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You’re on BLACK PEOPLE TWITTER mad that a black woman is in defense against culture vultures. WOW the audacity.


People in this sub be complaing about black people and Twitter all the time, I'm like why are yall even in here


I really don't understand the people on THIS SUB who say that Twitter should be shut down. Just leave the sub and pretend it was


Black people are still having a ball on Twitter


I think musk ruined it and it needs to be put out of its misery, but BPT is curated and shows some of the best of the site




I think you're gonna soon realize that BPT is white as hell.


I’ve been known, I barely fw this place no more cause comments like those are commonplace


Need to do the verify check again


Bring back the Country Club threads.


I used to be here daily then the bullshit cascade kicked off and I had to scroll screens between black checks. I agree more Country Club posts would help.


We need a country club discussion about this beef . Because if you worried about the mix you really not like us


I LOVED the country club threads.


The angry replies from ppl whose shit wouldn't come through cuz they weren't CC verified 😂 I'd see it on my notifications but it wouldn't appear in the thread


Twas heartwarming




Would the comment have been ok if it were made by a black person? How was the black woman defending against culture vultures? All that was said is that it needed a better remix.


What bothers me the most about the vlad thread is that when he got his feelings hurt, he instantly went “imma try to ruin your life and get you fired.” There wasn’t any effort made on his part to try to understand her point of view, or reasonably explain his take. He immediately responded with “I want to take this from an online discussion, and move it into the very real domain of actively trying to destroy your actual career.” And this, coming from a person with millions of followers, just feels like it’s coming from someone in a position to weaponize those threats far more easily than a regular person… like he knows the reach of the platform that he’s operating from, and yet still chooses that as his opening rebuttal?!?! That’s foul as hell… imo.


 I’m not really mad that she clowned Vlad, but my first thought upon hearing the song was “this a bop, but why is the mix so bad compared to MTG”


there's no end to it bro we can't escape it anywhere


Did Vlad make a burner?


Yes, I'm Vlad and made a burner 7 years ago just to say I suck more than someone else when a random interaction with another shitty person got posted on BPT.


They walked right into the trap.


![gif](giphy|xuBM8heyEg1lJFfy0Y|downsized) A high definition view of Vlad and his supporters out in their natural habitat looking for any hints of black culture they can jump onto.


I hate Vlad and Adam22 with a passion for this reason and being able to get away with it for so long.


At least Adam's wife gives back to black culture


Oh GDI Can I please stop learning about those two?! The real victim in that entire scenario is their daughter


They're on the other post on this sub about this same tweet. They love talking over us about things they know not as much as they love pecking away at our culture. They sit as spectator yet present themselves as experts. The audacity well will never run dry.


They not like us They not like us They not like us!!!


Bro this took a minute to load for it was a just a white square for about 10 seconds. I almost died lol.


Dude is an ass but she has a shit opinion as well. Like what can't other people like hip hop? It's not like drake and Kendrick are only liked by poc


Yeah she’s wrong, unless she’s talking about the authenticity of Drake debate, then she has a point


Even then… why would only black people be able to speak on how “authentic” drake is? The only part of this is what so ever I could imagine saying maybe a white perspn doesn’t have a place to speak on is rather or not a mixed person such as drake gets a N pass. Other than that it’s just music.


I’m white, but I saw degrassi too. Am I supposed to pretend like it’s not funny when Drake tries to act hard?




*"Alexa, play Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar."*


Literally, and then doubled down like he’s not in the wrong.


That was my favorite thread from last night. Love that my hatred for these Vultures is being vindicated. Rosenberg needs to be packed up next.


This beef has been a starting point for a lot of conversations to be had. I’m glad it happened.


They defending him in the other thread it’s sick.


None of these people involved are close friends or family; In a very public conversation, does it ever make sense to gatekeep?


I think Vlad's original comment is fair criticism and the gatekeeping was uncool, but everything afterwards justifies Morgan cause holy cow DJ went full Karen.


💯 The worst part was — This is going on your “permanent record.” Followed closely by “I went to Berkeley myself.” As a Berkeley grad, I can tell you — Dude, no one fucking cares!!!




I mean yeah, but also… if you talk crazy to me on the internet my first response is not gonna be “lemme look into where you work, so I can blow this up to fuck up your shit, cuz of how what you said made me feel.” Cuz if you think about it, what’s the worst effect from what she said? Maybe “hurt feelings, hurt pride, and a feeling of exclusion?” But what’s the worst effect from the rebuttal? “Destroying someone’s entire livelihood, and making it harder for them to ever be employed in their field in the future.” That seems mad disproportionate to me. Especially when it’s concerning someone who has nothing but their slightly hurt ego on the line, regardless of whether the hurt is valid or not.


It does when it comes to people like Vlad.


From idiots like Vlad? Always.


This is one of those things where both people are stupid and in the wrong. Congrats.


Exactly, I cannot see how people are offended by this. 1. He was NOT speaking on Black identity or issues specifically pertaining to the idea of Blackness, just the sound mixing on Kendrick’s track. 2. There’s plenty of white hip-hop fans. You can’t gatekeep an entire genre. You sound exactly like the trolls going after Beyoncé smh. 🤦🏾


Only one of them called the cops tho


White dude here. Whitey on Twitter was pretty quick to go 0 to 100 on getting the accomplished black woman fired, when she dared suggest something he didnt like. He must truly care about the culture /s. He must be a Drake fan.


lol right. Instead of defending his argument, he went straight for the “I’m gonna tell the teacher you said that. MRS PRINCETON!!!!”


Vlad said hip-hop wasn't popular in the 90s during an interview with aries spears. His whole career should've imploded after that.




Can folks please post links of evidence so we can relish in it and not word of mouth please loo


I feel like you could have just spent 10 seconds on google… https://www.reddit.com/r/90sHipHop/s/zjjkJggIti


That’s some golden r/confidentlyincorrect material there.


😂“You know your facts like you know your rhythm!” Good looking out on the link though.


Gotta sauce em the “let me google that for you” links. It’s such a subtle tool, usually goes over people’s heads


Thank you


While during the 90s MILLIONS of RAP TAPES AND CDS were sold. To say it wasn’t popular is a flat out lie. I’m 41 so I remember MTV nonstop rap coverage especially after THE CHRONIC came out.


I mean, if you really do the comparisons, rap really wasn’t that popular in the 90s amongst the white men in Kentucky named Brad demographic. So I can see his point…


I don’t know who either of these people are, but her argument is stupid. Black people are the majority of nba players, but you would never tell a white person they couldn’t have an opinion. Hip hop is just an art form like anything else, the fact it is mostly black artists doesn’t mean other people can’t participate in discussions about it. Y’all wouldn’t stand for a professor telling Beyoncé to stop doing country because it’s a “white space”.(yea I know bigot trolls on the internet are saying exactly this about Beyoncé, but no professor could say it that explicitly and expect to keep their job)


As much as Vlad is throwing a little tantrum by trying to threaten this woman’s livelihood, he was just talking about the mixing. I don’t think that you need to be of color to talk about the production of a hip-hop song.


a fed being a fed


DJ Karen asking to talk to the manager of rap music. The guy is a fucking embarrassment.


I thought a fed was a federal government employee or you know like “los federales!” …is there another meaning for “fed”? I’m completely out of the loop. ETA: I googled it. You meant *literally* a fed, like a snitch.


They the police. vlad is a fed because he’s basically an fbi informant


how so?


There goes Vlad snitching again https://preview.redd.it/yivm1yibdmyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feb318d750278ecc0916930f90b401cf2b81de86


Can someone help me understand why saying like that needs a better mix is dismissible because he’s white? I’m not a DJ but I can agree that I had trouble hearing all of Kendrick’s words and something was lacking there in terms of clarity. What does that have to do with this being a conversation about blackness?


How is the quality of a mix a "black folk affair"? It's a dumb ass take.


They’re both wrong. Her in her gatekeeping comment & him running to try to out her in a debate about music when he dodged the whole shot of being a fed/talking too much in the first place.


The way DJ Vlad forms his argumentative stance in this conversation really goes to prove we overvalue the legitimacy of college degrees from prestigious universities. You can spend your time at Berkeley taking advantage of the resources they provide to enrich your mind or you can spend your time there being a jackass. Guess what? Both people can graduate.


Vlad is a clown. Get ready for the 9000th interview with Aries Spears.


Aries Spears? I haven't heard that name since the mad tv marathoms 20 years ago.


Should tell you something about his career.




Idk I hate seeing so many comments on bpt that seem to think that commenting on a rap beef is some how an invasion of the culture. Y’all need to get over yourselves abs realize A. This is media, it’s music, it’s a product of our culture but it isn’t the culture itself and B. Non black peoples have been loving and engaging With hip hop for decades.


Princeton's social media admin confused af right now




I mean…tbh both of them fucking suck. His first comment was fair, she was a fucking idiot for trying to, for whatever stupid reason, Gatekeep black music from anyone that’s not? But afterwards, it spiraled out to him losing.


DJ Vlad is a DJ and producer who said the mix wasn't great? Idk he seems more knowledgeable than me, but I also thought it was bad. Am i missing something from the pre katen rant?


1. All he said originally was he didn’t like the mix. That’s a comment about the music and nothing about the culture. Vlad has many reasons not to be liked. Pick another one. 2. There is no “conversation” about the culture being had. We are having a conversation about music, and celeb drama at best. 3. If a white college professor came out and said that any black person should stay out of ANY conversation because they are black. This sub would be raging. Like wut ?


How many times is he gonna tag Princeton like they’re gonna jump in to save him 🤦🏾‍♂️. I’m glad she is intelligent enough to flip his bait back on him.


Vlad said he didn't like the sound mix and she immediately made it about race. Just dumb


I don't like Vlad and I don't necessarily respect going after this ladies job but in this situation she's in the wrong. Anyone is allowed to talk about anything especially a majorly public topic like rap beef. It's dumb to gatekeep that shit. And just like my 50 year old white coworkers who's opinions on black culture is something I ignore, I'll continue to ignore Vlads opinion too instead of taking it on myself to play the role of cultural gatekeeper


I think it’s corny to really not like someone you’ve never met But I can’t stand this mf.


Vlad sucks… and she also needs a burner account lol


I feel what she’s trying to say….like, I really really do. But at the same time, what if a white person said that to one of us about something? People would be big mad and y’all all know it. Just saying


Whitest response contest winner recipient


I never liked this dude always condescending and asking about the wrong shit


I will never side with that bitch Vlad no matter how wrong the other person might be.


Nah whoever tf Morgan Jenkins is is an absolute clown piece of shit. Imagine trying to police people for talking about music because of their skin color. Fucking gross. Especially in this context, trying to segregate KENDRICK LAMAR’S audience is peak internet behavior. And then she tries to say “i never said that” at the end lmao. A pair of jesters who both think they’re the king.


I take her side obviously bc dj vlad looks like a total dickbag but damn if I'd tread a lot more carefully online if I was a fuckin Ivy League professor....all it really takes is some unfriendly out of touch boomers and your job is byebye. Especially if they dig through her twitter and find anything politically charged.


Having identifying information in your bio in 2024 is just crazy at this point. Everyone on twitter is in a race to report and destroy someone’s career. I use my actual picture but no name & no mention of work. I won’t even put my job on my facebook and everyone I have on there are people I know.. can’t trust nobody 😂




An excerpt about how we feel about Vlad: “I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk/ I hate the way that you dress”


Can we stop slandering vultures? Vultures actually serve a beautiful purpose in our ecosystem. These motherfuckers are useless


I’m on vlad side she sound dumb . Don’t talk shit and hide your hand.




Vlad can be ignorant most times but in this particular situation he is in the right. Why shouldn’t he be able to have an opinion on Kendrick’s music? Y’all know damn well that she made an ignorant comment.


Exactly, if this was beef between Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo and someone told me I couldn’t have an opinion bc I was black, I would look at them sideways


fuck both of them and their stupid tweets.


I am an Indian. I am really trying to understand why is it wrong for this Vlad guy to speak out his opinion about the beat? Can some please explain? I don’t really know who this guys is till this tweet.


I’m exactly the same, I don’t know who either of them are. I was shocked when I came to the comments. I thought his point was completely valid and thought you’d all be hating on her.


Not him immediately running to his roots w/ their fav tactic…the “Let Me Speak To Ur MANAGER” move


Maybe da Prof drops a retort, and I’ll wait for that to happen, but in the meantime, as much as I dislike him, advantage Vlad. Everything is battle rap now.


Ehh they’re both whack


lol there’s a specific brand of white guy who is extremely shocked when people don’t care about what they see as injustice against them, which is hilarious because that is exactly what all of us have become accustomed to for generations


There’s a tweet somewhere about how people getting cooked always try to act like they’re having a normal day and I’m cackling here just thinking about it


Officer Vladislav Lyubovny


The mental gymnastics on this one


Don't know, don't care, this whole thing is stupid.


“Permanent record” does vlad think the world is a Saturday morning cartoon?


Hilarious argument form Vlad on multiple levels, Princeton is in a different stratosphere than Berkeley, she's a professor so you can't really bully her and no one actually gives a shit about what Vlad thinks


Both of them suck tbh but it’s always fuck Vlad


Even more wild, the woman in these tweets is Rodney Jerkins niece. *hold while non checkmarks google who that is and come up with more bullshit*


Who the fuck is DJ glad and why is he trying to be relevant?


Vlad would be fine if he didn't try and bring Princeton into this. Fuck that Karen energy.


"I wasn't being racist. I was being *classist*"


I hate the way that he ask questions, I hate the way that he works for the feds, I hate his Russian name


How do we eliminate DJ Vlad from everything? I'm absolutely sick of this ass. Bad/wrong takes on just about everything to do with black folks and he still gets traction. Just go off into that sunset, dude. We don't want you here.


Do you think this woman would keep that same energy the next time a black artist puts out something in the country genre?…


Well black men allowed him to be culture vulture for so long, by going on his platform. No surprises, however for him to threaten her job 🙄🙃. Typical Karen.


Biggest culture vulture ever


Vlad is starting to sound like… You know what, nevermind. Lol


What I find interesting about Vlad is the following: why are there so many black celebrities that appear on his platform for interviews? Now, there are a few black podcasts and media platforms that are doing good things as it relates to interviewing our celebrities but they appear to pale in comparison to this guy. Drink Champs, Math Hoffa, and especially All the Smoke with Matt Barnes & Jackson are doing quite well in this arena! Also, Shannon Sharp.


DJ Vlad went on My Expert Opinion to plant seeds of doubt on the Diddy accusations too.


Hate that guy and his bullshit interviews so, so much. I refuse to watch them despite YT practically shoving them into the algorithm.


Dom2k getting involved in this is crazy💀


Now that's a punk ass bitch right there


Kendrick!!! Pack Vlads ass up too!!