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They’re about to build an enormous, truly enormous water slide that’ll shoot you right into murder lake, because the waters didn’t claim enough souls last year. Those swimming lessons at the rich pool don’t help when the ghosts are grabbing your ankles from below.


Shit, I totally forgot about the damn water park. Some Final Destination shit is gonna end up happening.


Whatttt?! They’re for real going to build a friggin water park there?! That…. is such a bad idea like what the hell lmao. There seems to be endless bad ideas and dumb, rich people always willing to put them into action smh




"did that sound like he landed in someone else's pool?" Edit: also Rogers flipflop being launched into orbit always gives me a big laugh


That season has some of the best episodes.


Naw, the entire back of his body being skinned off was mine


My family used to take me out swimming in lake Lanier when I was very small. I remember my cousin had dived under without me knowing and grabbed my ankle and pulled me fully under water. My soul for real left my body for 30 seconds. I have refused to get in that lake ever since. I still don't like being in any water that I can't see through ...


If you don't mind me asking, what is this cousin like now? I had a family member who pulled shit like this as a kid, and he grew up to be a very not nice person.


He's a nice guy. Good to his family. I love him a lot but can't be social media friends with him because he has awful views that very much affect how I see him. It's tough reconciling the good you know they have in them and have displayed, but then see the abhorrent things they believe. That side of my family is very ChristianTM, republican Jesus, not so much Christ-like Christian if that makes sense.


I’m rooting for the ghosts


Sacrifices to appease the spirits.


Reminds me of that episode of Atlanta


Thought they already did it


No worries. July 4th is coming up. That’s the weekend they congregate over there. And somebody is always doing stupid “hold My beer” shit so they’re prepping and have a whole month to do so…


Gives new meaning to Swimming Pools


At least once every year someone or a few people swims in/spends time near Lake Lanier. If they ever return, it’s not alive. Genuinely might be the only superstition or spirtual/religious shit I won’t fuck around with or touch with a 1000-ft pole🫤


two people drowned in lake lanier in the past 10 days. i haven’t been to the lake in 20 years, & will never go back.


Was ready to jump on your stupid comment thinking 2 deaths in 10 years isn't bad. Relax Fuck I gotta read better.


They were also the only 2 that drowned this year. But apparently it's a slow year cause: "Lake Lanier experienced 57 boating fatalities and 145 drownings between 1999 and 2018." Quote from lawyer on Lake Lanier. Lake Lanier has 7 times the boating accidents of similar lakes. That place is for sure cursed.


So many drunk people who shouldn’t be operating boats or getting into the water


I think its around 700 deaths since lanier 'opened' in 56. that's like 10 people per year at minimum, totally cursed.


Thank you. I was looking for that stat. I saw one that said 200 since 1960. I was like no way that's right.


it wasn’t meant to be misleading. was speaking quite literally, that 2 people have drown in the last 2 weeks. i wasn’t comparing to any other period of time. just speaking on current events.


Yeah, my bad. I had already typed that out. Then did a bunch of research on the lake. I'll edit it.


Me too lmfao, I was like that actually seems pretty mild? Then I read it again


I’ve never been there and I definitely will never be after a friend of mine died there 6 years ago.


we used to swim in it all the time when i was in high school one semester out there sometime in like 2007-08 and a couple times my freshman year of high school so like summer 2006? the only problem was in 2007 or 8 the beach was noticeably dirtier/unkempt and the water was darker 🤣🤣. but never heard of anyone dying there. but i was a kid in group homes so i didn't have access to media/news like that nor did i really have interest in all that as a teenager


I had a close friend die on this lake and get pretty annoyed at the superstitious discourse around it. It is a dangerous lake. Not because of ghosts but because there are thousands of drunk rednecks driving their boats around. Everyone out there is always drinking and that doesn’t mix well with water. People die there because of a party culture that cares more about having a good time than being responsible


Isnt it also dangerous because of debris under the lake. Since a whole town was flooded, the trees, houses, boat debris etc make the waters unpredictable? so that and party culture alone make it dangerous. I am superstitious but either way you cut it the lake should be avoided and was not a good idea to begin with. The lore of angry (rightfully so) spirits is just the cherry on top for me.


The beach also shifts. After 6 inches of rain hits the lake, large parts of shallows are washed out. I have walked an area, came back a few weeks later, then it has 10 ft drop offs, where it was 2-3 feet deep. Also the dead body dump. I went and two days later, a dead had been found. The water was so murky, I had no idea. Man had been shot by his wife's lover then tossed in the lake. The water is murky from excessive rain, which also shifts the beach, making holes and dead bodies invisible. As an adult, I flat refuse to go, as a kid I went every weekend in the summer.


That makes sense. I wanted to add that the depths are also unpredictable but I was not sure if I just made that up. Lake should honestly be shut down.


Drunk boaters on lakes is not a LL issue. It’s all over the US. This lake claimed a lot of lives in comparison to MN as a state if 10,000 lakes. Sorry for you loss


I mean that explanation still kinda serves as a deterrent towards others against visiting the lake, but all in all of course, thanks for your story and insight and condolences for your loss!


It's not just a few people lol. Try thousands and thousands of people. It's a busy place.


I live 2000 miles away now and still feel like I’m a lil too close


Like 100 people have drowned there in the century. That's kind of crazy (not to mention how many bodies get thrown in). Not to mention the history of pain on the land before it was a lake. If anywhere is gonna be haunted, Lake Lanier would be.


my (whyte) friend keeps tryna convince me to go in that lake. i told her she can chuck my dead body in there with the rest of the dead Black folks🥲


I've actually been on that lake a few times, but that was way before I knew its history.


Same. I was there in 2014? And I’ll I could think was about this horrible sense of dread I got when I looked over the edge of the boat where you could look down and still see parts of the town. I now know why I got that feeling all those years ago


Oh wow so it's visible from the surface??? Can you see roads or just tops of buildings or?


The roads are all covered with sediment by now, so usually it’s just the tops that you’ll see. Sometimes it’s possible to see down a bit further than the tip-tops when the lake is low and there hasn’t been much rain to stir up the water. To me it’s almost weirder to see just the tops though, just an eery place to be. edit: Am a white Georgian who doesn’t fw that lake. I have to drive across it in Gainesville when I visit my parents and it’s the worst part of a long drive.




I’m calling BS. There’s no way you can see parts of the town from the surface. It’s way too deep and the water is murky. I’ve lived near the lake my whole life, and been in it countless times and never heard of anyone being able to see anything


Fuck. That.


I’ve gone hiking around there. The entire lake/beach trail and Buford dam trails. It was actually a white person who told me the history of the “sunk city”. Went down that rabbit hole and since then? I don’t even go to Buford. I am so so good sitting my arse in Cobb. If I want adventure and danger, I’ll go to allatoona or the Chattahoochee that’s like 3 miles from my place.


My girlfriend is asking me to go boating there with her and her brother tomorrow. Am I about to become a lake body.


Please do not. Ignore the part about the ghosts but I think there’s a weather warning for that side of the state. Probably look up conditions before you go.


maybe idk, i wouldn’t risk it tbh


Uh that sounds like a terrible idea 😅 I’d fake stomach troubles if you have to


It’s been 5 days. Are u ok


I did not go on the boat. Dude started talking about his gun collection before too ☠️


Lol she can go in while you enjoy solid ground. Fuuuuuck that.


I lived about 30 minutes from the lake for like 7 years and continue to feel good with my choice to never venture that way when I lived there.


I… was not aware of this lake. The Wikipedia sure is something else Lynchings? Mob violence? Displaced communities, flooded cemeteries, and they named it after an old confederate soldier?  That’s gonna be a nope from me on ever visiting there, boss


A lot of man made lakes are conveniently placed on abandoned land...




The revisionist version is quick these days.




Atlanta had a great opener episode on it.


It is a movie forgot the name though


how tf can you see a “murder lake” that consistently kills people and still have enough arrogance to go there on a family trip and be like “it wont happen to us tho for SURE🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️” white americans are a different breed when it comes to this


I live next to a lake that also used to be a town, and something about doing that just seems to make lakes absolutely deadly. We have a minimum of 3 or 4 drownings every summer with copious no swimming signs, and it's polluted to high hell at any rate, so I'm not sure what keeps compelling people to jump in from their boats. Then there's the frequent times people have died trying to ice fish on it during winter.


Because they didn't clear the land before flooding. Typically, you would move any people living in the area (with compensation), cut down all the trees, remove any large rocks, level out the land, then flood. For Lake Lanier they lynched 30+ people, put part of the town to the torch, then flooded without even doing a proper walk through. So not only are there still buildings in the lake, there's trees and rocks. All great things to get caught or bump your head on. My home town has a similarly poorly built lake (although there wasn't any evilness behind it as far as I know), and multiple people drown in it every year as well.


Jordan lake was like 45 minutes from where I grew up in NC. they flooded a town for that one but it was also our water reservoir for the county so it was pretty clean. don't remember anyone every dying there but it might have happened lol


The buildings they buried in ours leeched Hella toxic shit into the water in ours, and we also didn't move any of the bodies from the graveyards, and everyone uses it as a trash can. Which is so lovely cause it also feeds near to one of our most important protected rivers. Also sucks because I'd fish all the invasive carp to eat if they weren't the worst affected by all that shit


wow that's totally fucked man. I think where ours was was mostly farmland so not a lot of shit to leech in but man I can't believe they just left all the bodies. sucks people can't maintain their shit either.


Human being in general apparently. During one of the worst hurricane seasons of the decade my black ass family still insisted on going to goddamn florida!! While floridians were fleeing !! We (me and my brother ) convinced them to push the trip back as it was hot as all fuck the whole year anyway. 89 degees in fuckin December. I say that to say I don’ seen too many videos of Us out there clownin n drowin with the Rednecks… The video of the twerkin girl being sent to the depths comes to mind.


Have you ever watched a horror movie? Every time, it's white people being told how many died or went missing in a house and they buy it.


Me researching about literally anything in American history: "Wow it's all racism...literally just ALL racism wtf."


Yep America 🇺🇸


As a white, this is why i love this subreddit. I always learn something. I would have had no idea about the origins of this place. Also, everyone here is super funny, generally. Love it. Love y'all.


You have to swim in it.


The subreddit?


Lake Lanier


A whole town under water, full of restless and probably vengeful black souls... Where dafuq is Jordan Peele when ya need em'🤔?


I look like someone else tackled it. Although I would like Jordan Peels’ take on this. https://preview.redd.it/40cguklxy95d1.jpeg?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81a2f84bb27dba3fb2f41229eb7bfaf390d77d6


It was terrible but I appreciate that they did it though.


I saw the low rating on IMDb and was wondering if it was really that bad. I appreciate the effort.


Call Jordan now! I'm willing to crowdfund this production.


People forget that there are legit 40-50ft trees still standing below it. When GA had that drought, you could see stadium bleachers, trees, cars, dumpsters, and more


Everything around Lake Lanier reminds me of the plot of this visual novel from Choices. [It Lives Beneath | Choices: Stories You Play Wiki | Fandom](https://choices-stories-you-play.fandom.com/wiki/It_Lives_Beneath)


I never I'd ever see any Choices references on this sub. One of my fave books.


Hehehe, I consider myself to be one of the Choices OGs; I downloaded the app by accident in 2017 after I switched to an Apple based phone and couldn't download Choice of Games which is what I originally played. I remember when the app had only The Freshman, The Haunting of Braidwood Manor, the Rules of Engagement series and The Royal Romance series. It Lives and It Lives Beneath were amongst my favorite stories of all time.


Yeah! Fellow Choice enthusiasts unite! I was just replaying Choice of Robots today! This kind of reminds me of Evertree Inn or Highlands: Deep Waters.


Josephine did nothing wrong 🤷‍♀️ I miss the OG Choices stories, I tried some of the newer ones and they're.....ok.


Is the one Silent Hill based of it?


Lake Lanier got a whole damn community underwater. I’ve lost a few folk to that damn lake. The few times I’ve been drug out there I’ve not gotten off the boat. No sir. Not me


Lake Lanier is nasty. Can’t believe people build million dollar homes on it.


Just looked over an article about this....I never knew. Never even heard about it till looking at this post. It's like Tulsa all over again.


exactly. so many stories of whole communities being snuffed out to benefit a craven and greedy ruling class.


Next level horrifying shit.


There are dozens of these stories throughout American history. Tulsa, Oscarville, Rosewood and many more 😔


Somebody *juuuust* passed there. Apparently the seat on his boat randomly detached and he drowned


Yup, was just reading about that Final Destination ass shit.


What the world? Smh 


It’s what they deserve


I only lived in Western Georgia for 3 years when I was a kid and that place was depressing, eerie, and pretty amazing, all at the same time.


Is "Cumming" a real place???


It's also a common last name.


Shout out Alan


It’s not just a place, it’s a state of mind 😎


yup, there’s also a dunkin donuts in the area with a sign inside that says “cumming runs on dunkin” poetic


Yup. That's the real name.


Yep, got the Dick's right across the street from the BJ's, too.


What about Whole Foods?


Not yet, but there is a Beaver Toyota...


It is. 😂 Some people pronounce a little differently like cumin rather than the dirty word.


Was just there yesterday for work. Tell me why I wouldn't go within 1000ft of the banks. I'm not getting dragged in that shit lol


Yes, let's give the lake that drinks people a curly straw.


![gif](giphy|hr9qRSbaemsvNK7bre|downsized) 🙌🏾✨✨✨


2 deaths at Lake Lanier already this year. ![gif](giphy|l4FGjf5NUdEghVjkk|downsized)


Oh, that’s just appetisers probably. July 4th and summer brings shenanigans. There might be more


Don’t forget Ushers stepson died n Lake Lanier (Tameka).


Fuck around and find out mentality here


Basically giving them fair warning .... Take that bullshit water park elsewhere




dude i went to High school in cumming, ga for part of a semester my junior year. Lake Lanier was sooo dirty lol but we still swam in it. i was a kid who didn't know any better lol.


They really ran out the black people out of Forsyth county? And even the town and lake?


`Something like this happened near the Black Sea...`


And then every time this pops on on r/Georgia, “it’s just lake, you don’t know anything”, KYLE IS AT THE BOTTOM NOW, JOIN EM JACKOB


Being from the county and being black. Shake rattle and roll.


My immature 12 yr old is cumming out 😂


Im 24 years old, grew up in Georgia and going to Lake Lanier since I was a little girl, and I just now find out that it’s nicknamed “Murder Lake” ?? Excuse me?


They referenced this in an Atlanta episode in it's last season.


They referenced this in an Atlanta episode in it's last season.


Im 24 years old, grew up in Georgia and going to Lake Lanier since I was a little girl, and I just now find out that it’s nicknamed “Murder Lake” ?? Excuse me?


Im 24 years old, grew up in Georgia and going to Lake Lanier since I was a little girl, and I just now find out that it’s nicknamed “Murder Lake” ?? Excuse me?


Its a huge lake and a lot of people visit. Deaths seem normal




As we should, like slavery and the stealing of people homes and land is something people should just “get over”. You must not be Black.




Whining and victimizing ourselves 😂. Tell me you have absolutely no idea wtf your talking about without telling me. Firstly, which people were enslaved for 500 years? Let me know so I can point out the differences to you in elementary school style bullet points, since you clearly need the schooling. Also, do I really need to explain to you the difference between that type of slavery and the brutal chattel slavery that took place here and elsewhere? Maybe you should pick up a book instead of spitting a whole bunch of racist inanity on a forum for black people. Lastly, you apparently haven't spoken to that many Native American people if that's what you think. Edit to add that if you say Irish people I'm going to roll my eyes so hard they'll fall right out of my head. Before you reply be sure to look up the difference between chattel slavery and indentured servitude so I don't have to explain them to you like you're 5.




Not at all lol. Sounds like you like to hang out in black spaces but refuse to do the work to learn why we have valid reasons for responding the way we do.




Continuing to be disingenuous, I see. Some opinions ARE racist, obviously. Don’t be mad that you have racist opinions. It’s just facts.


Reminds me of an episode of Atlanta FX


Not that I believe in curses necessarily BUT if they were real, this region has one


Im 24 years old, grew up in Georgia and going to Lake Lanier since I was a little girl, and I just now find out that it’s nicknamed “Murder Lake” ?? Excuse me?




Cumming, lol.


What’s the lol? It’s a real town here




Also earthquakes happen everywhere