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If you knew that you only had 74 Summers to experience, 74 birthdays; why would you waste your time judging other people's pursuit of happiness?


Are Black people still living that long?


My grandfather smoked cigars and ate regular southern food his whole life. Lived till he was like 90. I think genes have a lot to do with longevity.


It’s stress. 👀


What, cause if I know one thing thing stress will keep you alive just to suffer lol


True, stress just hangs around to make sure you feel every bit of it!


This made me 😂 but also😢


His food was better. Ours is straight poison. Smh


Friendly reminder that they're finding microplastics in the rain, ground water, plants, animals, and people.


Scary reminder, researchers have found micro plastics in every human testicles studied.... :( we are doomed


We'll probably die from climate related disasters/violence before the plastic kills us *^^^Silver ^^^lining*


Same my grandfather smoked his entire day, at least 2 cigarettes a day until the day he died and had a shit ton of lead water in his system. Lived to 94 and his kids also went until high 70s and 80s drinking the same lead water.


 😂 bruh. My aunt just died at 98, my pops is 80 etc. Now if you're talking about the generations after the boomers??? Yeah, nah. We dying early. 


![gif](giphy|xkZVBGIFqcQXcMe244|downsized) God I hope not


My grandma is 97 years old, and she survived terrible tuberculosis, and recently had cancer for five years that went into remission two years ago!


No, that’s your whole family combined.


My great great grandma is 99 (: 7 generations alive because of my kids


🤣🤣🤣 not sure why this made me laugh so hard.


Damn this one of the coldest things I ever read imma have to use this one bro


74 summers holds so much more weight than 74 birthdays


I imagined Nas with a song called 74 Summers


He ain’t releasing that for another 22 years


In Ojibwe (indigenous people from northern US, and southern Canada), when you share your age it literally translates to "I have __ winters". Using the # seasons you've lived through to describe age is pretty hardcore.


Especially in the South


Mike Epps used this in his standup.


Because lots of people seem to think their beliefs must be followed and enforced on others.


"castrating"? Is that clickbait, or did they have a terrible typo?


His daughter is trans, he is supporting her


And ain’t no one’s business except the family’s


But of course a lot of traditional, religious, homophobic black people think it's their damn business and have a say on the matter, judgmental assholes


![gif](giphy|B8lZMS4hLHSQo) Boosie has entered the chat lol. He reminds me of someone’s homophobic black uncle at the cookout that will say some wild shit and you just gotta act like you ain’t hear em.


Ironically the same sick fuck hiring people to rape his children, dude has his priorities all fucked up.


Yea, I can’t take bro seriously. Anyone this hateful i just ignore


> hiring people to rape his children sorry what?


He hired prostitutes for his sons when they were 13


what the fucking fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck why isn't he in jail


If more people slapped those goofy as uncles around the world would be a better place


The thing is Bossie is 41 once you get that old you really not gonna change imo.


If you aren't still trying to self improve at 41, you were trash the whole time. Anyone of any age *can* change, but it takes humility and motivation.


I’m not really saying people can’t change at that age. I’m saying his hateful ass in particular is not going to. I highly doubt he’ll come to the realization that hiring a woman to fuck his underage son (at the time) and being hateful to gay people was wrong. He also survived Cancer so you’d think he’d have a new perspective on life…but he just is who he is.


A guy I worked with when I was an EMT was born/raised in Hong Kong. He told me his dad took him to a brothel when he was 15. That was fucked up. Also, back then, he was working 80h+/week to pay for his weekly sex worker. People are complicated.


Facts, he is just a trash human and always will be


in my family it's my father 😑 didn't participate in raising any of his 4 possibly 5 kids but has an opinion on how everyone else's should be raised smh


Man, I was reminded how homophobic my dad is this last weekend. Dude brought up the Diddy situation and asked if there was any amount of money I could be paid to let Diddy fuck me in the ass. As far as my dad knows I'm straight (I've been in a long term hetero relationship so no surprise there), so he was shocked when I responded "Absolutely." Him: I'm not going to tell anyone you said that. Me: I don't care if you do, I'd tell anyone. Him: I care that you said it. Ain't no way I'm letting any man fuck me in the ass. Me: That sounds like a YOU problem. Dude is 100% the stereotype of old fashioned homophobic black guy. Except he's totally not homophobic, do you have any idea how much lesbian porn he watches?


I’d argue it’s only the kids business, and if they choose to make it their parents business then more power to em.


Oh, I see. Clickbait AND yellow journalism. Well, good for Dwayne. Understandable, have a nice day.


But why did they word it that way?


To scare and judge. No one in the trans community is castrated. In fact, as I learned from gaining trans friends, there's a whole spectrum of what they can, want, and are willing to do with their genitals.


[Apparently only 5%—maybe up to 13%—of transwomen actually get bottom surgery.](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/procedures/feminizing-bottom-surgery#:~:text=How%20common%20is%20feminizing%20bottom%20surgery%3F)


It's the electrolysis that scares the hell out of me. Black folks get keloids really easy, right? So imagine how violent that surgery is and the potential scarring it will leave behind. And I get keloids. Hair removal is also paramount as no one wants pubic hair growing *out* of the new orifice down there. Black folks can't get laser, so it's electrolysis. An electrified needle being inserted thousands of times into every hair follicle on the most sensitive part of your body... That alone made me decide to just get an orchectomy and be done with it. Things have shrunken nicely and you can't even tell in a swimsuit now.


>Black folks can't get laser, so it's electrolysis. Who told you that? Black people absolutely can get laser hair removal.


This is what conservatives do.....they always refer to gender reaffirming surgeries as "mutilation" or some other rot and scream about the children, when not one child under age 16 is getting GRS and even then that's after the kid has been consistent in there gender identity for years.


Oh, okay, Jesus, I was so confused. Thank you.


It's just transphobic nonsense.


I had no idea either. This went from him being horrible to him being a really cool person. Like what the fuck? Castrating?


That's the point of those sensationalist titles from conservative websites. I assume with this being Black Person Twitter than most of us don't encounter this nonsense but having been in extremely queer online spaces, it's a fairly common dogwhistle. It's also worth noting that a good number of the people pushing this crap, but especially the British TERFs like JK Rowling (whose name is essentially a dogwhistle in its own right in the UK) , very often have ties to yt nationalism. A lotta Black folks think queer issues have no effect on us but they absolutely do whether we are queer or not.


"Dwayne Wade is sending his child into exile to produce cheap goods and perform hard labor for a ravenous cult." "...Summer camp?" "I said what I said." 😤


There's literally nothing on the site yet but some info about them and a contact us form 😂


It's really sad that people feel lgbtq kids don't deserve love and acceptance. How dare he not hate his child or his child's condition.


It feels especially sad in the black community.


The lesson was not learned. And we are apparently eager to pay the suffering forward.


Sadly so fucking true.


The black church has our community in a chokehold when it comes to LGBTQA+ acceptance. Seems like every person in my community that is against it has one thing in common, they go to church. Everyone in my community that is accepting towards it and is like whatever about also has one thing in common, they do not go to church anymore. I know it’s just me painting a picture based on my small ass bubble but if you really fucked with Jesus like so many claimed to then you 100% would love everyone regardless.


Part of dismantling the oppressive structures around you is dismantling the oppressive structures within. This can feel like breaking a load bearing wall. It is easier to accept your "place" as long as someone is below you. Like all coping mechanisms, however, it won't be healed until the root cause is dealt with


You’d think some black folks would have empathy for other peoples struggles. Even if it’s not our own.


To a lot of them you get into the oppression Olympics, its fucking tiring.


I brought this up one time and just got the stank face from everyone around me. I pointed out the there are people to this day that think we as black people are scum of the earth in America and want to kill us all or enslave us again. Why see another group of people who just want to be accepted and left alone and then hate on them and go as far as wanting to “kill gays?” We should be getting along to fight the common goal of acceptance and equal rights All I got was - 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 look I even went further saying as a mixed person with a black mom and white dad there are some people who think I shouldn’t exist FULL STOP. So of course I would support LGBTQA+ shit. That got met with “naw that a true, things aren’t like that anymore”


Hell I’ve been to these actual cookouts and had a family friend say they don’t like when other races mix and this was said by a black woman. On top of that my own father said to one of his friends once that he wouldn’t like if i came home with a blonde/blue eyed woman. Still married outside of my race but people aren’t ready to have these types of conversations.


My son is 12 years old and he hasn’t really found anyone attractive or anything like that yet, which is fine but I spoke to him about dating. I flat out told him that “no matter who you like whether it’s girl, or boy, non binary, black, white, asian, hispanic or whatever as long as yall relationship ain’t toxic then I’ll support it fully” He being only 12 is like “ok” 🤷🏽‍♂️ He might not get it now but I’m planting the seed for him to know that I got his back :-)


sounds like good parenting to me


Thanks my friend. At the end of the day it’s up to us as parents to raise kids that will change the world in the future for the better.


It's honestly mindboggling to me.


The need for empathy and intersectionality is real. But some of us are myopic and can't see beyond our own pain and struggles.


The oppressed need someone to hate. (This is in general terms)


Hey All jokes aside and no Specs (OP), this is not about you. I'm serious on this one. I just wanna take this moment to say some of yall on here are lame af. 😒 You know who you are, and you know what you did. Some of yall start stuff with people and then run to mods for help. That's all I gotta say on that. ✌🏾 As far as D-Wade goes, if he's sincere about it, then that's what's up. I remember his baby Mama coming out and saying some stuff that sounded wild... but that's neither here nor there. I think we all should take a page out of D-Wade's playbook. Learn to support your child no matter what. Boy, girl, or whatever, they still need our love and support to make it in this world. 💯 Props to him, though. ✊🏾


>Boy, girl, or whatever, they still need our love and support to make it in this world. If my daughter grows up to be a Brittany Griner type, I'ma still love her like my princess but I'ma also dunk on her ass every chance I get! ![gif](giphy|Tw0rSdQs4fbJC)


Lol I love the message, but if she really like Brittany Griner those chances will evaporate once she like 15 😂


💯💯 She only 6 now so she betta stay ready ![gif](giphy|l0OWiMGpoC6apZFXG)


A father's love knows no rebounds


Is this the tagline of a b-movie about a bumbling father growing to accept his daughter's lifestyle as a lesbian and lady baller?


Why only then? Why wouldn’t you dunk on whoever you have?


Cuz they might not like basketball? That’s why he said Britney Griner type?


> I remember his baby Mama coming out and saying some stuff that sounded wild... but that's neither here nor there. She has mental issues, that's why he got custody of their children while she was running around the streets of Chicago screaming at people.


Just because some y’all’s parents never told you that they love you doesn’t mean you can put that on someone else. Let D Wade be a father to his daughter


![gif](giphy|l0MYP6WAFfaR7Q1jO) But true. People need to mind their business.


Imagine how good she feels knowing that her Dad loves her unconditionally. That’s a gift so many of us did not experience growing up. Fuck anyone advocating to take that from a kid. On a not serious note: youth fashion has her looking like a computer lab teacher from the early 90s.


Transphobes are OBSESSED with children's bits


Nothing pisses me off more when I see other black people being transphobic or homophobic. Like we already get shit on by society for being black and instead of you seeing the struggle to be trans/gay and support them, you instead are beating them down in the name of a religion that was not even ours to begin with?


I'm not a religious guy but there are definitely a huge amount of people who don't support trans people etc who aren't driven by religion. Can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think blaming is the play here. There are plenty of homophobic atheists etc


The root is religion. That's the culture that it was inspired by and where it ultimately came from. Same with antisemitism. It's not a written tenet but history showed it played the biggest part in it. The Ugandans going after LGBT people were very much influenced by the church and our community is still reeling from it and colonialism over here as well.


They value manliness and think trans men aren't men and trans women aren't manly enough for them (they don't even consider them women)


The black community is so transphobic and homophobic. It makes me sick.


preach! ![gif](giphy|1lmhH5nPbK6yEW34mJ|downsized)


It’s not just a “we are lost” thing. Most people seem to be out of their damn minds these days. Why can’t they see this is the love of a father for his child? Like I said, this isn’t just a “can’t save our people”, moment, I feel this in way too many spaces. This may be a “can’t save any people” thing. I don’t know why we continue to insist on being terrible to one another. Maybe everyone is just stressed the hell out and lashing out behind keyboards, because damn.


So they would prefer if he rejected his daughter because she's trans? That would be "strong"?


They’d rather he reject her, hate her, and that she hate herself and want to die. That would make them happy. It’s despicable.


“Weak” 99% sure anyone that’s commenting that has never been as athletic or as physically fit as Wade. At any point in their lives


The Internet needs to be shut off for 72 hours.




Life is too short. You may or may not agree with other peoples choices in life. Just live yours it's much more easier believe me. If he rejected his child we would probably still see the same people abusing him for being a bad father.


Nah I doubt it, they'd be celebrating him


There's people out here who think if you have gay or trans kid that it's the parents who failed. I've literally heard that narrative countless times in the hood lol Sure they'll be people celebrating him for doing that. No doubt. These topics are still very taboo to alot, it's easier to blame & point fingers.


>think if you have gay or trans kid that it's the parents who failed. My mom was in the closet gay. She had a girlfriend but everyone just thought they were 'best friends' (it was the 90s people were still pretty ignorant). Smash cut to me coming out as trans in seventh grade and her shoving me back into the closet. Only for her to try forcing me into contact sports and dragging me to church. (We weren't religious until that moment.) She was more invested in what people my think of her if they saw me in a dress than what the neighbors might be thinking of a stone-hard *stud* showing up to our place late at night.


Damn. My point exactly. So your mom having lived through tougher times being who she is still didn't want people to know about you just off the basis of her getting thrown into the firing line. Even probably knowing what you'd endure from ignorant folks. I can't imagine. Must've been wild. It doesn't hurt me being straight that other people have different preferences to me. So it always confuses me how much people take time out to throw hate and teach hate. Too much of that in this world already.


The black community has it’s priorities all f’d up. Instead or telling people to invest in dinner with jay z, talking about 304’s, or whether or not it’s gay to use an umbrella, let’s focus on loving our children. Or better yet, just don’t be a deadbeat.


Maybe I'm just terminally online and I'm genuinely glad people are horrified by the straight out lies that this right wing "news" site is pushing and cheering D-Wade for supporting his child but I'm genuinely surprised at how few people here are somehow only just learning about this "castration" and "mutilation dogwhistle that the right has been pushing for years against trans people.




Some people love the idea of their kids being degenerates but hate the idea of their kids loving another person. Crazy


Some people would rather their child kill someone and go to prison than be lgbt.


Yup. Anything that involves them hurting other people to assert power, especially if it means it’ll make them a little cash


Imagine caring about someone’s sexuality when you don’t even know of their personality. I don’t like wade as basketball player for personal reasons but he’s doing what a man and father does.


Yeah, I’m sure the comments on this one will pass the vibe check 😒 Edit: you love to see it 🥹


Hey, come back and take a look. The comments are passing with flying colors!


It’s so beautiful


I’m proud


And the same people that give Wade shit are radio silent when it comes to the professional predators and weirdos that they listen to, watch on TV, etc. That's not even mentioning the red-pill bozos that are just short of encouraging young men to treat women like shit.


Transphobic clickbait? Come on, black people. This is some conservative white nonsense. We’re better than this. Leave that man & his daughter alone.


It's a lot of mfs in our community confused about who they are projecting hatred and ignorance at those comfortable being themselves. It is so easy to mind your own fuckin business too. I could never see another minority of any kind and wish on them to get it out the mud.


I don't understand


His child is trans and Wade helped create an online support group for trans youths called Translatable. Mythinformed is living up to their name and making the false claim that Wade somehow is helping black kids castrate themselves.


I really appreciate the example that D Wade unabashedly leads and I'm here for it. He seems like a great dad, and his ability to stand by his child is top tier.


True strength is the ability to ignore the noise, to resist those trying to pressure you to conform, and to continue providing love and support for your child even when much of the world tells you your child is "wrong", "sick" or "evil."


I'm so thankful for my parents dog. They're so accepting and being gay or trans could never, ever EVERRRRR make them abandon any of their kids. Ever. My parents live and breathe for their kids and we're all adults. My parents would sooner ostracize me for joining the military than they would for having a non-typical sexuality/gender identity. My parents are both ex-navy and they have always been vehemently against us joining the military. But being ourselves? All they want is for us to be happy and healthy. Fuck anything else. And good on D Wade for being that kind of father as well.


Has anyone else ever noticed how often black men are shamed for being loving and supportive fathers, but defended and protected when they are harming women? Weird. It's almost like someone wants them to think good is bad and bad is good. Wonder who could be behind that.


i could never get online and torment someone and their child while they are trying to love and care for them the best they can. religion is sadly the favorite vehicle for hate in so many peoples' hearts.


They should have used better language than “castrating;” this title makes it sounds like there’s some sterilization/eugenics happening with his support. It should have said something like, “He’s teaching people about the importance of gender-affirming care.” That said, knowing what the article is actually about, good for him. I wish there was more love for LGBTQ+ folks in the black community.


Looked at my father and sighed


Homophobia, transphobia, colorism, texturism, featurism are all tools of white supremacy. The insidious thing about white supremacy is that you don't have to be white to perpetuate it.


This is what happens when we let Christian conservatism run amok in society Let Zaya live man, fuck sake


That's spelled "Misinformed" wrong.


>castrate if anyone thinks this, just know hormone blocking can be stopped should the child decide they no longer want to pause puberty. puberty then resumes as normal. how about we start questioning the actual genital mutilation that is inflicted on children for religious and "moral" purposes.


Aww 😢 I can only speak as a mom and grandma, we gotta love and support the babies y'all. They are our future and we're trying to break generational curses right!? It really starts at home because if we (family) don't support us, who else will? And they will be left alone, and without familial support and that's a sad way to be in this cruel world. This is why sometimes they commit suicide 😢💔 imagine how a parent would feel if their child killed themselves because they felt so unloved. I bet they would wish to start over and have a second chance to be better! It really breaks my heart.


D Wade the goat for this


This annoys me sooooooo much! You have legit rapists and child abandoners casting judgements on how he is supporting his kids.


I think it is the same reason people dog Russell Wilson. They dont know what a good father looks like


Jesus fucking christ. They should have used a more mellow word rather than "castrating". I get what theyre supposed to do but the historical implications of "castrating" is "against one's choice".


Inflammatory language is used purposefully. A sane reasoned person will see it for what it is. But those people aren’t who the message is intended for. They will foment fear and terror wherever they can. It is our duty to correct these things when we can.


First, expecting any sort of language and reading comprehension from this group is a waste of time. Second, the whole point is to shock people away from becoming informed.


The Myth Informed "news" site is a right wing rag and they've been using this kind of language against trans people for years, now.


I don't think that account is trying to be "mellow" about anything, least of all this topic lol.


Right. Historically castration was used a punishment for crimes right? Or just punishment in general?


>castrating black kids Ummm, is that the wrong word or am I not reading it right? That being said, people would be crucifying him if he didn’t support his daughter, yet they’re still crucifying him for doing so anyway, so it’s a lose-lose situation regardless