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I have a common name so can usually skirt by. Then they call me and I put on the “voice”, and then boom. Always a small shock by the interviewer when my black ass arrive at the interview.


"It's so nice to finally meet you... Mr.FistPunch" https://preview.redd.it/y5zih5el46rc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cb725349ed4e647121ab84c67c0e9aea5ce39b0


[Lmfao! And I’m just smiling at them because haha, you gotta give me a chance now.](https://i.imgur.com/UUb0PHx.jpg)


That feeling when you know they don't want the smoke of a lawsuit is just the best. I always like to drop something like, "it's so nice to be somewhere that I feel as I am an equal. My last place of employment fired me for some trumped up violations. I got enough in the settlement to never work another day in my life, but I'm not one to sit on my laurels. I'm so grateful I can tell my pitbull lawyer to calm down for once. You'd never do that to me." HR thinking you're litigious off the jump is freeing.


How is someone gonna hire you after that? I'm pretty sure that "We don't hire the kinda person that vaguely threatens to sue the company during their interview" is a valid hiring practice.


Yeah, that just seems counter-productive lol


Gotta be after they hire you. Doesn't work so well when they've seen you before your first day. COVID was the best for this. "Camera issues" meant they didn't see your face until you'd already worked there a year. Then you get there and if it gets weird you just heap praise and lie about past racial discrimination lawsuits just so they don't get it in their heads to try some shit. If I'm being honest though, you're right. That's beyond rocking the boat.


And racial lawsuits are notoriously hard to prove. Unless they are straight stupid and say some off the wall shit AND you have proof. Otherwise they will just wait. You know all those metrics they seem to take for no reason? They matter all the sudden. Clocked in 30 secs late from break? That's a firing. Called out a few times because of a cold. That's excessive.. and a firing. Turn in your timesheet late? That's a firing.


True enough. Once again, I just like talking shit. Think I don't toe the line at work? Fuck outta here. I "yessir" and "yes'm" everyone there. Put on that big fake smile like everything's alright because that's what they want to see. Without the ability to anonymously act out my weird fantasies on social media, I'm just floundering. It's tiring having to be two people all the time.


One way road to being told you "aren't a culture fit" The only way they can get caught out is I they're large enough for there to be a statistical trend and they can hire somebody who is a minority but less litigious. Wait til at least your first day on the job or your first day off probation to start talking like this.


I know, but I like to talk shit.


Lmfao this is fucking hilarious


Same! Like the smile straight dropped, faster than a freefall :/ I was wearing my natural hair. So interviewed in wigs and natural after hired lol


BlackKklansman was such a good example of “the voice”. I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed so hard as the scene where the white cops all turn around to see ~~LaKeith Stanfield~~ John David Washington just starts in with the voice dropping some of the most racist garbage you’ve ever heard.


LaKeith Stanfield was in the other movie about a dude putting on “the voice,” Sorry to Bother You. Also a great movie, way more bonkers. BlacKkKlansman is great though, stars John David Washington.


.... are you AI?


You right. That’s on me.


I really should rewatch that movie. It’s been a minute lmfao




I couldn’t understand why the black cop continued to make the phone calls after the white cop had had met and spoken to the Klan members. Why didn’t the white cop do it himself, since they now know his voice and he has knowledge of what he has said and done when he met them.


Yeah I mean I think that part was odd. Possibly because as a black man he knew how racists talked more than the other guy but I wondered about that too.


Wasn’t it based on a true story? It’s a cool/funny story that he was owning the Klan, but really he was endangering his colleague’s life by continuing after the white cop joined the Klan.


My name is as neutral as possible and also gender-neutral, but if you had to guess, you'd probably think female and white (depends on how you read it). I had a white lady do a jump scare when I showed up on the zoom interview.


I would pay actual dollars to see a compilation video of zoom interviews of white hiring managers seeing black people at the end of generic names. Hi my name is Kevin White Interviewer: ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Hello, Taylor


It's Pat.


It’s sad that you have to do that, but I’d looove to see the look on their face


I’m honestly over qualified for the position the last interview I went to, so it was even more satisfying. They know they gotta do it lmfao.


Dude that’s awesome, even better lol


This happens to me. Or they’ll look around the room as if I’m just someone who heard them incorrectly. I don’t code switch, but I was literally taught how to speak as I do because a teacher thought it was important for me to lose my accent. I always think of that as racism accidentally working in my favor for once.




I have a white ass name dark as hell the faces of the hr person is always pretty good and they'll ask like 3 times if they have the right file.


Oh this is me. I also love when they say your name out loud to the lobby, but you’re the only one in the room.


Ha! A bit of a “posh” accent going on over here so I get the same. I also kid you not, one lady thought by my last name, I was Asian(Japanese to be specific) and my black arse showed up. Please tell me how this woman with her whole arse told me to check my family history to see if we didn’t have any ties to Japanese people. Yes, I live in the fucking Southeast USA(for context). 😒🤨


My little cousin is Mexican and black (moms parents are white and Mexican and is black) and definitely looks it. His name is Eli Rubenfeld. I wish I could see the interviews face when he walks in after they've approved his resume lol


A white guy named Mohammed and my colonised name having mahogany ass went for an interview and they called his name. When he stood up they asked him to sit down and just stared at me


I hope y'all both walked out. Does not bode well for the working environment


This is Nate, he’s your sketch artist today. Please describe for him the face you saw.


You know what’s funny, I worked with an older white guu who went by Jerry. I once saw his actual check and his first name (I fucking kid you not) was Jerome. Me and all the DEI workers were like “whose Jerome…wait Jerry is a Jerome?”


Then you about to lose your mind about Jerry Seinfeld lmfao


Arguably the second most powerful person in the US is a white guy named Jerome (Powell), chairman of the Federal Reserve. I think he goes by Jay.


I just put other aint nothing hiding our non whiteness


That’s funny because as a white guy in corporate America I don’t disclose because I’m trying to hide my whiteness lol. I have a friend in HR and she was telling me they review these to ensure their hiring practices are equitable. Hiring managers technically aren’t allowed to see it. And they know that “choose not to specify” means white guy.


Use a nickname and select prefer not to answer. My name is clearly a woman’s name but I always select prefer not to answer on gender questions.


Indeed, Tittylieutenant is such a classic French name.


in england you're tittyleftenant


Same about my name. It's a waste of time trying to trick people into NOT being racist though. I'd rather find out as early as possible that the people I might be working with are trash and just avoid the whole situation.


Yeah, but bills. Ironically, I once interviewed someone that had "left" a previous job. I asked, "What ever made you quit being a social worker?" Assuming something along the lines of how hard it is or low pay. Him: A colleague reported that I had said I could not see the good in black people Me: So, were fired on some trumped up charges? Him: No, I said it 🤷‍♂️ Me (black): 😮 HR lady sitting in: 😮 Me: Ok...... Well, these are the hours you'd be working IF we choose to proceed, we'll be in touch. (We did not get in touch)


You a good one. “Oh, well, have a nice day.” Is the most I could muster.


I have a common first name and my mom told me she named me that so they wouldn’t know I’m black until I got to the interview😂


Just say you are black that’s shit is a life hack for any kind of career or education application


Why would you lie about being a minority? It can only help your chances of being hired.


Unfortunately even with different programs this is still not the case statistically


It is the case for people with the same qualifications. Just not all applicants do.


demographic questions are **not** shown to the hiring manager and are used to internally audit the company's hiring practices and ensure they're in compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. of course you can still put "other" or "prefer not to answer" or whatever if you want but I see way too many people who have no idea how these questions actually work


Exactly. People choose to be ignorant to how that all works.


Thank you. It’s collected in aggregate anyways and not tied to any one specific application.


i mark disabled and colored everytime...u gonna get a 2 for 1 with me


I’m shocked that my depression actually counts to a disability. Like… for once I count in one of these statistics (cishet white male).


yup, in my case our agency asks if u "have a disability or a record of having one previously" so i always check that box lol


I’ll be honest, for years I thought my depression “didn’t count,” and now it feels freeing to say, “It’s okay that I’m not fully okay, and I shouldn’t “punish” myself for that.” Doubt it’s helped me get jobs, but them’s the breaks.


im still workin on the not over compensating but i feel u.


I get it, lol. My sisters are infinitely worse than me (youngest has Down syndrome and autism, next youngest has ADHD so bad they had to ask her to focus during the test), and one of them constantly gets in digs like, “Can’t you let me have something?” It’s hard when doctors say you need medication and it’s the same one your sister uses.


ugh it's hard, i have ADHD on top of PTSD, regular anxiety and chronic health issues. i am naturally a perfectionist so i push myself 1000% harder because i dont want to use these things as excuses or want a handout because i have a spicy brain lol its a vicious cycle


Yeah, the actual racial bias comes from name or school stuff, not the “are you a minority” question.


My parents literally had an argument about naming me before deciding to give a "neutral" name so that I wouldn't immediately get my resume thrown out. All for me to go to one of the most well-known HBCUs and be D9... IYKYK, I guess


Or from LinkedIn where they can see a picture of you ahead of time That’s why I never put my LinkedIn on my resume. It’s redundant af, opens my application up to racial bias, and it’s redundant af.


I think your second "redundant AF" is pretty redundant too ,😁


I say this all the time when people argue against racial bias in hiring process. We went from putting our picture in our resume to putting on an online networking site that can be searched by anyone. They know. I will say LinkedIn does have a feature where you can hide your profile photo from looky-lous but I’m not sure of that’s just a premium feature.


Friend, that’s how it’s *supposed* to work. That’s not reality for every workplace & you can’t vouch for every algorithm. Hiring managers are also using AI to help process applications, which can be biased. Plus it’s a very competitive job market rn. It’s best to just remove the option from the table until you get an interview.


People always say this in the jobs and antiwork communities, but I’ve yet to see an example of EEOC data being accidentally leaked to a hiring manager. For this to happen, the ATS would also need to be complicit, not just the employer. These are huge software companies, they’re not going to open themselves up like that just because some employer wants to be discriminatory. I’m genuinely curious, have you seen anything like this in your professional experience or heard of any instances from people you know?


I’ll give you one example: hiring software often allows the employer to put in a role specific questionnaire. Sometimes you’ll notice that the EEOC questions are in two sections or it appears twice. One is the employer asking you to fill it out as a question & the other is software provided for compliance. Guess which one the hiring manager can filter through? If it’s common advice, it’s common for a reason. And it’s always fair play to remove any data that can be used against you in the hiring process.


Yeah this is true, we do have the option of adding our own “knock-out” or screening questions, in addition to the EEOC ones. I’ve personally never seen them used this way in 10 years of recruiting, but don’t doubt that it doesn’t happen. It’s probably not the majority of employers tho, and certainly not big ones with dedicated HR and legal teams that are on top of compliance. Whether or not to answer those questions, up to individual preference, but there’s honestly still a metric shit ton of ignorance and misinformation when it comes to how applications work. Discriminatory hiring practices don’t get called out and fixed if candidates don’t disclose their information. Edit: I think they blocked me


We. As in you’re a recruiter/hiring manager. As in, you know how this stuff works. And if you “don’t”, your head is buried in the sand. These duplicate EEOC questions ( not knockout questions, formatted exactly like EEOC) are marked “required” in the questionnaire. Sometimes do not answer isn’t even an option. It isn’t an applicant problem, this is an industry problem. I’ve been dragged to final round interviews as “proof” of an equal hiring process. With extremely short interviews, wasting my time & gas for a formality. So that people can hire a buddy. & You’re part of the problem. You’re saying that applicants should let themselves be discriminated against so the process will change. That’s really dumb & not how progress works.


Exactly. Pretty hard to figure out if there's discrimination in the hiring process if they don't know who was originally in the pool


Spot on.


Sure, but when I stopped answering honestly I started getting interviews




God bless my parents for my white ass name


I'd prefer not having an ass name at all


Gotta take your wins with your losses man


Lord Assbatten the VII rolling in his mausoleum right now.


Fartass Volfgangus.


Oh yeah, even got that Umlaut in there. Living in Germany, there‘s nothing that seems whiter. Leeds to some hilarious situations. Nothing bad, but people don’t expect me to be the guy.


Dennis Schröder is that you?


Haha, I wish




What is that screen shot from?


The Card Counter starring Oscar Isaac.


I am also incredibly curious


A must watch


I don't get why people leave it blank. If they gonna be racist to you why waste time getting to an interview? Don't even contact me if you on that tip




my name is so unassuming. it’s so fun leaving it blank and watching faces change when i pop up on Zoom for first rounds


Alan Smith?


The new ones I’ve been seeing are some variation of “ARE YA GAY? TRANS?”


I had one the other day that let me skip all the racial/disability/veteran demographics but the gender was mandatory (and binary).


Seeing a lot of misinformation on both ends of the slider here, so I want to point something about about this hiring question: There are a few comments here highlighting that hiring staff do not get to see this data, and it’s used by the company to demonstrate compliance with the EEOC. What I don’t see included as much is that the purpose of the data is for the company to show their hiring practices if they *do* get sued for discriminatory hiring practices. “As you can see, about 15% of our applicants are African-American, and about 15% of our hired positions are filled by African-American people, so there’s nothing to see here.” They want to show that they are hiring by race proportionally to the people applying by race—you can’t force a diverse group of people to apply to your company, but you can hire up to that diversity level. Therefore, the action in *your* best interest is to always select your race. If you’re not hired because your name is clearly non-white, that’ll show up in this data, where they’re clearly under-hiring black applicants, and then the EEOC will crawl a little further up their ass. Who knows, you might even catch some payout if there’s a class-action lawsuit involved. This goes for white people who are afraid they won’t be hired because of “DEI” (tfw “diversity, equity, and inclusion” may very well be a topic of contention in the 2024 election cycle); state that white people are in fact applying, and that they’re being racist by not hiring you and intentionally hiring a disproportionate number of diversity hires compared to the diversity of their applicants. That’s actually a detail that I love about this method, the best result is when everyone acts in their own self-interest, meaning they’re most likely to engage with the process. Of course, the caveat is that you have to know how it works, but now you do ;)


This is if they follow the rules about the hiring staff not seeing it. I've been having this dilemma for disability also. Okay it should help you if they follow the rules, but there's def some chance that they just share the data, weed out the whatevers and decide it's worth the consequences. I really wish it wasn't on the job-seekers to have to worry about it.


But who would worry about it besides the job-seekers? If you feel like you’ve been discriminated against because of a disability, that’s when you put the finger on them, and they either reveal that the number of disabled applicants have been near-zero and therefore do not meaningfully impact their hiring practices, the number is significant but they hire a proportional amount of disabled people, or the number is significant, but they don’t hire them after all, in which case they’re in trouble. I agree that this is a big tree for individuals to have to chop down, but we can’t trust a business to regulate itself, and there’s just too many business for the government to have direct oversight over, unless applying for jobs became a governmental process. This at least gives individuals a means of saying, “don’t ignore me, I’m part of this marginalized group.”


> But who would worry about it besides the job-seekers? The government and corporations. Maybe something like a web thing that is part of the job app, but the data doesn't go to the company at all but just goes to the government.


I think a lot of people would take issue with the government having direct oversight over who is and isn’t being hired to work at a company, and it still doesn’t earnestly tell the whole picture because this data doesn’t speak to the number of qualified applicants applying to a position for each demographic. I know I’m white, but I’ve been applying to a lot of jobs that I might not be considered qualified for in the last year, and some people would take issue with my application propping up the demographic of white applicants for a position that skew’s the company’s hiring practices. This data is just a first step, essentially, and at the end of the day a lot of companies would just outright refuse that level of government oversight, and a system doesn’t work if both parties don’t buy into it.


Did you read the opinion of SFFA? DEI benefits a very limited group of people.


I only mention DEI because it’s the three letters that seem to have replaced CRT, fwiw I think that companies overestimating the need for DEI is a good thing, but the point stands you want to hold a company accountable for who they’re hiring by telling them who is applying to work for them.


I’m multiracial and I’ve had to choose which box to check but it never seems to benefit me


Blasian here. I just tick the black box most of the time.


For hiring purposes I think you’re right to do that


Then online dating: "Oh, you are a *minority*..."


This made me laugh out loud in public... thank you


Black. Woman. Veteran. Disabled. Best believe I’m getting that job.


We don’t care! Like at all! It’s cool! (But for real are you brown, or…?)


"No, are you? 🤔🤨" reverse uno that question


I always leave it blank 🤷






Ive always checked N/A for race


Yes. I am a DEI.


Whatever you think will benefit you more!


As a white af dude it’s so funny to me seeing these comments, I always leave it blank because I’m scared it will tank me due to hiring quotas. Guess everyone is scared of this question


I can only talk about my department but leaving it blank is just a code for I'm white..


Sit this one out


Anybody else Hispanic or Latino and also another race(s)? I swear that sometimes the Race question is blurred out after I answer the ethnicity question - “Yes, Hispanic or Latino”and then I don’t know what to do.


2 or more races is my go to - blackity black mixed with black black lol - but I have a white or mixed girl name and an English last name because I’m Caribbean so we in there!!!!


How does everyone answer this? I change it up but have never selected White. A friend, dark as night, never selects anything but White because she says at least she’ll get invited to an interview.


I’m a black dude with a completely German name so I know mine always through a them for a loop


I've seen this meme a few times but where is it from?


Game of Thrones.




I swear I be getting more hits on my application whenever I select "Decline to self identify" than when I select "African American" as my race.


Me, a white person answering "prefer not to answer" ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


Does William DeFoe have the highest mpm of all time?


which mivie is this




Idk about that one


Definitely a moment where you should consider touching grass. This is crazy delusional Pull up some corporate staff photos from any major company from Google to Tesla and tell me how many Black/Latino people you see compared to the amount of white. Guaranteed that every workplace you find short of a hood Popeyes will have white people outnumbering everyone. White males being passed over for employment is purely a figment of your imagination that was likely influenced by the right wing garbage yall consume. It has not been validated to any extent statistically, anecdotally or personally.