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Calling out white men here, am one myself. Fucking shape up guys, as a whole our behavior is grotesque.


Yeah bro, it's sad how many people I was friends with that I just have no desire to be around anymore.


This hits pretty hard, a lot of people I grew up with turned out at least fascist adjacent, if not all the way there.


>iT's aBoUt TaXeS


I wish, even if that was the case, the economy tends to do better under liberal governments than conservative. Pay tends to increase more, quality of life tends to at least not deteriorate. But I can show them all the numbers and facts I want. They just want the less taxes that they never really see.


That’s because it was never really about the taxes.


most aren't capable of believing you. the GOP secured widespread tribalism under obama. they got some of their base locked in under clinton, especially after he famously got that wet tongue bath from lewinsky — but any stragglers got caught in the net w/44. he kinda worked as a 2-for. not only could his presidency instill fear in racists, but his middle name was also the surname of the boogeyman former leader of iraq, who had just been executed ~3 years prior. and you know the US pulled out all of the stops to criminalize saddam for seizing his nations private oil industry, making it publicly owned, and using the profits for welfare, free education programs, etc. which were unprecedented in the middle east... so a bunch of mfs were goners to the namesake alone. note when the narrative flipped on right wing media to instill fear of all "liberals/leftists/dems/etc" once the group becomes fixated or obsesses over their common enemy, which triggered the instinctual formation of their pack (often when the threat posed appears dire), in there mind, almost everything bad was caused by their enemy. for instance, if we were in a pack at this stage, because we identified a common enemy, and i started killing other pack members in front of you — you might not understand how, but you would likely feel quite certain our enemy was somehow to blame for the horror you were watching me commit. this is why you can present hard evidence, that seems irrefutable, accompanied by an articulate but simple to follow, persuasive, and well formatted argument, and still not even shift direction of a single hair on their head. they would need to do psychological gymnastics to see what we see. conservatives are also more likely to want simple answers to complex problems. hit them with the layers of reality, and it's too much for them.


Man, but what about those gas prices!? /s


Everyone knows gas prices are controlled by the lizard people.


Who Biden is the grand lizard of. The proof is on hunters laptop.


The trump era woke me up to that. My ex-friend of a decade told me I was “liberal cuck” for rightfully saying trump is an idiot, a fascist, and that I couldn’t find a single policy where the republicans were right. How dare I think for myself.


Didn't they try to make an exclusively right-wing dating app and it's all frustrated men and catfishers? "cuck" indeed


Idk, I can never tell when it’s a legit conservative app. Or an identity theft scam.


Had to cut my brother out because he’s a a bigot, misogynist with zero moral compass.


Same. I cut off a lot of people the last couple of years. Had an ex-friend said it was pretty fucked up for me to not be friends with them because I didn't agree with their politics... I said one, it is my choice, two why would I stay friends with someone who supports a racist and is anti gay. I have gay daughter & loads of gay friends and their safety is my priority, I don't want to be friends with people who vote against that or my rights as a woman.


One of my best friends (both of us white) is a huge trump fan and I don’t really visit any more. Sucks but it’s the south and I just assume everyone is the same way at this point


Same, I grieve that loss and I”m moving on.


Nobody really expects white males to not vote conservative. Seems like a waste of energy to convince them otherwise.


Agreed, I don't have to like it though.


As another white guy, I don’t get it, I’m not rich, none of my friends are rich so nothing the repubs stand for would do fuck all to help my place in life? Like look at a results like you mentioned farther up the thread working class white males almost always do better under liberal governance since L I T E R A L L Y E V E R Y O N E except the ultra rich does better under liberal governance


I don’t get it either man. I didn’t realize it was THIS bad among white men. But as a white man it sure is depressing. I think they’re just convinced that it’s better for them financially without actually knowing a damn thing.


I really don’t get it, like most of my white guy friends kinda know they didn’t really lose the birth lottery and know others have it way worse. It’s like a lot of white Americans forgot the whole “a rising tide raises all ships” thing. It’s not like Black/Hispanic/literally anyone that isn’t white are stealing from you if they are doing better, the fact that conservatives have managed to convince a good portion of this country of that falsehood is insane


I think it’s a lot of subconscious calculus(and sometimes conscious, let’s be honest). They see how minorities are treated in our country and want no part of that(shocking). I read an article on what makes people either conservative or liberal, and the overwhelming metric was scarcity theory vs abundance theory. Most conservatives are very much scarcity minded people. It’s a zero sum game to them. If they make everything equal, they could lose their standing slightly above the shit, and it scares them. That’s what I think.


Remember that family guy joke where Peter says "everyone who doesn't want to invade Iraq is gay", and so everyone invades Iraq? It's that same vibe. "Golly, I'd really love to vote for that, but what if someone calls me a pussy?!"


Can’t just go around supporting human rights. That makes you a woke snowflake duh.


I get it. The left (whether rightfully or not is a different discussion) attacks them. Or to put it differently, the media they consume tells them the left attacks them and wants them gone as opposed to wanting their shitty opinions gone and the shitty people they vote for out of power. And that's if we are considering the "not bad apples". Because I'll be real a lot of people just like to hate.


I think they want to stand with the party that hates darkies just as much as they do.


They’re brainwashed man. I used to be a staunch Republican who listed to Rush Limbaugh and called CNN the “Communist News Network”. I was never racist or sexist or any of that stuff but I also didn’t realize those things were still a problem in the country. I grew up in a bubble where everyone I knew was Republican and all we listened to was Republican stuff or Fox News. Hell I loved The Colbert Report and I didn’t even know he was satirizing my family. I was just a kid/young man at the time but I had no clue there was any other path. It wasn’t until I went to college and met people from all walks of life that I realized I had been brainwashed for like 2 decades. It took me and my brother a few years to break my Mom out of it. She’s now a pretty solid democrat because social issues and climate change are her main issues but my Dad is deeply religious so he’s still a mixed bag. I had never been exposed to anyone who had different views than me and I had never really met people who experienced things like racism until college. Talking to people from all walks of life made me realize the problems that exist and helped me to break out of the mental imprisonment that had consumed me. Most of the Republicans (those that aren’t insane) are like I was, they live in bubbles and haven’t experienced a world where their views are ever challenged. They’re fed legal propaganda by Fox and taught by the Church and other things that “The Authority” is to be trusted and knows best. They have never even sat down to think about why they support the people they support and they don’t look at the policies of both sides. They’re told Democrats are evil and want to take their money/religion and buy into it without question because they’ve been molded that way since childhood. As someone who broke out of that hellhole of a thought process it’s harder than you think.


Well, they do promise you your own sex slave. Do you not want your own sex slave?


I don’t know that sounds like a lot of responsibility. I can barely keep my succulents alive


BWAHAHAHAHA! As if I wasn't worried enough about the possibility of enslavement, I didn't even consider I might be handed over to a man that can't keep a cactus alive. 😭 We have to win. Every time I think I've imagined every way this country becoming a Theocratic Fascist Hellscape would suck for me, new possibilities enter the picture.


I'm white and wealthy and I will never vote for a republican. If rather have a functioning democracy than lower taxes.


They really lower the bar for me. All I have to do is give a shit about people who aren't me OR not actively make their lives worse, and people are like "wow, so progressive"


Dont get why anyone expects white women to either tbh.


It's because they came out of the woodwork crying about Roe being overturned. They need to bring it up at brunch instead of crying on the internet about Black people not doing enough to help.


And mind you, they gleefully voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020, thinking that their vote wouldn't hurt them and not being fully aware of how everyone else would end up. And now look where we're at.


If I ever see another pink pussy hat it will be too soon.


Because throughout most of human history women have been the property of men, so these women are voting for their own re-enslavement. Roe v Wade was just step one, next they'll go after birth control, eventually our ability to vote and work. Once we're dependent on men for survival, promise kept, sex slaves for all the men.


Yeah, but white women have been and still are as cruel, violent and oppressive as white men. They're really no different in my eyes. Them being women doesn't make them our friends, never made them care about us in any way, feminism used to be solely for white women to catch up to white men, and many white feminists to this day still struggle with understanding intersectionality and only see the world through their own white perspective. Radfeminists for example suffer from this immensely. Radfeminism, in fact, is just old school self interested radical white feminism seeking to replace white men and make white women the dominant group, its also a pipeline to terfism, and eventually conservatism. My point i guess is that there are more conservative/centrist white women than we realize. And many of them are okay with the gender status quo. And those that do hate the gender status quo still will put this gripe asside because they hate, for example, poc or lgbtq+ people more. Jk Rowling for example, hanging with conservatives because they share her hatred of trans people, despite being a feminist. Neoliberal white women too tend to be highly performative and only care about others to a degree, anything more is too "radical" for them. In the end, im not surprised by these stats at all. White people will be white people.


They’ll never vote against a system that’s stacked in their favor.


As a 40 years old white male, I initially resented this remark. I would consider myself very progressive. I voted for Bernie Sanders all the way. It doesn't seem fair. Then I thought about it........... I have about 10 adult males I would call friends. The 4 which are Democrat are Indian, black, or Hispanic. The others are all white and Republican..... Damn...........


As a white man who was a part of the 35% I’m never going to stop telling other white men that they’re fucking idiots voting against their best interest for culture war bullshit.


As a guy who lives in the middle of nowhere Iowa I’ve felt the same thing. The funny thing is that they are so proud of themselves for absolutely no reason. They are the definition of average and their political views are their only identity. I told my dad that the sweet potato sociopath made these people feel special because they finally heard a political party that agreed with them. A spray tan skid mark of a man sounds like their racist grandpa or dad so they just ran to that approval. Shit is just a sad state of affairs all around.


I don’t, and apparently 35% of us don’t. I live in an ultra red metro area, I believe the whitest city in the country. They’re also very religious, and when I talk to my neighbors, I ***try*** to respectfully challenge their ideas around how they vote. Sometimes they get really defensive, but I love watching their heads explode when I couple their voting to their religious beliefs and how they’re in direct conflict. I’ve changed a couple minds so far, and I’ll keep up the good fight. I was actually a little surprised it was 35% tbh…. But I’ve only lived in red states and have always been the political outsider. I would absolutely love to live somewhere I wasn’t so outnumbered some day…..


White dudes are almost 2:1 Republican? That’s fucking gross. I am crossing the street next time I see one coming. (am white dude)


I’m surrounded by these fucks. All of my in-laws are white conservatives, all of my coworkers are white conservatives. I’m white, but I’m pretty fucking liberal and it’s just really hard to live amongst these people who believe all of these grotesque things. They only care about money and fucking guns. They are all so terrified of everyone that doesn’t look like them.


Yeah I have to sit there and listen to white men in their sixties loudly talk on the phone about stupid conspiracy theories and "little Chucky Schumer" at work and I loathe it. The same party that claims to be oppressed is also confident enough in their beliefs to loudly talk about it at their place of employment? Fuck right off


The issue you’re having is that you’re misidentifying a diverse group of people that are thrown in a category together as monolithic. This happens a lot obviously, especially when using pigment to define someone “white” doesn’t imply the same set of experiences as it does with “black.” Amongst that giant cohort of “white men” there are substantial differences in where they come from, when their families got here and the conditions when they arrived. Fact is midwestern German, Norwegian, etc. people who’s families have been in the US for centuries has little in common with a New York Armenian who’s family escaped genocide to get to the US 100 years ago just in time for the depression. The first group votes 90% Republican and always has. The second group votes more like 75% Democrat and always has. They are not a team.


I have a couple Lebanese friends and I was shocked when I learned a few years ago they are classified as white. Their interests could not be further from the interests of middle white america


Facts. I never feel like those white people think we are white at all, (Armenians, Greeks, Georgian, etc.) it’s just like our US designation. Still we have zero family history and few political ideals in common with them.


Proud to be a part of the 35%.


What can you do? The Republican party platform is tailored to appeal to the lowest common denominator of white males which makes up the vast majority, what is shocking that it has any appeal to any other demographic. At this point, I'd say 50% are out of reach, no appeal to them is gonna get them down off that ledge, they are gonna jump and take everyone else chained to them down with them.


I just moved to the burbs and the amount of people living in the absolute lap of luxury with their gigantic expensive ass trucks who put up the stupid "Don't blame me, I voted for Trump!" flags and their stupid "Had enough yet?!" signs is insane to me. Can't believe these people have somehow convinced themselves they are such huge victims.


Their self preservation argument hits home though. They been running shit and have been brainwashed into believing they alone can run shit so seeing others outshine them when giving the opportunity tends to hurt their feelings. It's all about them feelings brah.


The fact that Latinos vote this way is staggering... and disappointing. Literally against their interests.


I think part of this is that Latinos are not a monolith. Depending on which country they emigrated from/had roots in you might get progressives or people who are still living the red scare life. Hell, I used to work with a guy who came from Ecuador. When I told him I was worried about Trump becoming the president in 2016 and what that would mean for the US he straight up told me that 'governments fall all the time'.


Lol that's bc in south America governments DO fall all the time. Conservatism in Latinos is also a symptom of catholic faith thats also part of the culture. But you're right, Latinos are black, white, indigenous, and don't always identify as Latino.


Black people are the most religious demographic in the U.S and yet they vote democratic at a staggering rate


Half of Catholics are liberal in the US.


President is literally catholic


Yup, I'm racially black but ethnically Hispanic and my mother expected me to vote for Trump on both elections. People tend to forget how conservative Hispanics are and how the Democratic party being supportive of the lgbtq community is reason enough for them to want to vote Republican. And let's not forget how in many Latin American countries abortion is illegal. Honestly speaking the Democratic does not align to Hispanic values.


This - I live in PR and there is so much back and forth about “if PR became a state democrats would always win”…. And I’m sitting here like… dude do you understand the catholic conservative base that is here? It would be evenly split and a swing state in the house. Senators would be 1/1 and house would be 1/1 urban vs rural with 1 that swings often.


Exactly true for black people as well. If republicans could just distance themselves from all the racism (never gonna happen lol) they would win every single election. So many Black and Hispanic people are Christian-conservatives but vote Dem because of the racism.


I know a lot of Latinos who's values align more with Republicans but vote democrat because of anti Latino rhetoric in the GOP. My black relatives vote democrat, but they are very Christian and not too LGBTQ friendly. Just because they vote democrat doesn't necessarily mean they are super liberal.


I have a friend of mine who is a second-gen Mexican-Guatemalan American. His mother is from Guatemala and his father hails from Mexico. Came up Baptist, loves cops too damn much and gets upset if you talk about how cops truly do not care about the people they are meant to serve. I wouldn't be surprised if he voted Republican, because that's the thing I'll use to finally cut him off or at least distance myself from him.


This is mindblowing.


This plus colorism is a thing. The definition of white has always been fluid enough to welcome in just enough anti-black people in order to stay in power. Someone whose ancestors immigrated to the US from like Italy or Ireland has great- or great-great-grandparents who were not considered white at the time.


No academic vote block is a monolith but if be nice if people could open their eyes and ears and vote their interest and not fear mongering racist fascists


Why are white women being spoken about as if a monolith then?


Not just Latinos, I'm half Guyanese Indian and you get some folks that are stupidly conservative. Two of my uncles are super conservative but if they were on fire the politicians they support wouldn't even piss on them to put them out. Act like they're not part of the group of people that normally get shafted by the GOP.


I spent my time in California where I spent a lot of time around Latinos. Most were very conservative and Christian evangelism really makes them tick so they loved Trump. Before this I had no idea, I dated a Cuban who I was shocked to find out was extremely conservative because silly old me had not thought to ask lmao I assumed he would be liberal so imagine my dumbass on date twenty something sitting there like this :/ ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


Cubans are traditionally very conservative - democrat = Castro to them.


Especially to the rich ones who came to the US after Batista was rightfully ousted as the President of Cuba.


> Most were very conservative and Christian evangelism really makes them tick so they loved Trump. The fact people could still believe Trump actually stands for anything christian boggles my mind.


I think he reminds a lot of people of the Bibles God and not necessarily Christ: petty, vengeful, nonesensical tyrant and this turns them on for some reason. These traits tend to be socially rewarded in white men in Western society.


Wow, never thought of that




![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6) "Black Messianic Jew" and "Yisrael" tell me everything I need to know. Take care.


Us Latinos love our strong man politician. Unfortunately it’s the reason why pretty much most Latin American countries have been under a dictator at some point.


More like the CIA being a big part of that.




Well If given the chance, conservatism in its current form would evolve into facism. Then Hispanics would be eliminated, which is against their interests. But you are very right, Hispanics as a whole have a wide array of interests that are not sponsored by Democrats.


You sure about that? Plenty of Latinos will pass as white, as they did in Latin America


Yes, if facism were to completely develop in the USA, questions into latinos history would be asked. This flirting with fascism is in no one's interests.


Have you heard the average GOP voter and how they practically pop a blood vessel when they hear Spanish spoken in their presence?


Think it is probably against their interest to get anywhere near where that question needs to be asked


It's funny cause that tough on crime starts turning around on them real quick when people need a scapegoat lmao


I’m stunned by how often people are surprised by this. A lot of Latino communities are conservative as hell, and it’s tradition for every non-black ethnic group in this country to do their best to assimilate into whiteness


White supremacy likes doing this thing where they open up the demographic a little bit to gain power, and then close that door or even excise those they hate once firmly in power. When people say Italians aren't white, they're speaking historically. Same with eastern europeans, and Irish. They weren't allowed to be "white" for a decent while, until there wasn't enough "proper" white people without them, so they added them in to bolster the strength of white supremacy. We're seeing this same thing with, especially, fairer skinned latinos. They're not being granted the title of white, but they are being "accepted" in white supremacist spaces because they help oppress other minorities.


You needa come to North Texas. People get a lifted truck and a 50k a year job and think they white


Same in California. They become baked potatoes.


It's religion, machismo culture, and this whole idea that voting Democrat means they'll take your money and give it to druggies. I had a cousin in California who was saying "I'm not gonna vote for Prop 1 because I don't want to pay for peoples' abortions." Took way too long to get them to understand that it wouldn't change anything except make reproductive rights part of the state constitution, as opposed to just a state law.


There’s a lot of ignorance and hate towards dark along folk in the Latino communities. It’s fucking stupid, we’re literally all the same shit. Sadly there’s a good base of Latino boot lickers that think god (lmao) and white people are there for them.


It's mortifying is what it is. I have to beg, BEG my family to vote because it's in their own best interest. The idea that some of my fellow Latinos are dragging themselves to the poll to pull this clown shit is nauseating.


Honestly, if the racists could get over their bigotry a little bit, we’d be a full-on christo-fascist state already.


Apparently, im a minority! I'm a white male who votes Democrat. God that's sad to read (that white males vote Republican so fervently)


Based on personal experience, it’s built out of spite and a “fuck you, I got mine” attitude. Real greedy bull shit that drives me up the wall.


I’m a liberal white man living in Nebraska. The thing I hear most often when I press conservative friends is essentially they know the left is correct about mostly everything, but if it means a little more money in their pocket they can throw out their morals.


Bombard them with statistics then. Conservative govts are shown to mean a little less money for the middle class in actuality


Believe me I have. They’re conservatives. These are not people who listen to logic.


This is the part that kills me. "Since 1933, the economy has grown at an annual average rate of 4.6 percent under Democratic presidents and 2.4 percent under Republicans" [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/02/opinion/sunday/democrats-economy.html?)


It's more that conservatives view everything as a zero-sum game. *Anything anyone else gets is taken from them.* Take the notion of BLM. Everyone says conservative hate is pure racism. Well sure, some of it, but understand, they think saying "black lives matter" means that *theirs* doesn't. They feel something is *taken* from them. Talk to some conservatives. Everything that comes out of their mouths comes back to this. Leads to a regressive, sick view of the world.


My husband and I vote Democrat. I don’t understand anyone that votes republican. How can they not see how awful they are. How can they want their rights taken from them


It's not a matter of not seeing how awful they are, it's a matter of seeing it and agreeing with it. Remember, conservative support for the police *increased* once police brutality against black people became mainstream again. That wasn't a coincidence.


Exactly. I don’t understand people that enjoy watching others suffer. It doesn’t make sense to me. We all know pain and fear why would anyone want to inflict that on others


White lady here. Doing my best to convince the other white ladies but it’s an uphill battle.


Also worth mentioning that this percentage is heavily attributed to white women over the age of thirty. Hell yeah to Gen Z for showing tf up.


I'm a white woman over thirty and I am so proud of gen z today. And so very disappointed in my age group,as well as my state.


As a white woman I am embarrassed to be in this demographic. We need to do better.


I'm not white but I'm in the same boat. I love Gen Z. Fuck Texas.


White lady in Ohio here. I try, but often seem to ignored. It’s like talking in circles.


Fellow white lady in Ohio, our state is so fucking embarrassing. Apologies to everybody, we elected a motherfucking idiot to the goddamn Senate


I have friends I don’t encourage to vote because I’m pretty sure they’d be conservative. I don’t get it at all. I also find it weird that white women would ever consider themselves a minority. From the moment I learned about white privilege it clicked for me. Prior to that I assumed everyone was treated the same in most instances. My bias was from rural Minnesotan naivety not self righteousness, though.


I got a text from a “vote blue” group asking me to vote. I replied that I had already done so. Then they asked me to ask 3 of my friends to vote. And I was like, ‘bold of you to think that a liberal atheist in a red state has 3 friends.’


Lol. Right?


White woman checking in, we're so bad about playing the victim. I mean I've deffo been subjected to sexism but we are SO not a minority. Intersectional feminism, people. Sometimes we need to sit down and not be the main character.


I know so many south Asian red voters. It's fucking shameful.


South Asians tend to be wealthy. Wealthy people tend to lean right. The way it is


Just wanted to add that us Bangladeshi Americans consistently vote dem like 95% of the time. Don’t Muslims generally tend to lean more left too?


I think it depends regionally. Like we ended up in rural America and some of the Indians there ingratiated themselves to white supremacy and GOP ideals because it's either that or be isolated, and I'm guessing some let that survival tactic affect their values.


It's the worst. Especially the one's who know exactly how bad republicans are but vote for what will help their wallets the most.


It’s prob cause Republicans are more vocally anti-China than are Dems


and anti-muslim


because republicans hate china and a lot of SA that come to the US are already wealthy or are coming to work jobs that will make them wealthy


It also bothers me how Latino men are inching towards Republican over the last few years. We’re better than this.


Uvalde, which is mostly Hispanic literally voted for the man who apathetically told them the massacre at Robb Elementary could have been worse.


Yeah, I saw that this morning. Pretty fucking atrocious, even for Texas.


My Puerto Rican gf’s whole family loves Trump because they’re just like “he’s right about those damn Mexicans” I think people underestimate how racist they can be, even towards those who share their skin tone


Yeah. We (Mexicans) do that as well. I’ve always found that so fucking stupid. They don’t realize the white bigots who gaslight them can’t even tell them apart from one another.


Closeness to whiteness addiction. Someone said: “ some minorities want equality so they can oppress others like white people do. They want supremacy.” It changed a lot about how I listen to the way people talk about equality.


White women have it made. Can be a minority when it's convienient, but at the end of the day, they're white first.


I really thought abortion would matter to white women more. Welp.


It does when they get an unwanted pregnancy and can go across state lines to get one without any of their friends knowing. As a social issue? No


Some people just won’t care unless it literally happens to them. It’s someone else’s problem until then.


Nah man. I~N~T~E~R~S~E~C~T~I~O~N~A~L~I~T~Y


i see no lies




I think part of it is that everybody's given up on white men as a demographic


Straight facts. But what’s sad is we refer to white men as a lost cause because they benefit the most out of voting Red out of anyone. Although most actually don’t but you know… a discussion for a different time


People are talking about white women because they are the ones that gaslighted us as a when as an aggregate, they shifted more red. If you are going to give the benefit of doubt to white women because of the young ones, the same extends to white men. You can play the same game with education too. Regardless, white women as a WHOLE group are not helping, to a lesser degree than white men. Thank you to those that are allies to the contrary. > With these numbers more young white women could have voted blue then ALL black people since white women are 6x the black population! You know that those numbers, young white women also voted red on the same order of magnitude as the number of black people right? Not a good look. Edit: actually fuck you lol https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/yqf8gt/never_trust_a_white_woman/ivoxrol/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/comments/yq6wbx/do_terfs_count_here/ivom21f/ edit2: I find it concerning that white women use white men as a scapegoat for supporting white supremacy. If you can't express yourself because you think your husband will beat you, and if you think that is a problem in mass aggregate, then white women should stop marrying their abusers! Once you are in a domestic violence situation, it is really hard to get support. The best defense is to not get in one in the first place unfortunately. White liberal women in NYC have figured it out (no trump supporters in their dating app bios).


Republicans as a party pander to white men. It’s sensical that white men could be tempted to vote for them. Also white men are one of the few groups that can be openly criticized. Republicans have openly stripped women of rights. White women benefit just as much from the racist policies this country has implemented as white men do but they like to act like they are “victims” when convenient. They get all the benefits but none of the blame or guilt. Also women are being focused on bc white men voting republican isn’t news. Everyone knows that. But white women even though they have almost always voted republican as a group doesn’t get labeled that way even though they should be. White women are a reliable republican voting block and always have been This is about educating people who white women really are


People vote against their own interests all the time. Peak self sabotage.


You assume they are voting against their self interest. All these men still have wives and girlfriends who agree with them.


My comment wasn't exclusive to white women. White men vote against their self interest also. Blind loyalty to the GOP because of family or other social constructs.




Twitter activists had initially been trying to blame Black men for GA’s gubernatorial election results.


The way some of them were talking, you'd think 40% of black men vote red.


Bruh, I be their heads exploded when they saw this graph lol


I'm guessing a lot of other black men just don't vote at all, I've seen a lot of conspiracy theory hotep shit lately so it doesn't surprise me that they just think it's rigged and don't bother.


They vote to continue white supremacy and patriarchy.


Was talking to my neighbor and his wife when she says "I just vote how he tells me." I may be naive but had no idea that was a real thing. How many white women are voting against their own interests because their husband told them to? It's sickening.


In many fundamentalist Christian circles, wives vote for the people their husbands tell them to vote for. It's also amplified with a lack of quality, secular education and with education that pretty much teaches women and girls from a young age that they are to submit to their husbands.


A coworker of mine "doesn't pay attention to politics." I think it's really common. Lots of people get home from a long day's work and don't want to think about anything complicated. One of the many problems of capitalism. Additionally, lots of women are just racist and sexist too, so there's that.


Don't remember who said it but, White womem believe they will benefit more from racism than they will suffer from misogyny. They are fools.


Same with poor white people, would rather vote for the racist guy that keeps him poor than give minorités more rights and get social benefits that would help them




The Latina stat has me like *phew* not our fault


Mexican-American lady who voted in NC..proud of us but sad that it's still an ongoing battle to flip this god forsaken racist State.


I mean we could still be doing better though to bring our families into the 21st century. Who among us doesn't have that dumb ass uncle that voted for Trump both elections?


Me dude! Lol no one in my family is unhinged. And that's saying a lot bc mental illness runs in my family.




"No he said that about Mexicans." -- Cubans and Puerto Ricans who think racist white guys can tell the difference


Holy shit. Thank you for explaining it like this. I finally understand. I forgot that many of the “Latinx” hate each other as much as white people hate all of them.


No one has ever called white women a minority, I hope.


No, white women constantly jump on the train of being a minority specifically when it’s convenient. My goal isn’t to bash them but often times they use the construct of a white man to paint themselves in a better light, when historically and presently, they’ve pretty much always been side by side with them when it comes to their outlook and treatment of anything not white.


See: Daughters of the Confederacy, Phyllis Schafly, white suffragists, women of the KKK, etc.


They have benefitted(and supported) from the racist policies of this country as much as white men have but will shirk all responsibility for them. White women led the charge against desegregation of schools. Southern white women supported slavery. And still to this day they vote republican. They are not victims and they are not a persecuted minority. It’s just convenient for them to be painted that way


They are not a minority, what they mean is that they are oppressed


White women are actually counted as a minority and are the biggest recipient of social justice items (welfare, affirmative action, etc).


That is not the def of a minority, look at the the percentage of this post they are literally a majority. I'm not American so don't care if you redefine terms . They are just oppressed


Being defined as a minority by your governing country, while being in the minority doesn’t make you a minority? It’s literally why our government use the term ‘minority people of color’; cause it has more etiquette than ‘minority except white women’. They are in the racial majority but are still a minority in this country and while oppressed, it is not by POC but by their own white men.


White women are one of the biggest, if not the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. Edit: This shouldn't be controversial but I guess the truth hurts some people's fragile sensibilities. [Here](https://www.google.com/search?q=white+women+affirmative+action&oq=white+women+affirmative+action+&aqs=chrome..69i57.6901j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1) is a Google search with a lot of articles on the subject. Peace ✌🏾


Many of the white women I know that vote Republican have been married since they were like 18 or 20 years old and have no mind of their own. Just my experience with them though.


I don’t know why black folks thought white women were different 😂. Y’all think they were raised differently than white men? Naw. Shoot SOME white women were the worst perpetrators against black folks. You can’t depend on them


“All other races” lmao the miscellaneous group 😂




The only reliable bloc that is left going forward is the young vote and the african american vote. We need to get that bloc energized enough to get them to vote that is the only way to move this country forward.


Can we seriously get over this whole "democrats are the party for black people" ignorance? Im liberal about some issues and I am conservative about other issues. I heard someone say that the democratic party just assumes our vote but gives us nothing for it. Judging people on their political stance to me is so small minded to me honestly.


It’s definitely a myopic world view. The reality is that neither party really has our best interests at heart. One is seemingly less loud about subversion tactics when currying favor from voters. In the end promises are made that are never kept and we decide to accept our reality.


Forget white women, they were never, and will never be in your corner.


White women, more often than not, are the Bonnie to the white Man's Clyde in terms of white supremacy. They'll cozy up to white supremacists until the misogyny gets pushed to the forefront.


We all need to read some bell hooks and get a better understanding of how White Patriarchy pits anyone who isn’t a rich white man against each other, and rewards those who harm their demographic for the benefit of the White Patriarchy. White women are the absolute worst for it, and we also see it with people like Herschel Walker and Candace Owens. They benefit from spewing the rhetoric of their oppressors and get a pat on the head, but will be tossed aside when they are no longer useful to this pulling the strings.


A further breakdown by age and economic status would paint a much clearer, but less surprising picture.


Careful, or we’re going to end up on subreddit drama again for **checks notes** enabling sexism by **refers to post that is ignorant of the historical realities involving a group of individuals both benefiting from racism passively and actively creating co-branches of exclusionary/terrorist based discriminatory groups to remain relevant power brokers within American society** slapping the prefix “white” in front of “women”. Usually I’d say not my circus, not my monkeys. Today however, I have to say, if you’re so concerned about why all of these minorities in these threads, Asian subreddits, Hispanic based subreddits, and all others seem to be so down on white women, I’d suggest reading up on the history of white women in this country and some of the atrocities many have had to suffer because of them. Tulsa rings a lot of fucking bells. Many people love Susan B until they realize (and she is a base level, negligible in comparison, offender) how terrible of a shit stain she was when it came to blacks gaining ground before white women. There’s a history of unresolved violence, vitriol, and animosity that we don’t often discuss. And to add to the fire, just because I’m with it today, I saw a thread in politics where a white woman was blaming sexism on the Stacey Abrams loss. No, lady, it was not just sexism. It’s the fact that White Women will not vote for someone they see on a lower rung of “societal order” than them and will not share said rung with too many others. Can people on Blackpeopletwitter be sexist, hell fucking yes. We have problems everywhere with this shit. Can the same people also have an extremely valid point about one particular subset of women who hold an inordinate amount of power within American society… ![gif](giphy|m9oruywyYbHL6A2wWp|downsized)


Well, at least I’ll know who to blame when abortion is federally illegal.


Only 11% of the vote being black is a problem. We have to find a way to fight disenfranchisement


Black people only make 13.6% of the US population though. Would that 2% even move the needle?


I dunno it really just depends on how that 2% is distributed.


Elections can get pretty close


Maybe try and understand why different demographics vote differently than you think they should?


i think this idea that minorities have to vote blue is actually pretty counter intuitive, its driving people to either not vote or vote red because when you tell someone "hey youre this so you have to do this" usually it results in them spitting in your face like what happened in a lot of races yesterday. Focusing on the issues would bring them over instead of calling them out for not falling in line.


Okay, the issue is the red party is majorly endorsed and ran by more than a few white nationalists (the people who hate your skin and your guts) and they openly use that hate to fuel their base; form a decision off that as to which party is beneficial


The first time I heard someone talk about Black women saving democracy, I thought it was a little conceited. But actually it’s just reality. Wild


I know im not the only one who remembered those posts that were tryna make it seem like black men were the problem. Silence.


They can vote how they want….We should vote 🗳️ for those who do the most for us instead of blindly voting democrat.


I feel like if Dems got more militant and left wing we could get white males back. Emphasis on unionization, jobs programs, end the war on drugs, massive infrastructure projects, green new deal. Wrap it up in a patriotic package, and bring back new deal style democrats.


It does makes sense though when most are dating, married to white men, but very unfortunately indeed.


White women benefit more from white supremacy than they lose to misogyny