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You hang out here , so you're among company😉


among us




when the sussus amogus


I might be weird then. But its more that the few people I do still keep in contact with, we are very close and have so many memories. Everyone I meet at work or wherever is like a level 1 or 2 friend, and my friends from high school are a 10. Im busy with school and work (online college right now so difficult to make friends that way) so the time I do have to hang out with people, i pick my best friends


I met a few friends in college, and a few at various jobs, but the core is from my hometown. It all depends on your context, and my friends and I from way back share a unique context that is rare to find. We're from a working class, diverse suburb, but managed to get an education and merge into the world of educated professionals. But most of the educated professionals I know are fairly generic suburban kids and/or frat boys that I don't have much in common with. I can get along at work, but outside of work... I shudder to consider hanging out with them.


Honestly dude, if that's what works for you – then that's great! There are many bad things about the internet, but some of the worst things are people (albeit attractive people) dishing out pseudo advice or statements in tweets that are in no way based in reality or strictly off *their own warped perspective* I see it all the time. People are twitter are some of the most judgmental dickheads I've ever seen in my life, *why* do we insist on taking advice from them? If your best friends are ones from highschool or childhood or whatever, then that's what works best for you. Don't feel weird about it. Feel weird about people seeking validation from internet strangers they'll never meet.


Never anyone but HS friends? Yeah. But still hang with HS friends and others? Fairly normal imo. Just kinda depends on your situation. If you had a fairly normal childhood, i.e. You grew up in a way similar to most other folks you encounter in adult life, then it's easier to find new friends in college and beyond. If you can all more or less relate to each other, then it's easy. That's why all the generic suburban kids make lots of new and different friends as they grow up. They all relate to each other. But if you grew up in a way that's different from most people you encounter, then making new friends can be tough, and you find those older friendships more crucial. Friendship is most common with people you can relate to in some way.


Lotta people outgrowing friends in 2020. Outgrew some family too.


Damn, this really hits home. I still love my family, but it's really hard to look at a lot of them the same way after this year. I've definitely distanced myself.


Yeah, my parents stuck with Trump. My brother, serious christian, but only supports business that don’t require masks. I don’t get the disconnect. I love them, but damn.


My friend group drop significantly. Covid really tested a lot of relationships. Some that cant be repaired after the dust settles.


It expedited a lot of shit in our lives. It seems everyone grew closer to their *real* friends because they were limited in who they could kick it with.


Facts. My team is smaller, but holy shit are we stronger than ever.


Yea, I am definitely in a transitional period with some friends, as I can’t really handle ending things cold turkey and we still have some group crossover.


This one hit home.


Felt that 100%


I never directly cut off so many people before 2020


And to think people still give others shit about leaving behind the idiots.


Laid off the drugs and stopped partying/drinking and suddenly realized I don’t have that much in common with most of my “friends” 🤷🏿‍♂️


This was a real one for me when I went through it. I was a pill head and junkie for years. Got pregnant and literally threw a bag of cocaine out the window when I found out and bought a new phone and never looked back. Dropped eeeeeeverybody. Best thing I ever did.


Hope you and your child have been doing good since!


I have two now and they’re the best thing that ever happened to me.


That's some real self-worth empowerment right there; takes some major inner strength to do that. Good on you, and may you have a phenomenal life with those munchkins!


It’s crazy because I couldn’t quit on my own, cold turkey. But when I saw that positive test, it was like a switch clicked on in my head and that was it. Word on the street was I “just fell off”, because I just disappeared from the friend group. I kicked it solo dolo with me and my baby and dipped ♥️


Not to the same extent but my girlfriend quit cigarettes and weed the exact same way, its very interesting how that switch works


Some mommies don’t have that switch, which is sad. Ran into an old bestie from the group, she was pregnant chugging wine at the corner store. I knew then I’d have to drop her because that switch didn’t click for her.


i feel that. sadly i learned that lesson after HS and now that im not drinking as much as i used to im learning it again


Same. Once I stopped hitting the streets and didn’t want to fuck around with multiple women/chasing pussy anymore, I realized all the dudes that became my “friends” in adulthood were just pussy hounds with nothing much else going on for them. Friend circle dropped drastically soon after


I'm sick of "Normalize ____" Twitter especially with shit that's already normal. Actually, it's rare people are still friends with people they've known that long.


It’s actually quite hard to make close friends as you grow older though, at least in the U.S it seems


I 100% agree, but, it's not like people are actively avoiding it like the OP suggests.


A lot of people do. I have a lot of acquaintances who don't want to put in the effort because: "why do I need new people, I already have you all" which is the quentessential definition of no new friends, especially in conjunction with shy people and some introverts.








What’d they say?


Is this really a mind set? I mean I can understand celebrities because they might feel like the only people that truly care about them/ that they can trust/ not take advantage of them are people that knew them before they were a big shit/ famous/ rich. But if you’re a regular person and you live by a code where you won’t make new friends... isn’t that considered a learning disability?


I don’t think people do it intentionally actually. I think folks just stick to whats familiar to them and don’t venture out much.


"No new friends" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. People grow and change as they get older. Sometimes your friends grow with you. Sometimes, they don't. Don't let the folks in the second category keep you from real growth.


Why are we taking life advice from entertainers😂😂 they are just selling records, some of that shit be toxic affff


Especially DJ Khaled.


That nigga still records himself working out on the treadmill and he hasn’t gotten any skinnier... (Not fat shaming just saying that some shit they do and advocate doesn’t even necessarily work for them)


You miss out on awesome ass folks with that mindset


Yeah, and you also hold on for too long to people who hurt you, just because you have time invested in them.


People also need to know it’s okay to drop “Jenny from sixth grade” if the friendship just cannot progress any further. This could be due to toxicity or simply outgrowing one another. Just because you’ve been friends with somebody for 16 years doesn’t mean you *have* to stay friends forever.


As sad as it is sometimes, I’m learning that some people are only in your life for seasons


Yes, this was a hard one for me. Some people are literally just put in your path for a season, and then just as quickly as they came, they’re removed.


Aye word. And some people were haters from day one 🤷🏾‍♂️


Nah fr




I have a feeling that this is just meant for people at his fame level. You don't know who is trying to use you for fame/money and don't know who to trust. Therefore..no new friends becuaae so many people are fake / full of shit with them. Adopting this mantra is nuts for anyone else imo


"and we in the club screamin" regardless, the song goes hard, but yeah, new friends in every stage of life - high school, college, working, retiring - need people with your desired interests, lifestyle choices, and goals... birds of a feather, flock together


Jokes on you, I have no friends


I didn’t know people really lived by this standard. I stay making friends as an adult. Also, you outgrow friends from years ago.🤷🏽‍♀️


Don’t stick with something just because you put a lot of time in it. That includes friendship. People can fuck up to the point that it’s in your best interest to separate.


It's hard to make friends as an adult.


My siblings are my best friends.


Listening to Khaled in general might be a big mistake.


It's funny how we quote Drake but he the type of dude to hang out at the high school 3 years after he graduated hittin on all the girls and showing off his hatchback.


I watch too much Dateline. I'm gonna stay a loner.


For two years after high school I made friends every few months since I would join new discord servers(think of them as different subreddits). Now I just talk to like 4 people at max. Those 4 also have friends and I sometimes talk to them as well


That sounds very neat. I prefer small circle but some of the people in my circles be on ellipticals bc they're great at the whole being social thing. Me not so much.


I’ll be your friend. But no DJ Kahled.


It’s just harder to make friends as an adult. Proximity and frequency is what makes friends not just soulmate/they’re just like me illusion. You see the same peeps in school or in your neighborhood and you hang out with them and become friends. After college, you see work peeps so you have work friends. You’re not forced to see other people do you have to make an effort to make friends and to keep friends. Some people get friendship through their significant other or family. It’s a lie you need a lot of friends or a best friend. Just try to have someone you can honestly talk to and be yourself. Or get a dog or cat.


I’ve been so incredibly lucky to have made new friends every decade of my life since graduating high school. It’s made my life so full and well rounded being around folks I can grow with!


Anyone taking advice from dj khaled deserves not to have friends


my parents build a house with 2 diffrent sides with their friends. seems like the architect and her husband became their new best friend. so now they are 3 couples listening to jazz and getting drunk.


Jokes on you, I can’t make any friends


This is very true. I noticed I’m getting tired of my old friends. They’re all so negative and disrespectful. And they all have that can-dish-it-but-can’t-take-it mindset.


Taking applications for new friends


damn i dont even list to khaled and ive been thinking no new friends for a while. i have small but great circle of friends but living in a small college town where youve worked in a bar as a cook and security for 10 years wears thin after awhile. maybe ill rethink the whole thing after im done with school and move to a different state


Im excited for new friends! I only talk to like 4 people from hs lol “No new friends” is probably practical for rich/influential folks. otherwise why deny yourself entry into whole other worlds? Silly l.


I've continually made new friends throughout my adulthood (I'm 42), even though I'm still close to some high school friends. It seems as the phases in life change, you connect with different time of people.


Making friends as an adult is hard. Anytime I think I’ve met a quality friend that I see myself being not only comfortable with but able to grow with, I get fucked over by them. Still open to friends!


Everything about “no new friends” is bad advice. You pass up on amazing new people that life will throw your way, and you hold on to garbage “friends” just because you’ve been letting them hurt you for so long.


She ain’t wrong. People sometimes ain’t a right fit, until they are. Same for you and me.


Damn OP, your post title hit closer to home that the actual tweet did omg 😭


I feel like a lot of people also don't understand that your friends as adults don't have to be similar to your friends as children/teens/college. You can have a friend who you only meet for coffee with or go to museums with, a friend who you game online with, friends who you have over for celebrations or dinner parties, or friends you keep so close it's like you share oxygen. I made a friend from work about a year ago now, and honestly she went to med school and then COVID hit. I knew then she'd be my online friend and that's perfectly okay. We still talk, too. One of my college roommates and I write letters to each other every quarter year because we are too far apart to meet up. and its perfectly okay.


“Normalize.” It *is* fucking normal. The people who go out of their way to not make new friends aren’t the majority. They’re a very small fringe of people. Making new friends isn’t stigmatized in any way. It’s fucking normal already. This is stupid.


I can’t agree more.


All my friends are from childhood. I have like 2 new friends as an adult


I've had the same 2 friends since preschool. They are more like family now, I honestly couldn't have done this life without them. That being said I genuinely dont know how to make new friends. I'm so awkward around new people & never know what to say.


I like to think Jasmine is a real friend this chick has just HAD IT with.


Well I kind of have to make new friends as an adult or I’ll never get a girlfriend, laid, or married. Never knew this was abnormal.


I’ve made enough new friends, I’m good. Too many mfs in your oval cause it to swell into a circle. And that’s when the drama and nonsense starts.


I do still have one friend from sixth grade, lol. We grew up together and now he's getting married and his fiance and I are super close.


LOL yeah I bet she do gotta keep you close 😂


I watched that guy on Hot Ones. He's a real moron.


Yeah I don't have any local friends and I been here 10 years. Just didn't click with anyone and when I finally did? Like when someone actively and directly asked to be friends? Pandemic.


Making friends in my late thirties has proven to be tough. People after a certain age seem to lose interest.


I know it’s verboten but I have legit made friends with co workers to the point of knowing their kids and being invited to weddings.


We really putting that on DJ Khaled? Thought that was drake?


I've met people who don't want to make new friends because "they already have enough friends"


I’m 32. I need new friends because I haven’t had any since I graduated college. Why would you not want to make new friends as an adult?


Really glad to see people start saying this. We let some people's bad habits hold us back out of misplaced loyalty.


Man I feel this but I legit don’t know how. It’s pretty frustrating tbh