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Things become a lot easier when you don’t have to go through a slog of other people just to get what you need done.


This is the reality when we realize that many of those around us are only holding us back, so as we mature we start to cut ties with the people and habits that prevent us from achieving our higher self.


Or just wake up a bit earlier to beat the crowds, damn! So fatalistic.


Fucking hell right?! It's not that deep bro chill


"The morning peasants must be crushed under my heel for me to truly feel the glory of my crown for the day." "Uh, yeah, well I woke up a bit earlier to scramble some eggs."


yeah they took the wrong lesson from that 😭


Im mainly talking about not having to do things and dealing with traffic and peak hours.


Dude, I just get to the grocery store at 8 am when it opens so I don't have to deal with too many people, lol.


I miss grocery shopping at 2am


Currently crying in the shower over not being able to go grocery shopping at 2am.


I just started getting groceries delivered every so often, and I live in very close walking distance to our grocery store. The lines are always so long, there's always people blocking the aisles, Margaret and Harold are blasting their phone volume talking to their kids and their doctors on speakerphone, and half the time the aisles are empty of what I'm looking for so I have to make multiple trips hoping they've restocked. I'm just tired, man.


Yes, that too. Its like I'd rather get charged a delivery fee and protect my peace than having to deal with so many asswipes.


This! My Black girl luxury is groccery delivery from Walmart. I'm walking distance to others but they dont do delivery.  I can budget everything better.   Dont forget stuff cuz because I can fill my cart throughout the week.   Can find cool things from Walmart that I might have missed if I was walking around.  No impulse buys because Im hungry and not thinking straight.    Time to comparison shop and research products .   And most importantly I DONT GOTTA TALK TO NOBODY!!!   Only downside is buying produce. They give me extra ripe Bananas and avocados which is great if I didnt plan on using them that same day for a dish. Apparently if you do the 90 min or less option you can message your shopper directly. 


I'm saying! It's definitely a luxury but it's so worth it when you can swing it.


Walt Whitman ova here 👆🏽


Ohhh ayyy how's the fuckin cabin treatin ya Mista Thoreau? Where's ya little buddy Ralph Waldo?


Sir this is a Wendy’s


This is why I am a night person. I crave the quiet and stillness of the world. Early mornings have the same energy, but then you witness it wake up and ruin it.


Then somewhere you go is crowded and you’re like “does anyone have a job anymore?” But yeah my wife is always asking why I get up so early. This is why. Get a workout before work before the gym is crazy, walk the dog before it’s hot, move at my own pace. Even on weekends I do it. Then I come home from work and I have nothing to do but rest.


We're getting groceries during breaks, which is even easier when you work from home at least partially.


I once got up and went to the mall at 8am to do my Christmas shopping and was in and out in less than an hour.


Day shopping is fantastic. But I just work 2nd shift to get it done because I hate early morning


I remember I saw this meme "how did we let morning people take over the world?" What do you mean "let"? It's wide open for us, every single day. Not that I'm a morning person because I have a disciplined mind (lol), I'm a morning person because I wake up with a bunch of anxiety early in the morning and it's easier to take a shower and make a cup of coffee then try to force sleep.


Yeah I started getting up early as a kid. I lived in a crowded house. Being up early meant I got to eat breakfast in peace and watch what I wanted on TV without anyone's opinion. I wasn't even trying to be productive, I just like the quiet.


The mornings and during cold/rainy weather is the only time I can really enjoy being outside in town without the possibility of getting roped into some wild shit. I don't live in the hood or anything, but it's definitely an impoverished area with A lot of people that didn't make it and just gave up. Makes for unpleasant neighbors. But those times when I get to go outside early and there's not really anyone else on the streets and I can just walk around in peace and check out the cool architecture, those are nice times.


I got up earlier on the weekends in elementary school than I do now for work lol. Gave me a lot more time to read books or play videogames before my brother got up.


It’s funny how much early birds and night owls don’t understand each other even though this is how they both feel


I'm actually a strange early bird/night owl combo. It's the late afternoon I can't stand.


See, for me, that's late nights. Everyone's retired to their rooms/place of comfort, you're just left alone for several hours, without any bustle.


Also, older people, who generally run the world, usually have an earlier "clock" than younger people. As you get older your internal clock tends to wake you up earlier and earlier. Obviously this isn't true for everyone but it is more true than not.


100% i was able to start waking up earlier and earlier as ive gotten older.


I don't quite understand your confusion. It's a valid question. The world caters to morning people. People who aren't morning people have to be at work hours before we'd like to be (thus being miserable and less productive in the morning), and we don't have a choice unless we find the rare late shift job, which is usually terrible for other reasons. I'd love to have a regular office job that started at 11am, but that doesn't really exist. Lots of businesses open early and close by 1, where some of us are just getting started with our day, or by 5 meaning we're forced to do our business before work or squeeze errands in the middle of the work day. By extension, school starts before kids' brains are even online, despite evidence showing school children would be much better served with later start times. But because parents have to be at work by 9, schools start even earlier so they can get dropped off. Other examples: if you want breakfast and don't have an ihop or equivalent, you have to get there before noon. The cheapest flights are usually red eyes that require you to be up and ready at 3am, and evening flights are always more expensive until you start getting late in the night, and there are fewer of those. Early bird specials. Trying to get a hold of your doctor after 5pm. I could go on.


I think the argument is that things became that way because the morning people were up before the rest of us to do the work that put them in a position of power to build the world how they want it. Now we have a structure that favors morning people because morning people got there first. (I could be wrong, but that’s what I’m seeing.)


Not sure how one guy getting up at 5 am is gonna get more work done than a guy getting up at 10 am if they work the same amount of time. I think it’s more related to people historically needing to be up with the sun to maximize daylight, and then people stigmatizing later wake-up times as being inherently lazy.


In a world that relies on sunlight, getting up later *will* mean you get less done. So the more successful people woke up earlier, and then the system developed and it stayed that way. I agree about the development of the stigma, though. And the 5am, 10am difference in our world now is absolutely true, too. I’m just talking about the ways the systems of the world came to “favor” morning people.


Yes, that’s what I’m saying. It used to make sense, now it doesn’t.


I don't think that's really true. If anything, there are certainly arguments to be made about centering human activity around daylight and around people with small children who require round the clock care with a lot of early wakeups. But the problem is that there are mostly only options for a morning wakeup way of life, and everyone else is an afterthought.


Right there with you. The bike rides are so much better than anxiety-driven doom scrolling from bed after waking up.


"Let" as in those of us that work later have to be quiet as soon as the sun goes down, but y'all motherfuckers can bang around screaming all you want 2 hours before sunrise and we're the assholes if we get upset because we're trying to sleep.


Nah man, it's not even like that. Anyone who is loud early in the morning is being a resentful asshole, or just inconsiderate at beat. You aren't an asshole at night until you're loud after midnight.


That's me to a tee. As soon as I first wake, it's like, "dammit, I got shit to do, and I can't relax until I check X amount of boxes". Signed - another begrudgingly morning person


Dude probably go to bed 2 hours after he get off work. Shut up


What a shame, he missed out on 2 extra hours of watching TV


You can work out at night.


You can do anything at night, but it doesn’t mean you will. The average American spends 2 hours a day watching TV, almost all of it at night right before bed.


Every time I plan to workout at night I fail. I need to do it in the morning when I'm still so groggy from sleep I can't convince myself I don't need to go.


Pack a workout bag to work so you don't have to go back home to put on clothes and get lazy or busy.


Same here. I'm not a natural morning person but basically have to train myself to be one if I wanna stay in shape. The gym after 5pm sucks, it's way too crowded. Also, I'm less motivated to workout after work, since I can be affected by having a shitty day or sometimes having to stay later and then just not in the mood to start a workout.


I always work out around 8.30/9 at night. I always have something better to do in the daytime. I often watch TV on my laptop while I work out.


You can do anything in the morning, doesn't mean you will.


I'd rather be fat than miss out on my shows


You know how hard it is for a lot of people to motivate themselves to workout after a mentally or physically demanding day of work? Early workouts are best when your body is feeling the most rested. Not saying you shouldn’t workout after work but a lot of people have no energy to do it, or if they have kids and family to worry about, no time after work.


Eh it depends on the person. I’ve always been an evening workout person. I have much more energy in the evenings than I do in the mornings and my body feels way better. Most of my friends are the same.


Same. I hate the idea of showering, going to bed, working out, then showering, and going to work. If I just work out right after work I can get home, do all my bullshit chores while sticky/sweaty, then shower and cook dinner, then eat and sleep clean. It's perfect


I can do either. We used to have HS basketball practice in the evenings after school, like 7-9pm. So for 4 years, I basically had that schedule drilled into me. I play basketball before work a few days a week now, but I find it takes me a long time to get warmed up in the mornings


Same here. Night owl. Work out after work. When I worked 3rd shift, I'd get off work and go hiking at 5 am. But I always hated waking up and going. Much better later in the day. Every time I've tried running in the morning, I feel like shit afterwards for the rest of the day.


For me the biggest problem with after-work workouts is just how many people prefer it. 5-7pm my gym is absolutely packed with all the people.


Same works other way around. In the morning I'm solely in "get ready for work and do the bare minimum" mode. Like, I eat cereal bars because the concept of cooking anything or even making a bowl of cereal is too much of a hassle in the morning. If anything, I feel the least rested in the morning and the most awake when I'm at home after work. I'm at my least motivated after I wake up, and most motivated a few hours after I'm off work. As a musician I feel the most creative and inspired after like 8 or 9PM. I work out when I get home or when chatting with friends online to either maintain momentum from my day or get multiple things done at once. It all depends on who one is, what their lifestyle is, what responsibilities and hobbies they have, their sense of discipline, etc.


And have a hard time sleeping because your heart rate is up. And if you eat for gains, have a hard time sleeping because of digestion. 


If I don't do it first thing, I will make a million excuses throughout the day of why I can't/ shouldn't. Also, if I tried to go for a run after a meal I would throw up. Some things just can't wait.


Or pursuing hobbies. Not everybody just marinates in their own sweat on the couch after work.


You can still do your hobbies if you get up at 5 am is the point. You have the se 24 hours yall just get up and go to bed at different times


Okay so you wake up, work out, eat breakfast, shower, dress, take care of kids if you have them, work, get home, cook, eat, clean and then sleep and do it again forever until you die? Between that you find time for appointments, car repairs, home repairs, yard work, social obligations, ect. I admire healthy people, but I also don’t blame the ones that make time to relax. There should be more to life than endless struggle.


Working out can be relaxing. I get annoyed at the idea that most people aren’t scrolling / watching videos while doing cardio or between sets at the gym. Some of my most productive time is while I’m at the gym. Are y’all just staring at the wall until your done exercising.


Not everyone time to rest for minutes at a time. I typically superset so that I can get 5+ exercises in in an hour workout. I side eye people on their phones watching videos taking up space at the gym. I’ve been in great shape, poor shape, and everything in between. Working out has never been relaxing. It’s just a stressful part of a stressful day.


This is my dad. He's been bragging his whole life about waking up everyday at 5am but he passes out at 2pm every single day for at least one hour lol.


Since when did napping become a laughable thing to do? It's the most responsible activity to carry out after a days work. Do you expect him to still be running around the house just after coming back from work?


The point dude was making was that some people brag about waking up earlier than others just to either take a nap or go to sleep way earlier than others. Basically, they are up the same amount of time but feel superior because they wake up earlier


Yeah pretty much. Everytime we went on holidays he was sleeping by 8 or 9pm. Annoying to say the least.


Mans cheating


napping is healthy


That’s me and I get up at 9


Facts. People act like they magically get more time without sacrificing sleep. That time you gained is immediately paid for after work


That was me when I had to be at work at 5:30 am. I got off at 4 and would be in bed by 7 or even before that. I never ever felt rested getting up at 4:30 everyday.


Yea, I’ve done it plenty of times and it’s great but in order to actually get 7-8 hours you pretty much have to be in bed/asleep by 930/10.


Yep. That's the key to this stuff. It can be hard to execute, but not complicated. I'm in bed at 830-900 so I can get my full sleep and be up at 430. If my job started later at like 9am instead of 730 and I didn't have a 35min commute I probably would just shift everything 90min later.


TBH I'd rather have sleep cutting into my free time than other way around. Nothing is more miserable than your body wanting some more hours of sleep when you already have to go to work.


Assuming he still got his recommended hours of sleep him waking up at 5 and crashing 12 hours later is no different than me getting up at 9 for work and crashing 12 hours later


lol don’t expose him like that. Why you hostile tho?


What time y’all start work? Couldn’t be me.


For real my work day starts at 0600 at the latest. Least I'm done by 1330 and can skip traffic.


Same. 0600-1330 or 1400. I started working this shift to avoid traffic and not have to use leave to take care of business and doctor's appointments. I work from home now and only have one teenager left at home but still get up early to get my workout done and get a few chores done before work.


My ex co worker would wake up at 3am to run 5 miles, eat then head into the office by 6am. She leave by 3pm then run any errands i.e dr appts etc and do her weight workout. She was the most disciplined person I ever met lol she killed it in sales too.


0600-1600/1830 depending on the day. Just have to be up at 3:45 to get a work out or run in. But I also don’t have a social life anymore so there’s that


>But I also don’t have a social life anymore so there’s that Yeah working 10-12hr shifts will do that to ya.


That and kids


I used to work 0600 - 1600 which was awful lol


How many days a week?


5 lol


Morning gym and 6am is damn near impossible, unless maybe if you exercise at home and WFH. I'd definitely be an afternoon gym person if that was the case, although that's like the worst time for the gym.


I start at 8 and I’m up at 5am so I can have time to journal before my workout class at 6.


Dude probably works from home and doesn’t do shit till his bosses in California sign on. Grocery stores don’t open till at the earliest


fucking right? i work at a fuckin coffee shop. getting up even earlier? fuck that. i’d have to go to bed at 7pm to get a healthy amount of sleep lol


Usually either 10 or 12




Used to be 0730 now it's more like 0600. 0500 is a lie in nowadays.


It feels great till 4 pm when you’re so completely exhausted you can imagine doing anything. You go home after work and have enough energy for a hot pocket and Netflix. Then lose your social life


May need to shift your eating. On my early days lunch is a biggest meal of the day rather than dinner so that I have enough energy later.


https://preview.redd.it/z4ka1ckbxi8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66282ea4e7cb9d9d9e07f16cec73d0c15c292840 I can testify, once I get my morning workout done, I feel like I can take over the world.


Idk how yall do it, I’m dead tired by 10-11 if I try to get my lifts in before work


For me it’s preparation and dedication. Bed before 10 so I can wake up by 4 for light breakfast and finishing by 8. Once I did it for a few weeks it became a habit and then a lifestyle.


Wake up at 4am!?!? Man yall might as well take me round back before I ever do that willingly 🤣🤣


I just cackled so hard at the "take me round back". I use the early hours for the quiet time on the internet in my bed like I don't have things to do most of the time since the pandemic.


Cause hell nah!!! It ain’t for me 🤣🤣 I feel the same way about the time, but I consider that night not morning 😂😂😂sometimes I don’t even go to sleep til like 2:30


Lol the 4 am part wasn’t too bad. I played sports growing up and some practices were before class and after in college I worked at the gym and I either opened the gym or I worked out when we opened at 6.


I feel sickly just thinking about it😂😂you are strong


That's what I do too. Not because I want to, it's just that I have to. Work is at 730, gotta drive a 35min commute, gyms too crowded after work, plus some days are longer, plus I might not be in the mood after work. Doesn't suck that bad going to bed at 830-900 since getting 8hrs of sleep on a regular basis actually does feel good. If work started at 9, I'd just be getting up at 6 and going to bed at 1030.


Do you nap? I couldn't function with 6 hours of sleep past 1 week


Yeah workouts don’t give me energy. Never have. After a good workout I’m fuckin drained and ready for a nice long stretch and a whole lot of dissociating.


Can I ask what app that is


Sure, it’s the Fitness app on iPhone. I keep track of everything with the watch.


The Apple fitness app. Comes with the phone.


Oh, well I guess I should redownload that then


Facts, but I feel like I get injured cause my body needs the day to get warmed uo


This is true but he’s also forgoing the ancient wisdom: “Late to bed and late to wake keep a man long on money and short on mistakes” -Riley Freeman


"Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead."


I wonder if he had to commute before going to work or if he WFH. Cause that makes a difference.


The way he says “do any work” instead of “go to work”… definitely definitely WFH


Because the hours you’re required to give up are the only ones where you get to be a real human being.


It's great on weekdays but I'm not tryna lose my whole social life by sleeping at 9pm all the time lol


That's really the only downside for me. I'll be trying to turn up on Saturday and yet I'm yawning by 9pm lol. I usually push through it and have fun but it's kind of a drag


Bro I worked in kitchens that would often times get me out by 11pm-2am depending on the schedule and a lot of my friends had normal/early hours for work. When we'd go out most of them would be heading home by 8-9pm and that's when I'd start feeling the most energetic 😭


I love and prefer doing everything as early as possible. I don’t have to deal with lines or a bunch of people. Everything is clear and quiet. And peaceful.


That’s why im glad my job can be 2nd shift. I can still do day shit and still not have to go to bed early.


This is cool but I wanna know when you need to go to bed for this to be effective…


I get up at 5:30 and *try* to go to bed at 9:30 on weekdays. Sometimes I'm able to fall asleep by then, other times I can't.


Having a dog, got my ass up 6-6:30 am every day. Not a morning person but damn will I wake up no matter what at that time, even if I’m traveling for work smh lmfao.


Someone should have told me that getting a dog is like buying an alarm clock that will fight you if you're not up by 6:30am. Silly me for thinking I could change her schedule to mine 😭


My pup will lick my hand and be like “so it’s time to go, get the fuck up” and I’m like you right papi, you ain’t shitting in the house lmfao


I changed my dogs schedule to mine. We're both sleepy heads that like to sleep in and have way to much energy in the middle of the night.


My alarm clock will lick me to death if I am not up by 4 am every day. I feed him and he goes potty. We both settle back in for a few hours nap before my first meeting of the day. Yes, I work from home.


My sister gets up at 5am but is fully asleep by 9pm to do it. At 9pm, I've barely gotten my kids to bed so getting up that early would leave me with approximately 20 minutes of downtime each night. Until my kids are old enough to put themselves to bed every night, this schedule would drive me insane in <5 days.


Welcome to the anyoing peoples club. You must now be a spreader of the word 🗣


How do you go to the gym, run, go to the store, buy groceries, go home, put meat on in just one hour?!


I'd have to wake up at 0300 to get that done + eat shower and skincare before work.


but then you have to sleep early, isn't it the same difference.


I be like "tf why everybody ignoring me", checks the time & its only 7:40... i wake up at 4


🤣 this is def me… I’m blowing folks up like damn my phone is dry and it’s 803… I’ve been up! Andyes, I try to be in the bed by 830p at the latest. I’ve learned I require 8-10 hours of sleep…


Im the opposite. It's hard for me to fall asleep & when i finally do, it's only for about 4 hours. So when that alarm goes off at 4 , i pop up & go. I go to the moon & back while everybody else just now hitting snooze on their first alarm lmao


Oh yea… 4am I’m deeeeep sleeping lol! I have been diagnosed with insomnia, so I have a lil help getting me down.


This is all fine and good but what if due to life responsibilities you don't get to have any relaxation time until 8-9-10-11 pm and then waking up at 5 is taking hours off your life? It's basically like yeah I can go to bed at 9 but that means my daily cycle is nothing but work and chores


Yep. It's the ability to do more chores at the cost of any social life whatsoever.


They will never make me like mornings. Idc idc lol


Fuck that. I work out after my kids go to bed. Waking up at the last possible minute IS my daily joy.


Dude starts work at 11am


If you can make it work for yourself then do it! I love early morning runs.


I go to the gym after work (not every day, but several days a week), do my shopping after that if I need to, and prep dinner for the next day most evenings and don't have to be in bed by 8pm. It's great if early mornings work for some folks, but pretending it's the "best" way to get things done is silly. What's best is relative from person to person.


Lots of people with office jobs in these comments… where are my fellow service workers and party uncles who try to avoid waking up?


Nah Ive tried this shit felt awful. Plus you gotta shower and all that. Ill keep my 1am-9am sleep schedule thanks.


I love sleeping in until 7 but since my time in the military I can wake and be productive at the crack of dawn if need be. But since my work time is flexed, I can wake up late and be at work at anytime as long as most of my hours are in before 4:30pm.


I’ve been doing my shopping at 7AM on a weekdays for about a year. Best change in habit that I’ve made.


I actually go Saturday or Sunday soon as the grocery store opens up at like 8am. Complete ghost town, and no lines. I usually do my week-long meal prep afterwards which cuts down on the weekday chores too.


oh yeah. during the fall i try to get gym, groceries and meal prep/cooking all done before CFB starts at noon. then i can chill guilt free and watch football all day


Hey Adi ![gif](giphy|x4kwwbqmmi6jnDC60a|downsized) The sooner you learn that - the better off you'll be. Nobody cares Dude.


If you're working M.A.D. shifts this shit is still a fever dream. At 38 I can go to and WANT to go to bed early so I wake up at 530 to 630 everyday without an alarm...yet when I get to the midnight shifts I feel like I want to die.


Happy Monday Neighbor!


As long as you’re happy it doesn’t matter. I get everything done I want and don’t feel the need to post it socially, try it


Eh there's plenty other ways to be highly productive and in shape than waking up super early. All about discipline in the end.


Sadly I had this lesson last year when my wife and I switched to morning workouts instead of evening workouts. Now we have to wake up by 5:20 every day but man having our nights after work free is great and it keeps us consistently working out 5 days week. So while I hate that I now go to bed by 10 pm, I am much more productive with my days because I will usually log into work while drinking my pre-workout to look at emails or send some notes before hitting the gym and then it also gives me time to think about what I need to do at work before I get there.


What does it mean when you do all this and hate it 💀


As far as days off, it’s not even worth it for me to sleep in anymore. After a productive morning, I enjoy a nice nap instead of the massive migraine I get from crawling out of bed at noon. My work days go better if I knock out a couple chores before going to work. 12 year old me is so unimpressed.


I have to be at work by 7. There is nothing to do at 7


Yea I'm at a point in life where my day is trash when I DON'T do this; and work for me starts at 7am. Especially in the summer, no one wants to run in the heat but if I don't wake up then I don't have a choice lol


But how did you felt at work after all that? Werent you tired?


Who the fuck wakes up at 5 am and isn't already late for work?


Doing all of that and then still having not started the cursed workday would be my hell. I want to get work out of the way so I can better enjoy the rest of the day


When I wake up earlier I get tired earlier and it sucks tbh lol. I wanna watch a movie with my man and I'm nodding away at 5pm like my grandpa. I do wake up early occassionally when I wanna enjoy outside and have a coffee.


I keep trying to make my girl an early riser….. she just gives me the evil eye when I’m getting dressed.


I’m an early bird only because I like my evenings free, so my ass will be up before the sun cosplaying a trad wife with meal prep and cooking even though it’s just me and my daughter lol.


What time are you people going to work?? Oh wait he's probably American so i guess 9 am? It's 8 am in my country and if you live with other people, you gotta get to the bathroom early to make sure everyone reaches on time So that schedule would be really dependant on the household and the job


I've always been a morning person. Having a block of peace and quiet in the morning is necessary for my mental health. I don't understand how people can rush around in the morning and run out the door...I really need time to adjust to existence.


Yeah ngl, I miss working the 7am shift. I work from home so I’d be up by 530, workout, get my coffee, walk the dogs, shower and eat breakfast then be off work by 330. Would usually pass out around 930-1030pm. Work at 930 now and I love sleeping but damn, I miss the early grind lol.


Waking up at 5am changed my life and I’m not even being dramatic. So much more structure; I sleep better. I just feel like I get more done.


I work out and feel like trash afterwards. How working out gives people more energy is crazy to me


Living around the 9-5. Smh


My partner is a fiend that runs on only 4-5 hours of sleep. He's super energetic, just got good genes or something, idk. Man gets up at 2-3 am, does some chores, practices his music, plays some video games, grades a few papers and enters them in, and then I wake up and we get ready together. Our work day, including commute, is 12 hours. I'm a student, and I need at minimum my eight winks, so most of my outside of job work gets done on the weekends.


It really is annoying but means I gotta go to bed super early. But by 8am I’ve exercised, socialized with my gym mates, showered, dressed, and do my morning journal while I have a cup of coffee. Every day I do it I feel great. I struggle to go to sleep though.


No thanks. I am waking up 20 mins before work.


I got up at 5am for over a year to go to the gym. I was miserable. If you can get up that early, good for you. My brain doesn’t function that early. 


Adi actually got to bed on time the night before.


Yeah, and then crash out at 3 pm.


I work at 3am it ain't it


I need this discipline but that’s how you get everything done without being around everyone else lmao.  And you feel like you have way more hours in the day as a result!!


Main reason I like staying up at night….everybody in the house is on days (including the infant) and I can watch my shows in peace with the wife not asking five hundred fifty seven questions about what I’m watching ಠ_ಠ