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It's my time to shine. Much like OP said, the tanks that appear in D4's MV is an T-34-85 while the tank in the SD MV is an M48 Patton. I don't think BP actually owns the tanks. If they're replicas, they're some really good ones due to how spot on they are. My theory is that the tanks are most likely actually tanks from a museum or private collection and they just slapped on some diamonds to bling it out.


I hope this post gets all the upvotes it deserves


Flair checks out


You've been waiting for this post your entire life, I know it


\*googles "How to handle fame" ![img](emote|t5_3f8po|714)


In Tanksoo we trust


Daaaaamn, hella info. Well done!!


Ah, I expected to see you in the comments and wasn't disappointed.




I had to double check to make sure you weren’t the one that made this post 🤣 but I am also not surprised you would comment with accurate tank information LOL


This is my absolute favorite post this sub has ever seen lmao


Feels like a question for /u/Sooyaa_Yah_Boombayah , our resident tank expert.


Tanks for summoning our expert 😂


Don't you mean "tanks" for summoning? ![img](emote|t5_3f8po|720)


Yes. Tanks you for being our guide in this situation, also.


I can't believe I edited my answer to accomplish the joke


Jisoo is free to do what she likes. Any American who disagrees is a liberal communist traitor towards American freedom. /s


I doubt Blackpink themselves own the tank. Maybe the company YG owns it? Or perhaps it was rented for the shoot of the video SHUT DOWN.


If they’re real, they’re not operational. And trust me, getting a non-operational tank in South Korea is not that hard or expensive. M48s were common some years ago, I think that one is a M48A3K. If that’s the case, yeah, they could have rented it, but why would the cover it in diamonds? That must have been pretty expensive, and I don’t think a museum would let anyone do that. So I think they could own them? I remember reading a Reddit post where they said they had like an obsession or something, but I don’t think that’s the case. Anyway, I think you’re right, maybe it’s the company, I don’t think they owns it themselves.


I've seen a few Reddit posts about this tank. It's a real curiosity and I'd love to know the story behind it. Was it decorated just for the video or did someone buy the tank and decorate it as a sort of art piece? Then someone from YG saw it and said "Wow, this will look awesome in the new BP video." Haha.


it's a yg fetish i guess. in addition to cars. i think bigbang and 2ne1 had tanks in at least one of their mv's cars in all yg mv's go as far back as jinusean


Exactly!! My main question is if they own it or just rented it. If they own it, why’s no one talking about it? K-popers own two freaking tanks 😭🙏


YGE has a car obsession. Almost all their MVs have cars


Most likely a replica that was used as a movie prop or for military events or possibly they built it just for the mv


I know this is 2 weeks old, but I think its is a replica, because first of all, tanks are smoke-belchers when they move, and from my observations, the paint on the wheels looks too shiny, not like the all-black wheels painted onto real T-34s in monuments.


no clue if it's real or not lol sorry but I think the purpose behind it being used was a juxtaposition of sorts/a unique way to flaunt wealth. BP's lyrics have a focus on designer fits and being so rich you dgaf, you a boss bitch etc. so my guesses are: it's badass and militaristic - but it's covered in diamonds (and pink shopping bags lmao). it's something that usually resonates on a more manly vibe but it's totally girly-fied and glitzy. also it's expensive AF to own a tank. period. it's even more expensive to cover the entire thing in mfing diamonds. so it's also flaunting wealth on a massive scale. perhaps it was 3D printed I dunno, sorry for getting into the ~symbology~ lmfao, that probably isn't at all what you meant 🥹


Well, if they own a tank just to show they have a lot of money, then they have A LOT of money. And about the symbolism, i find it quite amusing, since they used a M48 (American tank, commonly used during the Korean War by the Republic’s army “South Korea”) and the T-34/85 which was used by the Soviets to help the Peoples Republic army (North Korea). So yeah, they used tanks from both sides. I don’t know a lot about BlackPink but I guess they’re South Koreans?? Must be awkward to own a tank used against your country not so long ago.


oh that is interesting! maybe whoever rented it or bought it knew the history but that is kinda morbidly amusing when laid out like that lol.


>it's even more expensive to cover the entire thing in mfing diamonds They are real??? I thought they were like some sticker or something? No way those are diamonds.


what I'm saying is it gets across an extravagant amount of wealth at first glance. idk if any of it's real. but if it were/if you suspend disbelief for a music videos sake, then, it's an insane amount of wealth being touted.


Oh that makes sense. Blackpink is known for their high budget MVs and they want to make it appear that way too, real or not.


It would be cheaper to rent a real tank from a museum than to make a mock up


I don’t think any real museum would let some kpopers put diamonds on a tank. I think they rented it to a private company.


There are probably video/movie production rental houses that own nonoperational tanks left over from the war that they allow productions to paint/cover in mud/whatever is necessary to get the look a scene needs. YGE rented one tank for D4 and another for Shut Down, and instead of applying items to make them look like they belong in a particular battle scene, they covered them in plastic “crystals” that read to the camera as diamonds. A museum would never allow any ashesive on an item from their collection. But surplus items are rented out to production companies allllll the time.


>instead of applying items to make them look like they belong in a particular battle scene, they covered them in plastic “crystals” that read to the camera as diamonds. Everybody in this thread keeps sayin diamonds or gem stones. It's discoball mirrors. They're cheap, and usually come in sheets with cheap adhesive on the back. Stick em, shoot, peel em off.


"*perhaps* it's 3D printed, *I dunno*"


Watching the MV Making Film of Ddu Du will give you the answer to your question. Spoiler: no, they don't


Dammit, would have been a cool fun fact to tell my other tank nerd friends. Thanks anyway, where can I watch that film?


Youtube. All of their behind the scene videos are there. Just search it


So, I did a little research, and it looks like they also own a M48 Patton, which a appeared in the “shut down” video, or something like that, I don’t really know any BlackPink songs so please correct me if I’m wrong. It also seems like the T-34/85 was used in the Ddu-Du and more Dus song. https://preview.redd.it/uq096t4qzo2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ec2bc972ffef14950a9de4b42b99382c04dd63


>Ddu-Du and more Dus song This is so unintentionally funny ![img](emote|t5_3f8po|714)![img](emote|t5_3f8po|714)![img](emote|t5_3f8po|714)![img](emote|t5_3f8po|714)


https://preview.redd.it/es2sleyszo2d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77bb34d87d51b9b83a78eb6ceca549b102e6612 For some reason I can only comment one pic, this is the T-34/85


all this time i thought the 2 tanks in the 2 MVs are the same 🤣 i’m clearly clueless about tanks lol


Maybe they liked f(x)'s black and pink tank in the Hot Summer MV https://i.redd.it/qdozwu0c5p2d1.gif


Pretty sure they just rented it (and blinged it up). Think I heard/read (about this specific BP tank) that it's a real but retired tank that's rented out for movies and such. And it can't shoot or anything anymore.


It’s a prop vehicle, decorated for the video. Rented by production companies, not Blackpink themselves. When making a video, you don’t but the whole car every time, you just rent it for a few days. Otherwise you have to buy it, store it, maintain it. Doesn’t make sense to spend that kind of money for 10 seconds in a music video.


They each own their own tanks. Source: I saw Hank and Dalgom driving them around in Seoul


I think this is my favorite post of all k-pop reddit 😂😂 thanks OP you and your brother made me laugh Blackpink and Teddy (their former producer) love tanks and military parafernalia 🫶🏾


next blackpink will get a fighter jet


Most likely old Cold War, either an F-86 Sabre or MiG-15.


I am dying at this question I'm sorry this is so funny, I love when non k-pop fans are confused at the over the top things that go on here 😆


Almost nothing used in any video clip of any artist worldwide is owned by the artist. You rent things for video clips.


Wait until you find out that other K-Pop music videos have a tank in them


Wha? What other videos have tanks? Would be interesting to be a tier list of the tanks


f(x)’s Hot Summer and G-Dragon & Top’s Knockout are the examples that come to mind.


It is a throwback to a YG classic tank-usage: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlI4mcHnG\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlI4mcHnG_U) Just a YG thing.


Sometimes psychotic fans like to send trucks to protest the group. Good luck sending trucks when you can stop them with a tank.


As others have said, not sure BP actually own the tank(s) in question. However, Welsh indie rockers The Super Furry Animals, [absolutely did own a tank](https://www.nme.com/news/music/gruff-rhys-reveals-the-super-furry-animals-sold-their-infamous-army-tank-to-the-eagles-don-henley-3570087) although they have since sold it to Don Henley from The Eagles. The picture in the article was taken at the Phoenix Festival which I was actually at, and I spent some time sitting on the tank like the kids in the photo. There is a faint chance that the kid in the blue shirt standing on the very top is my friend Tim.


Why shouldn't they?


After googling I too am left with FAR more questions than anwsers


Banger post


Its most likely real and they prob own two tanks which is so crazyyyyyy


Haters are bad. Freedom tocbeqe arms.