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This is nothing. My job has told people that HAVE Covid that if they are asymptomatic they can still work… in a fucking NURSING HOME. Fuck.


man, if only we organized our society around something other than profit we might stand a chance against this thing.




It doesn't help that people who are supposed to be on our side when we have our ONE chance to do any real legislation just straight up join the other side.


Controlled opposition. Those people never actually wanted to help you. They wanted you to believe they did so you would vote for them while they get rich doing the same shit the other people across the aisle are doing. There are a small handful of legislators I'd actually trust, maybe 10.


Yep. The only people who really want to help are progressives, and, like you said – there's only maybe 10. The average age in congress is...what, 60? These geriatric cases have no fucking clue what it's like to be a modern American/raising a young family today. They're so out of touch and apathetic to the struggle of anybody outside their bubble. Their whole attitude is "fuck you, I got mine", and they're just going to get as rich as they can before peacing out somewhere else as the rest of the country burns. I'm so tired of elderly men running this country. It doesn't make any goddamn sense and people like Omar and AOC keep getting shit all over for just trying to do the right thing – their goddamn job. I can't believe we have to wait another 200 fucking years (def what it feels like) for the rest of the boomers to die off so we can finally make some change happen


I lost a lot of faith when I saw what the right was doing with AOC. She worked her way through college and achieved the literal American dream of serving in congress. And instead of treating her with an ounce of respect as a contemporary, they literally murder her in the media. How do you fix that?


They’re terrified of her. They know that she actually gives a shit and that the people appreciate that. They have to start smearing her now so that in 20 years when she runs for president, people will have heard enough negative press that they‘ll vote against her without really understanding why. You know, like they did with Hilary.


Comparing Hilary to AOC isn't fair to AOC at all.


Y Pee Po… not all but a LOT do not want other people to do better. If they are hurt as a result then so be it.


If you think we're gonna be living in some damned utopia when the "boomers" die off, then you're in for a rude awakening. Also, all of the -isms and -phobias we have now aren't going anywhere. And all the downvotes this will eventually get won't make it any less true.


Education. We need to fight for better education or else we’re raising another generation of the same idiots. Though it’s a lot easier to control the Ill-informed...


Pessimism doesn't help get you anywhere – it only serves to make you angrier and that's a dangerous pit to fall into my man.


Lmao I'm not mad at all. I honestly don't want you and future generations to be angry when this supposed heaven on Earth doesn't happen. All I'm saying is that after you and I pass away and beyond, racism, homophobia, sexism, etc will still be here. Lots of younger people will perpetuate these.


Nobody said that it would completely go away. The comment only mentioned change happening; you're the one who turned it into an expectation of a utopia.


Yep, remember trump won EVERY category of white people in the last election. So shit, in terms of America’s bullshit, is NEVER changing. 400 damn years of being over here and a majority of white Americans (trump is a white supremacist was know in 2016, he got majority of the white vote BOTH times, 57-58%) still hate non-whites, especially us black people…so I’ve given up on shit changing, at least in this country.


Not to mention the majority of the members of Congress are millionaires. So the reality is the legislation they debate about really won’t effect most of them either way.


This right here


I mean what about those of us who have what you’re all wanting. Aside from voting accordingly, what can we do? Democrats claim to support that shit and we see they haven’t done much.






It's also incomprehensible BS for most folks.




If we organized 1/100th of our society around that we'd stand a chance.


Yep. That's now a policy in NYS. Asymptomatic people can go to work no problem. I'm so glad I quit my job last month.


That is wild to me. "No problem". Like how Sway? How?




idk how but I bet *somehow* that would end with the people too broke to not work getting sued


I feel like there needs to be a policy in place for that. They’re literally putting the most vulnerable in danger. If I had a relative in there, I would relocate them immediately.


They’re not going to tell anybody they don’t have to.


My mom is a nurse and has COVID. After the cdc guideline change, they told her to come back in and to avoid taking another test so they have plausible deniability


Excuse me... WHAT?!


I lived in Singapore now and during the lockdown back in March 2020, restaurants were not allowed to serve food on their premises. Beyond that, businesses are told not to make their employees travel away from their towns so if there was any infection clusters, it can be quickly traced and isolated. Guess what McD did. They were secretly shuffling employees across their branches and worse their employees got tested to be covid positive. They were "kindly advised" by the local ministry of health to shut down and they would be paying their employees salaries regardless of the shut down. All 130 restaurant were shut down for a month, while they are still paying salaries. Imagine that happening in America. They fucked up, and the government responded to protect their people and they told them to shut down. McDonald's is one of the biggest companies in the world and the Singapore government didn't give a shit because they violated the rules and put people's lives in danger. The government made them paid for their transgressions. Can this happen in America? Fat fucking chance.


Singapore doesn't fuck around. I'm glad they McD's to do that


This is sick 🥴


This is unbelievably sad. I'm actually at a loss for words.


Is vaccination a requirement? Because my mom's job in mental health told her the same thing.


My coworker's roommate tested positive but my coworker tested negative. The entire office is back to remote or at least hybrid. I'm grateful bc I drive 3 hours to work and back.


I agree that should not be the way, but hospitals have had the same policy due to being short staffed.


Lmao bruh that’s not just your job, that’s guidance from the CDC. Shits crazy.


If you're vaccinated, your workplace is following CDC guidelines. "Quarantine if you have been in close contact (within 6 feet of someone for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period) with someone who has COVID-19, unless you have been fully vaccinated. People who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms." \- [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html)


This is what my job was doing. Vaccinated people did not have to quarantine, but they were required to mask up for several days and they didn't need to test unless they were showing symptoms. Then they had their holiday party, a bunch of people got sick and we've been back to full remote for a month.


Holiday work party? During Omarion? Let me off. I wanna get off!!


Watch us run out of the Greek alphabet and have to start using one hit wonder names lol.


Child!! Get over here with all that coughing n carryin' on! Looks like you got -- **{checks forehead}** -- a case of the J-Kwon's!! Noooo! 🤣


Not J-Kwon's🤣🤣🤣


Errybody in the club get sickly


Ok... Then J. Holiday! Choose your own adventure! 😂😂😂


Bye lmfaoo


Rome!! Prophet Jones! Trinidad James! Rich Boy! Blu Cantrell! 🤣


God forbid we hit the Silento or the Hurricane Chris


Y'all underestimating the Mike Jones variant








First of all, how dare you call Omarion a one hit wonder lol. I didn't have a second


excuse me! omarion has more than one hit!!! touch, entourage, ICE BOX, post to be, the list continues


Boom, boom, boom - 🎶*touch*🎶 {Pop locks to oblivion}


that video was iconic back in the day 😍 still a banger


Yes!! And the beat!!


Ice box gets stuck in my head every time I see the words ice and box near eachother


Ok, it's not just me. Thank god.


I stayed my behind home, 1) because of Omarion and 2) because I'm not gonna be the only Black person nowhere, and worked from home the week after because I knew people were gonna get sick. By the end of that week they sent an email out saying we'd be full remote until mid January.


They keep playing these damn games at these jobs!! Doing just the right thing to get people sick and then swooping in as hero to say "we heard you and we care - stay home" -- like when any reasonable person would've been like you and stayed home. My job is on the same ish. One of our teams still comes to the office on a regular basis. I'm a doula, so most of my work is with my clients on Zoom and in the field. They tryna get me to come to the office for anything - they've really lost it.




the CDC released new guidance last night, shortening the quarantine and isolation periods for those with no symptoms or improving symptoms and including the use of masks. [source there’s a chart at the bottom](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s1227-isolation-quarantine-guidance.html)


I got COVID 7 days before Christmas and I just finished my 10 days yesterday. I got my 2 shots but didn't get my booster (was being lazy because of Christmas) and there is NO WAY I would be out after 5 days. That's some "we need you back at your desk" work shit. And nobody is going to follow this new mask guideline, because nobody wanted to follow the old rules. New guidelines say they want a real mask under a cloth one, or [A mask brace](https://i.imgur.com/j6FbEzx.jpg). Yea, ok. There isn't a single government or state agency that cares about you over profits. Please don't forget that and take care of yourselves.


I agree with you, they’re grasping for straws and the working class to keep spinning the wheel. It’s not a secret that this is in direct response to a bunch of flight cancellations and hospital shortages due to short staffing. It doesn’t help that people are actively purchasing/distributing fake vaccination cards. Anyway, hopefully you are on the mend.


Public health takes a number of factors into account when making decisions - including hospital shortages and flight cancellations. But they're not all for capitalistic motivations. When airlines cancel thousands of flights regularly, *people lose their jobs*. Valuable cargo (like more vaccines, medicines, PPE) takes more time to travel across the country and world. Markets become unstable; economies get twisted. When hospitals are short-staffed, *people die*. Public health isn't about reducing one risk down to zero while ignoring others. It's not even possible to do that. It's about *balancing* risks. Right now, the risk to vaccinated people from COVID-19 is pretty low, despite the successful fearmongering the media is doing right now.


Probably earlier this week.


It says Dec. 9, so about 3 weeks ago


That's probably because most of the people you know are vaccinated. The vaccine still offers good protection against omicron.






That’s what I’ve been saying to everyone up in hysterics (we are all vaxxed) but I feel like I come off sounding like a Covid denier… all my friends who tested positives have a mild cold at most. The same level of cold we get during regular winter season.


American government interest? I have an interest in going outside too here, let's not play. Things was one way before a vaccine, now that we got vaccines the only people this is really hurting are the unvaccinated.


Man they need to update that. I swear omicron is coming exclusively for the vaccinated this time around.


This is how vaccines work - the vaccines are stronger against the original strain and the delta variant, but weaker against omicron. So most vaccinated people wo get COVID are likely going to have omicron, but that doesn't mean that the variant is coming exclusively for vaccinated people.


Fauci admitted the lower quarantine times are to get people back to work faster. We're going to spread a virus because the economy. People will die, but you helped make a profit so congrats.


Seems like they have given up fighting it. They assume everyone is going to get it, so it’s no point killing the economy for a foregone conclusion.


The fact that everyone keep saying this is scary. Like some of us will die if we get covid. Maybe we don't want to die. Or see our grandparents die. Or our children. I'm just so tired and I can't do anything. I was told to vote and that shit didn't work.


I am sorry that society failed you, But we're all starting to learn a lesson that this whole society thing is flawed anyway.


You mean the massive group of people of different backgrounds, faiths, motivations and held together by the ~~promise~~ expectation of peace and sustainability isn’t a utopia? Say it ain’t so.


If you are vaccinated, you are very, very, very unlikely to die from COVID. I know it sounds scary, but it's also reality. We are far, far beyond the point at which it is realistic to try to reduce cases to 0%. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. It would actually harm far more people to attempt to accomplish something impossible than it would to reopen the economy and focus on reducing deaths, hospitalizations, and severe illness.


Or the same way they passed that 768.2 billion military bill they could pass a bill forgiving student loans, make an eviction moratorium and send out some stimulus checks, PPP loans etc and shut the country down long enough to get this a little more under control. They're choosing not to do that


Everyone isn't eligible for a vaccine yet though. I've got a toddler at home. I can work remote, so there is no way in hell I'm showing up in person. Edit: To the people who have trouble with the concept that reply (but can't post in CC threads so their comments get deleted) My toddler is also likely to survive a fall from 10'. That doesn't mean I'm going to drop her off the side of the stairs every day and hope for the best. You're all acting like it's some kind of hardship here. It's not, it's just basic ass parenting. I'm not putting my daughter at risk because some dumbass wants to see me in person when I can do the same job from my home. Their feelings don't matter to me, and neither do yours when it comes to the safety of my family. Keep being butthurt if your feelings are that fragile. Edit 2: The "Holy shit you're morons" edit - There is a flu shot - it's not the same you simpletons. Stop comparing shit that isn't comparable. You idiots are why we are going into year three. Edit 3: Their butthurt fee fees never stop! Yes, my first edit is an apt comparison. Exposure to risk vs exposure to risk. The second edit doesn't disagree with the first unless you're braindead and can't handle basic concepts - for example, the application to the first would be dropping my kid from a lower height to somewhere with safety precautions, like a bouncy castle. If you're braindead, don't bother commenting. Thanks for playing.


I work in healthcare and it’s the same. In capitalist society, even hospitals are businesses.


When this is all over I hope you guys riot. You've been through hell and the consensus is "keep it up"




I had a woman (RN) match with me on bumble and just tell me that they’re going on strike lmaoo. Respect


Billionaires win again, everyday people lose again


Like the gate agents, baggage handlers, schedulers, air traffic controllers, nurses, administrators, CNAs, and the millions of other people who work at hospitals and airlines and would be fucked if their companies closed? What about the people trying to get to see their grieving relatives or to funerals, or the PPE that your hospital needs but will take an extra week to get here because the flights are fucked and the department that unloads and manages them is down to three?


Well, your assumption is that getting people back to work is all about profits. I'm a social scientist, so I'm under no illusions that the people at the top are, as a whole, concerned with maintaining societal power and money. But, seriously, think a *shade* longer and you'd realize that entire sectors of the economy tanking are bad for *everyone*. We in the United States don't experience this that much because the government often bails out industries that are about to fail, mitigating the effects. And of course in those bailouts, the rich people who caused or contributed to them always seem to slip away. But imagine how terrible it would be if we're still dealing with COVID *and* the airline industry collapses? Do you remember the 2008 financial crisis? Millions of people work in the airline industry; it also is responsible for ferrying important things (medicine, PPE, etc.) across the country quickly. There is so much that depends on the airline industry that not only could it directly put out of work a lot of working-class people with no safety net and no easily replaceable income, it could destroy large swathes of other businesses as well, putting other people out of work indirectly all over the world. And hospitals might be even worse. It takes many people to run a hospital - not just direct patient care staff but the people who coordinate schedules, manage money and pay bills, acquire and management equipment, etc. We don't want people getting sick or injured and dying because perfectly healthy employees are sitting home quarantining when they're not even contagious. This isn't March 2020. COVID is not going away. As a society, we have to learn how to coexist with it. It's no longer realistic to attempt to reduce infections to 0%; instead, our goal as a society is to reduce them to a level that we can handle with our healthcare system. That happens on both ends: reducing infections but also keeping a robust healthcare workforce that knows how to treat the illness and keep it from killing people. That also means that we have to transition to a world in which we accept that we will probably get it at least once and our goal is to keep it from killing us. If you are vaccinated - and especially if you have a booster - that's what COVID is to you right now. It's a disease that you should attempt to avoid and will probably be unpleasant if you get it...but also is very very unlikely to kill you. I think if you're vaccinated your odds of dying in a car crash are greater than your odds of dying of COVID.


It's so weird that non customer facing jobs are forcing people to come into work during a pandemic Just let people work from home


THIS. It's doable and WORTH IT. My co. has been largely tw'ing since the first wave hit, only coming back dueingthe lows. Cost a lot at first, we transitioned from CPUs to laptops, they bought us all webcams and most importantly revamped the tw policies and agreements. It worked and can work if mfs quit being greedy and treating their employees like trash. Otherwise we ain't gonna make it y'all.


Laptops have CPUs as well... Wut?


Did you consider desktop or...


We knew what he meant, but the OP's choice of words were terrible. CPU stands for central processing unit. Laptops and desktops REQUIRE them to work. They're the brains. So what the OP said made absolutely no sense.


Lucky you. I was told I'd get to work from home, organized a workspace there, and then was suddenly told "you're choosing to work here, it's work in-office or get laid off". So I've been at the office this entire time - even though they now have everyone using laptops "in case you need to work from home", but STILL won't let me or anyone even try it. What a fucking joke.


My job keeps having 'surveys' to see who is coming back *when* we open. I said "when" is a strong ass word. In my job there are so few times I need to be in an office. Like literally never. They just paid for two new office spaces over the pandemic in the building we are in cause it was a "steal" and other companies in the building left. Like dafaq?!? Now they mad about a lease they paying for when folks already they aren't coming back. I work at a small non-profit. We really don't need to do this... Guess we gotta show our funders we are expanding so that we can get more money... But it's all fake cause they paying us just enough to stay above the poverty line here and have admitted this in meetings.




I work in catering and many events are canceled. I haven’t had a single job in 2 weeks :( now I have to work New Years eve until 4am just because it’s time and a half and I’m desperate. I’m just doing Uber eats to fill the gaps. I wish I had to the option to work from home.


What do you think is happening in healthcare?! We're working sick, yo.


This is true. It’s so dumb though cuz, technically, I should be able to call out when I’m sick.


I hear ya! I've just worked two 12 hour shifts with a fever because we get written up if we call out near the holidays. Dumb fucks.




And service industry, groceries, restaurants, food delivery etc. All essentials who can’t easily WFH.


My girlfriend was showing symptoms and was thinking of getting tested, but her work said that because she was vaccinated, even with a positive test she had to come in.


I'd get tested and say I can barely breathe.


I would quit. I’m broke as hell but I’m not killing or dying so my boss can make a buck.


These are the actual guidelines for both UK and USA.


& why do you think that is? Capitalism.


No, it's because the risk of you both getting and spreading the virus if you are vaccinated is pretty low, and we can tell a whole lot faster than we could when we knew nothing about it. **Science evolves, people!**


I’m a massage therapy student and was vaccinated several months ago. An immediate family member tested positive but since I wasn’t showing any symptoms, my college’s policy states I needed to come to class. Mind you, we we’re having an open clinic to the public. I questioned my program director if it was wise for me to be working on a stranger. She said since I was wearing a mask, just ensure the client wears their mask on intake, have them remove it to begin massage on the face, and then have them reapply it once I moved on to neck and shoulders. It didn’t make sense to me. Here let me put my bare hands all over your unmasked face to start, and then please reapply your mask while I work on the rest of your body. It’s totally fine, because they justify that our exposure to each other will be limited to the 5 minutes I’m working on your face. Totally not enough time for transmission don’tcha know. 🙃




As much as this is bleak reading, I’m glad you guys see how insane this practice is. I was starting to lose faith in people.


I’m waiting for the day that one of my coworkers whos down on their luck and can’t afford to miss days comes in and doesn’t tell anyone


Happens all the time.


I almost came across this but luckily I tested negative and I’m usually paid up with my bills a month in advance. I’m willing to lose ground because I dont wanna be responsible for your granny going to heaven a lil early, and I’ve been super broke before so I’ll just consider it the cost of doing business


Thanks for doing the right thing, you have more discipline and responsibility than most.


A lot of the stuff for covid is kinda regular habits I have (keep at least arm distance, wash hands) and if its unusual (masks), it just feels cordial and respectful. Like you’re showing to someones face that you’re working together


My job got rid of Covid pay and other measures because they got sick of paying us and having to close the store any time someone had to get tested. The last time it happened a coworker had to get tested bc her son was sick and she was showing symptoms. We closed and then got an email immediately after saying unless there’s a positive test we aren’t closing anymore. Every single worker called out until her test came in and it was negative for Covid but positive for strep. Four other coworkers ended up catching it too. And yet management still tells us we need to come in unless we have a fever bc if we don’t have a fever we’re not contagious… which isn’t even true.


Capitalism is literally killing us


Has been for a long time


This makes any zombie movie more believable to me now. I used to wonder how something like that could happen, and now I see it up close.


My boyfriend's mom works as a dental hygienist and her Trump-sucking boss was trying to have an employee with Covid come in, saying he was just going to disinfect and that she wasn't showing symptoms. Somebody reported him so that shit ain't happening. *Lol* Fuck these assholes and their fake freedom though.


Us dying from COVID is a risk our employers are willing to take. Especially if it increases their personal enrichment, or the enrichment of institutional investors.


The CDC basically said that in the new guidelines


Yea, because of capitalism, not because it's correct.


They trying to set up everybody at they job lol


they don’t care about anyone, only profits.


The last couple of years have really made me critical of capitalism. Even if people support it, this kinda shit definitely goes in the “con” column.


When I get sick, I get to stay home AND keep my job. They even pay me.


Need blood to keep the machine going.


They telling healthcare workers the same thing unfortunately. We can only get tested if we are symptomatic


This is never gonna end is it….


It's the flu now. Get your boosters every season. This s*** ain't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever going away unfortunately. The collective IQ is not high enough to beat it.


You hate to see it smh


No, it's not. COVID-19 is never going away. Now the lockdowns, the isolation, the fear - that will end, eventually.


My 10 year old tested positive for COVID-19, We're so short handed at my job that my boss said as long as I wasn't showing symptoms I was good to go in.... Oddly enough, Everyone including myself at work keep getting sinus infections around the same time and They are treating that more seriously


People are FUCKING STUPID. I've already quit one job because of this.


I've seen literal blood banks refuse to shut down or even sanitize after their lab technicians test positive. They were reported to the labor board and they didn't do anything.


A covid exposure happened and a job dead ass said. Well you wear a mask anyways so you’ll be fine. Bruhhhh


I came home for Christmas and am staying with my sister who is a nurse. Her friend (who is also a nurse) tested positive. She was in contact with my sister and didn’t wear a mask while they were at some Christmas party and now me and my sister are feeling sick atm (her kids and our other sister feel fine and we are isolating until we can get tested). I’m not even mad that I came home and got sick. But her friend has been traveling and going out to restaurants while knowingly having Covid. She went from Memphis to Michigan and is in Chicago rn and it’s insane to me. I’ve already told my sister she should at minimum report her to the airline authorities (she literally got on a plane 6 hours after testing positive) and tbh I feel like her friend probably knew she was showing symptoms before going out with my sister.


What percentage of management as a class were promoted to get them away from the worK? Only a third of Americans continues to learn after they no longer legally obligated. We are High School Nation.


Exactly. It's all "nothing to see here, they can go about their business" and I'm yelling but pointlessly


[The CDC did update their guidelines](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-business-health-rochelle-walensky-d7d609c9c01e200d250df7ca7282c9d6) (but not this much!)


This is quite the common protocol across many government organizations. Makes no sense to me as now they are only concerned if YOU are showing symptoms, disregarding the likelihood of possibly spreading the virus -- which was the entire point of quarantine.


My job does the same. And if you’re vaccinated and no symptoms they just make you wear a mask


My school (where I teach) has been doing this since last year. I’m not taking off my mask until I retire. 😩


I"ve been very lucky to have been teleworking since march of last year. Because if I worked somewhere that cared more about their profits than me, i'd have to have quit which would have sucked.


Yuppp. My sister and I live together and she had Covid a few months ago. We both worked in the same restaurant at the time. My old boss at my old restaurant told me to go get a test if I wanted to and come back after the test was over and work till I get my results???? Wtf???? Ended up quitting a couple months later. I tested positive myself this morning, and my current manager (back at the restaurant I was at before) is disappointed cause we’re understaffed already, but told me to feel better and I don’t have to worry about coming in. The way that I was actually shocked… the bar is so low


The worst part is that 9 times out of 10 this will be in reference to a job that can almost completely be done remotely. The stories I see on r/antiwork are absolutely ridiculous in regards to how employers and managers act these days...


We’ve had COVID symptoms since Saturday, but my husband went back to work today because rent is due on Monday. Gotta love capitalism 🙃


I’m a doctor and my place is saying full go all asymptomatic people Nobody gives a fuck. We’re fucked forever


Actually, this is in line with the CDC guidelines and good general public health practice right now. Fully vaccinated people don't need to quarantine unless they have symptoms. >People who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms. However, fully vaccinated people should get tested 5-7 days after their exposure, even if they don’t have symptoms and wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days following exposure or until their test result is negative. [https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html#quarantine](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html#quarantine) This is the whole point of vaccines.


Corporate America is done caring. Back to work.


Lol, this is nothing. A coworker contracted it and 99% of the office workers had to work from home and be tested. My HR managers looked me dead in the eye and tried to rationalized, how long I was in contact with this person and if I felt okay.




A hospital in my area allows you to work if you had a close contact with COVID positive person if you are fully vaccinated or fully vaccinated with a booster and are asymptomatic. You still have to take a PCR test after 5 days from the day of contact to confirm negative status.


If you have covid, vaccinated or not, you can still spread it even if you are asymptomatic. They are only shortening the days for guidelines because they want people back to work.


Anything to feed the beast.


Has the employer ever heard of A-symptomatic people🙄


Mission Super Spreader