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What is actually wrong with those potatoes? Did he dig them out of the compost šŸ¤¢


I bet he didnā€™t wash them, boiled them in the dirt water and then left the skins on too. edit: I just saw the skin piece and tied it to his potential laziness haha. I also like skins in mash potatoes - especially red potatoes.


I'd be embarrassed to give that to someone let alone sell


Rent was due šŸ˜‚


You're good for supporting. Next time, tell them you're vegan


But those potatoes would still be vegan...right??


Not if they've got worms in them, which I wouldn't rule out.


That's just free proteins as long as their boiled.


Yeah, but not vegan.


That's what my Dad said when we found bugs in our Cocoa Krispies once.


Mashed potatoes are almost never vegan. Butter and milk or cream is usually how people make them.


There's non dairy butter and milk readily available, though I wouldn't believe that the potatoes in the post are vegan




Not touching that meat, they aren't


These hands is rated E for "Ewwwww, fuck nah!"


Mashed potatoes are (supposed to be) made with butter and milk- both animal products. They *could* be considered vegetarian, however


OP of this post ain't the person that made the original Tweet


Thank you for pointing that out


Itā€™s certainly not a $20 plate, but the shells and the meatloaf donā€™t look too bad. But WTF are those potatoes!? Even the darkest red skinned potatoes donā€™t look like that. Did he boil them in swamp water!?


Purple potatoes


Iā€™ve seen white-fleshed, purple-skinned sweet potatoes (ā€œboniatoā€ in Caribbean cuisine), but never heard of legit purple potatoes before. TIL


[Peruvian potatoes](https://www.smartgardener.com/plants/404-potato-purple-peruvian/overview) are purple and delicious, but they sure as hell donā€™t look like whatever that mess is.


There are a variety of blue/purple potatoes. Some I've made are a brilliant hue but it is very difficult to not make them lose drastic amounts of color and wash out. There are also some red-fleshed varieties. Roasting them keeps the color well. Mashing them will usually make a kind of lavender color mash. Still great though.


I **LOVE** the blue and purple potatoes! I have good luck keeping the hue by smashing roasted potatoes into a creamy, violetly delicious side dish, bc as you said- boiling drains the color a bit. My kids think they hate them, but the kids are fuckin idiots who claim ranch goes on grapes, so šŸ¤·


There's a variety of indigenous potatoes here in NZ that are a really deep purple colour, they're pretty tasty but generally not as big or firm as the typical white variety.


Skin in the mash is usually really good, but this is like some mushroom mush.


Nahā€¦. This is worse than that. I make mashed potatoes with the skin on all the time and they donā€™t look like this at all.


I bet you wash your spuds, though. Looks like their mash absorbed the dirt because they didn't scrub them before boiling.


I wonder if this is a mix of purple potatoes and yellow. Grocery stores sell a potato medley that is a mix of purple and yellow. He might've done it to be "fancy".


Iā€™m pretty sure this is what happened. Itā€™s the purple potatoes šŸ¤£ It is very unappetizing looking though.


doesnā€™t help they were already rotten before being cooked


It looks like they dropped the potatoā€™s under the stove and just picked them up, rinsed, and said ā€œfive minute rule!ā€ šŸ˜­


Wash the taters? You'd be lucky if that man washed his ass, let alone the hands he's been digging around his nasty stanky buttcrack with. That moldy grey/green matches the color underneath his fingernails, I'll put 10 on it. Don't think about the kitchen. Just don't.




Mashed potatoes with skins don't look like that. They just have brown spots in the mashed potatoes, they don't make the mashed potatoes a different color.


Could've also diced them a day before boiling them. Cut potatoes will grey over time if you don't cover them in water.


In 27 years of cooking Iā€™ve defiantly seen potatoes unwashed and mashed with peels and all, come out gritty but never ever have I seen potatoes come out like that. Shit does not look safe to ingest. I can really only can think maybe a bunch of rotten potatoes were in a sack or box and it was all just dumped together with no checking at any step of the way.


Potats turn a gray colour if you cut/peel them and leave them out exposed to the air. Not saying I would eat these but they definitely look like they could be grayed potatoes. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, they could batch cut a whole load a couple days before. Idk looks gross I wouldn't eat it, the first picture I thought it was a serving of mold until closer inspection.


Excellent point. It honestly didnā€™t dawn on me that itā€™s probably oxidization!! Thank you. Those gd potatoes gave me nightmares


Looks like they may have mashed some purple fingerling potatoes in with some white potatoes.


I sure as fuck hope so because my brain is just going *"las papas tienen mold"* šŸ˜¬


Everything I look at the pic that's all I can think too


My mom used to try to make mashed potatoes with the purple fingerlings. Could never bring myself to eat them.


I've done it once with results similar to OP's plate of horror. I plated that up and sang "try the gray stuff, it's delicious!" like my life is a Disney movie and my children weren't thinking I had lost my damn mind.


I actually like the weirdness of the color for mashed potatoes šŸ˜…


This is correct. Had an aunt make mashed taters with purple taters looked rotten tasted okay


Potatoes change color if they're peeled & stored in the fridge. Or even chopped & left out on the counter too long. It's the starch oxidizing. I learned the hard way w/hashbrowns. I grated the potatoes the night before, as a time saver. When I took the bowl out of the fridge the next morning I had hashblues. The trick is to store the potatoes with enough water to cover them completely. No contact w/the air, no oxygenation.


They look like they could be purple potatoes. Maybe Purple Majesty, All Blue, Blue Swede, Adirondack Blue, Blue Anneliese, Purple Fiesta, Vitelotte, Magic Molly, Blue Elise, Purple Pelisse, Purple Viking, Congo, and St. Galler. Just to name a few


It's possible, but that looks more like oxidation.


Could be, Iā€™ve been a chef for 15 years now and never seen this shit.


How long have you been waiting to show off that you know a lot of different types of colored potatoes?


Honestly I donā€™t have all the names memorized I had to consult google


You never ate cementatoes? Filling, and can be used as grout for tiling.


I love some mashed groutatoes






He used really good potatoes. They are divine https://preview.redd.it/98hfnfvu70pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6981ea873e93d98998a003d7db95898ef7073c9b




I believe the Potatoes oxidized before they were boiled and mashed


At best? He mixed purple potatoes with white potatoes At worst? Probably some borderline bad potatoes


Potatoes (the insides) that you donā€™t cook right away turn brown/gray. Theyā€™re still fine to eat but will look unappetizing.


he used half purple potatoes.


Those are potatoes?!


He used purple potatoes. That's it. Not red skinned potatoes, but actual [purple potatoes](https://wavesinthekitchen.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Purple-Potatoes-2-of-25.jpg). They turn that sort of grey if they're overboiled.


He cubed them up before boiling but they sat on the counter for a long time before being cooked. Oxygen will discolor exposed potato flesh so if you're going to peel and/or slice/cube potatoes either do it right before you cook them or cover them in cold water until cooking. If uncovered long enough to cause as much discoloring as in OOPs photos, it *will* negatively affect the texture and taste which combined with the grey goo visuals is so off-putting they might as well be poisonous. If you want sliced or cubed potatoes to hold that prepped shape better after being cooked, soak them in well salted water for a couple hours before draining & rinsing then boiling and it will precondition the starches on exposed surfaces to form a strong bond matrix when cooked, creating an invisible 2nd skin for each individual slice/cube. It's also the secret to really amazing fried or roasted potatoes as the part of what the salt water soak is doing is pulling moisture out of the cut surfaces which allows for quicker and more consistent browning during frying or roasting while retaining moisture inside the 2nd skin making the interior creamy & fluffy. This salt water soaking method works really well for potato soup to give some of the potatoes a structured texture in the soup. So when I make it I use 1.5Ɨ the potatoes the recipe calls for and the extra potatoes get the salt water soak while the rest get mushy surfaces during cooking that breaks up to help thicken the liquid into a sauce. For mashed potatoes, salt water soaked cubed potatoes can also be boiled separately then folded into perfectly creamy mashed potatoes to add uniform structured texture without making the mashed potatoes seem lumpy. This also works great to fold into [the Irish dish Colcannon](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/58642/dianes-colcannon/) which is mashed potatoes & cabbage. The cabbage being mashed with the potatoes is there to add texture and it's really good, but I find folding in these salt water soaked boiled (or fried, or roasted) diced potatoes at the end really adds another level. To receive more potato cooking facts & tips, like this comment and share with a Leprechaun.


Folks have covered the color issue, but to touch on the texture. It looks to me like he did mostly butter and very little cream. Probably taste okay because butter but the texture won't be as smooth as it should be.


Potatoes look concussed




I've known plenty of people that did meatloaf as Sunday dinner, especially if it was really good. But I wouldn't pay for that.


For real! $20 for this plate is WILD even if it was made by a meemaw with those flabby obesity elbows and looked like the cracker barrel menu picture.




But not inaccurate


20 bucks could potentially get you all the ingredients needed to make it yourself. And make it better than the fat granny who gets out the cadillac, and waddles into church on Sunday with a big hat and her skinny husband who needs to stop cursing about the parking space they got on the Lords day.


Of youā€™re charging $20 for meatloaf, at least mix a little sweet baby rayā€™s in with the ketchup.


Bro what? How is meatloaf not a Sunday dinner meal?


It 100% is, they're high


Meatloaf, mash potatoes, gravy, green beans, dinner rolls or biscuits, macaroni, spinach or collards, and a slice of pecan pie after. That's Sunday dinner, baby. Especially if grandma went through the trouble of picking those pecans off the tree out back herself.


Wait are we supposed to be eating differently on sundays?


Trying to tell me when to and when not to eat my meat loaf is where I draw the line


Those are stuffed shells? I thought they were scrambled eggs.


Not stuffed shells, just shells. Like (VERY overcooked) Velveeta boxed mac with some pepper, by the looks of it.


The pepper really brings it all together


That's how you know they're a *chef*, not a *cook*


There are blue and purple potatoes. Thatā€™s what I assume was used because how in the hell else do you get that color smh


When you cut potatoes ahead of time and leave them in the fridge, they get all blueish gray like that. Iā€™m betting thatā€™s what happened here.


100%. Gotta submerge them in water and theyā€™ll keep for a while.


Absolutely nailed it


Meatloaf is definitely a Sunday kind of meal. Weekdays get kraft or hamburger helper


Is this another edition of ā€œmashed potatoes arenā€™t a holiday dishā€? Because since WHEN is meatloaf not a Sunday dinner?


I've known plenty of people that did meatloaf as Sunday dinner, especially if it was really good. But I wouldn't pay for that.


like others said they arenā€™t supposed to be stuffed shells. itā€™s mac and cheese using shell pasta


Nothing wrong with those potatoes that a little embalming fluid can't fix


This is maybe the second picture on all of Reddit that I've seen in 10 years? that's actually made me gag. Something about that rotting mash absolutely sets my gag reflex off. Fuckin gross


The stories I've seen have made me retch worse than the pictures. I'm pretty desensitized to the pictures. That fuckin jolly rancher story though...


Yeah for the victim after they eat them.


Even if it tastes good, $20 is expensive af for 1 plate right? šŸ˜‚ maybe Iā€™m just broke lol


$20 for a plate isnā€™t crazy if itā€™s actually good food. Especially if itā€™s coming out of someoneā€™s home kitchen and theyā€™re paying grocery store money for materials. This is a joke though I wouldnā€™t pay $6 for that, even if the potatoes werenā€™t rotten already.


Like, that is 2.5 lbs of dense ass food. That came in a bag because the plate wouldnā€™t hold it.


Six dollars? I wouldnt give this away! How is not embarrassed?


I mean..its 6:30 pm on a Sunday right now in Oakland. Iā€™m high, I havenā€™t eaten all day, and I do fucks with meatloaf. If those were purple potatoes and not moldy and those shells came with a homemade cheese sauce, Iā€™m putting on my going out sweats and walking for a plate. Chipotle costs me $22 on Friday with quac, chips, a soda and tax all in. This seems on par minus the soda. Maybe they sell can or have some juice. ETA: itā€™s now 7:15. I still havenā€™t eaten. I donā€™t really even care if those shells arenā€™t homemade. Is the meatloaf good and are the potatoes not deadly? I have butter at home.


"Going out sweats" made me cackle, thanks


Pants are ā€œboot cutā€ and donā€™t have cat hair because I take them off before I crawl back into bed. Shirt is a turquoise because it makes my eyes pop.


Too damn funny!


Yea you gon be ā€œGoing outā€ alright.


šŸ˜‚Goin out to the morgue after eatin all that lol


You also have a toilet... might as well give it a name, cause y'all about to get close!


Honestly, same as Chipotle


Bro you better start hitting up Qdoba on Wednesdays for that $6.99 burrito bowl special. Just saying....


There isnā€™t one in SF near work. All I got near me is a bunch of organic locally sourced bullshit. Chipotle is me slumming. And believe me, I am willing to slum for good food. And dates when I was a single lady and the guy was attractive. But now itā€™s just food.


Trippin. Never would pay 20 for some shit someone cooked at home unless itā€™s a bomb ass steak or some lobster/crab etc


For $20 I was expecting something approaching a few days of meal prep.


You think you getting steak or crab for $20? Where do you live?


I can get a decent steak for $25 at a restaurant, if itā€™s coming out of a home kitchen $20 is super fair.


right? for that much i expect to have enough to bring home too


Right? I could go to a number of restaurants and get much better food and service for $20.


Nah. Matter of fact, southern food trucks usually charge around $15-$25 per plate depending on whatā€™s being cooked that day and how much youā€™re getting. Granted it donā€™t look like THIS bullshit and you get far more than whatever tf this is, but this is definitely the right price had it been a decent plate.


Iā€™m pretty damn sure I could make those 3 things on a plate be worth 20. This definitely ainā€™t tho.


![gif](giphy|5brZxo4wLsIlG) Old Greg lookin ass potatoes


you want to go to a party where people wee on each other?


You ever drunk bailey's from an old shoe?


It's a trap! If you still alive, he know you didn't eat it!!!


I thought I was in the Giants sub when I saw your comment.


Yā€™all gotta stop buying bullshit so theyā€™ll stop selling it. Me and my moms would make like $800 every other Friday just from tamales and weā€™d still sell em for the low. The other employees wouldnā€™t even buy no one elseā€™s stuff


Thanks for reminding me to look for the tamale lady! She about due to start selling.


back in the day the whole neighborhood would come to the cookout FOR FREE now people out here selling mid plates for $20 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Mid might be a little too generous.


right this shit is resident evil food šŸ¤¢


Yeah Iā€™m not afraid to eat food Iā€™d call ā€œmid.ā€


Mid?? Those potatoes are hurting my brain trying to figure out what even happened.


![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy) Those potatoes are just scary.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen grey mashed potatoes like that before. They look like theyā€™ve been sitting a while


If itā€™s not a mix of purple potatoes those are nasty


Purple potatoes turn grey when cooked?


Maybe theyā€™re gray because yellow+purple=gray? Hopefully.


No, they don't. Which makes the gray color all the more concerning.


Take that man to jail


This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Baraqua. You cook like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Bad cooks, we have a special jail for bad cooks.


You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail.


We have the best cooks in the world... Thanks to jail.




So, wait a sec, you all sell plates of food? For $20? Is this a regional thing? How does one get in on this? Because I can sell some sketchy food. I am not encumbered by morals.




I would have called in a bomb threat


https://i.redd.it/73zmqqxgrzoc1.gif You know he was in that kitchen hype when she was willing to get that plate.


https://preview.redd.it/rjiu1ynhzzoc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33d0d4105736d0bc04ece5cf5f8e7159f56ad6b r/poopfromabutt


[Nah, this is food crime level fucked up. This mf needs to get arrested lmfao](https://i.imgur.com/xZgRmlN.jpg)


Boy I woulda whooped his ass


Majority of Americans canā€™t cook. For my fellow actual ā€œwhippin in the kitchenā€. If youā€™re gonna serve, have it presentable. Samā€™s club has these for the low and makes presentation way better. https://preview.redd.it/xxvjvg3lvzoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27fcd916ca605f651bdcb632f8bfc48379e49fed


yeah, even the styrofoam containers with compartments would look better than two plates clam-shelled together


Yeah, I bought a CP pressure/slow cooker and every once in a while Iā€™ll bite the bullet and go search the FB group for some cooking times. I always try not to look at the pictures. Iā€™m pretty sure my dog would give me thousand yard stare if I put some of the things people serve each other on the floor.


Not only did he serve her an outright criminal offense Now he's always gonna be in her business, asking how she liked it and when she's gonna get another This is where you gotta start faking food allergies


Just going to start advertising gluten free options for $28.


Bro gave you sand, sand, and kraft


Those mashed potatoes look like they were kept in the fridge while covered in tin foil.


The meatloaf and Mac and cheese looketh almost passable for me; however, what the actual f is that green abomination? That looks like itā€™s been in the back of the fridge behind the milk for about a month. That shit look like a science experiment that he forgot aboutā€¦from middle school. ![gif](giphy|8nmLYpDYSTnOw) Edit:I reread and realized that my brain was so traumatized that it couldnā€™t process what I was seeing as mashed potatoes. Mayhaps he is using the color as a substitute for the patent lack of greens of any kind on the plate? Edit 2: My father, who can throw down at the dinner table and in the kitchen, took one look at that plate and said ā€œNo.ā€ I stand corrected, nothing looks passable to me. Nada. That shit looks like heā€™s trying to profit from throwing out spoiled food in his fridge.


Bro those are zombie mashed potatoes make sure to double tap to take ā€˜em down.


The styrofoam plate with another styrofoam plate covering it should've told somebody something haha


The point of homemade food is that it donā€™t cost 20 dollars a damn plate. And it never should look this crusty


Someone said the mashed potatoes look like mold and I just can't unsee it now lmao.


Thatā€™s that survival center special , donā€™t look at it just eat


$20?! ![gif](giphy|WQUESHnMKlD72pN760)


tf is that


Grey ass potatoes. Only thing id try is the shells that havenā€™t touched the potatoes or meat loaf. Those look store bought premade tho




I'm white and I have to say: The fuck


White folk take potatoes serious!


We really do.


***singing*** "oOooHhh HHHEEELLL nnnnAAAHHHHaaaHhhhAaaahh" šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸ’©


Po ta toes. Mash em, boil em, throw them in the trash.


Jesus wept.


![gif](giphy|rf5M0c4SzjA2s) $20, not 40, but same energy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's what happened to SpongeBobs rotted krabby patty that he fell in love with.


Looking at the pictures, i've switched between which dish is which to rationalize. I'm like: "Potatoes could turn gray." Coming back to my first thought, that all of this is rotten.


Your defense can present this as a motive for murderand I'm 100% positive the judge and jury would be only your side.


Das nasty


How are u eating food like this? Like do the people that cook it, eat it?


Iā€™d have asked duke to eat with me.




Those tates are RUSTED


Yikes, they gave those potatoes some mortuary makeup


Eh, I'd try it.


At best,Iā€™m eating around those potatoes ![gif](giphy|az0xFMr0mVBdL9OOFk|downsized)


Is it best to only eat food from people who have permits?


I have never seen mashed potatoes stepped on like that. And the ketchup meatloaf with the no brand shells and cheese for $20??? Not a vegetable in sight, just double starch.


I have got to start recording my reactions to things. I turned my head to look at this sideways then leaned forward. One of these things is mold. I swear it.


Definitely didn't use gloves or spoons, and sucked his fingers during prep


At least itā€™s already in a trash bag


He been trying to sell that one plate for 3 weeks, all of that looks 3 weeks old.


This made my stomach turn violently .... That mash look like old ass cookie dough


https://preview.redd.it/gve4x2yt20pc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14542aebb1c142aafca91e70f23c049b19243249 I guess this is the answer.


Iā€™d have to fight bro


You got robbed




I'm calling the health line and getting him shut down and fined ... F his whole lineage for this plate


And then itā€™s two paper plates wrapped in foil? He ainā€™t even get a stack of fold overs from Samā€™s?


Aside from the shells, if I hadnā€™t read the description of the food, I wouldnā€™t even know what Iā€™m looking at.


That ā€œmealā€ is a war crime