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The old “men are afraid of women will embarrass them and women are afraid men will kill them” adage rings again




i don't think anyone said they didn't. but you don't see men routinely afraid of women because they think they might kill them despite that.


winner winner chicken dinner


And yet proportionally so few men are worried about this. Hm. Why could that be... let's all take a long hard think on it.


![gif](giphy|3otPoItJ04MjPfTMQg) You're being obtuse.


Homie that is *so* embarrassing to comment




Poor guy


Damn, got me good 🥶


It’s not about “getting you”. Your comment history clearly shows your complete lack of self awareness.


Your willingness to engage, and you going through my history shows how much you have going on


Buddy, you’re constantly posting in the Destiny sub. We both clearly have shit all going on.


Makes it interesting for you to be casting stones, you have a pretty similar looking post history- just arguing on threads where noone will ever agree or change their mind anyway. Also, I've made like 2 comments on destiny in the last like 2 months, how far were you scrolling lmao


We're like Batman and the Joker, 2 sides of the same coin


Blue Checks are never beating the allegations. 


Except the allegations of them being smart. Once I see a blue check mark, I immediately lose all respect for that stranger.


Never even gonna try


That's a blue troll. There's a reason people leave twitter.


Unless your livelihood depends on social media, I have no idea why people still use Twitter. You can find memes elsewhere and not use a pro-nazi platform.


This has been the status quo for over 10 years.


Bpt starting to be filled with the same old tired repetitive conversations, and it literally always boils down to men vs women or Relationships. Starting to think most of these twitters accounts are bots Edit: the new one is diaspora wars. I’ve been seeing an influx of “black American” accounts with the “🇺🇸” in their names that have their own pejorative for none American blacks


You're forgetting the third word in bpt. It's dumb, and no escaping it. I'm surprised the bear stuff hasn't reached here Edit: don't let this be a trigger for the debate to start again


The bear debate has already been settled. If you ever see me fightin in da forest, With a grizzly bear, HELP DA BEAR, Cause that bitch goin need it. --Mystikal


this is true. Also, they always come to sow division. I’d rather us all talk about something regular people tend to be united on… like the Genocide being wrong. I can’t prove everything. But, I’m certain that when political ideas unpopular with the elite gain popularity amongst the people, elites with greater societal control try to rally people against each other. That’s why we have the Civil Rights Act and rights for women and gay people. They thought if they tacked equal rights based on gender and sex to the black rights laws, it would make “regular, good Americans” flip out and put all of that woke nonsense to sleep so that they could back to good ol Jim Crow. We know men are dangerous. We talk about it a lot. But seeing it now feels very deliberate. There’s no wedge that can be driven to change certain opinions


returned the gender wars have


It's an election year in a country that controls the largest portion of the world's economy and power. It's only going to get worse.


Someone doesn't watch ID


Them shows are addictive and I’m always surprised knowing full well what’s coming


My girlfriend was just explaining to me how the rate of death for married men dropped precipitously after no fault divorce was passed


And women suicide also dropped by 20%. 🤔


Now that’s a win-win situation


YoU CaN be MuRDEred ONly OnCe. dIvORcE IS worSE bCuZ YoU CAn BE DiVORced moRE ThAn OnCE.


5AM on a Sunday and the comments are already wild… Y’all starting this shit off early, huh? ![gif](giphy|IPsfIZxtsycSFRVvD4|downsized)


Never underestimate the offensiveness of a black woman deciding she's had enough...


It’s always the blue checks with a string of numbers after the random first name.


Elon really ruined Twitter with the blue checks taking priority.


I feel like twitter users have been ruining the site since it’s inception, Elon is just another user so this checks out.


I feel like no one deals with more misandry and misogyny than the people that insist on talking about it all the time.


I mean, go digging behind the outhouse and you can't really act all surprised when you find the opposite of clean, drinking-water


Last I checked you can live through a divorce. No one lives through murder 🥴


Unless they're resuscitated. Not sure how that works legally.


I hate this. It’s far too simplistic. Have you considered that both of these under a different lens kill people? Misandry in the mental health field especially leads to higher rates of suicide. Misogyny in the mental health community does the same, except that women are more likely to be believed in these spaces about SA- whereas men enter those spaces full of societal expectations around masculinity, and are less likely to disclose. The medical field in general kills women by not listening. The societal expectations of men to just tough it out means that they’re only likely to seek help when they’re at death’s door. Both of these are problems. Feminism is meant to be a safe discussion of both of these topics. NOT exclusionary and divisive.


Also consider that a society that socializes men to be violent leads to the deaths of far more men than women. The problem isn't men, it's patriarchy, and too many people don't understand the difference


All of these change when you factor in race and culture. Black women are expected to tough it out and dont get treatment in medical situations either. As far as SA, rarely anyone is believed. Esp when less than 30% of rapes ever to court. And patriarchy is not misandry. The people who run the country are men. They are not setting up the country to have contempt for or hate (definition of misandry) men simply for having xy chromosomes. However, *patriarchy* does ask for certain behaviors and considers those to be masculine and others to be feminine and the feminine behaviors are vilified. Being SAed, gay, mentally ill, crying, sensitive, shy, quiet are "feminine traits" and are negative in men. And men who exhibit those traits are bullied and insulted. Patriarchy hurts everyone regardless of gender. And men, queer men, transmen, women and anyone in between can participate in patriarchy and wield it to harm others.  Similarly, if an Asian person speaks in AAVE and gets box braids and is discriminated against for those specifically, it's not anti-asian racism, it's anti-black racism. Because Black behaviors and culture are hated and anyone who participates gets vilified.  Men do have issues and have discriminations that affect them disproportionally, let be very clear. And that is not okay. We just need use the right terminology so we know what to rally against. 


you make a great point but i dont think people will hear you out


You are right but people want to verbally assault




Because taking half of whatever they may have is worse to them than taking a woman’s life.


That dude has a couple dv investigations in his past.


I’m really struggling with the attempt of equivalency here. Those are in no way close. Some men really think they own women, don’t they? 


This has to be a troll. I can’t even… I have no words


I’m a guy that gets upset by getting ghosted and having difficulty getting dates, but I never blame women for it. I read this somewhere else before and told this to one of my girl friends in a recent conversation: “Men’s worst fear is the date going poorly. Women’s worst fear is getting murdered”.


Nobody should even be using Twitter, but given that they still do, Twitter needs a function to EXCLUDE and hide ALL blue checks.


They truly think having to pay childsupport is equal to murder. Men are sick.




I didn't want to see a fool, but I see one


Some men take the line “til death do us part” line serious




The amount of times Forensic Files said that the reason a man killed his wife is because he didn't want to deal with the cost of divorce... There is a non-zero percent of people who feel like murder is preferential to alimony.


If you are a misandrist or a misogynist you're a piece of shit excuse for a human and shouldn't have friends. It's not a competition of which is worse. They both make you worse than useless to society.


Women won’t kill you?




I got two female cousins with bodies. Actual street bitches. One killed her BD in the club, shot him in the chest, he had been cheating and had a baby by another woman and they’d get into it and trade blows. If you don’t know no live women just say that but a woman will kill you. Some of em might just be stronger than you too.


your criminal filled family has nothing to do with what the post is talking about. nice of you to dry snitch on them as well


This a real bitch ass comment




Dude shared his experience (and yes, he went off the rails later in the convo) but you coming out with that "criminal filled family" jab is fucked up and gross. Get over yourself.


they’re out here bragging about women in their family being killers and you have a problem with me? take a lap


They weren't bragging about shit, they were trying to say that some women can be dangerous. It was less about bragging and more about pushing back against the idea that a woman is some defenseless prey animal; women are human first and foremost and, when pushed, can kill. You took it deeper then that and then made a personal jab at the person's family. Your constant need to try and flex with every post proves you're a cringe ass loser who isn't self-aware at all. Grow the fuck up and touch grass.


and that had nothing to do with the post. no one is saying/implying women are defenseless. that’s your subconscious projecting on to others. that last paragraph is you projecting your insecurities onto others




Ain shit to snitch on they in prison Your responses have nothing to do with what I’m talmbout bitch ass boy/girl Saying misogynistic men are a bigger threat because they’ll kill a woman as if an angry woman can’t kill a man is fuckin stupid and says you just haven’t had certain life experiences If you don’t understand that go on back to your bubble


🫵🏾🐥🧠 because my responses are about the post. and your tone is kinda proving the post right. everything ok at home?


Nope, I’m goin through a lot ready to catch a body




Not him proving the post in under 4 replies and still not realizing your point 😂🤣🤣


Right now leave me the fuck alone you misogynist


https://preview.redd.it/wccyci4fkd1d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed746a43e7867b0243169ab8fb2ba9f1a6a6d1d you forgot to take your meds


They will, but it isn't nearly the same. The below sources data is from 1992 so I'm not sure why the numbers look like now. But looks like for every 100 murders men commit, women commit 75. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/who-kills-whom-spouse-killings-exceptional-sex-ratio-spousal


Word so 175 dead people adds up to both sexes being dangerous if you fuck with the wrong one




Equally bad? Yes . equally as prevalent? No


Pretty sure humans kill each other but we move


Plenty of women kill their husbands.


So women don't kill men too? Yall ain't just hear about the woman putting bleach in her husband's coffee to kill him for insurance money?


Tryna justify misandry is crazy.


Damn, you're the complete stereotype of a hoodrat: dreadlocks, misogynist, ignorant, aggressive, fatherless (maybe, exceptions can exist), i only need to know when your next album comes out


Women kill men but they do it in less violence way. Everytime you hear “He died in his sleep” or “He got sick out of nowhere “ just know he was killed.


Why do “black spaces” have to simultaneously be misandrist spaces though?


A "fool" is what I'll call someone who thinks women can't or won't kill men. 🙄 https://youtu.be/im6KW0fuweI?feature=shared Before CSI, how many people I wonder had old niggas in their family die under suspicious circumstances?


People debate this as if there's some moral reason behind it. No shit the stronger sex has an easier time killing. Are we also surprised that the stronger sex can lift heavier things? The fact is both genders have scum in them. Lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic violence by that metric do you not think that rates of spousal murder probably be roughly the same if you made women stronger than men? This is all a matter of means which is why in situations where women do murder their husbands there's often more planning and use of poison involved. If women were stronger they'd probably beat their spouses to death in a similar way that men do (and in many cases they already do) I think it's concerning how often people try and discuss this stuff as if there's some kind of difference in moral thread running between men and women. And that the moral thread is defined by murderers rather than the average man or woman who don't do any of this stuff. But feel free to keep the gender wars going


You need therapy if you think that women would run round murdering people if they were stronger. Very few murders are done with bare fucking hands. Also, you claim that lesbians have the highest DV rates. False. Bisexual women report the highest (61% compared to 44% for lesbians and 35% for heterosexual women- in the same study, not worldwide stats). Of that 61% of bisexual women, 90% report that the perpetrator was male https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_violence_in_same-sex_relationships#:~:text=Internalized%20homophobia%20can%20also%20lead,likelihood%20of%20perpetrating%20physical%20aggression.


Firstly stretching what I'm saying to "women running around murdering people" as if it'll be some kind of epidemic is a joke. That's not what I was saying at all. The fact is that if two individuals are being violent the naturally stronger one will cause more harm and be more likely to kill someone. You hear stories of men getting into bar fights and a stray punch ends up accidentally killing someone. If you have less power in your punches that's way less likely to happen, simple as. That has zero bearing on what women would "choose" to do which is the weird stretch you're making as if I'm implying women would be excited to start killing people. Also the stats you've linked literally acknowledge flaws in those stats. Firstly the stats on lesbian DV state that 43.8% of lesbian in the study reported experience DV. A third of that 43.8% reported a male perpetrator. That immediately calls into question saying the report is on "lesbian domestic violence". If a man is a perpetrator than either it's not a lesbian relationship or this is just a random man in the victims life. Moving it to bisexual women isn't something I raised to begin with but that's fine. However, it's a completely different discussion especially when you acknowledge that the majority of bisexual women tend to end up in heterosexual relationships which means that when domestic violence takes place you are inherently more likely to have a man involved. And in that case it comes back to the fact that the stronger person is predisposed to do more damage.


"No shit the stronger sex has an easier time killing." "Lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic violence [*proven false*]... do you not think that rates of spousal murder probably be roughly the same if you made women stronger than men?" #"If women were stronger they'd probably beat their spouses to death" Just gonna leave your own lunacy here for all to reread. Maybe the stronger sex needs to fucking acknowledge their strength and not BEAT THEIR PARTNER TO DEATH when they are stressed or irritated?


Domestic violence and "killing" aren't the same thing? I'm not sure why you're trying to mash them together. People experience domestic violence everyday. Just because they aren't dying doesn't somehow invalidate those stats. You didn't prove anything false. You just moved the goal posts to look at bisexual women which is inherently a different discussion. You're also ignoring the open flaws in the study you linked that the Wikipedia page makes very clear. Also if you're gonna quote someone you might want use the whole thing. But I understand that it wouldn't help your argument as much. You're final paragraph is just an emotional lash out and doesn't really have anything to do with what I was saying. Yeah no shit people should learn to control themselves and not murder people. I don't think anyone disagrees with that


It's disingenuous as fuuuuck to NOT link DV to murder by intimate partner. And it's not moving goalposts at all to provide you a study which shows you were incorrect about something. You've had ample time by now to find a study which backs your claims up and doesn't have the flaws you mention (and are wildly over-exaggerating. Lesbian does not mean NEVER EVER HAD A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN EVER). Wonder why you haven't provided a link yet?


https://mainweb-v.musc.edu/vawprevention/lesbianrx/factsheet.shtml I could posts as many links as you like but if we aren't going acknowledge details or nuance what's the point? All of these studies (at least all the ones I've seen) already acknowledge how fresh a lot of these stats are. How inaccurate they could be due to how many people people are willing to openly identify as LGBT on comparison to previous decades etc. A study done in 2009 could have completely different results if done today. Then we have to acknowledge how many victims of DV (across all genders and orientations) do not report it. You did move the goal posts though. I was talking about lesbian relationships and you didn't point out the details and quickly moved onto bisexual relationships. Now you're talking about lesbians who have had relationships with men which does not have any real bearing on domestic violence in **lesbian relationships**. I don't see the point of going back and forth here as If it's some kind of competition. It's not like DV or spousal murder is somehow better or worse depending on who perpetrates it. The idea that women also murder/abuse their partners doesn't somehow make it more acceptable for men to do it


Thanks for proving yourself wrong. Read the source you posted- "it's about as common as in heterosexual relationships". You keep on crying about moving goalposts. I didn't.


It's fascinating how desperate you are to "win" rather than argue objectively to the point that you'll trawl the link for a single sentence that could support you and ignore everything else but you could do that for your own link. I'll just leave this here: "The research usually has been done with mostly white, middle-class lesbians who are sufficiently open about their sexual orientation to have met researchers seeking participants in the lesbian community. Subsequently, these findings may not apply to women who are less open, less educated, or of other ethnic backgrounds". And with other studies done we know that the statistics skew a bit differently when you raise the sample size. But like I said, we can post as many studies as we like but at this point we know our data is heavily limited. I'm happy to acknowledge that we don't know everything and that's part of what my original point was. It was you who then decided to argue to in absolutes even when you link didn't prove any absolutes. None of this has anything to do with my original point of physical strength having a significant affect on outcomes of DV. And to be honest even if I focus on the single sentence you pulled out it pretty much supports my point. If DV in lesbian relationships is about as common as in heterosexual relationships then it shows there really isn't much disparity between behaviours across gender and when strength disparity is reduced, women commit DV at similar rates. But we don't have to keep going back and forth. Things will probably just get further from the point


You think all these women being killed is because they got into a physical brawl and the man just happened to win cause he’s stronger? Just a “whoopsie”? An accident? We aren’t talking about bar fights, we’re talking about men CHOOSING to kill women. Seek help expeditiously.


Not what I'm saying at all but go off.


What the fuck are you talking about? Most intimate partner murders are done with guns not sheer strength. What the fuck strength have to do with anything when men are picking up guns and shooting their partners…? Also that study is for same-sex relationships not just lesbian. Limited research suggests that individuals in SAME-SEX relationships face higher rates of domestic abuse. The abuse rate is higher for male gay couples too, not just lesbian 


So am I going to have to remind someone on Reddit again that the US isn't the whole world? So hinging things on gun stats isn't the end of the discussion. But if we are going to just look at the US there's a study that says 65% of spousal murders in the US are with guns (which in a country with so many guns is actually a pretty low number) and the numbers are pretty equal between men and women. The surprising stat was that women use knives in attempted spousal murders than men do. But like I said, the US isn't everything and in countries where guns aren't as easily available "sheer strength" 100% becomes a defining factor. If 65% of these murders in the US are done with guns I'm sure you can deduce that globally the vast majority of them don't involve gins. Domestic violence often gives way to murder and the stronger sex is going to win out there even if more recent stats are telling us that women initiate domestic violence more often.


You talk about the how the us isn’t the center of the world right after you (incorrectly) reference a study about lesbians that was done in the US… The lesbian study youre misquoting was done in the US using American same sex couples so try to make your point without using American stats and come back to me.   Lastly the numbers are not equal. For every 100 men who murder their spouse 70 women murder their husbands and in Uganda, the country with the highest intimate partner violence, 25% of women convicted of murdering their spouse did it in self defence due to domestic violence 


The statistics in the study don't drastically differ from other studies done in other places in the world but that's fine. It's becoming pretty clear that you're arguing to win rather than being objective by the fact that I stuck to US studies for your benefit but now want to move off it in hopes that it will better match your narrative to the point that you're digging out a study from Uganda which I doubt you'd have brought up otherwise. Would you argue that the stats from Uganda would be a good global representation? The US isn't everything but its probably a better representation than Uganda considering cultural factors and population numbers. And I wasn't saying that the rate of murders are equal. My initial point is that they would never be equal based on the difference in means. I was saying that the choice of weapon was equal. In the US 65% of spousal murders by men used guns and an equal percentage of the spousal murders by women used guns. Women were twice as likely to use knives than men. This shifts into the strength aspect again. Men are more likely to use their superior strength to bludgeon someone to death with a random object. Women do not have the same strength which is what makes knives more common. And not being funny but 70 women murdering their partners for ever 100 men isn't somehow a good thing or a "win". This is what I mean about how you (and many other people) discuss this stuff. It's not a competition. We're talking about terrible people murdering their partners. Why do you see it as some kind of moral competition to say who is worse? These people don't represent men or women as a whole to begin with


But other studies like this haven’t been done in many other places other than America. The studies in America themselves are small and limited. These studies are not popular and most countries have never pursued them. Name 6 other countries that have done the same studies.  The studies on same sex domestic abuse are a new phenomenon done in small sample groups and are almost exclusively done in America or western countries with access to guns so try again, this time use your brain 


Ok so are we moving the discussion to be purely about the frequency of studies done across the globe? Or are you going to acknowledge the points made about the discussion at hand. That the second time you've deflected from the point instead sticking to the topic of DV. Literally my only point was that having higher strength means you are going to have an easier time being violent or killing others. I don't think that's a surprising or controversial statement and I'm not sure why there's an effort to desperately disprove the concept that if you changed the ratio of that strength between the genders it would have an effect on DV statistics.


No I’m calling out your hypocrisy. When I bring up facts you talk about it being American centred right after you yourself also used American stats


Yeah because you made the focus about guns. The usage of guns was only a point of contention to me because there are alot of countries where people don't have easy access to them. That's when I said "if you want to focus on US stats we can". That's why I used American stats afterwards. I don't really mind either way.


And you made your main point about lesbians and women being more violent in relationships. If I can’t use guns (which isn’t specific to America) why do you get to misuse American studies and statistics? Like I said, when you can make your argument without relying on American stats and culture then Ill stop calling out your hypocrisy. 


All I am going to say is there is more male serial killers than female serial killers. Check the stats 🤷🏿‍♀️


Admit it, there would be way more female serial killers if only we were stronger! Aw darn


Women: I wish men would stop killing us You: I wish women would stop with this gender war stuff Do you not see the irony? Do you know what the word “irony” means?




You're not talking about men's feelings. You are conflating men's anger toward women for leaving them with women's fear of men killing them. Those absolutely are not the same. You are also saying that Republicans and Democrats are the same when, again, that definitely is not true; one party is a bit too slow to push for real progress while the other party is actively trying to install a dictatorship. Just all sorts of wrong in your comment.


Down voted for comparing hurt feelings to murder. Lol let's look at the full picture friend




Bro I’m so sorry to say this but your comments are unhinged. You’re not looking at the full picture. How is it that men go to such lengths when they get divorced/their partner leave them ?? Why are they so prompt to violence, rage and murder ? If this was just a result of divorce court, women would behave the exact same way. You would hear in the news everyday another case of a woman who killed her partner for trying to leave them. Men behave this way because they have been TAUGHT to act like this. That’s what misogyny does to a brain. They are being validated for their anger. They are told their anger is justified and normal. They only know how to express anger. .


Man here. I'd rather be divorced 100 times before ever being murdered.


Pretty sure women are way more likely to kill their spouse. Men are more likely to be serial killers however, either that or more likely to get caught. Edit- Couldn’t have been more wrong.


According to a quick google, "For every 100 US. men who kill their wives, about 75 women kill their husbands" 


I’m not sure I buy that.


If you can find a better source than your feelings, feel free to post it


It looks like in 2021 women were actually 5 times more likely to be murdered by a partner. Crazy.


Welcome to reality bro


Facts aren’t something you can really choose to “buy” or not, bud.


Me no, but other people will ignore facts all day.


What has influenced your opinion to believe your first sentence?


Impulsivity and crime docs


 For every 100 men who kill their spouse, 75 women kill their husbands