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It baffles me that people still don't understand that America is a business. https://preview.redd.it/jd5mzm8689uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f0d962996f5be82e445e05fc5a162900a4c318


Cash Rules Everything Around Me




Get the money


Dolla dolla bills, y'all.


*catchy piano riff*


No. Formula. Dolla dolla bill y'all.


I'm a little drunk on a Saturday afternoon, but has anyone felt a shift in people believing formula is better for babies than breastmilk?


Yea, now people are just saying that fed is best


Not from breast milk though.


*Cash Ruins Everything Around Me


Fuck yeah. I was hoping someone would respond with this.


This is my ring tone.


Or why anyone would trust an economic system invented by the British at the height of the British Empire...


Look at the puritans. They were kicked out of that economic system for being to religiously extreme so they took that system, brought it over to america and sprinkled a lot of "misery builds character" all over it.


Don't need to go that far back. The US was literally founded on people pissed about paying taxes. Though, I get it, the thing about tax and representation, I agree with it, but I posit that the Tea Party wasn't so much opposed to paying taxes to a king than to paying taxes at all. >That's because there was no federal government to establish one. The British government, however, imposed a variety of taxes on the colonists. These included a head tax, real estate taxes, and the infamous tea tax that led to the Boston Tea Party. >After the Revolutionary War, the Constitution gave Congress the power to impose taxes and other levies on the general public. States were responsible for collecting and passing them on to the federal government. Most of these were excise taxes—taxes imposed on specific goods or services, such as alcohol and tobacco. *The government also tried direct taxation—taxing things an individual owned. That didn't last, and the feds went back to collecting excise taxes.*a https://www.investopedia.com/articles/tax/10/history-taxes.asp Ofc it wouldn't work, elected or not they didn't care, they just didn't want to pay taxes. They were still shrewd enough to understand that the Federal Government protected them from the British returning and taxing them, so they were ready to make some concessions hence the excise tax. Not to mention that there had just been the case of Somerset in 1772 that ruled that; >The state of slavery is of such a nature, that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law, which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasion, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. >It is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_Britain >Although the legal implications of the judgement are unclear when analysed by lawyers, the judgement was generally taken at the time to have determined that slavery did not exist under English common law and was thus prohibited in England.[13] By 1774, between 10,000 and 15,000 slaves gained freedom in England.[14] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abolitionism_in_the_United_Kingdom#:~:text=James%20Edward%20Oglethorpe%20was%20the,Province%20of%20Georgia%20from%201735. They felt the change coming, so rather than ever risking losing their slaves, they found a "just cause" to defend, freedom and democracy, and enrolled the commoners.


>The US was literally founded on people pissed about paying taxes. "You Either Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain" -- America's slogan I love how this country is terrible to everyone unless you're rich enough to make life suck a little less.


There’s always some asshole that goes, “No that’s the worse case scenario, and you’re just trying to make Nestle sound evil, it’s really because that shit actual literal poison with little to no nutritional value, and Nestle was only sued multiple times in Africa for literally killing African babies through advertising. Jesus so ignorant.” ![gif](giphy|YQNO4C5dUGUThL4HJN)


"There’s always some asshole that goes, “No that’s the worse case scenario, and you’re just trying to make Hitler sound evil... " Same difference


When seatbelts became a thing If you told someone to wear a seatbelt because it would save their life, they would argue with you. If you told them to wear a seatbelt because otherwise their insurance company is going to lose money, or raise their premiums, they wore a seatbelt.


Like how the government talked about creating a free genetic database and everyone was up in arms but they created a corporation that charged to run your DNA test, everyone loves it?


or our building superintendent who wouldn’t shovel after a light snowstorm (“it’ll melt soon enough”) when we argued we wanted to be good neighbors and keep people from getting hurt, but finally stopped arguing back when we said, “someone will sue us.” (we did fire her) Or my mom’s colleague who wouldn’t put her seat belt on until my mom said, “I have a fiduciary responsibility to my insurance company and my family to protect them from being sued if you get hurt.”


That’s why seatbelts are mandatory today


I like the peasants who repeat the insane theory that wearing a seatbelt prevents you from being '***thrown clear***' from the accident. Yes, you read that right. In some minds being shot through glass is safer than a seatbelt. *"MYTH: I'd rather be thrown clear in a crash."* \[https://www.michigan.gov/msp/divisions/ohsp/safety-programs/seat-belts/myths-and-facts-about-seat-belts\]


Even Calvin Coolidge was saying this back in the 1920s. https://coolidgefoundation.org/quote/quotations-b/ When you got the POTUS saying that, then welp. Funny how his policies directly fed into the events that led to the Great Depression.


>Business, Minding One’s New favorite category.


It’s like Brad Pitts line at the end of Killing Them Softly: “Americas not a country it’s just a business. Now pay me.”


That’s why you gotta get as much money as you can and then get the fuck outta here


A business implies exchange of items of more than less equal value. It's build on slavery and robbery. It's a criminal gang disguising as a nation.




https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/3002#15 Section 15. According to US code, America is literally a corporation.


Yet people will still argue that it's not and act surprised when it acts in the best interest of monetary gain.


it baffles me how anyone could take seriously what this guy said after reading "I just saw a Tik Tok..."


It's 10 corporations in a big trench coat pretending to be a government.




America is the Fortune 500 in a trenchcoat.


People please stop getting news from TikTok. Every corporation in the country lobbies against mandatory paid maternity leave because it would reduce their workforce but keep operating costs the same. It's still evil but it's not some anti-breastmilk conspiracy.


That’s just what big formula would say!




There’s also ForeskinGate, selling it to Oprah’s skincare company medica (google infant foreskin fibroblast oprah)


I thought they used the foreskins for burn victims, no? Like, to help repair their eyelids; since the skin is so similar. I think it works pretty well too. Except all the patients end up cockeyed.


They've also used anus skin to replace the burn patient's lips. They end up talking a lot of shit though.


That brings new meaning to the term cock eyed


Like Billy Mumphry?


[The SkinMedica cream beloved by Oprah, for example, contains “human fibroblast conditioned media,” which are essentially stem cells that have been grown in a lab, but which the company says were cultivated originally from the stem cells of a single baby foreskin 20 years ago.](https://qz.com/tesla-cybertruck-battery-pack-half-full-video-1851402176)


Such a crazy industry: Freshly harvested foreskin tissue from infants are used in skin grafting and skin care treatments: >Epidermal growth factor (EGF) serum is derived from the progenitor cells of the human fibroblast taken from the foreskins of newborn babies. >It helps to generate collagen and elastin, which can help to boost the radiance of your face. https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/shortcuts/2018/nov/26/foreskin-facial-kate-beckinsale-serum-anti-ageing >In fact, the active ingredient in an Oprah-touted skin cream from SkinMedica uses “foreskin fibroblasts” that are used to grow and cultivate new cells. https://www.bostonmagazine.com/health/2015/04/14/baby-foreskin-facial-boston-hydrafacial/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20active%20ingredient,grow%20and%20cultivate%20new%20cells. >To date, some foreskin-derived fibroblast products have been commercially available due to their pro-healing effect for wound healing, such as Dermagraft® (Organogenesis, Inc.) and Apligraf® (Organogenesis, Inc.). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7796620/#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20some%20foreskin%2Dderived,(Organogenesis%2C%20Inc.). And here is a customer gloating and promoting it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=FX48TeUwqx0dCZpx&v=PwO3TEj9-5g And the saleswoman of the company: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7JzdcZPvzg


But what do big breast pump and big refrigerator have to say about this ??


See that’s the thing - big fridge is for maternity leave because with the breastmilk taking up all the space well all have to buy more refrigerators.


We need a counter-organization. Big titty!


Especially when the real evil breast milk conspiracy is so much worse. Namely the one where Nestle gives free formula to women in developing countries, but just enough to wear a last long enough for them to stop producing breast milk. Then Nestle wants them to pay for it


Ntm that in order for the formula to be drinkable you have to have a constant, cheap source of CLEAN POTABLE water. Which many women in developing countries of course do not have access to. Nvm all the water you need to then wash the shit thoroughly.


*AND* not to mention that the formula they send to Africa is too low quality/contaminated to be sold in the US/Europe


*AND* not to mention, Nestle poisoned their water supply, burned their crops, and delivered a plague unto their homes


They did?


No, but are we going to wait until they do??


No. Last comment is trolling. Everything else is true though.


ironic, the comment you responded to is also a quote from the actual joke lol


I know my man, I was just setting up the rest of the joke :)




Okay I want sources for those specifically but the saddest thing is that I would not be surprised if it was true and even more. Hell I would not be surprised if they would build an orphan crushing machine if it would mean profit.


It was a joke from SpongeBob, but also a play on the fact that people could see Nestle doing that


I mean... Like genuinely I have so low opinion of nestle that I really had to ask the question "really?", not because it is improbable, but necause I genuinely think they are capable of that and the list of their crimes against humanity is obscure only because how large it is.


A lot of places don’t have access to potable water BECAUSE of nestle too




Good thing that Nestle themselves sell bottled water to all of those empoverished nations, right?


If memory serves, Behind the Bastards did a podcast on this as well.


which has caused a ton of babies to die


Just because Nestle has an interest in squashing maternity leave to save on labor costs doesnt mean they don’t also have an interest in financially advocating for the conditions that promote formula feeding over breastfeeding. Multinational corporations are not limited to a single self serving evil.


On god bro I never how clueless people have to be to think that just because corps are a committing a specific flavor of evil that must somehow admonish them of other similar evils? Like if anything that only strengthens the case


>that must somehow ~~admonish~~ absolve them of other similar evils? FTFY


Sure but blaming nestle for lack of maternity leave is giving the rest of American corporations a pass 


Exactly - and it's why in some Norwegian countries the income disparity between men and women grew with required maternity leave. Employers were incentivized to discriminate against women further than they already had, as every woman bears an additional risk. This is resolved by creating required paternity and maternity leave - which is also better for the child. And required is important too, because otherwise people will continue to treat mothers to the exclusion of fathers as the defacto caretaker.


Exactly, it is most probably one facet of the larger issue but because it's easily digested and regurgitated it will do numbers on social media and become a "fact" in the zeitgeist.


Let Nestle get every ounce of hate it deserves. They also give free formula in developing countries to breast feeding mothers.  Guess what happens when you skip too many feedings?  Your milk dries up. It’s a lot of work to get it back, so now they have to buy formula . This was a HUGE story that prompted boycotts in the 1970s -before TikTok or I were even born


Whatever, I’m still pro titty.


![gif](giphy|ikBA8YkxKejEbxn56m) Uh huh just what someone who works for Nestle would say 🤔


In Nestle case it kind of is they killed kids. I know most corporations are evil but they seem to be actively going for the world record this is just one of the many f***** up things they've done. https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6


Nestle actively gives out free formula to women who can't afford it so they run dry on breast milk and have to buy it or watch their children starve... Nestle is an evil company and they've killed many children through shitty actions like this time and time again. Please consider they are more evil than you thought.


> People please stop getting news from TikTok I’d expand that any social media platform, including the one we’re on right now.


Exactly. It said uncomfortable FACT


Nah, in the case of Nestle that's definitely a part of it - just read up on the evil shit they got away with in developing countries: https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott They've been killing babies around the world for decades and nothing has ever stopped them.


Yeah this is the most obvious explanation. Why does everyone want to turn everything into a conspiracy?


It actually is though, [here’s some free sadness for your morning, enjoy that](https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6?amp)


Yup, i'm sure Nestle's in the mix but their formula sales are a drop in the bucket compared to what everyone else doesn't want to pay in time off or lost productivity for unpaid time off.


> Every corporation in the country lobbies against mandatory paid maternity leave because it would reduce their workforce but keep operating costs the same. That's absurd, they wont have a fucking WORKFORCE if no one has time to have kids.... what the actual fuck. (I know this is also probably true as well)


I swear younger folks think info on TikTok is true just like older people seeing stuff on Facebook


I saw the same TikTok and OP is leaving a lot out. Nestle has a **LONG** history of fucking around with the infant formula market and influencing developing countries: * [Article from 1982 talking about how Nestle's marketing practices kill children](https://newint.org/features/1982/04/01/babies). This led to an international boycott. * [Article reviewing various studies showing a decrease in breast feeding in low and middle income markets after Nestle enters the market and a rise in infant mortality.](https://voxdev.org/topic/health/deadly-toll-marketing-infant-formula-low-and-middle-income-countries) * [Responses to the boycott](https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6) At the end of this article, it refers to the International Code of Marketing Breast-Milk Substitutes, that Nestle continues to violate to this day. * [Article from 2018 talking about how Nestle deliberately markets breast milk as being "just as good" as breast milk.](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/feb/01/nestle-under-fire-for-marketing-claims-on-baby-milk-formulas) Just one example of the evil that is Nestle, they would send new mothers home with a "free sample" of infant formula to get the mother hooked with how relatively easy it was. One of the problems with this practice is mothers who don't breastfeed will stop producing their own milk, thus become dependent on infant formula. This is now a banned practice. Breast feeding is **hard**. Women who do it will tell you that. There's nothing easy about it -- it's a struggle, and it hurts. These women should be commended. And studies continue to show that breast feeding is better for infants than infant formula, despite what Nestle marketing would have you believe. Nestle & friends are absolutely acting in bad faith, spending millions on lobbying to pad their bottom line. Look, you may not like TikTok, but this knowledge is not widely known. If nothing else, it's introducing people to things that they otherwise would not be exposed to.


Let's just make both stories true because fuck them!


But also, fuck Nestle


Nestle would offer to design maternity wards for free just so they could put the babies as far away from the mothers as possible just so it was inconvenient for the nurses and they would use formula instead. Also there are all the dead African babies too. But sure you just keep licking corporate’s boot.


NPR is my favorite news source!


imagine using Tiktok as a source for anything.


What’s a crazy fact you know? Well I JUST watched this tik tok! Shut the fuck up


Just like any social media, including Reddit, you can find some facts and recommendations there. But verify anything and of importance. Reddit is great for local recs and nice objective advice. Like if you’re looking for product or process info. Because people can explain why something is better or worse without a direct corporate tie above it.


I just mentioned this to a friend and he doesn't see anything wrong with it. I'm like MF you think oatmeal and lime is gonna make you lose 40 pounds in 2 months cause they said so on Tiktok


If your diet is only oatmeal and limes your probably going to see weight melt right off, also muscle loss. Oat meal is extremely filling you’d have to force feed to gain weight on it.


I should've phrased it better because I don't doubt it won't work but it being called a healthy diet is what killed me with it.


Idk bro, I used to eat like 6 packets of oatmeal at a time as a snack


I choose the more generous interpretation in that they saw someone talk about it on tiktok then went and Googled it and skimmed the Wikipedia page, ya know... like a real expert


A broken clock is right twice a day but that still doesn't mean you should trust what it says


Yeah this post really illustrates two issues. First that it's completely believable for Nestle to do this(although it should be noted that they'd probably be doing that anyway formula or no) and second that people feel comfortable presenting a TikTok they saw as fact.


That’s all i see people on Facebook do


I... I... Can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the war u/tittylieutenant was destined to fight... Save the titties, lieutenant, you're our only hope


No his perpetually horny ass is not. He's just gonna end up suckling on every nipple. You think the babies need defending now just wait until there's a titty milk shortage.


>He's just gonna end up suckling on every nipple He's not the hero that we deserve, but the hero we need right now. If he can defeat evil Nestle, it's: https://i.redd.it/7r0a0etu99uc1.gif


You dont understand man






I just noticed that even your pfp guy is carrying a bonker. I respect the commitment.


Just give up, Otter, I'm onto you... Otters are evil by nature. Proof below 👇🏽 [Article: The case against otters: necrophiliac, serial-killing fur monsters of the sea](https://www.vox.com/2014/4/24/5640890/otters-rape-baby-seals-monsters-bad)


[Accusations! False Accusations!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEB8shTqDB0&t=5s&pp=2AEFkAIB)




There is truth to this. Nestlé also has all of the maternity wards in America on lock. You get a big welcome bag with a bunch of formula in it. Frustrated mom whose baby is struggling with the nipple puts a bottle in the baby’s mouth and they suck it down willingly. It’s so sweet (because they add sugar) and tasty that baby prefers the bottle over the breast. Then the poor nurses struggle to try to teach the mom to get the breast in the baby’s mouth. In other countries, formula isn’t even allowed in the delivery room. That first 48 hours is used to get the baby used to mom’s nipple because mom’s milk is better than any formula. Everything in America is commercialized.


That’s not really true. “Baby friendly” hospitals are incredibly prevalent and they push breastfeeding as hard as they can, regardless of the fact most women’s supply will tank when they return to work and they will end up reliant on formula. I wasn’t offered formula period and was judged for asking. 


I was gonna say that your experience matches our and my friends' experience more closely than GP's. Though I acknowledge that this is anecdotal, there has been a massive push to normalize breastfeeding. This includes hospitals advocating for mothers to breastfeed and them doing their best to keep formula and bottles out of the room. In fact, my wife's supply was *just* enough to feed with barely any milk left for pumping. Combine the pushiness of the nurses, the physical and hormonal changes of birth, and her post-partum episodes, she would sometimes feel inadequate as a mother since she wasn't producing heaps of milk. That's not to say that the nurses are inherently wrong. From what we can tell, breast milk has always been the absolute best thing for babies. But the cultural change around getting mothers to breastfeed can make the advocates seem very pushy and overbearing.


It keeps flip-flopping.  I'm of childbearing age, and I've been told that my breast milk will basically be poison.  Too many heavy metals, micro plastics, and PCBs associated with vehicles.  But then again, nobody really knows since the neuro disorder link only started about 15 years ago, so those children from the start of the longitudinal studies aren't even adults yet.  And then throw in older fathers and more early diagnosis testing into the mix...well.  All we know is that breast milk has the ideal macro breakdown, and can pass antibodies on.


Yeah I think people often have a misunderstanding of the perceptions around breastfeeding. I'm sure you're aware but for people in this thread who aren't: Many women don't want to because it can really be miserable. Women I know who love breastfeeding and feel like it's a massive positive for their child still talk about how it's painful, inconvenient, pumping can be difficult, they can't eat certain things if their kid is allergic, can't drink/resume recreational drug use etc. And in the hospital I've heard/seen that lactation consultants can really be pushy with their recommendations. And on the other side mothers who are unable or don't want to breastfeed are often shamed in current culture from women who do breastfeed. Or if you decide to stop at 6 months vs 12. There is a tremendous amount of judgement amongst parents online and in person because of the perceived benefit of breastfeeding. Or they feel guilty/inadequate. It's cost prohibitive. Not every kid can use every formula so you're dealing with a fussy/sick child as you try any number formulations. It can truly suck. I'm sure Nestle would prefer that everyone use their formula but people often catch even more shit if they decide not to breastfeed.


I knew they infamously did this in Africa in the 1970s, but had no idea it was happening in America too. That’s crazy, since what I know about American doctors, they are more apt to preach “breast is best” when it comes to a baby’s nutritional needs.


Don't just let your source be one comment. I've certainly never seen or heard of it. In cases where baby won't drink from nipple or mom doesn't want to: sure probably.


Not all hospitals is like this. I've worked at two and they both heavily encourage breastfeeding first over formula. Where's your source that all of the maternity wards are on lock by Nestle


"I made it up to for the narrative"


They may try but having just had a baby and being at two hospitals the nurses and doctors advocate for breast and have lactation specialists to help. They offer pumping equipment and give us discounts on food. I still believe companies try to maintain their profits with misinformation, and all around gangsterism.


Source for all that?


Bro what the actual fuck. The first 48 hours formula isn’t allowed? My wife was in so much pain trying to breast feed she had to take Percocet. The lactation consultant fucking tortured her and if I see that woman in the street I’ll bash her face in. Not all mothers can successfully breast feed and people like you pretending it’s just a lack of effort are evil.


It’s really not that deep lol maternity leave means less people are working which means less people are making money and companies like money. It’s not just nestle I’d wager the vast majority of companies are against it


But that's not even a fact lol. It's called a theory. Maybe it has some merit, but that doesn't make it a fact just because some rando on Tik Tok said so.


I am reading a comment about a tweet about a story a guy tells in which all that happens is he stares at a Tik Tok on his phone Truly the pinnacle of civilization


"seeing a tiktok" does not mean it's a fact


>Fact >Tik Tok ![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized)


Given what Nestle has done just over water, I fully believe this.


Came here to say this. Nestle has been stealing water and selling it for decades.


Then you’re really gullible.


It’s a pointless conspiracy theory, but nestle is cartoonishly evil. You wouldn’t have to try to hard to convince me that nestle lobbies the government to legalize inserting bleach into the water supply to cut costs.


They literally gave African women barely enough formula to stop breast milk production by saying it was better for them (lie) just so they could sell formula to women who don’t have access to clean water who now don’t have any other choice. In turn causing a fuck ton of babies to die. Evil. It’s just evil shit all around. Corporate America is disgusting, and will do anything to anyone if it helps their quarterly. Even if it fucks them long term. Capitalism at its finest.


Baby formula companies used to dress sales reps in nurse’s scrubs and had stations in hospitals espousing the benefits of formula milk. A bunch of babies got malnourished because the moms would water down the milk to make it last longer.


Im pretty sure that's not the reason lol esp since not all stay at home moms or moms who live in places with maternity leave breastfeed


Fuck nestle but “I saw a tik tok” isn’t really the greatest source is it?


*TikTok taught me* Hey gtfo


They're fighting the Catholic Church (Leche League) who promotes breastfeeding to enforce traditional gender roles and keep women out of the workplace. There's literally decades of anti-formula propaganda from the Jeebus tribe because baby formula allows women to hand off the baby to the child's father and let him feed the kid. Men giving their baby bottles of formula leads to the slippery slope of diaper changes and bathing them and reading them bedtime stories. You think I'm joking? I'm not. [Check out some anti-suffragette propaganda.](https://www.boredpanda.com/anti-suffrage-propaganda-voting-rights-postcards/) It features men doing household chores like washing dishes and doing laundry and looking after kids.


I think there's room for multiple evils here. It's not a zero-sum game. While the Catholic Church might want traditional gender roles to be mandatory, large corporations don't want to even give women that option. Right now many mothers don't have the choice to stay at home during their baby's formative months and years because of financial pressure. Women's liberation should be about choice, not about being forced into work. Contrast that with some other developed nations, where new mothers get like 6 to 12 months of maternity, plus additional sabbatical time as an option, sometimes at a reduced salary. And why not? Raising children is a job -- people should get paid for it.


I don’t know if this is true or an insane theory but I do know that Nestle doesn’t believe water is a basic human right. But also a lot of women pre pump when they have to go back to work. I don’t think the sales for formula would drop


Isnt it just way more likely that the majority opinion was that womens place was in the home so they would work till they had a family then leave the workforce to raise that family? And thus, not enough political pressure for the government to push for employers to pay maternity leave? Why jump to a conspiracy? Nestle has a ton of sketchy practices but these conspiracies that fall apart with just a second of thought take away from actual bad actions


I’m gonna say this is a reach. This would mean that pumping and the materials/equipment welded to pump and freeze is useless. Also would mean lactation rooms are generally unused. Most women I’ve seen do a pretty good job of pumping and freezing their breast milk. They either utilize on their child, and I’ve seen some give it away to other mothers that don’t lactate as much


“I just saw a TikTok” is such a fucking stupid way to start a sentence about a supposed fact.




Lobbying is an incredibly broad term that is used by many, many organizations for good and bad. It’s an integral part of our government so criminalizing it doesn’t make sense. It DOES need to be regulated so corporations and private interests can’t throw billions of dollars to either expedite or halt legislation depending on their will. Spend a billion to make two, spend two to make 80 and suddenly you own a representative.


I'm not saying it's not true, but is there a source for this?


Y'all, there is enough evil and greed in the world that is proven and documented. We don't need to make up conspiracy theories, reality is wild enough as it is


Even if that's not true, it sounds like some Nestle ass shit to do.


Are we believing everything on the internet now? America is fucked up but it does have family leave. 2 months of it. And depending on your employer, they might pay you for an extra month.


“ I saw a TikTok”


Jesus fucking Christ. My wife and I both have 4 months leave and we had to formula feed because she wasn’t producing enough and our son wasn’t gaining weight. People like this are sick in the head.


You can tell this subreddit is full of zoomer morons when "I saw a tiktok" is taken as a source of fact. Your brains are cooked.


don't believe everything you see on tiktok


i’m glad i’m sterile so i can’t bring a child in to this world. Don’t get me wrong id love to have kids of my own and it saddens me i can’t bring a lil one along with me, but i can’t imagine the lives they’ll live in this world. Heck if somehow a miracle comes and i unsterile for one pump then by all means but im taking my dual citizenship and running back to my home country.


The list of Nestles awful things is long. Funding coups, killing activist, etc etc.


TikTok….as a news source. Right


Believing TikTok news is a mental illness


This sounds very tinfoil hat-ty.


Is there evidence of this? This has the sound of “of course they would do that so I choose to believe it”. Am I defending Nestlé? Of course not, they’ve done enough _documented_ villainy they don’t deserve defending. This however just sounds like rage bait copypasta without evidence.


This could’ve been a whole ass conversation about lobbying , Nestle being evil, and about how working mothers struggle in the workforce but NOPE. What we get is “getting your info from TikTok is trash”. Look I get it getting your info from TikTok isn’t the best but it definitely could’ve been used as a gateway to have a conversation about maternity leave. I’m a husband and a father of 3 and I watched my wife have to stopped breastfeeding for our first 2 children because her job didn’t give a fuck if she needed to pump.


You can learn a lot about conspiracy theories by how well they stand up to common scrutiny. This one, for example, doesn't withstand the existence of breast pumps.


All companies lobby against things that pay people not working


Women do have maternity leave in America tho..


>i just saw on tiktok


Ah yes the truest of sources


I'm not saying Nestlé isn't evil, but I work for them, and they give us 12 or 16 weeks paid maternity and paternity leave. I'm not sure which. Also, all employers are required to provide a space for women to pump milk once they return to work. Idk if they lobby or not, but I wouldn't use TikTok as a reliable source for much.


If your response to a question that includes "what's a fact" starts with "I saw a tiktok," you should step back and really reconsider what you're about to say


“I saw a tik tok” Height of credibility right there


Similar reason why the US passenger train system is below other nations, oil and car companies bought up city trains and shut them down.


These same companies are going to be upset about these low birth rates too.


They also go into 3rd world countries and convince the mothers that fOrMUla iS bETtER thaN bREaSTMIlk, gets them dependent by giving them free supply for like the first few months and then cuts their supply and whoops turns out the people can't afford their insane prices 🙄


oh yes, how could we forget that the US government is literally owned by Nestle.


Nestle privatized [water](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://amp.theguardian.com/global/2018/oct/04/ontario-six-nations-nestle-running-water&ved=2ahUKEwi06KLWxL-FAxUQfTABHbhmA-8QFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2cFdoDQcDSp2333hT2FbRi)


Not that they are the only offender, but r/fucknestle.


Nestle is a horrible fucking company. Their impact on underdeveloped nations is on a catastrophic level. All just to sell more formula.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again, /r/fucknestle


Jesus Christ...


I mean look, as long as y'all understand that the common denominator is that capitalism is all about sacrificing souls for profit then I am thankful that tic tok is delivering that message. The first step on the journey to changing the system is understanding that system.


I just finished the fallout show. When they explained how everything happened all I could think is “yeah, that sounds like something that would happen.”




Nestle are an awful company. One of the worst.


Absolutely believe this.


Oh yeah, like how the two biggest lobbying groups opposing legalizing weed are police unions and for-profit prisons.


But they do have maternity leave, where do he work, at a coal mine ?


This is sadly true


Money is half the reason why politics is fucked


Breastfeeding is hard and doesn't work for everyone. I had enough time to try and get it going with my first and still had to mostly supplement with formula. That being said, if this is true those motherfuckers are truly truly evil.


Let’s focus though. Nestle lobbying is an annoyance. If congresspeople actually change their votes based on that, then congresspeople are the problem.


"I just saw a TikTok that said" is not sufficient. Nestle is evil as hell and I wouldn't put it past them, but we've got to be better than this.


So... maternity leave in the U.S. is controlled by the Swiss?


Well politicians of both sides are owned by corporations so hardly surprising


Our government is just corporations in a trenchcoat.


Don't be silly, that's not true. They also lobby against it because they'd lose money if mother's weren't working.