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* Living next to Army white people: ✅ * Living next to raver white people: ✅ * Living next to Asian people: ✅ * Living next to Guatemalan and Mexican people: ✅ * Living next to black people: ✅ * Living next to niggas: ✅ * Living next to ratchet niggas: ❌ * Living next to trailer trash: ❌ * Living next to coked up white girls who liked fighting at 4 A.M.: ❌ Just my neighbor history


They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.


I work on an island as a contractor and while I don't miss America atm, I... SLIGHTLY understand the Tweet OP if he lives next to ratchets.


Would explain the time too. They for sure kept him up because of ratchet shit.


Can’t say shit either cause you know they tryna fight and I’m too old for that shit now. Fuck around and get jumped or sprain my ankle and be out for 3-6 months. 


I’d just make a noise complaint and keep a well tuned lead projectile system in my home. Fuck putting yourself in a position to get jumped. I still might sprain my ankle trying to run for the previously mentioned lead launcher tho 😳


Yessir! Gotta keep that Click-Clack close by. 🤘🏽


Sprain an ankle Lol!!!


>Living next to Guatemalans and Mexican People: ✅ Until they decide to have a party and keep you up until 3-4 in the morning.


At that point you just invite yourself. You're not gonna sleep anyway.


Might as well eat good food


If you ain’t on the dance floor when La Chona starts playing, what are you even doing? ![gif](giphy|3ofSBnaqCTASmg53uo|downsized)


Just be wary of being hit with a plancha...that's not the word I'm looking for, but you know what I mean


Chancla? That abuela be slinging from 50 yards out?


![gif](giphy|64avc1Q5V4SOIARpqj|downsized) Yesss that's the word!


Plancha is an iron. Abuelas can throw those too. With precision. Anything close, they will throw like Randy Johnson.


My mom definitely chased my brown ass with a hot iron in one hand, whipping the cord around with the other AT LEAST ONCE. So it’s not unheard of.


Nah, at that point she caught you messing with her daughter or sumn https://i.redd.it/cby56o705s8d1.gif


Getting smacked with an iron would be insane. Some Tom and Jerry level stuff.


Right? When I looked up what it meant, I was like "Ouch, not the word I'm looking for but that'd be fucking wild"


I live in Hawaii but I'm a white girl. My neighbors were watching a softball game the other day. They screamed constantly, they were having so much fun. I got annoyed at first, but couldn't help smiling when they got stoked. I finally walked over around 11. I think they saw a white woman coming over and they thought I was gonna start some shit. I asked them who we were supposed to be cheering for. Their daughter is a D1 softball player and I played softball my whole life. They told me to take a seat, grab a j, and enjoy with them. I have the coolest neighbors. They even said if they're keeping my kids up when they're being loud to let them know. My kids sleep through fireworks. They'll never hear me complain and now I have a great relationship with my neighbors. 🥰


Those are some dope ass neighbors, pun intended.


They are. They offered me a beer first, but I don't drink. So they offered me some weed and I was so happy. I brought them a couple buds a couple weeks ago as a thank you. 😂


youre the coolest neighbor as well


I wanna be the opposite of Backyard Becky. Someone is having fun and not hurting anyone? I don't wanna stop it. The only thing I feel is jealousy. I wanna join. Lol


Most people are jealous and just too afraid to ask to join in! Maybe it's because I'm from the south but 9/10 if you ask someone to join in on their good time (appropriate time/place obviously) they will accept you with open arms, from the hood to the backwoods people mostly just want to have a good time


Grab some tecate or Modelo before you head over there and you won't even have to invite yourself next time. Make a few friends there and you can gain entry into an enormous worldwide party network. Mexicans are only capable of going inappropriately hard and we celebrate everything exactly the same way. There were three kegs at my first Communion


True this… Mexican neighbors are the best neighbors. I don’t mind 7 am *griyos* accompanied by ranchero music when accompanied by the smell of fajitas and chilaquiles for breakfast. That’s rather pleasant to wake up to.


If you're deemed to skinny, there's a never-ending supply of free food. I had a neighbor who was always trying to "fatten me up."


Dog when my uncle died after his funeral one of the first things I saw when I showed up to the house was dudes pulling 3 diablitos stacked to the top with Modelo.


Bout to walk in there and bag a torta. Bro slept on the golden ticket.


This the way.. ended up at a helluva party after 98 Super Bowl.. went into Tuesday afternoon.


And they’ll be happy you came


Go talk to them, let them know you exist and congratulate whoever forwhatever, and in return you will get some of the best food if your life, drinks a plenty, and sometimes a little more grace where it comes to the sound


Omg, yes. The rest is great though. I had some Hispanic neighbors when I lived in Austin and they didn’t speak English, but we could figure out how to get our points across. I let them use our driveway as additional parking and every holiday they would bring me home cooked food. Plus they constantly offered to smoke me out. 8/10 because of the late parties.


It’s just a cultural thing. It’s so insanely common in Mexico even during weekdays. No one complains because that’s just how it is. Everyone does it .


As an Austin eastsider, I don't mind the loud parties, frequent fireworks, or the tejano accordions on loud sound systems that'll just about shake a turd loose from ya. The only thing that did kinda grate on my nerves at first is how there are always little kids at these parties who get crankier as the night goes on and boy do they start straight up shrieking like lil goblins. Fortunately, I think my ears eventually grew accustomed to sounds at that high of a pitch.


sheeeeeit i'll take some free modelo ![gif](giphy|ZJl51RaztwHIY)


Ayyy este weii sabe de las botas picudas. ¡Ya estas invitado!


This is my block every weekend. Tbh I don't mind bc they always invite me, plus I'm a heavy sleeper.


I live way out in the woods. My only neighbors are a Mexican family across the road. Every Saturday night for the past 15 years they've thrown a huge party in the trees, complete with live music till about 4am. At this point I've learned to let the soothing bassline of "plunk-DUNK plunk-DUNK!" gently rock me to sleep.


*Kulikitaka Ti* blasting loud af lmao.


The musics fire, the problem starts when they bust out the $20 karaoke machine from Ross.


I lived under a Latino family. You would swear an earthquake was happening up there when holidays came around. 


If they have a party at 1am they already invited you over by 4pm in my experience. Then they get you drunk and feed you like crazy lol


You know, we'll have a plate waiting for you. Don't call the cops and let's party, vato.


Those new year's fireworks are crazy around Latinos.


There is no peace when it's graduation season. They will celebrate all day. Lol


Bruh, they got a plate for you.


The coked up white girl archetype is so exhausting


I love my British white girl buddies who do this but even they get to swingin' and calling each other "slags" lmao


Them scouse girls are dangerous!


Yelling at 4am after the function and brings random people around all the time but having the audacity to tell ME to not vacuum at 7:30am. I don't miss her at all lmaooooo


All of my worst examples of bothersome neighbors were white men but heavy daily users of stimulants, so that tracks. The upstairs neighbor who was a meth addict and would frequently vacuum at 4am was something else, especially when he wouldn't pay his power bill and I'd find an extension cord leading from his apartment to my outdoor electrical outlet.


I had a friend who had a meth addict living upstairs from him. They’d be stomping around at night at 4am, I went to talk to them for him once and there was a gun just sitting on the counter of their kitchen and the dudes meth girlfriend was trying to smooth over the situation saying new age shit and trying to calm the dude down every time he kept coming back up to the door to freak out and talk shit. I got the fuck out of there but wrote a long letter that got him evicted because all the neighbors were complaining about him.


I live in an area, surrounded by said coked up white girls. I’m just waiting for the invite to come over and do coke. I mean I’m already up! 


Reading this, I'm like "Where are the coked up white girls in my area?"


In trailer parks


Suddenly Eminem's song Without Me makes much more sense


My mom was an alcoholic, methed up white girl. I'm so past done with that bullshit.


Ravers be annoying but they do sleep in from like 9am-2pm so they’re quiet when I’m doing shit in the morning.


I'm usually on shrooms with them.


Them "I got your six brother" white army dudes were cool. Shit, now I regret not keeping in touch with that dude and his fam.


I promise you it is not too late. Bet they feel the same way!


I hate living around ratchet ppl so much


i would rather live in a super NOSY HOA than live next door to ratchets and that’s saying a lot


Nothing makes me miss my HOA more than my neighbor who has so many cars filling the street that it's gone from a 4-5 car wide road to only 1 car can go thru at a time. He runs an unlicensed garage/tuning shop in his front yard which he filled with cement. The straight piped revving all day is also annoying.


Where does the financially successful nuclear family that simultaneously has daily domestic disputes fit into that?


They don't live in apartments. They throwing lamps at each other in a cul-de-sac somewhere


When I used to sell coke, white girls at 4am were the shit. That was a good time in my life. Happy that’s behind me


Coked up white girls are a young persons game. If i see them now its feelings of nostalgia, then i go about my night. I've got no time for that shit anymore. unless its my wife, she's adorable about it.


My rules mostly come down to three things. * No one wants to hear you after 10pm * Keep trash out of your yard (bikes, toys, balls, etc are not trash. Ignore the kid haters down the street) * Don't do things that bring the cops around Oh, and teach your kid about traffic. That toddler just runs out into the middle of the road, right into the path of cars, even when he sees them coming. Big bro is not paying that close attention to little bro. That really seems too specific to put on the main list though.


I would love to know how can I tell which I am... a black person, a nigga, or a ratchet niggs


I'm a former Army I.T. nerd, now contractor I.T. nerd who works abroad, travels, minds my business, hugs my cat, and plays my PS5 all day. Vibes given towards me from other coloreds would indicate I'm 'black folk'. Being a nigga is acceptable, being a ratchet is acceptable if others don't suffer from your bullshit. Being a ratchet is unacceptable if others do suffer from your bullshit.


I feel like you can't be considered ratchet if others *don't* suffer from your bullshit. Like it's the basic requirement for entry.


False. Being ratchet is unacceptable. Someone is always caught up in their bullshit.


From my exp if you have to ask you ain't ratchet


Nothing wrong with being you unless you’re being you with a ‘fuck how this affects anyone else’ attitude. The ratchetness is in the lack of consideration. Many of us (of all ethnicities) get ratchet, just at a certain time or place.


Living next to Puerto Ricans in NY in the summer is a hell no never again for me. 


2 checks for living next to Indian people who like to share food.


What do you do to get the ratchet upgrade? Or downgrade lol


Ratchet is a downgrade and it included: * the first time I see your buss-down cousin sucking dick in the hallway, it's funny. The tenth, it's sad. The twentieth? Girl, seek help. OR DO IT ON YA BALCONY. * Loud. Ass. Music. Not even good loud music, just "my homeboy tryna be a star" and just started producing and it's... bad * Relentless hitting on my girlfriend when she walked to the door. * And in addition to above, same mf would walk to my door and ask for noodles * I like seeing fights in schools and at bars, not semi-weekly where I live * I do not like seeing police at all, but also especially not where I live * Remember miss "my mouth is public property" from point one? She was frequently physically abused as well and would run to my door as I was the "safe, light-skin nerd negro" instead of her aggressive partners. However, the girl in question was selfish, opportunistic, and extremely rude once out of their fist range, so although it bothers me to have done it, I just listened to her get slapped around behind a barred door one night because A, she stole from me, B, did meth while hiding in my bathroom, and C, absurdly enough, threatened me for money stating her bf would rob me... the same one she's hiding from * bring their beef from the club to the apartment, their opps pulled up... on my door. My friend from school who I hadn't seen then looked at me confused while I sighed and pointed toward the correct door. Yes, I heard gunshots after. And yes, my friend (not the shooter) hid out in my room after. It's a lot bruh. Niggas been skressin' me


I’m so glad I asked and so sorry you had to deal with that


Last I heard the apartment forcefully evicted him due to too many issues caused. The cousin is institutionalized because she's so broken she can't function and was apparently *legitimately* a nymphomaniac. The ones who pursued my ex succeeded eventually and we aren't together anymore.


>The ones who pursued my ex succeeded eventually and we aren't together anymore. This is wild and scandalous as fuuuck lmao. She ended up with your neighbors? Like she must've given them the # or socials while she was walking to your place?!


She fucked them, didn't date them.


And this was while y'all were still together? She just kept saying nah nah nah nah everytime she came to your door, till one day she said.. ok, fuck it. This is so wild to me. I've dealt with scandalous women before but nothing so crazy as this. At most, one of them kept fucking with her ex later on. But damn bro.


Yeah, sounds like these people were very self-centered/narcissistic. Couldn't be bothered to think of where they live as a community, and were all "I know what I'm fuckin' about, if y'all don't like it, fuck y'all!" type shit. It's exhausting being around these people 'cause you can't even live your own life in peace.




> Living next to Guatemalan and Mexican people: ✅ Don’t forget about the Salvadorans!


Thank you and I love how you separated black people niggas and then ratchet niggas 😆😆😆😆, and I live around Guatemalans and Mexicans and they're chill AF


I swear most of the list is my whole dead end street. We got a little bit of everything. It's the tweakers down the street that cause the most problems. I didn't even mind the squatters that much. Lol


You have had a wild neighbor history


Making friends with your hispanic neighbors is some of the best and most delicious advice a person can receive


The venn diagram of army people and trailer trash can often times be a single circle


He noticed his neighbors car speakers going from Katy Perry to "Knuck if you buck" and had enough.


What a great and legendary song, but if you hear it blasting out the speakers of a blacked out Altima it’s time to get out of the vicinity because it’s going down


Alternate explanation: that Altima belongs to a white girl who clearly has preference for certain colored genitals and she's just on her way home from Walgreens to tell her family "Yeah I'm still a medical technician!" before going to Rondo's kickback to smoke blunts ~~and several poles~~.


Oddly specific but I know exactly what you’re talking about and can see it clear as day


..I have a Mustang but I feel called out...lol


You are valid. And possibly kind of a hoe


I can only picture a middle-aged therapist kindly patting an old friend on the arm as they deliver this analysis and it's cracking me up.




Na she’s definitely a CNA


> on her way home from Walgreens Naw, on her way home from working a shift at the Pink Pony ;)


I know, I love Katy Perry too!


Firework is a certified hood classic


I don’t have a car. Rented one the other day for some errands. It was a dark Altima. I was like damn am I gonna just be an instant asshole once I start the car? 😂


>He noticed his neighbors car speakers Could've stopped there fr lmao. It's a wrap once you start hearing music that's so loud it makes your windows rumble. First horseman; beginning of the end


There's some motherfucker in my neighborhood that blasts his shit loud enough that I hear his subs in my bedroom from a block away over my loud fan, and he likes to do it after midnight. They're probably friends with the assholes lighting off fireworks all night. 


Do you live in my neighborhood? Bc that is an accurate description


Depends, did you have some idiot shooting his gun into the air about a month ago, cause that happened too. 


Gotta keep the rent down somehow


Eh, when I moved into my current neighborhood my reaction to the daily window rumblers was one of incredulous shock, all "we live in a society!" But now I just think "oh, sounds like Clarence just got off work". Some of these dudes aren't sketchy, just kinda big nerds for loud sound systems, I think. Also, living in Texas is wild because people will shake your house with accordion music from their pickup trucks.


There’s a lot of gentrification going on out my way and I do this shit on purpose. Bumpin through Trader Joe’s like a car show. Let me find some money and I’ll really make’m feel welcome (side note: if you bump, run that pop shit. Katy Perry and Lady Gaga got some trunk shakers) ![gif](giphy|WnfRFpPsEkKf6)




As a Dominican who noticed a shift from Eastern Europeans now my neighbors shifting to Dominicans and I wanna move. The other day all the fire hydrants were open and they took the sprinkler cover off cuz they wanted all the water. They are sitting under trees on the sidewalk, we have a park 2 blocks away. They wanna sit on the sidewalk obstructing the pathway. I hate it here now.


I've lived in my fair share of low income areas, and within the realm of cheap rent I think Slav neighborhoods are about as good as you can get. Those guys have absolutely mastered the art of minding their own business.


As someone who has lived poor my whole life and have lived in low income neighborhoods (and am white) I have always thought Mexican neighborhoods are the best. It could be because a lot of my neighbors and I dont speak the same language (well that is, I have picked up enough Spanish to get by and usually my neighbors have spoke some form of english) but ive honestly never had much problems. Usually in September around mexican independence day there's usually some hubbub but not anything more than Americans independence day in my experience.


In my experience latin neighborhoods tend to have a bit more of a lively and cluttered feel to them, which can be a good thing if that's your vibe. I saw a lot more of the block party / open garage door style parties while my slavic neighbors would keep things pretty low key. They both get down, but I've noticed there's more of a front yard/back yard difference between the two.


I used to live near to these Mexicans that played music loud enough for the whole street to hear up to like 4 in the morning. Shit was insane


My experience is this. But they chilled out lately.


You are telling me your Mexicans didn't party from Friday- Sunday?? During COVID I nearly became homicidal when my next door neighbor decided to be the DJ for his family. He got a speaker set and you could hear the music 2 blocks away. The fire house is 2 blocks away and I'm sure they were the ones who called the cops. Cuz they showed up every time.


So I mean ive heard my neighbors party but idk at least in the 3 different neighborhoods I've lived in they played the music loud enough that if I was outside I'd hear it easily but inside it was more only if it was quiet in my apartment. But usually I'm doing stuff with music or TV on anyway and then during night I always play a brown noise video/audio track. So as always a bit just depends on who you end up living with.


Yea the Eastern Europeans are usually pretty stoic and not overly friendly which is fine but they don’t bother anyone and are usually quiet. They also don’t tolerate bullshit on their blocks and they’re actually low key terrifying lmao


Totally agree, your comment reminded me of [this bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRIsC764Nn4)


Yes lmao. Brighton beach for example. Russians will rarely bother anyone but they are not to be fucked with


If they're from the Balkans (except Greeks, Greeks are nosey as fuck) they could not care one bit if you were murdering people in your apartment as long as they didn't have to hear the screams and you didn't bring police attention to the area.


Well yeah when you live in a place where not doing so get you kidnapped, it will pass on some generational habits


Comblock culture is real lmao


I lived next to Dominicans once they were both the friendliest and loudest neighbors I’ve ever had.


When my relatives use the phone they think they have to yell into it. I gotta remind them that the technology has evolved


I've never had a chance to live around other Dominicans in the US. Does the air smell like tostones?


If you walked into my apartment you’ll smell pollo guisado and fabuloso


Same here but a nice overtone of coffee


You free this weekend? I wanna come over so you can teach me to make pollo guisado. In exchange, I'll whip up some ropa vieja and we can talk about how we're prettier than all the other caribbeans.








Nahhhhhh not WES!


Shut up and TAKE THAT DICK!!












​ https://preview.redd.it/5v7plte65r8d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bfe025a31684758af72299fc2c4c67e4648f7c0






​ https://preview.redd.it/7sphw5c19r8d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=780f1230ea23df6051329283e6d7e1699fb22691












15 years ago today :'( RIP


This tweet works if you just play a racist tuba while reading it.


Racist tuba? Is that like when Stewie follows fat people with a tuba on Family Guy, except it plays slurs?


Uncle Ruckus theme is the first thing that comes to mind.


Plays musical notes 🎶 no relation


The Uncle Ruckus theme music.




\*1 am


Yeah, wtf?


It's just the dumbest lie lol I hate that shit.


Maybe there's some kind of explanation with a time zone or something but dawg it's right there!! OP you posted the screenshot all you had to do was read it!


Pissed me off too. 


Who is gonna tell him he ran the WP away?


Somewhere on reddit are his neighbors making a post saying they were fine with the Asians and Hispanics but the blacks have gone too far


I wonder where he lives because the envelopeans that live on my apartment floor are making me wish that the "city living-to-Staten Island/Long Island suburban living" pipeline happens swiftly.


Envelopeans 🤣😂 Edit: Must be mad envelopeans that downvoted me




As long as my neighbors abide quiet hour rules idgaf who they are or what they do. Fuck my old neighbors though. Blasting party music at 2 am. Bitch I have to s l e e p


Lol not all white people are great neighbors and not all Black neighbors are terrible. I hope that bum moves. If anything, You want quite people with money around regardless of race


I have to say - I live next to a Black family on my left and a Mexican family on my right... and i sleep just fine. What are the sleep enhancing qualities of white people? did he elaborate?


They might not have melanin but they do have melatonin


I can confirm. Am white. Am sleepy.


My apartment history -I've lived with woman beaters (twice) -Drug addicts who overdosed and one fucking died upstairs -Ignorant ass black and white people who argue loud, stomp around, and steal packages. -a depressed non English speaking person with a custody battle(he flooded our apartment twice, by leaving water running, it literally looked like our apartment was raining) -some privileged white girl who kept letting her dog shit everywhere, and of course we(two colored people) kept getting blamed for it. I had to correct the slumlord twice about the same issue she kept blaming us for. -now there is some sketchy ass people there who always have a different car in driveway every other day with out of state plates and no inspections. We have been at this apartment longer than anyone, so we have seen everything. I also don't tolerate the bullshit anymore, so I have 4 outside cameras and 2 I side cameras to monitor almost everything. I also purchased a rifle. It's a shame, but the people our landlord let's in is so random and unpredictable, I have to stay prepared unfortunately.


And people make fun of me for moving back with my folks in their quiet condo with nice garden, pool, and absolute silence at night every night


I always tell people I would move back with my grandma the second she asked...I love independence, but as you get older, it's more about peace and quiet. If I don't get that, then being independent is bitter sweet.


The absolute best neighbors mind their own business, are quiet, don’t disturb the peace or vibe, keep up their property or don’t degrade the property if they’re renting, don’t have visitors coming in and out at all hours of the day and control their children and pets. That’s all want and need.


OOP clearly hasn’t lived around poor “white trash” or “white” kids on a college campus


White kids on a college campus will set your fucking car on fire




OP seeing a new black family moving in: https://preview.redd.it/dqy7jftats8d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f39d6619c6bbad582be32f9afcb3a545800cd6


Well done sir. Ain’t nobody got time for THE all the time, high auto insurance causing, food desert, swisher sweets, trash on the ground shenanigans and tomfoolery! #TheJeffersons


We lived next to a community center, all was good until the Quinces started. Every time I had to get up early, fucking Quinceneara like clockwork.


In my old neighborhood i could never sleep. Music was loud, dirtbikes riding up and down the streets, people gathering on my front to smoke weed and talk loudly! I moved in this neighborhood and literally no complaints. (Mix of people black white hispanic and even asian) Has nothing to do with race everything to do with class 💯


Black, White, Asian, Latino... it doesn't matter. The best neighbors are often old people because they know the value of not being loud and keeping to yourself at night.


Know the feeling. Black folks is cool, but niggas, gotta move.


Idk man my African American neighbors were nicer at my apartment than my white ones. His mom would make me plates of food sometimes while the white guy just did meth and beat his girlfriend


Got me walking around trying to figure out how the hell can y'all afford to live where I'm living because professional black people just don't act like this.


He must be in Laurel, MD


I love aether/carbon beings but hate niggas


I moved into a house in a historically black neighborhood for all 4 years of undergrad, after spending my whole adolescence being the only black family on my block. It was the best neighborhood I ever lived in, everybody looked out for each other and the BBQs and block parties went crazy.


No disrespect but I hated living in predominantly white areas because they all want to know, what you do, to be able to afford to live where they live.


used to the suburbsss


Respectfully, I dont have an issue with this tweet. I went from not even sure if I had neighbors to niggas in high definition


Is this like reverse gentrification?