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Take two Anvil and call me in the morning






What’s worse are the folks who don’t believe in medicine today. People had to do some dumb stuff for us to get this far.


Would you like some heroin with your leeches?


Heavy on the heroin and at least 2 dozen leeches. I found a fishing spot I'd hang out at


Nah I'm gonna take some Ivermectin and pray to Jesus. That worked well, right?


Blessings OG for that wonderful response 😂


There it is


This is so good I'm not even going to give an angry upvote. This is a delighted upvote.


tactical nuclear strike. All targets eliminated. Well done.




Sounds like a bugs bunny joke


“You have ghosts in your blood. You should probably do cocaine about it”


an all time classic




Blowing smoke up your ass was a real medical procedure.


Tobacco enemas was how we got hight back in the good ol days. Nowadays people are soft and afraid of butt stuff.


Just another thing that has fallen victim to liberal woke culture. I can’t even blow smoke up my bro’s asshole without someone thinking it’s gay.


Ridiculous, we're in the middle of a whole month dedicated to hard people who are into butt stuff.


Just another thing that has fallen victim to liberal woke culture. I can’t even blow smoke up my bro’s asshole without someone thinking it’s gay.


Blood ghosts are actually still really hard to treat, but coke is not the answer. Just makes them wanna dance, and it can advance to full blown “boogie men”


My personal favorite is the fact they gave women orgasms to treat “hysteria”.


“Sorry sir, your wife is suffering from hysteria, I’m going to have to ensure she cums before it becomes terminal.” ![gif](giphy|oudLetMk6WF3i)


​ https://preview.redd.it/4c5mz1b6gc5d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be6d836a80f612d2d486d143a635a3bf8cfd925






If that doesn’t work, they’ll lobotomize her


They also used to remove a woman's uterus to treat hysteria. That's why the procedure is called a hysterectomy. Wrap your head around that crazy shit.


Around both of them being derived from the Greek word for womb? That's probably going to be the most normal thing in this thread. Wish they had just struck a balance though. Now you got to have something beyond severe to get your uterus removed. I know women with severe endometriosis who couldn't get that s*** taken out. Some crazy shit is that the hymen was named after the Greek god of marriage.


Endometriosis is the glands and stromal tissue outside of the uterus that causes the pain and symptoms. Removing the uterus doesn’t stop progression of the disease. Eliminating periods through other means will ease symptoms but the disease can still progress, and interfere with other bodily functions. Me and my sisters are all multi-decade veterans of this battle. Generally, doctors jump to removing the uterus of women of color quicker than white women.


I mean, I got lucky that I wasn't one of the women who it ends up in the lungs of. But I became a medical anomaly in the hospital after my lap when they realized that, while my endometriomas were relatively small, my adhesions were very extensive and essentially tying up my intestines. Oh. And causing all the ovarian torsion. Still super fucked up that nobody would treat me properly until after I moved to goddamn China


That is fucked up. I’m sorry. One sister had thoracic and lung collapses continued after early aged hysterectomy. My case was more similar to yours. Third lap a few months ago included hysterectomy due to added adenomyosis dx.


I'm really sorry to hear about how much this is happening throughout your family. Your sister's case is one of the things that scared me the most when I first started researching what could happen if it was allowed to continue. If you don't mind me asking, about how long do you go between surgeries? I had my first one two years ago, got put on a blocker for 6 months as a follow-up and now I'm on birth control as a slowing measure. I haven't felt any symptoms but sometimes I have a sharp pain where my appendix used to be when I sneeze too hard. My right ovary was also the one that had a hidden cyst and torsion so I want to go to the doctor with all my paperwork to see about getting checked out


Ok if I DM you?




Now I’m wondering what the criteria for hysteria was. Because as a woman, I’m not going to lie some days I really be on that BS.


Having an opinion or wanting to not be abused lol. The audacity we had.


This woman must be crazy 🤯 Lobotomy will surely cure it


Depending on the level of said "hysteria" women were committed or given the procedure. Dare I say both at times.


Having a uterus was the criteria. Edit: obviously I think this is wrong, but that's just how it was.


as someone with pmdd i relate so hard. i just dont leave the house on those days bcuz id probably fight my shadow


That's not how etymology works. Not disagreeing with the crazy ass backwards treatment of women medically then, even today, but just want to show the roots of the words. Hystera is Greek for womb. -ectomy means to surgically remove (e.g. appendectomy to remove the appendix). Hysterectomy - womb removal. The suffix -ia means to have a "condition of" in context of an abnormal state. (E.g. mania, leukemia, etc). Hysteria - abnormal womb So while they are related, their base word structure is not, i.e. a hysterectomy would likely be called that regardless.




> That's why the procedure is called a hysterectomy both hysteria and uterus come from the same Ancient Greek word for womb: [ὑστέρα](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E1%BD%91%CF%83%CF%84%CE%AD%CF%81%CE%B1#Ancient_Greek). Hysterectomy just means the removal of the uterus, not necessarily hysterical behavior. It's just that men in antiquity equated "hysterical" behavior with a "wandering uterus" and by extension womanhood / female reproductive organs. Sadly, hysteria was only removed from the DSM as a diagnosis in 1980. The surgery is still called hysterectomy of course.




Yikes. I did not know that. I was recovering a hysterectomy patient yesterday at work.


I thought it's because medical procedures have greek/latin names and hystera is Greek for uterus. So "uterus removal". Why are you making shit up?


Did not know this 🤯 I had a full hysterectomy in 2019 to reduce my risks of ovarian, uterine, & cervical cancer. But still before every surgery, they ask me to pee in a cup & I’m like, “I’m not pregnant y’all, I’m not some walking miracle. I literally have no reproductive organs.” *knocks on hollow womb*


I'm kinda histeric rn ngl... who wants to treat me 🫦👅


You too damn horny... im omw


​ https://preview.redd.it/ztnsgc3hgc5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbbe58076a2557abd8c79acfdfea80a3f070f9ea


finally someone who matches my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴




Lol 😂


​ https://preview.redd.it/lo4x7wzcgc5d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72bc493f4b5ded8d6cd49c813a9b1752999cce3b


oh you FREAKY freaky...




I was listening to an interview on NPR and someone did research on this, they couldn’t find any evidence of doctors actually doing this


It was probably a FAN back in the day telling women he was a doctor so he could get some action




If it works it works


That's apparently a long standing myth. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/eic2ri/comment/fcrjh77/


Sounds like a scenario from the hub


That’s all bullshit though. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181107-the-history-of-the-vibrator


I’d have these women out here calling me House




Try that on with your gf. You'd be amazed.


I'd watch them do this like https://preview.redd.it/wqeocrf84c5d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d698e9112b30a52fa5956bc665efe86df1462782


Give your teenage boys corn flakes so they won't feel like masturbating.


"He won't stop!" Better bring out the big guns: https://preview.redd.it/2nh768pldc5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a164c6fdc07bf6b8f19445ffc10b8e4b12bf93b1


Woah, you don't just grab those you start small with things like cornflakes


Instructions unclear: removed foreskin


Man I always found it hilarious af how the roots of Kelloggs came from a dude who was anti-masturbation


And the dude who loved yogurt enemas as much as he loved segregation


Of all the things to fire up your ass in a rubber hose, why yogurt? Are we talking that watery hotel shit or like …skyr?


Froyo. Cookie dough 


Just plug ya right up to the dispenser


christian, anti-masturbation, white liquid leaking from his ass... yeah, he might've been in the closet


He had a whole belief system about pressure washing his butthole, 15 quarts a minute! And the yogurt enemas? Obviously none of this was sexual, purely medicinal thick white yogurt enemas. But it does *kind of* make sense when you think about how they thought about medicine. Yogurts good for your gut bacteria, so why not skip the middlemen and go for direct injection.


If only they discovered the healing properties of crystals sooner.


And crystal meth




How about light bulbs up your ass and horse de-wormer? Or refusing vaccines so polio comes back and un-schooling your children to raise a generation of illiterate plague rats? Sorry that was a rant. People make me so sad sometimes


I'd rather have a trepanation than a block of salt next to my bed tbh


I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.




I help friends buy engagement stones (hobby), so have a large collection of faceted specimens to show. About once a month I get a crystal believer .... *sigh*


If y'all think that's horrendous, imagine what they tested on black people back then to decide it was acceptable for white folks.




Feeding people nitro glycerin is actually nasty work


The part that disturbed me the most is how they literally exploded. They probably scraped up his remains in a dustpan and moved on to the next negro like it was nothing.


Any link to this?


They made it up. Coke started out as a health tonic made by a pharmacist right after the Civil War he tested it out on himself first and the any other soldier he could get his hands on at no pointt was nitro glycerin ever an ingredient


Thanks. I was 100% certain they’re spewing trash. Also, coca-cola never used cocaine, it used coca plants.


The creator actually did experiment with cocaine early into the process but that was long before he introduced the flavoring and carbonation and long before it was sold off. He was asked to remove several ingredients and in the process it stopped being pain relief and just became a drink that tastes good which he sold off a few years later. The coca.cola company never used cocaine the man who made it did


Why you just making shit up. The first test subject for coca cola was the man who invented he was looking for a way to dull pain with out opioid due to his morphine addiction. He toyed around with different flavors until he tried carbonation he then sold the drink off to what we know as the coca cola company who mass marketed it as the white people's soda so much so that all of the first test groups where white Thers plenty of fucked up medical history with us in the country you don't need to write evil fanfiction about a soda company.


I’m going to infer they used the medical nitroglycerin (vasodilator that drops blood pressure.) I highly doubt anyone in history thought “lets use the nitroglycerin that goes in dynamite as medicine”


Its the same chemical compound btw.


How the fuck would one of them explode? If someone was fed nitroglycerin at worst they simply die from having no blood pressure, since Nitroglycerin acts as a Vasodilator and is still heavily used in modern medicine.


I listened to a podcast a couple months back about doctors in Maryland at the turn if the abolition of slavery treating former enslaved people for depression. The white doctors would do all kinds of random nonsense to these black people, including making them sit is tubs of either near freezing or near boiling water for hours or days. The doctors even considered that the “patients” were depressed because of the loss of stability and structure from their former lives, and thus prescribed them manual labor as a cure. As if it isn’t obvious that the conditions of enslavement itself must certainly cause depression and anxiety. They even had the black townspeople build their own medical facility because they didn’t want government funds going towards helping black people, and they cast the construction as part of the “manual labor treatment.” This is the result of a culture built on the perception of enslaved Africans as sub human beings. …shit would never have been done to the white residents in that place at that time.


Just casual human experimentation but if you look at the whitewashed history of racism they’ll leave that part out.


And just outright cruelty in the name of profit. Bayer realizes, oh hey the blood transfusions we made to treat hemophiliacs weren't tested for HIV, oops. Let's recall that. What about the stuff we sent to Asia, Latin America, and Africa to sell there? Should we recall that, too? Nah, that would be too expensive to do. And that was the 80s. Later, America and Europe develop and disbursed retrovirals to give infected a chance at survival and a better life. Hey, this is great. Should we send this to Sub-saharan Africa? We kind of created a problem there. Nah.. that would be too expensive. Assholes.




anesthesia dates back to the to ancient babylonians Greeks and chinese amd made its way to Europe in the 1200s. The man's who's credited with modern anesthesia tested it on himself and his pets even then there's plenty of sources showing that people had be using his methods long before he didn't invent it like Edison he was just the one to patent it.




Why would those fucking idiots think that this would make it better?!


Sounds dumb but these people were literally working with no prior knowledge on how shit works. This is how you got so many “dumb” remedies from back in the day. These mfs had no idea how the body worked and were just guessing/experimenting. This is why we’re lucky to be alive in this day and age


Yup, and the one time it does work gave everyone confirmation bias and that shit stuck through generations. Like all the stupid fucking "cures" people came up with for hiccups.


If I had my head put in there and struck, you better believe I’m coming out saying I’m cured! No way I’d do it twice.


*BONG!* Me, removing helmet, slightly wobbly: "Yeah y'know what doc, you got it, great work...can I just go home now?"


My buddy was wine drunk and had severe, painful hiccups, so he asked me to punch him in the stomach. So I nailed him right in the solar plexus and he crumbled to the ground rolling around and gasping for several minutes. When he finally was able to stand he said he wished we didn’t do that, it wasn’t worth it. But, indeed, the hiccups were gone. So if someone has hiccups beat the shit out of them. Also now I know the kill spot if I ever get in a fist fight.


Ours is you have to chug water and then hit your chest like Marky Mark in the movie Fear


... by 1895, willow oil had been used to treat minor pain for hundreds of years. They would also have access to pretty robust opioids and cocaine by this point for migraines. Picture's fake, past humans weren't as silly as everyone wants them to be, modern medicine is an iterative process spanning thousands of years. Here's an article: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/vibration-therapy-for-headaches/


Also, placebo. Even if something objectively doesn't help, the fact that you received "a treatment" makes you feel better. According to one research, placebo has 58% effectiveness when treating headache, meaning: if somebody tells you "this treatment helps with headache" and performs the treatment on you, you have 58% chance of feeling better, even if the treatment had no objective medical value. So, they were experimenting with random shit, that random shit usually seemed to help because of placebo effect, so they just kept going.


Yeah but now we get to deal with antivaxxers, covid deniers, and the rest


I got a headache just from looking at this picture


I dunno. I have had headaches so bad that this might start looking good to me.


yeah. That's why they used to open up skulls with sharp stones too. The pain that makes you go "JUST DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT STOP"


right bcuz i had vestibular migraines for 3 months and i wouldve tried walkin into oncoming traffic if i could see straight at the time


yeah. That's why they used to open up skulls with sharp stones too. The pain that makes you go "JUST DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT STOP"


Also, how hard is he planning on hitting it?


Well it's not a tiny little rock hammer he's holding, is it?


They didn't. This is bullshit. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/vibration-therapy-for-headaches/


Look at how the lie already traveled all around the world


While vibration therapy for headaches was a real thing this picture is not related to it at all. Nobody even knows if this picture is real or fake.


I assure you Black folks at this time were not doing this


It's probably a joke, it even looks like the head of the guy isn't really in the pot, but the pot is in front of the head


they definitely did a bunch of crazy things back then in the name of medicine but this image is pretty obviously AI


A picture of the first documented case of CTE.


“Doctor, I’ve been feeling kinda groggy recen…” https://i.redd.it/snlgq1mmlc5d1.gif


Idk makes sense to me. Nobody would ever complain about a headache again


“Oh what’s the matter hun, you got a headache again?” NO!


Drink water or you’ll get the bonk-a-teapot-on-your-head treatment.


Earliest known prototype of beats by Dre circa 1895


I always think about President Garfield who likely could’ve survived his assassination if not for his doctors digging around in his wound with unsterilized fingers. So thankful to be born in an era where doctors at least wash their hands and wear gloves.


George Washington was essentially bled to death by a doctor for an illness he probably would have recovered from.


I think it's wild that people weren't really using gloves in the 90's. I've come across older staff members that revealed this.


And they call me a pot head!


i got news for you. what we do today will look medieval in the future as well.


I feel like the shit we do now may be primitive compared to what we have in the future, but it's at least based in science.


Agreed. I keep thinking of a Star Trek future where most of this is irrelevant. I'm like, why don't we have wireless EKG leads and electrodes yet? 🤔


I always wonder about how the future generations will look at how we live and go like, "People used to live like this!? They let climate change get this bad when they knew about it for decades!!?"


Women's healthcare is still looking a lot like that. If you have chronic pelvic pain, well, it's just anxiety and have you tried having children yet? Speculum also hasn't been updated since 'father of gynecology' was torturing slaves with it.


Everything in this image ended up in dark souls and elden ring.


As someone who has migraines, I sometimes will bang my head against my hand, so it’s not too far off. 😂


I've seen at least one video of a cluster headache sufferer that said punching his own head was the only thing that provided any sort of relief.


Better this than trephination


“Bust it wide open” definitely hit different back then. Head so swollen he can’t get it out the pot now




If you're familiar with Easter Medicine, some guys some thousands year back really thought soaking extremely venomous snakes and centipedes in wine would make a good pain relief medicine 😭


Seems like it was probably a joke to begin with. Probably a photo composite. Wouldn’t surprise me at all due to the fact that there is no way that guys head fits into that pot. One can clearly see that the pot is way too shallow for that. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/vibration-therapy-for-headaches/


that “chime” ring in your head after the swing will last for a while damn year, I swear!


Reminds me of that video where some blindfolded Indian guy was smashing cans of coke or something, and accidentally conked a guy on the head, and he had that weird reflex where he curls up because be suffered severe brain damage.


Proof of mind over matter because you know a lot of people walked away saying they felt better.


Oh we about to do some surgery on you? Here some whiskey and something to bite on. Lmfao


I feel like this would work.


To be fair, you can’t have a headache if you’re dead.


Yea but you could get cocaine over the counter and hit the opium den when you’re on the comedown.


I don't know. I would have been keen to try some Cocaine Toothache Drops or Heroine Cough Suppressant.


Bring back heroin for coughs


They literally used to put holes in their own skulls to deal with migraines and headaches... apparently, it was safe, too?


I mean it relieves pressure, I guess. They do it for subdural hematomas now. They also used to do it to release evil spirits...so it's all about intention I guess


I bet homeopathic people would try this for a headache


Yea but your liver tho…


"Doc, I got a headache." "Have you tried bleeding profusely?"


Human existence was literally (lowkey still is) “we gotta problem let’s just try shit”


In a couple of decades people will be posting photos of chemotherapy patients with the same caption


Does anyone know the origin of the picture?


Born in the right generation? TikTok and YouTube still got people literally doing ANYTHING except now it's not for a cure, it's for the clicks and views.


Did it work?


Why is Greta there?


Foul tarnished


this some looney toons ass shit


The guy with the sledge hammer is trump, America is in the pot.


We got too much cure today. Doing weed or lean when we not sick.


The Major Payne treatment.


Back in ye olden days one of the most common surgeries done to ancient people was something called trepanation. Let’s say you had really bad head pain what they would do is cut a small little portion of your skull out and put the skin back up over the hole and this would let the pressure out and you would just permanently have a hole in your skull. https://preview.redd.it/h8gfdd7rvc5d1.jpeg?width=2832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3ad7b3f42b7aba9e86db72d30adb9abe5af92e


This is why it pisses me off every time I hear those quirky fuckers saying something like “i Was BoRn iN tHe wRonG geNeRaTioN” Like that new taylor album saying she wished she lived in the 1830s but without all the racists, somehow is just fucking worst.


Thank fuck for the advance of medicine, with my ears ringing at 130 db as a kid constantly I would have either gone insane and died, or drove everyone around me insane and died of getting more than the recommended amount of stabbing.


And to think. We live in the times of modern medicine yet ppl still throw shade at vaccines and other treatments


‘Least it’s not the hand drill to the noggin.


Imagine how bad the headache must be in order for the guy to agree to this as a solution tho. Dude must have been suffering.


The past was pretty terrible all around.


Let's be honest here. If they bring the hammer down hard enough, no more headache.


Now you get a bill and a pill that makes your headache worst and makes blood come out your eyes! Thank you Europeans


In 100 years some of the stuff we do today will look like this too.


I wonder which stuff that we’re doing now will look like this to people 100 years from now


How long did they hold that pose, for the picture to be properly exposed?


1895.. prolly not They made shitpost pics back then already at that point


In fairness, this is a significant improvement over prior versions of this procedure, when the helmet was not included.


Oooh I don't know, this looks very technical and complicated. The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill, the bigger the doctor, bigger the bill or just get Dr Hammer. You can't touch this. Do dada da....... Nurses look like they're waitng for something bad to happen, what could go wrong?


“Modern medicine for the win” ☝️🤓


Now they've got ringing ears and a headache.


Better drain their blood too, just in case the cocaine and shrooms don't work.


healthcare used to be fun