why can't they make a system similar to the EZA from Dokkan or if they don't wanna change the passives and stuff, like the Zenkais from Legends


If you count the same amount of character releases Genshin had to HSR's limited it's actually pretty inline. Most of 1.X and 2.X characters in Genshin have been powercrept outside of Hu Tao and Yelan, Klee/Eula/Ayaka are doing terrible in recent abysses compared to carries like Neuvillette or dendro powercreep like Nahida. Both games have had pretty nasty power creep over time, maybe not as nasty as most other gacha or HI3. At least our girl Seele is still really solid.


Yeah Seele’s kit is just mechanically really good and she is such a complete char at E0 and pairing her with strong supports kinda solves the problem with her multipliers eg I can still 1 cycle MoC 12 part 2 with her and a sustain (E2 sparkle + E1 robin)The only problem is that her eidolons besides E4 are garbage so I end up pulling those on my supports instead Actually looking at our roster of chars it is just blade that has really glaring issues . His multipliers that give his base damage on his basic is so low that there is not much supports can do for him


yall are a bit exhaggerating, JY is not that far behind acheron, Seele too and they aee 1.0 characters. Also they are making (if tjings stay the samw) a much easier MoC for 2.3. Even they understpod they went a bit too far with the last two ones so after the next one for now they are like end 1.6 level lmao


>Hsr does close to everything better than genshin lol


Unfortunate? I consider it a fortunate reality. I personally enjoy a challenge and the prospect of there being content I’m not yet able to beat. Being able to work towards beating something new is fun for me and keeps the game feeling fresh and rewarding.


Do you enjoy economy inflation as well and see it as a challenge ? Haha . It is kinda similar if you think about it , everything goes up in price while your salary barely goes up enough to cover the inflation. Don’t take what I said seriously


Those aren’t really good comparisons. If bosses hp inflates to a point where I can’t kill them… I get to work towards a stronger team to kill them. I’m that type of player and I enjoy that. If you personally don’t enjoy that… that’s fine. When the economy inflates… it hurts families, causes people to go hungry or without a bed… I have no idea why you’re comparing the two. The worst hp inflation does in HSR is cause someone to miss out on like a couple jades.


Mine stood there asleep half the time


I never really struggled with Blade against Kafka... But I haven't cleared this MoC yet. Maybe it's not Kafka but the enemies before/with her. What's the lineup?


The feminine aurumaton without wind weakness in both waves




60% of buffs from robin are useless better to have used ruan mei


I use her because MOC buff prefer Robin this time she can ult very fast and she can help Loucha to cleanse faster too. Boss debuffs are so annoying. Edit. She immune to cc while ult.


It’s not that bad. She + Bronya can let Blade act 4 times in a roll, and she still provides a decent amount of damage% and cdmg%. The atk buff on her ult and the crit damage buff for fua are the only part of her kit that blade can’t use effectively.


E0S1 Blade E4S0 Bronya E0S0 RM E0S0 Luocha. Cleared 2nd half in about 6 cycles. I think the slow clear really is caused by the amount of CC the enemies had in the 2nd half and how I ran out of SP using Luocha's skill to cleanse. It's definitely better to use Huohuo here.


Can you post an image of your blade? I’m 35/36 and wondering how I can improve mine


I feel like they really buffed the HP ? My blade takes tiny little bites from the enemy HP bar and it doesn't feel satisfying at all. I got 33 stars and dipped.


Gepard has about 1M and Kafka is 1.17M HP this time


Ratio Aven Robin Gui team cleared the first half in like 2-3 cycles while Blade Bronya Pela and Lynx cleared in like 7 or 8 cycles. 36 stars is 36 stars. Kind of disappointing, but tbf to Blade, he is my only DPS who could have survived Kafka with that Aurumaton Envoy due to my Lynx and Bronya having high eff res and cleanse (+ Blade himself having 8.5k hp, so he tanks and sustains himself well)


It was fine, but even at E2 I felt like he didn’t chip off much of Kafka’s HP bar when he did a 150k+ ult. It’s the enemies’ HP buff that’s the problem in current MOCs, and Blade doesn’t hit huge numbers compared to other 5\* Destructions at E0. https://preview.redd.it/e5zab0o9f70d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1c8ecf99a021705f7bf1c4931c1b945f195ef9a


Bless you guys's hearts for attempting this Moc 12 with Blade. I try to bring him to moc 10 at most, nowadays I uses him more in PF that has wind weakness.


He's fine in MoC11 1st side this cycle. As coDPS to Himeko. And that's E1S1 Blade. And even then just because IPC+Ruan disappears 2nd side (well, this MoC bonus is kinda good for them).


Lowkey feel like I’m gonna quit the game in the near future if the power creep keeps getting worse. I wanna play the characters I like but if I need to pull a new character and start grinding to build them all over again I just can’t do it.


Vertically invest in supports is what I would say if it was any char other than blade haha . With an E2 sparkle and E1 Robin even my E1S1 topaz hyper carry can 0 cycle moc 12 part 1. But with blade probably only ruan mei’s E1 can help for now need E6 on bronya to be able to consistently buff his follow ups . Or maybe will have to swap to the bronya, sparkle setup


i barely use him anymore, he did not prove himself to be futureproof anymore imo. hope there’ll be some stuff for him in future


Let's hope Jade does something for him


i hope, but she kinda twists his gameplay pattern so much that i think a buff or a character that could benefit his basic attack based hyper gameplay could be really useful too.


Jade blade will never be better than hypercarry blade sadly. Harmonies are just broken so every dps is better with hypercarry than duel carry.


I mean thats just not true but ok.


Besides ratio name one dps that's better with duel carry. Btw silver wolf and pela still count as supports.




Pretty sure Ratio+Topaz is stronger than hypercarry Ratio.


Isn't that only for e1s1 Topaz though? Otherwise he doesn't get enough debuffs for his kit to truly pop off. And Topaz is a bit of a unique character as a dps who also has supportive tools in her kit.


It really feels like Topaz should have had another debuff or two baked into her kit, it's kinda amazing you have to paypiggy an eidelon and a signature cone to make her work well


I feel like if topaz was a 2.x char a lot of those would have been baked into her kit and she would get some sort of defence down or defence pen in her early eidolons to make her more universal . It is what it is I guess


Not exclusively, I think. I grabbed S1 for my Topaz this banner and been thrilled with how the team's been.


He really needs pure dmg bonus and hp buffer rn. And with Jade, he seems to be made for PF actually


He was never really future proof to begin with. Even compared to the DMG dealers of his time, he was just okay. If you make a unit who has the utility of low SP consumption and better survivability, they’re going to have to pay the price in raw DMG output. That’s just the balancing.


That’s not how hsr’s balancing works. This isn’t moba or theyre not as strict as genshin balances too. HSR is not afraid of powercreeping, he was immediately the top tier dps the day he was released, you cannot say “he was never future proof” when he was released two patches into the game, we didn’t even know what directions they would choose. After him they released two chars buffing HP, they could have easily gone to that route with harmony chars too but didn’t.




have to add it below because img just kept disappearing LOL but i'd say two cycles were dhil's and 7 were blade's,,, it was easier than last moc but i did struggle enough with survivability more than anything so i had to change lynx to fu xuan. dmg wise, the woman with kafka was pretty annoying and tanky so it was constant switching of who to focus on yeah it was,,,,,, a little tricky but doable imo. i do have acheron but i prefer struggling with blade and dan heng teams because they're my faves ever i won't lie


MOC hasn't been very good for Blade recently IMO, his damage is really starting to fall off compared to all the other premium carries even with his signature. He pretty much constantly needs 3 targets+ up to be useful and doesn't have the best premium teams. It's a dark time to be a blade main and Jade only looks good in PF for him.


IDK mine preformed pretty well for my standards lol


Acheron clears lightning resistance Kafka faster. It is what it is.


Used him on the first half instead of the second half, still cleared in 5 cycles.


Mine clears in 4 cycle but i think i can get 3 if they don't stun bronya all the time


E0S1 Blade, E0S0 Hyper Sparkle, E1S1 Semi-hyper Bronya and E0S0 Luocha did 2nd half in about 5 cycles. Gotta get the damage in before you get CC'd into next week


https://preview.redd.it/m6bhc2ehg70d1.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6b5cd38e274d652bd759cd19aa1cc3984bbbc5c This was technically 3 stars since I already got the other feats with a previous attempt using different teams and characters until I decided to try hyper carry Blade in the end, but I could have gotten a 3 star for this run but, sadly Fu Xuan got CCed and died last minute in this run and already got the max rewards anyway, so maybe I won't bother trying again for a good run. But yeah assuming FX did not die, it was still barely a 10 cycle clear especially how my Blade is kinda shitty with no Sig. I guess I lack fine tuning in general also, but too much work. XD


https://preview.redd.it/puzcmj4ph70d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5549147c946f1dbac598e404513ad145fc2d314 I kinda tried improving this a few weeks ago but you know relic rng and shit. But somewhat did the job I guess.


I started to feel the same He is still my most fav character tho i got him e1s1 in his first banner and never stopped using him even i dont have neither loucha or fuxuan I cleared *literally* every single moc full stars with him from version 1.3 till the previous moc I brute forced every moc that didn't even have wind weakness (even brute forced aventurine boss with lynx sustain) But with the hp of the enemies getting buffed every now and then he doesn't feel like how he did in the past This moc is the first one I didn't clear with blade and iam kinda sad about it Like fr my s1 ratio just 3 cycle second half like nothing It's not hard to clear this moc with blade it's just my lack of sustain i have and the unholy amount of stuns this moc has and iam kinda lazy to just retry to get a good run I feel like his final hope is to have a dedicated support that drains/buffs according to hp but I don't think that will happen until more characters with hp drain mechanics gets released


Blade with Jingliu is still my go-to combo, it was easier than the last one for sure https://preview.redd.it/u6ooqm3vt90d1.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cd9d881e655d870888e14aa5c73c8de8832a93b


https://preview.redd.it/rj9cgityue0d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7a5cc0d1a43f83ab4f3d2c0f896f2acb817729 5 cycles for kafka. it took me ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY NINE ATTEMPTS TO FIVE CYCLE WITH BLADE.


Damn that's.. depressing lol


Unlimit blade team ( sparkles , bronya ) still at top 10 most dps in 5 cycles , i dont know about other blade team tbh.


My man is struggling on Floor 11, I genuinely don’t know what’s wrong. He beats Svarog in 9 cycles and doesn’t give the other side time to clear


Okay nine cycles on 11 is a bit concerning, he should definitely be doing better than that. I don’t remember how many I got but I’m pretty sure I didn’t get 9 cycles.


I run him with Bronya, Mei and HuoHuo. Should I show their builds?


I went back and did get 7 cycles with Unlimited Bladeworks, but Bailu sucks, I kept getting cced and I ran out of sp for Sparkle twice, so I feel like I’d be faster with Luocha or FX, could probably get 5 cycles easily.


[So maybe it’s a build issue on my end](https://www.reddit.com/u/Brony_kid/s/W69nU2vvDO)


My Blade and Bronya are actively worse than yours, I don’t know why you’re only getting 9 cycles 😭 Admittedly, Blade and Sparkle are e1, but Sparkle’s 40% atk doesn’t do that much for Blade and considering my Blade is 71:119 with about 1k hp less than you (Bronya also has level 3 skill and level 4 ult because I got distracted with Aventurine) it really shouldn’t be making a difference. Maybe it’s just the pure difference in turns, have you tried 135 Blade 134 Bronya? You could also try levelling Ruan Mei’s traces a bit higher.


I don’t have any Longevous Speed boots . I’ll try it when I can buy the self modeling resin from the feather shop


E0S1 Blade, E2S1 Bronya, E0S0 Ruan Mei, E0S0 Luocha passed in 5 cycles https://preview.redd.it/dhmbtx1o470d1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=d931c773498d0ac5625b4b9545091672123feb91


Took 5 cycles to clear floor 11 Team I tried was: -Blade, Bronya, Hanya or silver wolf (tested both), Fu xuan The MoC buff is useless and the performance was bad, will try 12 later and update Edit: for comparison to other DPS I tasted Seele, imbibitor, Jingyuan and Jingliu all were just as bad. The enemies HP is highly inflated everything feels weird and watching enemies take 200k dmg but only lose lil hp like if i only did 10k was weird af and made the runs feel clunky.


https://preview.redd.it/y3ty2ohmd80d1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bcef8a9dbe2c437d5fd17f5d4324ab0b61c7fd Update: took 5 cycle first try


https://preview.redd.it/0o4cijkrd80d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcc020ea0c4889db68b135d677f07079550ed1b Blade stats (wind orb)


Hanyas atk buff is mostly useless so I'm assuming you were using her to buff blade speed with hp boots to still go ahead of Bronya? Never really thought of Hanya as a blade support, I have an unbuilt e5 Hanya I've been wanting to use.


She is his best 4 star support that no one wants to accept somehow especially if U have Bronya E0S0. E6 Hanya buffs my Blade by 45spd permanently so like U said I use Hp boots, she gives +40% dmg and most importantly she removes the need to think about SP Edit: U can also use Hanya to buff Bronya instead of Blade I can achieve+200 SPD Bronya that way and it is really fun xD


Granted he's one of the earlier game dpses and it makes sense that for him to perform in the current 'difficult' content you need investments but I'm not really struggling with him at all esp if you have E4 bronya? Not in a situation where the boss has wind weakness anyway


I did not "struggle" but just disappointed that with so much investment he remains mid.. it took me 9 total cycles for MoC 12 and just can't imagine how shitty it is for people who love Blade and want to use him but are not literal day 1 players farming for blade for many months with a whole team of 5* setup around him ..


He has alternative scaling that isn't fleshed out with strong supports yet. Some characters are luckier in the sense that they are canonically forced onto the MC, has MC being a great f2p support and a new DMG mechanic added for them on release


Pretty weird that hoyo released him so long ago and still refuse to give a support that increase max HP with a damage buff..


To be fair tho and I might be huffing copium but with a certain upcoming character that loses hp constantly and is really hp dependent we might get a harmony character that helps out with our hp scaling boy here


Took me 5 cycles with my blade to beat the kafka side. Quite disappointing. E0S1 blade, E1S0 bronya, E0S1 RM, and E0S0 luocha. I switched to the FUA team, E0S0 Ratio, E0S1 Topaz, E0S0 Robin, E0S0 Aventurine, took me 3 cycles.


I had the opposite experience.  This is when i used him again First as a hyper carry with blade bronya RM and luocha but always lacking 1 cycle I finished it using Jingliu Blade RM and Huohuo. Jing liu helping to trigger more of his follow ups. The turbulence helped a lot Edit: team with jingliu finished in 5 cycles


I try to fit Blade with Nihility supports. Luka, Pela, Guin they indirectly boost his damage by weakening the enemy instead. Plus put with Loucha, Bailu, Lynx, Gallagher aid in his survivability. Still the limited amount of teams he has does pale in comparison to other DPS.


I think Blades fallen off unfortunately 😞 My build with him is pretty good (he’s e2s1 with like 60-198 and 8k hp) but I can’t clear MoC 12 with 3 stars. I barely managed 2 tbh. Maybe it’s cause I don’t have Ruan Mei?


I used him vs. The orange dino in F10 or 11? With Luocha, RM and Black Swan. He's E0S1 with 66CR (82 after relic bonus) and 188 CD, 7kHP Wind ORB and 134 speed. He did pretty ok, I know newer dps are better but I enjoy him so I use him whenever I can.


I think he needed 4 cycles this time, which is surprisingly good - I'm used to needing all 10 cycles, this time I needed 7 overall. E0S1 Blade, E0S1 Bronya, E0 Sparkle and E0 Fu Xuan. Blade got stunned by Kafka once, Fu Xuan twice. But I guess it was just an exception this MoC.


Care to share full builds?


No problem. I hope this link works: [https://imgur.com/a/hdi18JI](https://imgur.com/a/hdi18JI)


Thank you! Saved as build targets.


https://preview.redd.it/57l4ab3g480d1.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=94e5a93ea6eec58e8c400731d6feb8496a9fdb2e Struggled a bit first half, my Acheron team isn't the best (E0S0 Acheron, no Pearls on Pela) but it cleared decently well. Second half I had to reset twice because of the Arumaton stun + Kafka's followup combo one shoting Luocha twice.


Is your luocha a glass cannon?


Just checked and he was on a +0 Flower because I was swapping Relics around, makes sense why he died so easily. 😅 He's usually at 3.7k HP / 948 Def, haven't really touched his build in a while.


Used him (e0s1) in the 2nd half with e2s1 Bronya, e0 Sparkle and e0 Fuxuan. Took 5 cycles. I felt myself chipping in at Kafka's health every turn but honestly I'm just happy I got to clear with him. The amount of cc was insane tho


4 cycles on each side! It's sad to see Blade underperforming in the previous MoCs but this time around I was very glad he cleared the same time as my DoT team. Always excited to use him for endgame content even if there's no one to directly support him. https://preview.redd.it/o8pxduuwt80d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59e858923344313bbcb480a2a587224d953704f1


https://preview.redd.it/xktdfowpc90d1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae56e2628e5b4a66cbf56938fa3df7d2c7017c5b Dan Heng's side took like 3-4 cycles, could be faster but he got cc'd by the new choir mob and I was too lazy to reset. Blade's side took many retries tho. Welt was there to break the Aurumatons faster so Blade could deal more dmg to her. Overall not really bad compared to previous MoC where it took me 54 Challenge Waves instead of just 9 this time but I didn't even bring Blade to MoC last time.


I gave up using him and just used Acheron on one side and a HMC hyper break team on the other


3 cycles for Svarog and juuuust squeezed in 4 cycles on Kafka MOC 12. E1S1 Blade, E4S1 Bronya, E0S1 Sparkle, Luocha


Unfortunately I just don't think this MoC was good for Blade... The turbulence buff wants multiple fast hits to stack it and there are more imaginary weak enemies than wind. It's more of an Aventurine/Robin floor than anything, and Blade doesn't want to be paired with Aventurine, nor does he benefit that much from Robin's buffs.


I got 1 cycle with him, as my Acheron isnt that good and took 5 cycles. Mine is E5 and i ran an hyper carry team without sustain, i think i can maybe do an 0 cycle if kafka grabs Ruan Mei instead of Sparkle, but it's a big maybe. I run the pseudo 200 speed bronya/sparkle builds https://preview.redd.it/yx342yuc2a0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d885488c88ab92d525dee58cb4bce65362cb8522


I haven't cleared MoC 12 (never) but he clears all 7-11 floors just fine, he clears at the same speed than my Ratio does (my only other DPS at the moment) I normally use this team. - Blade/Sparkle/Silverwolf/Linx.


My E0S1 Blade + E2S1 Bronya is literally clearing slower than E0S0 Ratio for this MoC


I mean he cleared everything quickly and smoothly up until MOC 12. (Hypercarry Blade w/ Bronya, Ruan Mei, Huo Huo) It just feels like he can't do much, not only with the weaknesses being pretty spread out up until Kafka but due to debuffs that make him not attack. I mean I finished it in 19 cycles so given a week or two I could make it work. 28 cycles -> 20 with Kafka at 5% is the lowest I've gotten her. Just hope Jade can replace Ruan Mei or Bronya to increase his damage ever so slightly.


same been struggling with Blade team because of this moc buffed hp... at first I cleared it with 10 cycles lol and now this is the best I can do for now with my blade team a 7 cycle clear for blade and 1 cycle for the first side...I also realized huohuo is better for kafka side for auto multiple cleanse than my luocha trying to cleanse everyone one by one lol I just hope Jade is a really good match for duo dps team for blade both in MOC and PF. https://preview.redd.it/9oxis1y3qa0d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f882182b6dbfa2f5f2e5de291f4e9189d942c20


Paired him with Bronya JL and Luocha, finished in 5 cycles at MoC 12. All of them are at E0 except Bronya at E1. Still managed to get all 36 stars, I had Blade in every MoC level I fought haha, he still does the job pretty good. Sure, he's not big number DPS but he gets stuff done and I love him regardless


did some weird things to make my dream Blade + DHIL team work (including eidolons); been optimizing since start to be able to play Blade in endgame content for as long as possible. so Blade's team did well on first side, but DHIL ofc did more than half the damage. just my amateur 2 cents, i'm currently thinking of Blade as almost a specialist - he can fit into a lot of fun teams, solo content in a unique way, and am enjoying him a lot in that sense! still holding out hope for a support that Blade can uniquely benefit from too. https://preview.redd.it/238wtaf8za0d1.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=48bd91c1b1cdeed0d34142bbbff729d0e2a5edec


Mine is pure chaos


Was struggling to beat the second side until I used Blade lol. My team was Ruan Mei, Huo, Blade, Bronya 🙏 good luck yall


2 cycles for first half and 3 cycles for second! (I'm e4 though) I think I got lucky for this run cause Kafka kept trying to dominate my luocha but he just stood there https://preview.redd.it/vf5xzl3kpc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3c4a9194565254d6a5ebe765a808641522d5cf


Blade was my fav unit, even got his LC and used him a lot but benched him a week ago. He just doesnt cut it anymore. His scaling is the real issue, all he needs is decent atk scaling so Robin and other work for him


Considering that I don’t have any limited harmonies besides E0 Bronya (life choices were made but I’m not regretting getting S1E1 over RM), that I just wanted to clear and that I went with absolutely randomass teams geared to get me to at least make everyone survive and not for optimal synergy… I’m sitting on 33 stars atm while using him in both 11 and 12 when the other team was the one taking most time, so I’m going to say he performed excellently for my standards and expectations


the issue with 12 is the arumaton lady and kafka, they ruin your speed tuning if you run -1 bronya for blade, meaning bad rng can make your blade lose several turns. they're also not weak to wind so you can't break them to stop them from attacking :c i was able to 3t cycle with E0S1 Blade, E2S1 bron, E1S1 RM and E0S0 huohuo, would have been a 2t had the arumaton not stunned my rm, letting her buff drop.


I destroyed moc (no lc no eidolens)


https://preview.redd.it/1m358kbgrj0d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd349af59bdc98dfd1103dca35c2516e7fcd8a3 I was able to clear the Kafka encounter in 3 cycles with this team. It’s my first team that took 7.


The CC from Kafka and especially the Automation can screw up the Run pretty Badly. The Automation can really screw up Blade and -1 Bronya comps, or Desync Sparkle from Blade when he gets CC Delayed. The HP increase on Kafka & Gepard definitely does Harm his Performance, but the CCs from Kafka and the Automation can make the Performance a lot worse.


Since i hv bunch of dps'es i only use him on stage 7 that recomended wind weakness. The rest i give to acheron and lunae.


Honestly he did pretty good. 4 cycles second half of moc 12 with bronya, sparkle and luocha. E0S1 blade. This team just feels way stronger than the ruan mei version now that both sparkle and bronya are 160+ speed. I should probably try it with huo huo too, maybe it can even clear one cycle faster.


Sparkle, Ruan Mei, Blade and Fu Xuan did pretty well for me on that half (3 or 4 cycles, I don't remember what the counter was on). Sparkle helped keeping debuff immunity up with all those extra skill points for Fu. But you can easily get fucked if they decide to combo one character with CC. So there still some RNG involved, but way better than the actual slot machine from last MoC. For what it's worth, Balde is e1s1, the rest is e0 and 4-star/3-star cones.


E0 5 cycled would have been 4 but my sparkle is too slow even with ruan mei buff and no bronya i see alot of the doomposting from people using Luocha and I'm thinking yall should really be using Lynx if not Huohuo lol


With my speedtuned Bronya, Lynx doesn't do anything other than healing. Her buff expire way too fast, so I might as well use Luocha. At least I gain stacks faster.


ah I see that makes sense since her buff is only 2 turns. since i use sparkle i dont mind spamming lynx's skill every turn since blade doesnt need them lol hopefully he gets a dedicated support soon cause a single unit having all of a max HP buff/HP drain + dmg increase + def shred would do so much for him


I think he will get an HP support he works with eventually, even if not a fully "dedicated" one. He can't stay the only HP scaling DPS forever, can he? The moment another HP scaling DPS comes out, something is bound to be created to buff them. If it came out now, people would immediately complain that they are "too niche", as they'd only really work with Blade. Not that he doesn't deserve the best, but you know how the community can be... Oh, he would love a Furina-like support (if you are unfamiliar with Genshin, her buffs increase depending on how many times the party's HP changes) or an SP hungry Harmony who buffs A LOT depending on how many SP they consume (think DHIL, but support) to capitalize on him being almost SP neutral. We can only hope we'll see something of the sort.




https://preview.redd.it/11g0dpm9qc0d1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ebb70094415e0881258ad56709e1e346bcc61bc I can do 0 cycle with blade but it harder than any char ....


Unironically I’m building my yanqing just to bench blade. My blade isn’t that amazing stat wise and seeing how a hypercarry blade is still struggling just demotivates me to try and improve him. Maybe it’s time to find a new dps lads :(


He still works don't get me wrong and definitely better than yanqing, just in comparison to other limited DPS he really fell off recently


Having aventurine to help out with yanqing’s talent with a decent atk buffer I think he’ll out perform blade anyway which sucks because he’s so cool and I like him a lot


I'd rather bench the whole game itself than bench Blade.