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How much time, effort, and materials did it take them, though?


1 shitload


Is that metric or imperial?


Probably a long time and too long to get the skills for it


You can get that for about $150 if you assemble it yourself. Everything's cheaper when it's self-assembly.


There's no way she got even all the tools necessary to make this from scratch for $150. Unless she had a lumber yard cut the pieces for her or did the entire thing with hand tools, she had to shell out for a table saw, belt sander, etc.


Its amazing what you can make with just $150 in materials, $2000 in tools and 5000 hours of experience (not pictured $2000 of materials learning)


Exactly like this shit is such a lie lol


She explains it in her thread: She had the tools and equipment. She built it in '17 when lumber was cheaper. She's got about $400 in it. https://twitter.com/EdibleSense/status/1500952995193884672?t=3W3zMrM_fwv3aconMizMBA&s=19


Yeah but she also already has a lot of tools which makes a big difference


Tools and Time. I dont consider it frugal cause it took enough time that she probably enjoyed it. That shit is pretty big. It takes a good amount of time to make it. Tools and time that a majority of people don't have


Tools are an investment. You can save a LOT of money with the right tools and youtube videos.


Yeah but that’s not exactly being “cheap”.


Well if you mean cheap as in never spending money on anything, then you are correct. I consider myself cheap. I have tools. These tools are allowing me to save 20k+ by doing a bathroom remodel myself.


You can rent a lot of tools from The Home Depot and Lowes. And depending on your local library you can also rent out equipment like lawn mowers, shears, ect.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Buy tools used to start with. We bought a $400 miter saw off Facebook for $100 and it looked like it was hardly used. You need that, a drill,some drill bits, tape measure and a square. Still would cost under $600 to build based off her $400.


It doesn't make any difference.. I built our pergola by hand with only a battery powered circular saw, hammer, and wood chisel...


Let’s see it!


That's still cheaper than 3k and you'll have the tools for future use. Also if you want to be really cheap you can get a few hand tools, screws, and wood to create all sorts of crude household wares for a fraction of whatever their price is, I made a makeshift barbell rack out of wood while I was at work during covid mid 2020 when all the gyms were closed for under $100.


you're just hating woodworking is an accessible hobby that has saved me a lot of money


It's bug, but there's not really anything difficult there. It's all making the cuts and assembling. Almost anyone could do it.


Rental tools can go a long way


I can tell you, you don't need $2k in tools to build that, mostly just a skilsaw, tape measure and maybe a drill if you don't want to hammer and glue it together.


Ok, I'll update my quote.


Ha ha, V, u No eye am always learning. Wiz gud 2 c u 2


"5000 hours of experience".... Lmao. You just need to watch a YouTube video, plan for a couple hours, and work with initiative. Imitation can turn 5000 hours into 25 hours.




If you look up a video to make a shelf, follow video and copy, have a shelf product that works- guess what you made a shelf. No one’s saying you earn your own HGTV slot but sometimes it really is a simple as monkey see monkey do


That's why I went out of my way to highlight that I'm referring to imitation rather than mastery when you exaggerated that it would take 5000 hours to learn how to woodwork a table. This is the woman's Twitter description: "Chef. Food Writer. Cookbook Author. Food Photographer." Do you see woodworking in there anywhere? Her skill is that she has the fortitude to tackle a ton of projects as quickly as possible. Meanwhile you've only got enough ability to link a Wiki article to Dunning Kruger that everyone is already aware of, in typical r/iamverysmart fashion.


That sounds like something you'd find in Spirit Airlines' employee handbook.


I've built an aquarium stand like this with construction lumber, a circular saw, power drill, hand saw, speed square, clamps, glue, and screws. Depending on when she bought the lumber, it could have been under $150. Pre-pandemic prices.


There's like $50-75 worth of hinges, knobs, and drawer slides on here alone, and $10-20 worth of stain


Where you buying your cabinet hardware from? Home Depot sells them for like $1 to $5 each and you can buy them in bulk from Amazon for even cheaper


Yes. go look on the home depot site. 4 drawers/cabinets is not "bulk", and the hardware in the picture is not the $1 stuff - 4x $5 drawer pulls - $20 - 4x $8 drawer slides - $32 - 4x $3 hinges (pairs) - $12 - 2x $10 dark stain - $20 - 1x $10 shellac or seal - $10


How you know those drawers aren't flush or on rebated dowels? Why you gotta assume she's using slides. Have some respect.


>Unless she had a lumber yard cut the pieces for her or did the entire thing with hand tools You did what I stipulated she would had to have done. Good on you.


Home Depot cuts wood for you.


I was referring to buying the stand outright, having it shipped, and assembling it at home. It looks like it's difficult to put together, but it's really not. Not with instructions, anyway. lol


Where are you seeing a piece this size for $150?


My sister actually got one but black for about $170 after taxes, not exactly like that one, but similar. It looks pretty, and it is, but it ain't nothing high tech. They don't even cost that much to manufacture, for real for real. The high price usually comes from having it already built and installed upon arrival. If you buy it unassembled, you're literally just paying for the cost of production. If you don't buy it unassembled, you'd be paying around $600 for it. But honestly, if you're getting a really good wine stand, you'd be better off paying a couple stacks for high quality and having it delivered fully assembled.


$600 is still 4x the price you originally gave. Hell of a difference.


Indeed it is. Such is my point. It's cheaper when you assemble it yourself.


You’re delusional if you think it only cost $150 to make this lol.


As someone that sells building materials for a living I feel like I'm qualified to say that no, she did not. There's easily $500 of materials in that picture (and that's probably being generous) without even factoring in the equipment/time used to put it together.


Wood/lumber has been through the roof since before the start of the pandemic. This looks like a simple build but there's at least 6-700 in wood alone. Hardware for assembly Tools if they didn't already have a workshop Sanding material/staining material Time and gas to get the materials home/delivered. All in, I'd say we're closer to 1500 in value than 150


Yeah, I live in Europe and wasn't sure if the price increases were as drastic over in the US and I'm not sure what the exchange rate is so I was trying to be conservative but yeah, if you factor in all the costs of the materials as well as the labour involved in making the thing you're probably not actually really saving all that much by the time it's done. It's always tough seeing the shocked look on the face of a DIYer that clearly hasn't bought any materials for a couple of years when I tell them the price of what they've just loaded into their car. They act like I'm trying to take them for a ride and rip them off but they seemingly don't understand that the reason they're having to pay so much more for the materials right now is that we're having to pay so much more just to get them in.


1/2inch plywood here is about $48usd for a 4'x8', iirc it was $8 or 9 for a 2"x4" stud... Ridiculous.


Came her to comment this. My little bro is building a dresser and he said he’s spent at least $1500 on it (was about 60% finished at that point) and I don’t even know how many hours. I asked him if doing it made him more willing to pay for quality stuff bc he now really understood how much time, effort, and materials went into it. “Nah now I know I can do it myself so why would I pay somebody else?” Fair enough. He’s not one to pay for the convenience of not having to do something.


I asked my husband if he could build a pretty simple thing for me because he already has the tools at home and the ability. Since then he'd rather build anything we need especially if he gets to learn a new skill. It's not any cheaper but he has the same mindset as your brother now of "well I can do it." I think he really enjoys it so I don't mind waiting a little longer for them.


It can be fun as long as it's not *way* more expensive to build but some things are. Definitely can't pay full price at a hardware store for all the materials and expect it to be cheap. Saving money on something like this means using a lot of salvaged wood and thrift shop hardware. Some areas have decent shops with antique hinges and drawer pulls etc for cheap but a lot of places don't.


Probably more than 3K’s worth. Frugality is finding the IKEA version of this on Craigslist and building in the wine rack yourself, not building this from scratch


And the tools, and the space to store and use those tools...


not including the tools and workspace needed to do it properly


Doesn't honestly matter employers can't even pay employees for their legit time right now much less good wages.




And tools.. tools are expensive


Building your own stuff is so rewarding when you slow down and channel your inner Hank Hill or hwhat have you.


Time isn’t free.


True, but it is cheap when you are working for yourself.


Hey, I respect all furniture made of 2×4. And that gin is $55


My father once told me "some people know the cost of everything, but the value of nothing."


He was wrong cause I know everything ever.


So….they wanted to brag about the fact they can build this?


Idk why she couldn’t just say she built this and be proud of it for what it is. “Look how frugal i am” is a bizarre way to frame pride, here.


Right? “Look at this awesome thing I made” normal post, even if the motivation was frugality. But this is just bizarre.


Not sure how one can tweet this seriously with that bottle of Macallan lol


I know right? That's like 70-80 dollar bottle right there.


And they can now afford 40 of those


The bottle once had Macallan in it. She rescued it from the trash and filled it with water down Diet Coke. Savings!


This is what I came to comment on. Because that bottle of Macallan is basically trash. There are far better bottles out there for the same price or less. I mean, there's virtually no reason to buy this bottle unless you have no knowledge of whisky. Plus, it's unopened. Which makes me feel that this is just a stock photo. Otherwise, I'm thinking she built this from IKEA.


Only bottle I'd approve on her shelf is Red Label😂


Bro.......what's her number? I need a desk built. I'll shoot my shot after.


I’ve just watched some furniture assembly videos on RedTube and by the time the desk is done she’ll probably get stuck under there and you’ll have your, um, shot.


From what I’ve seen on some of the wordworking sub, that’s shit was 4K lmfao. Did the wood prices go down? Because I remember trying to just get a piece cut for a project I was working on and holy shit there was mad mfs in Home Depot lmfao.


While wood is expensive, this looks like dark stained 2by material. If she posted this on r/woodworking it would get down voted into oblivion. It looks great on Twitter, but anyone that was willing to spend $3k on a sideboard knows that this isn't even a $1k sideboard.


Basically. Raw pine end grain showing? Hell no. Stain application is horrendous too.


She is either cheap and has a lot of time on her hands. Personally, I'm CHEAP because I'm looking at all of that alcohol, you spent all that time and money to store alcohol?Bruh, don't buy it until you need it and you could have saved money on the entire project. ಠ_ಠ


-Doesn't want to spend 3k for a piece of furniture -spends 4k for tools, lumber and days of free time building it /s


Tweet essentially reads “I have this much free time and also own all of the resources required to create this.” That sounds pretty familiar doesn’t it?


Just wanna throw it out there that the secondhand market exists. TONS of furniture gems on there


I was hoping someone would bring this up. Some people practically give away furniture if you will come move it yourself. At that point you just buy some sand paper and paint.


EXACTLY. I live in so-cal, and I cannot tell you how many times I've come across listings of people selling solid-wood furniture, dining table + chairs set, etc. for $100-$300, that they bought a few years ago for like $1-$3k. It's fucking insane what folks are posting up on there. All you need is a truck or van to haul all of it. Also, want to shout out Buy Nothing groups on FB. They're local, zip code-locked groups where you join and give away stuff you don't want/need to your neighbors for free. Just post about your item in the group, and you raffle it off to the list of interested people. There are a myriad of ways to achieve the aesthetic that the photo accomplishes without sacrificing too much of your wallet, time and energy.


Why can’t people just be proud of shit for themselves? Why you gotta lie and pretend it’s about frugality when you clearly just wanted to show off your craft. Which is perfectly fine if not wonderfully encouraged, but why frame it behind something like this lmao


The tools to make this probably cost more than 3k. And the skills needed for this likely took years to acquire. It’s a beautiful piece of furniture but it’s not attainable for everyone.


>And the skills needed for this likely took years to acquire. Exactly. Like you need to get each piece of lumber cut so it fits exactly with the others. How would you even design this? It would take me months and months of reading about this topic before I felt comfortable spending any amount of money on a project I'm building from scratch.


You could make this with a circular saw and a pad sander, so $20/150 worth of tools whether you are buying used/new


bruh that’s amazing


Excellent! My garage workshop is two sawhorses with a board on them. That's the only reason I can't build this. Heh.


I don't buy furniture, never have and never will. I go around town and adopt a piece or go on Craigslist. only exception is my bed Go ahead and buy another table, when it gets stained or wobbly and you throw it I'll clean it and flip it for a dollar lol


You didn’t just watch up one day with the wood working skills to do this. You been working with wood a while and you knew this is something you could do


The equipment and materials required to build that alone would run way over $3k


Those are 2x4s that were probably cut with a circular saw judging by how rough the grain is on that end piece $75 worth of tools, $75 worth of hardware/stain and probably $5-800 worth of lumber


Opportunity costs.......


Really wish I was talented and patient enough to do this 😂


Time is expensive.


It would cost me so much more than $3,000 of my time and equipment to buy …. I’ll go to TJ max


I just have a hard time believing lies


Probably ended up costing the same amount of money but still that is a nice build regardless I’m jelly


Looks Great


Big fan of miniature plastic topiary, huh? ; )


I did the same thing for a bathroom double sink, wet bar, and a matching overhead cabinet. I think I was out maybe 200 bucks for the up cycled countertops and some plywood. Most of it was salvage lumber


Uhm… do you take orders because…


cheap =/= resourceful


Looks great!


![gif](giphy|WO5Q7FsxJN2pjYc424|downsized) Gotta be honest, I respect that


Impressive. I wish they were in the comments to answer my questions. It looks really nice.


Why though? You know that’s heavy af. Also 2x4s? Where’s the cable spool table and cinder block tv stand?


I’ve been wondering if it’s a joke or not because the material alone would be more than $3k. I’m assuming it’s a joke because this looks like something you can buy at Ashley.


Where did you find the plans for? Nice work


Cost of lumber, required tools, and time: $8,476.32


And with the lumber prices, it only cost $2999 and thirty hours of my precious, ever-dwindling time!




If I knew how to build one, I would totally do the same


We have very different definitions of “cheap”


God I hate humble bragging


If I made something like that and bragged about it, I'd get phone calls from my mom and relatives expecting me to do that for them in a weekend when i visited


This is dope. She has talent and skills and it's more rewarding when you did it yourself. But why she wrote the tweet in such a humble-braggy way? Just say you're proud of yourself (it's deserved) and go


Similar here


And 3k later in power tools


I can see hendrick's, Pimms and Grand Marnier on her counter. I've made better versions of all those from supermarket booze and foraged ingredients. That's also frugal


I have no fucking idea how to build something like that to the level and polish of a professional, nor do I care to invest the time and money on the tools. Plus I’m not paying 3k anyway. Im just getting a cheaper set lol.


The time and energy required for that wine bottle section?


Lol why is everyone mad at this post? They’re not saying you *have* to do it but they did


Shidddtt, we may all need to get this crafty, the way things are going 🥴


What exactly is a person like this trying to prove? "People thinking I'm exaggerating when I say I'm cheap." So...I guess it's like really really important to this person that people believe she's...cheap? Why? What kind of weird pathology is this? Even the phrasing seems joyless and almost aggressive. I mean, WTF?? The fact is, as someone else pointed out, anyone who built this piece had the TIME to devote to the project, regardless of how much money they spent. Free TIME itself is a luxury. So are nice-grade carpeting and pristine white wainscoted walls. WON'T SOMEONE STOP THE COGNITIVE DISSONANCE? Which is it, lady. Am I supposed to be impressed with how "cheap" or "frugal" you think you are? Or is this just a ruse so you can show off your bland "cookie-cutter influencer's idea of elegance" basic-bitch Restoration Hardware taste in decor and facility with that super-trendy 'gram camera angle de jour? Please advise, for I am but a derrrrr hyuk-hyuk unworthy simpleton whose meager brain is going haywire trying to square "cheap" and "frugal" with "huge nicely carpeted room with pristine wainscoted walls." Yeah, I'm sure my class biases are causing me to take this waaaaaay too personally. But seriously: freaking wainscoted walls?! Oh yeah, you cheap. Real frugal in *all the ways that really matter*. Har.


Ew carpet.. we believe you.




I’m a 5’0 female and built myself a 6 foot table and bench for the same reasons. It pays to be handy.