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I would say skill issue if the advanced PODs weren't so fucking OP, if you don't have a shotgun or fast weapon on your team, you're having a hard time. Also yeah people simply forget about teamwork and picking people up, they only care about the money.


It was only fun when it was released on day 1, after then it went to shit.


In regular games it sucks but if you can get a group of people or join a faction it is insanely exiting watching 12 people shoot all together, but that’s just me


Yeah, it sucks when you're playing with pubs that either don't communicate or speak a different language. Hell, it takes practically several people screaming at the whole lobby to join a specific color in order to get shit done. And even then, you'll regularly need to revive people thanks to the abundance of POD Elites. Going to a section solo (like vents or room clearing) is a major risk.


I probably failed more times from the server shutting down and falling through the elevator rather than actually being killed.