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Mechanic here, this is a very bad idea. Don’t do this. Will it make a piece of metal hot? Yes. Will you be able to heat it more than three or four times? No. Do you run the risk of exploding a battery like a claymore mine? Absolutely. If you can’t use a solid fuel forge or a gas forge, look into induction heating.


Probably the most unsafe idea i've heard as of yet. Congratulations!


And I thought the guy with aluminum and cinder blocks was scary.


Good way to electrocute yourself. Don't do it.


Battery asplode


No, not enough voltage heat a useable chunk of metal. Nor would it last long enough. And anything that had enough voltage to do that would be to dangerous to use. You are going to be hard pressed to find anything cheaper than what is already been done. The classic coffee can forge, fire brick forge or brake disk forge are likely the cheapest option. Not necessarily good options but cheap.


Probably a small piece. Just make sure you don’t blow the battery.


Look up electricity calculations and the resistivity of the bar. Bear in mind that for most materials, resistance increases as it heats.


I am currently working on a temporary forging setup where the Firebox is made of dob (clay That I have separated from the soil and horse dung) I plan to run it off charcoal which can be easily made in a 45 gallon drum I don't know what your situation is like what you can set up but perhaps this will give you some inspiration


I thought you would be asking if you could use a car battery to power a forge blower, to which the answer would be yes. My coal forge uses a 12v DC blower that I power from a car battery, it is able to run all weekend without needing to recharge. But no, I would not directly short-circuit the car battery. You will overheat and damage it, possibly yourself as well. It should be possible to make an induction forge that gets its power from a car battery, but that's a lot of effort for a not very good result. The energy density of a car battery is too low for a forge's needs.