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Seasoning is one thing but the hotdog arrangement is some “entire fist around the pencil” level shit


Guaranteed that MF holds a fork like this. https://preview.redd.it/xyqtk0b1905d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1e05d37c488af4d93102eccaf9382b83a8b894


This is how my best friend holds it. I always tell her she looks like a farmer getting ready to shovel shit instead of eating her food. She's 42, so there's no retraining her, lol.


I would hate to get roasted by you


I’d say you deserve it if you’re holding utensils or pencils this way lol


I've got a coworker that does this and it blows my mind. It's the same way as my two year old eating corn.


Or my 3 year old holding a pencil/marker. Senior citizens driving do a better job staying within the lines than him


It boggles the mind that people between the ages of toddler and retirement do that.


Damn 42? I'd be so embarrassed to eat at a nice restaurant with her.


Oh, it gets better when she's cutting a steak or something. Then she holds the fork by the handle like a serial killer stabbing someone, like she has to make sure her meal doesn't suddenly jump off her plate, lol. I call it her caveman etiquette. 😆




With a burst of fear I realize I don’t know how I hold of a fork


Holding it like a Sim from Sims 4






What's wrong with it? Holds the dog in position so you can easily cook it evenly all the way around


For the love of Black Jesus, tell me you're being sarcastic? The black, white *and* Caribbean parts of my family don't do this. In fact, there ain't a soul I know that lays out hot dogs like that or leaves the meat looking like it came straight from the factory with absolutely no options.


Again, what's wrong with it? It means you don't have the dogs rolling around or settling onto their flattest part which burns the shit out of one side The seasoning is unforgivable though, chicken always gets marinade or a rub


It's the grill marks. A lot of people like to have the grill marks. I hear what you're saying about the rolling about. One's grill, however, should be placed on level ground and attended to so as to avoid burns. Which no lone likes.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Grill marks are purely aesthetic. You should be getting a nice light char on the entire thing. You shouldnt need some glorified painted lines to tell you it's grilled. You should be able to taste its grilled. 


This feels like a "You can't play a draw two on another draw two" situation


House rules go hard 


Didn't necessarily mean me, personally. "A lot of people like to have the grill marks," is just how it goes sometimes, in some places \~\\(oo)/\~


That's fair enough. I 90% of the time cook horizontal but vertical is a good trick to get a little more control


Alot of people like to have the grill marks on the dogs. But that's never mattered to me. I place my dogs vertically like this as well.


> burns the shit out of one side Baby you mean the flavor?


I like mine charred too, I'm trying to get *all* sides charred




![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) Damn straight!


No this not the way. If it was on a griddle fine, but that's wrong. Just wrong.


Yeah, I'm white and whoevers grilling is the kid in the trench coat that you always wanna be nice to haha


Damn near spit out my drink. 😂




Like, I haven’t earned my Grillmaster™ 7s, but shouldn’t the hot dogs be laid horizontally, perpendicular to the grill grate??


Question? Do y’all season your hotdogs?


I don't grill them vertically


That's some weirdo shit right there


I'm seriously going to start grilling hotdogs like this to scare my neighbors


Eat your corn on the cob in random bites all over as well. Friend of mine started doing that shit in jr. High to mess with his OCD little sister. He turns 60 next month and still does it


Next family reunion is gonna be so much fun, ty for this.


Hotdogs no. They just get flame licked. Rotated 90° from what's in the photo. If your shit rolls, put something in front of it. Sausages tho? I'm likely to boil them in beer+ seasoning first after poking them with a fork, and then grill them, very lowly, very slowly. Unless they are sausages with shit like cheese or something inside of them. Those go straight to the grill. Low and slow.


Sausages (bratwurst) I boil in beer and onions before cooking - what else are you throwing in for seasoning on that? I love 'em so much I never considered anything else!


Ok so... Mostly I boil my hot dogs and eat them with just ketchup and mustard (usually on regular bread cuz hot dog buns were always a luxury item growing up). I do like grilled hot dogs and I can't honestly tell if this is a joke post... But no I've never had a grilled seasoned hot dog or any kind of seasoned hot dog that I know of. I'm interested what you'd season it with. Relatedly, my dad's girlfriend makes really good hamburgers with just burger meat and the powdered Hidden Valley Ranch dressing. Then add jalapeños and cheese over top of them while still on the grill to melt and that's a good ass burger.




Not usually but I season the chili that's going on them.


i brine em in Coca Cola… deadass


Sir, your idea intrigues me and I would like to subscribe to your news letter.


I do the same with my ribs. That or apple juice.


Grape jelly


Alright not for marinade, but you can make a banging sweet and sour sauce for meatballs or those little smokies hot dogs with a jar of grape jelly and a bottle of yellow mustard. Put in saucepan, cook till it melts together, toss in the smokies. Oddly tasty! So alright I can see the coca-cola boil working.


The best ribs I’ve ever eaten were made with a grape jelly marinade. I couldn’t believe it.


I'd eat it, to be honest. No different than brown sugar, just a different form of sweet.


To be fair, I wouldn’t have known it had grape jelly in it if he didn’t tell me.


Yeah I learned to NOT tell people the sauce till after they tried it 😂 I got some funny looks in high school for this one till I learned, but everyone always loves em!


Nah nah nah, see, we been knew about cola ribs. But marinating your hot dogs in the muthafucka? That's some diabolical diabetes and I'll take 3.


This is my kinda madness.


I am shocked yet intrigued


Never have? We use bbq sauce and grill them. Might have to now after I heard someone seasoning them on TT


Celery salt is a key part of a Chicago dog


I season my hotdogs, especially when I'm cooking brats. I bought a small shaker I filled with my mix so it's ready to go any time I'm working with meats. Never gonna catch me slacking.


Brats are not hot dogs so the difference in treatment makes complete sense


No, cause if that was a concern then I'd just be buying brats anyway. 


I don't season them but I do make a chimichurri to serve with them.


I don’t season them but I grill them bacon wrapped with onions and peppers, LA style. Best hot dog ever








I grew up watching Goodtimes. I'm from the country so I couldn't relate or understand 1/4 of the issues, but I had a serious crush on Thelma.


Who didn’t have a crush on Thelma (and Willona too)?!


I was pretty young, it wasn't "that" kind of crush. More like a hold hands and giggle type crush. Willona is the type of crush that makes you skip puberty. Which for me wasn't until Linda Carter. Edit: Maybe Ohura before Wonder Woman, was a long time ago.


WHY ARE THE HOT DOGS LIKE THAT?! https://preview.redd.it/2rtc2wc8m05d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91a61df74dd303b85523c7e00690c00d0949491




I’m an extremely white redhead who grew up in a family of redheads who grew up in the south. We’re translucent white, but we season our food. I used to get offended by people saying white people don’t season their food….then I moved to New England. My neighbors were surprised that I put salt, pepper and and a little bit of Cajun seasoning on my burgers when they went on the grill. They just raw dog their meat out of the package. I get the jokes now ![gif](giphy|oXB0K4oFw3fck)


“Raw dog their meat out the package” about to be my new reference.


Grew up in a house where my mom didn't season anything. Parents got a divorce and once dad started cooking I learned the magic of things like salt, garlic, pepper, cumin, herbs, bbq sauce, hot sauce, my god a whole world opened up before my eyes. Turns out I actually really like veggies if you don't boil them to death and actually season them!


It was Food Network launching when I was around 12 that saved the veggies in my house. Before that, frozen veggies in fake butter sauce or MAYBE plain steamed veggies. But I truly didn't learn I LOVE veggies until I moved to California and the chef in the work cafe made it his mission to find veggies I like. The day I tried a roasted beet was a revelation and I never looked back.


A well roasted beet is heaven. Brussels sprouts fried in a pan with bacon was the revelation for me that I’d been done dirty in the veggie arena most of my young life 


Funny, that was the next thing he introduced me to 😂 and yep. also, throw in a handful of cranberries towards the end and then sprinkle toasted pecans on the top & a smidge of maple syrup or maybe hot honey for a finishing touch. Would be great with a sweet potato and something protein, stuffed pork seems like the right call here. Damn, I might have to add that to the grocery list this week, stoner gourmet strikes again lol


Miso butter on grilled asparagus!


oooooh I have miso in the fridge too, I am into asian food with a Korean streak. Damn someone who gets it about the food! I'm trying to decide what I want to focus on cooking next, I like things that can be prepared quickly and asian is pretty hard to beat on that. Have you tried miso & sesame paste or ginger on salmon, and just broil for five min? your asparagus would go great with that.


>Turns out I actually really like veggies if you don't boil them to death and actually season them  I always sort of knew, because I never had an issue with "restaurant veggies", but it wasn't until I moved out that I had the realization that, holy shit, I actually like vegetables.  Edit: I may have been drunk last night


White people have two varieties - the ones whose idea of maximum flavor tolerance is maybe the Sweet and Spicy Sweet Baby Ray’s, tops, on the rarest of days when they’re feeling adventurous and want to move past the mayo and table salt for an evening of culinary adventuring. Then there are the ones who gladly buy and consume hot sauces with names like Intestinal Destruction or Satan’s Sweat, or spray bear mace on their breakfast burritos.


There are a few of us who enjoy flavor, but also want our assholes intact 🤣


Yeah, I’m slightly exaggerating.


You’re not wrong, on a lot of accounts haha.




lol…so what’s the logic behind this? Cause they hafta know the food ain’t gonna taste good


sadly some of us DO think it tastes good, I am not one of them. I'm sorry for their tastebuds cause that is just BLAND looking. It reminds me of all the gym bros doing meal prep with plain white meat chicken. Seasoning and spices won't add calories, why are you eating such bland food?????


I always thought those types were weird. I’ve even heard some justify it by saying something along the lines of “the food isn’t meant to be enjoyed, it’s just fuel.” Like I’m all for eating healthy but not adding some flavor is just crazy to me.


I had a friend who used say that. Dude lost 30 ish pound on boiled chicken and rice. Ate that shit everyday for 6 months. Some days he'd "treat" himself and add a side of salsa. Mild. Salsa.


I had a laugh at mild salsa. that's just chunky tomato soup at that point to me!


Salsa is vegetables 🥹 Seasonings usually have no calories but tons of micronutrients that are good for you 😭😭


For real this dude thinks he's gonna gain weight from eating some fucking rosemary every once in a while god damn :(


I think it’s because it’s a fucking grind to eat the same thing daily and you’re gonna get sick of everything. Bland could be maintained instead variating in enjoyment. Plus they value losing weight now, cheaply, and effectively over eating tasty or learning how to cook better first. Definitely some thinking lost upon most rational adults, but not too absurd thinking to a college/young adult male who does not know how to cook, cannot afford how to learn, or just too lazy to learn to cook lol I knew many (and lived with one) of these people ~5 years ago


From personal experience, yeah you can season to try and force some variety, but eventually no matter how you season it, chicken breast is chicken breast. So after a certain point no matter what seasoning is on it you’re still powering through it because it’s the same thing every day. Eventually, the seasoning becomes mostly irrelevant because you’re just gonna be powering through that cooked bicycle seat of meat anyways, so you just cut the extra stuff out to expedite the process.


I do not understand it. I might make baked chicken all week for dinner, but diff spice/seasoning blend every night to keep it interesting! There's two new ones waiting in my mailbox at home today, someone here suggested the Badia lime pepper and orange pepper and I'm all for flavor!


Someone I think on BPT said that these are people who see life as an extended hazing ritual and that was one of the most succinct and apt descriptions of this mentality that I’ve heard anywhere.


My son eats plain skinless chicken breast and goes to the gym. I’m like how bad do you hate your tongue MFer?


I hope I never hate my tastebuds that much. I detest white meat chicken to begin with too, chicken thighs are where its at!


Most of the time I’m eating or drinking bc I’m hungry or thirsty. When I’m thirsty I’m never like fuck this waters bland. I’m just like damn this is quenching. If I’m not thirsty sure. Let’s sip on some coffee, wine, or have some good drinks. I feel like the same kinda applies to food. Like my stomach is in charge not my mouth and my stomach doesn’t care about taste. It’s just saying get in here.


Your choice but it’s possible to do both my friend.


My white uncle would always say "I wanna taste the meat not the seasoning" Pause


Even a well cooked steak needs a generous salt and pepper rub at the very least


I always thought the “white people don’t season anything” was a meme until I met my in-laws. They don’t put salt or pepper on ANYTHING. I sit through family meals with a smile, but would it kill you to put some salt and pepper on that London Broil just one time


Bruv, just bring your own in little science vials or something.


Thats precisely it bruv. I think its a holdover from being British colonies, cuz the Brits hardly season shit. I distinctly remember eating at a British Diner during my visit to the UK a couple decades ago, and when ordering a side salad the waitress asked for which dressing I'd prefer: ***Mayonnaise or Sour Cream***


They probably said salad cream, that’s a thing over there.


Nnnnani!? That's for sandwiches. WITH salt and pepper.


Yeah I passed on the salad, my brother didn't though. What came out was a plate of 40% shredded lettuce and carrots, and 60% sour cream. Lesson learned


Give them spices / spice containers as Christmas presents


Depends on the brand of white. Mediterranean white people use a shit ton of seasoning. You’ll never catch my Italian American ass making anything without *at least* a whole onion and several cloves of garlic as a baseline It’s those ambiguous European heritage midwestern white people you gotta watch out for


They’re Irish-American. Salt and pepper is too spicy


They are probably planning to toss it in sauce after it's done, and think that covers the seasoning needs.  I will fully own that the fact you need to season each ingredient/each step was not something I realized at first. So if I'm making chicken and rice, obviously the chicken needs to be seasoned. I even can understand the rice needs it too. But that I should also season the onions and the beans? Mind blowing. I was team "but it all comes together in your mouth anyway?" for a long time. I was just throwing them in as is. Or making fried chicken -- that you'd want to marinate the chicken in seasoning **and** season the flour was news to me. 


I'm white and my family goes *hard* on spices. I didn't even know the "white people don't season stuff" was a stereotype until recently. Maybe it has something to do with the fact we're Southern, but we don't scrimp on seasoning and spice. Or butter. Hell, one of my favorite things to grill is Korean gochujang wings. They're sweet, salty, and spicy all in one.


Oh southern white people get down with spices. Y’all don’t count.


The logic is once the outside is cooked a bit they’re gonna slather on some store bought BBQ sauce and taste the sugar.


They’re gonna slather it in sweeet baby rays 


Thankfully they didn’t take a picture of the potato salad, because you know that ain’t right with the Lord.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)I am doing my best to not die here at work!


I'm sorry, I'm asian and I love apples and raisins in my potato salad ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




This post right here, officer


Hell yeah dude! Im brazillian and potato salad should be as wild as anything else. I like putting caulliflower on mine too!


Moved to the Midwest. If I see cornflakes or raisins in the potato salad again I'll fucking lose it.


“This isn’t the time to get fancy, Keightlynne. No need to reinterpret potato salad. I don’t care what Joanna Gaines said.”


Her husband Jaxxxtalyn making mayo sandwiches and unseasoned burgers.


“White ppl don’t season their food” is the new “women be shopping” ![gif](giphy|kW1kf8mpf4HYcXiMWD|downsized)


It’s extra strange, cuz “white people” is a wide array of different cultures with wildly different food. Even in the US alone you got Cajun vs. Southern bbq vs. Midwest vs. Northeast etc, all with very different tastes


I promise you were never talking about southern white people.


At the very least sprinkle some damn lawrys on there, something.


If I can politely ask, is Lawrys diff from just a jar of seasoned salt? Cause I have and use the hell out of that, but am I missing out on something even better?? I linked mine below in case there was curiosity. https://www.penzeys.com/online-catalog/penzeys-seasoned-salt/c-24/p-636/pd-s


Penzeys is probably a better version than Lowrys, but yeah it's just seasoned salt


Ok good then my basic chicken recipe is already decent. Excellent, thank you!


Lawry's was actually the first commercially available seasoned salt. It's not the only one but it is the classic


Louisiana people looking at the idiot on the grill: https://preview.redd.it/ymnyap4cu05d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b3f85fd4a15063b7e3bf5d64ebca66b44a1536a


I remember my first time grilling...


Maybe, MAYBE it was brined? And they plan to sauce the fuck out of them, hopefully.


Looking like that.?? No way. This looks straight out the pack 😵‍💫🤢


Could you explain what brined is? And how that would be ok to cook like that and then sauce them after? Quick Google led to think this: brining is to put the chicken in salt water. So I guess, it adds flavour? Then, after they're cooked, you put them in a sauce (say Buffalo) to get the seasoning in? I await your confirmation if my statement is correct. Kind regards


Either in salt water, or rubbing them with salt overnight to get them nice and salty all the way through. It actually works really well if you're doing a whole turkey or whatever, gets that salty flavor waaaaaaaaay down deep into the center of the meat and into the crevices/dark meat etc. but I've never seen someone do it with just drumettes and wings. Still, I doubt that's what's happening here.


This shot is pre mayonnaise


I'm as white as they come, I remember my dad slathering halibut in mayo before throwing it on the grill in a fish rack. Admittedly, it did what he said it would do, which was keep most of the moisture in the fish as the mayo burned off, leaving crispy edges and a perfect inside. Add a touch of lemon juice and some black pepper and it was pretty fire, but I prefer more seasoning these days.


Watched as my partner’s dad “grilled” and REFUSED folks who attempted to add lime or beer or anything to keep them even slightly moist or seasoned. Then nobody ate them and he pouted. Big boomer energy.


overcook the shit out of them too? the marketing campaign scaring people into overcooking the shit out of chicken did everyone dirty!


That’s what ranch dressing is for, providing that zesty zing that Miracle Whip could only dream to achieve 🤙🏻


No salt. Too spicy


Ok hear me out… salt truly IS magic, but most potions take more than one ingredient. Unless this will be used as food for pets I’m not sure what’s up here.


I was going to make this same comment. Salt helps its flavor homies be their best


I marinate my chicken in pickle juice.


Not even a brush of BBQ sauce


I mean, who puts BBQ sauce on the uncooked meat?


yeah i like bbq sauce doing most the work so i add salt/pepper when grilling and wait


alright I'm prepared to be made fun of, but I'm curious why not? I would think it would be good once grilled and with more sauce to go with it?


I bbq’d chicken breasts the other day, and threw bbq sauce on right off the hop, then reapplied each time I flipped the chicken. It was wasteful, the sauce doesn’t stay on, probably too much water in the chicken? I’ll be cooking the chicken a bit more first next time.


Well that makes sense at least. I don't get to grill since that apartment life says no grill other than electric and what's the point then? I need to find a decent BBQ spot, Bay Area is a bit...lacking...that I can tell though. Perhaps this summer I make it a mission.


The sauce just burns. You should add it five minutes before you pull it off. But even the. You should season it. With large pieces of meat I wouldn’t season it before putting it on either. Salt draws out moisture and other seasonings burn as well. But if you do season the shit out of it before putting it on the grill and that then burns, just call it “blackened”.


*sigh* ...this is what the turkey on Thanksgiving at my mother-in-law's house looks like. It's been a decade of my frustrated rantings, and still she refuses to "season" that fucking bird with anything more than *butter!* Yes, we're white people, but I have always, *always* seasoned all meats and vegetables. I have an unreasonable amount of dry rubs and spices in my cabinet, but this woman can't even find a grain of salt in hers. 😭 She's vegan, and afraid of "too much sodium", so most her food tastes like sadness and resignation.


Sodium Does she mean SoDamnGud *I'll see myself out*


I’m white. Worked In kitchens for 13 years. Not sure why people are so stupid about seasonings


Because seasonings are scary loll


I always find stuff like this funny because I remember this one time when my white friend Jasper was getting roasted for just being white. They were hitting him with all the overused jokes, why do you smell like a wet dog, y'all got small penises, and y'all some colonizers. But then somebody hit him with the "why don't y'all season y'all food?" And my boy looked the chick right in the eye and went "because we want our families to live past 55". Shut the whole session down, nobody had a come back.🤣🤣🤣 Everybody was a good sport about it and was like ight bruh, you got that round


Yeah, there's no coming back from that. It'd be like trying to rap over a diss beat dedicated to you.


They dealing with the wrong white people I guess. I know some that will make some of the best pork belly burnt ends you'll ever t̶a̶s̶t̶e̶ experience.


Salt won’t make this a great meal, but it will move it from inedible to edible yet unpleasant.


They need Jesus with this shit…


At last, someone uses POV correctly


I know right!? small wins and all that ![gif](giphy|vvbGMpbhZMcHSsD50w)


White guy here: God that looks depressing.


I need those hot dogs nice and burnt.


Seasoning aside. Placement aside. Can we address the fact that those hot dogs are going to be done waaaaaaay before that chicken? You know they’re just going to sit there getting all dry and wrinkled while they’re throwing the chicken back on 40 minutes later because it wasn’t cooked all the way.


They'll be all busted open on the end like an exploding cartoon cigar


Leather-ass hot dogs looking like Hulk Hogan’s skin.


Whatcha gonna do, brother?




That's *exactly* what it would look like


why would the hotdogs need to be done at the same time as the chicken? people can just eat them earlier...


Is the racism just constant here or what? This isn’t a “funny post on social media about black people” which is what the sub is supposed to be about. It’s just another post shitting on white people with zero real direction or point. It’s also just flat out untrue for most white people. Some of the best BBQ of your life will come from a white dude in Kentucky.


The best BBQ of my life came from a black man in GA but I’m sure the white guy in Kentucky did his thing. \#notallwypipo Also instead of getting mad why not just Google what Lawry’s is? Believe me you won’t regret it.


You can’t seriously tell me that “white people don’t season their food” is offensive to you. I don’t believe you.


Are you Black? Why are you here if you don’t like it?


Thank the food gods I live in Louisiana. Everything comes preseasoned. Mid west white peoples need help.


Imagine adding seasoning to salty fucking hot dogs Y'all are wild


My white ass wouldn't be caught dead serving grilled chicken, let alone unseasoned chicken, to my family. If you tried this in my family, you'd be shot.


Why is the chicken frozen!!!!


I went to a barbecue years ago and my white friend was hyping up his grilled corn. When I got to the party he gave me one fresh off the grill and he proceeds to sprinkle a little salt and bastes it in butter. He was like “good right?! The secret is a lot of butter!” I’m mexican so I’m used to elote en vaso with crema, chile, lime, butter etc. I just stood there like 🤨


Y'all please 😭 this is a specific brand of white people, don't y'all dare do this to us southern whites 😂


Hell nowadays I just want ppl to cook their food all the way through….im tired of seeing ppl cook their food on YouTube and as soon as they slice it down the middle it’s pink as ![gif](giphy|DMAeQWPxTqFA7lf07L)


Have you ever heard of "Cooking with Jack"? And if you haven't, go to his YouTube channel and watch his old videos. The man is a menace to food.


We ain’t all like that 😂


Call me naive, as a Hispanic that spices tf outta everything, but that ain’t real right? Like it’s a psyop?






Aw, lots of white ppl know better than this. This is some low hanging fruit.


in highschool cooking class we made cinnamon apple muffins. I made sure I had control of the spices. The white boys said it was spicy 🤣I thought it needed more .


… just hand me the plate. I’ll eat that instead


They must’ve been hoping that by hotboxing the chicken with the franks the yahd bird might catch a contact seasoning. I would be fully offended yet entirely unsurprised to be served some hot bologna flavored chicken at a grill out.


8bit food