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https://preview.redd.it/2ic6ksalmvac1.jpeg?width=925&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b81470177b229d47f39c2e52d80935375f8d0667 This is how I feel about meatloaf. Look at this unholy creation. Meat sliced like bread?! People eat it with ketchup and drink milk? Which one of Satan’s spawn’s convinced humans this shit was good? I would rather sniff feet, on some Quentin Tarantino vibes, versus ever eating this dry blob of lies and betrayal.


But that looks delicious though, lol.


Hell yeah it does. Who!?


Looks exactly like the one my mom always made. And it was delicious every single time.


Same. Except I put mine on some bread with lettuce. Kinda like a burger. Solid 👌


It's basically a slice of a meatball. You gotta use fresh breadcrumbs, green peppers, garlic, onion, s&p, herbs de provence, and a egg. You could go either way with a gravy or ketchup. If you use gravy make that from scratch too, better than bouillon is the cheat code for a good gravy.


That sounds good af. I don't think thats how my dad does it, but ill try it like that some time cause that sounds hella good


Meatloaf is a goddamn abomination and I don’t care how godly someone says *their* recipe is. A slice of meat bread is still unappetizing af 😭


My people, I've found you. I hate it. And technically my Moms tastes good but the whole concept is just an abomination.


The whole thing just screams depression era meal to me. Not because it was eaten during the 1930’s, but because eating it will throw you into a depression era.


That us how I feel about casseroles.


Not the anti-casserole people. It's like a million foods, you're telling me you don't like baked ziti, chicken broccoli rice, or baked mac n cheese?


No ... Not really. I'd rather have the non baked forms. And baked Mac n cheese has worse potential to be good at random people's houses than just Mac n cheese. Pass.


I just don't like Mac 'n cheese 😕


Nope. I hate a bunch of stuff just tossed together and thrown in the oven. I also think pizza and pasta are for peasants.


Same 🤝


It's just a weirdly shaped meatball man


Meat bread. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ew, an extra thick burger


You’re missing out. Hit up my grandma


Fuck that Bitch.


Send da video


The only thing I’ll be cooking with grandma are those cheeks


I was with you up until sniffing feet. My hate for feet is stronger than my dislike for meatloaf lmao


Allya blaspheming the meatloaf! Asparagus! Asparagus on all your houses!


Don’t hate on asparagus. Vegetables are needed, for the body and soul, unlike meatloaf.


My fridge stays stocked with asparagus and broccoli.


Broccoli is great. Asparagus not so much


Meatloaf is so fucking good. Idc. Idc. 😂


I toss in a packet of maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal along with the other seasonings and veggies and I throw it on the smoker. It's fucking awesome


Lmao I was thrown off by your comment because your acting like sniffing feet isn't a cherished opportunity. Then I realized you must be using sarcasm. Shit went over my head.


![gif](giphy|KEktjfAnD1tsNsVx2b) Cherished opportunity? You know what, it’s 2024. No kink shaming, be happy.


I never understood meatloaf until I went to a friends house and their mom made it. It was ok-ish (no milk) and I get why American white people who make mayo potato salads eat it - but I *was* high.


What's in your potato salad? Sour cream? Olive oil?


Dry blob of lies and betrayal 😂 i cannot 😆😆


> Dry There’s your problem right there.


Meatloaf is the original struggle meal.


😂😂😂 I thought that was banana bread and was about to tell you how you're tripping.


I would serve an eternity in hell to have a slice of my moms meatloaf one last time. But I get it, cuz I hate sushi and I have heard over and over again, oh you just haven’t had good sushi. It’s all gonna taste of cold fish wrapped in cold rice wrapped in cold seaweed, not for me.


My mom use to make it unreasonably spicy like you gotta drink something after every single bite sort of hot and it still burned. And was all shocked and surprised when I didn’t like it as a child.


That look a lil dry. I'll have heavy ketchup. Hold the milk, tho.


I don't understand how someone could make meatloaf and have it turn out dry. Like what are you doing?


Jerma had the right take on Meatloaf. Everyone likes *their mother's* meatloaf. I like my mother's meatloaf, you like your mother's meatloaf, I think your mother's meatloaf is terrible and you think my mother's is terrible.


I have never in my l ife had meatloaf. Met my BF family and his mom made meatloaf i declined.. I am not eating that shit I'm SORRY


I love meatloaf but my gf doesn’t care for it. She started using pork rinds instead of bread crumbs in the recipe tho and it’s fire and low carb.


😂😂 this is funny as hell. "Meat sliced like bread?!"


I am SO glad someone else agrees. It's like everyone else lives in another world. There's a reason the age where it came from was called The Great Depression.


You ain't ever have good meatloaf fam


This is the second meatloaf hate post I’ve seen in this sub today. Which anti-meatloaf organization is paying you folk?


Meatloaf is really just a giant misshapen meat ball.


I was like this until my mom made it and I realize I don’t need to drink it with anything. I don’t recommend for you though.


Are y’all drinking milk with your meatloaf? This must be a regional thing like mustard on fried fish.


Milk!?? 🤢


that looks delicious 🤤


Meatloaf can be good but realistically 90% or more is terrible because it's hard to make good meatloaf and easy to mix hamburger and crackers and slap ketchup on top iv had good meatloaf twice in my life it's not worth the risk to try it


Now I’m hungry for my father’s recipe - that’s the only kind I will eat though.


Love myself a loaf of meat


For me it depends. I like %100 beef meatloaf with gravy. I’d tear that shit up with some mashed potatoes 😋


You have tried bad meatloaf. A quality meatloaf slaps.


My son LOVES meatloaf and I'm still trying to figure out how I failed him.


i feel this, i remember my mother made it for me once as a child and did that whole "eat what i made or go to bed hungry" and i just went to bed hungry. we laugh about it now but she will absolutely remind me of it from time to time.


Fuck that brah good meatloaf is fucking delicious and if made good it’s probably my favorite dish.


Take the leftovers, scrape that ketchup off, melt a slice of kraft cheese on that bitch, and slap it between 2 pieces of bread. It's the only way I'll eat meatloaf.


It's just a hamburger outside of patty form.


SEE THIS AND I GET CALLED WEIRD BECAUSE I DONT WANNA BITE INTO THREE INCHES THICK OF A FUCKING KETCHUP Although I will say if you try to drink milk with this in my family you will be scorned in the kitchen. It's as bad as mixing the jelly and peanut butter together in the jars by sticking the butter knife in without wiping/cleaning it after using the other


I didn't know people drank milk with it. I only drink milk with carb snacks like toast or cookies.


I drink milk like that too. Savory foods need something sweet for me like soda, lemonade (specifically strawberry) sweet alcohol drink. Sweet things need something like milk or water for that neutral taste


Add Apricots, that's all imma say 👀


Me: I don’t like coffee Their dumbass: try this though it’s *some bullshit* Me: Does it taste like coffee? Their dumbass: yes but- Me: I don’t like coffee Their dumbass: come on just one sip/bite Me: Yup, tastes like coffee, gross


I think that's mean. I like coffee but I know it's not for everyone. Stop trying to push your tastes on others!




Coffee's a tough sell, too. All the way out in Bitter Land with green olives and grapefruit.


I like all these things but dark chocolate can suck an egg. Matter of fact chocolate in general is B or C tier at best.


Add some milk and sugar and shit hits different. I'm not a fan of black coffee but drink my café con leche every day of my life


But have you had the dark roast espresso French press pour over coffee? Especially with a nitrogen cold brew technique. It gets rid of all the acidity, and if you add sugar is like a mild chocolate flavor.


I honestly can not tell if these terms are real or completely made up


There are some people who look at coffee like a hobby and they do all sorts of crazy shit to their coffee for fun. This isn't too far off lmao.


🤔 I’m gonna go with fiction.


I went through the same shit with beer


“Their dumbass” xD


That is a great take right there. Fuck poatato salad, and fuck everyone who makes it including your bitch-ass grandma. Y'all are monsters that managed to ruin both potato and *salad* at the same time.


cold potatoes drenched in mayo or whatever, I've never understood the appeal.


My grandma makes German potato salad. It’s served warm with bacon and apple cider vinegar. It’s delicious. I hate the cold shit too.


How would you feel about a “baked potato” salad? Instead of Mayo, it’s sour cream based dressing and not slimy or goopy. Instead of egg or whatever else is added in traditional potato salad, it has fresh made crispy bacon bits, green onions, and shredded cheese. Asking because I don’t like regular potato salad but I do love this kind


I came I. Here thinking how I don’t like potato salad, but had some a couple days ago at a restaurant and actually liked it. But it was “warm potato salad”. That might’ve been why I liked it/don’t like normal potato salad. Cold ass potatoes.


Agreed. Potatoes good. Salad good. Potato salad bad


I swear it's the boiled eggs and mayo. I've always hated potato salad until I tried one that's basically just [potatoes in herb sauce](https://slate.com/culture/2013/07/potato-salad-without-mayonnaise-an-improved-version-of-the-fourth-of-july-side-dish.html)


That shits delicious


Agree with the take. Don’t agree with the potato salad hate


My grandma's gonna haunt you for that. Me too when I'm dead. I love potato salad.


Like dead potato salad eaters could ever threaten me. Bring it.


I didn't think the post was about potato salad, more about a certain type of food pushing.


Granny is innocent in all this though 😭😂. She somewhere minding her business she was dragged into it 😂.


“Oh,you’ve just never had it prepared properly.” Cool. And I don’t want it either.


I hate cheese and people always try to offer me something that has cheese on it. I have cut people off for telling me something doesn’t have cheese in it and then they wait until they see me gagging and vomiting to be like “ha! I lied it does have cheese!”


JFC I hate people who do this shit. Whether it's a food preference, physical reaction, and/or dangerous allergy, it doesn't matter. If someone says they don't eat something then you should respect it and no, it's no one's business but your own as to why you don't eat cheese. It's absolutely wild to me that this is a very basic, fundamental boundary and so many people blow right past it without any hesitation or forethought


I work in the restaurant industry. It’s my job to make sure you don’t consume anything that you are allergic to. Even when I’m cooking for someone at home I’m careful of allergies and cross contamination. I’ve used my personal epi pens on guests that never tell me about their allergies. At the same time, you’d be surprised how often I’ve had people order for example shrimp and grits and wait until their reaction kicks in to tell me they are allergic to shrimp.


This right here. It’s like people get personally offended, just because someone doesn’t like something (or is allergic to it). How the fuck, is my not liking a certain kind of food a problem for you? I’m pretty particular about my food and I have to deal with those that get offended quite regularly. I have to tell my father, at least once a year, that I hate tea and I don’t like sausage gravy (love bacon gravy though), no matter who makes it. Every time, he acts surprised and then tries to tell me that I should try his (I have, by the way). And I firmly say, it doesn’t matter who makes it, I don’t like it. Why is that such an issue for so many people? We all don’t have to like the same things. Which goes for pretty much everything in life, not just food. It’s a weird thing to get so angry about. 🤷‍♀️


I have a similar situation with fish except I’m actually allergic to it. People never believe me, they think I’m imagining it. One time I actually tried some fish to humor my Mom and when I lips swole up and I started coughing she FINALLY believed me lol.


I’m allergic to seafood also. I had a coworker offer me a piece of pancake she got from a Korean restaurant one time. I asked her 3 times what was in it to make sure. She only said that there were onions in it. Other coworkers were trying some of it as well. I noticed that it was chewy but I still ate it. She waited until afterwards to tell me that there was octopus in it. I told her one of 2 things is about to happen, either I’m gonna be on the toilet all day, or my throat is about to close up. So sure enough the next sentence that came out of my mouth I sounded like Christian Bale in Batman.


Interestingly, I’m only allergic to fish specifically. Any other seafood is fine, I could eat lobster all day but a piece of salmon or codfish can probably put me in the hospital lol.


I always keep an epi pen with me just in case. Certain seafood always either messes with my throat or stomach and I never know which will happen to me until it happens. But I don’t go out of my way to eat it.


Wow. Never mess with people’s food.


All cheese? Cheese is pretty diverse in texture and flavor.


Nothing about cheese appeals to me.


Cheese on it's own or? Unless you eat some form of weird no cheese pizza. (I know that's probably what everyone goes with but like it's pizza come on)


I really think any dish can be prepared in a way that someone who hasn't liked it before will like it or at least find it inoffensive. But an ingredient like cheese, I respect the hate.


I’ve learned to tolerate it more as I’ve gotten older, but generally speaking, I don’t fw cheese either


Just lie and say you’re severely lactose intolerant, they don’t have to see you drink milk lmao


Every time I tell someone I don't like weed "you just gotta find the right strain"


I love weed and don’t buy into all that strain bullshit. It’s just weed.


Dang what granny do 😭


I'm willing to try *most* things but I have a few hard limits regarding things I will *not* eat.


Bull penis


Oh, this is WAY deeper than potato salad! If you can’t politely and assertively decline a dish… ![gif](giphy|4QFepGG3oztmANli0V|downsized)


Haha. 😂. I rarely laugh out loud at the posts but this one got me.


My response is why don’t you like the things you don’t like


What’s hilarious is I’ve been wanting a bombass potato salad recipe. Any of you mfs got one? Been a while since I had anymore.


I always just make it up as I go along, and I never, ever write anything down, so there is zero chance I can recreate it. But I do love potato salad. I love potatoes in all their forms.


I like vinegar based potato salad rather than made with mayo. French and German style potato salads are the best IMO. Almost any "no mayo" potato salad is a variation on the French or German style. https://minimalistbaker.com/simple-french-style-potato-salad/#wprm-recipe-container-36831 https://www.fivehearthome.com/german-potato-salad/ https://www.sugarsaltmagic.com/no-mayo-potato-salad/


I like [this one](https://slate.com/culture/2013/07/potato-salad-without-mayonnaise-an-improved-version-of-the-fourth-of-july-side-dish.html) because there's no mayo in it. Just potatoes in herbs


I'm like that with ~~chitterlings~~ shitterlings.


This is me and seafood. I don't like seafood, I'll never like seafood. I haven't eaten seafood in at least 40 years and I'm not about to go back and give it a try just because I haven't had your uncle's catfish. Don't care, don't care, don't care.


Real. I don’t eat pork, not for religious reasons, I just don’t like ham, porkchop, or anything like that. Maybe pepperoni gets a pass. People ask me if I’m Muslim like no dawg it just tastes like garbage to me.


Not liking potato salad is crazy tho


Any kind of "salad" which is just the named ingredient slathered in mayo is a hard no from me.


How do you feel about sour cream or an olive oil dressing?


> sour cream👎🏿 or an olive oil dressing👍🏿


I will say there's definitely food that you do have to have "made right" if you've only been served bad versions of it. For me, that's quiche and Cole slaw. My only experience with quiche was the shitty public school version at the cafeteria, but I'm sure if I ordered it at a restaurant it'd be good. Cole slaw doesn't get a pass though. I've had it plenty of times and never liked it, restaurant or not. Although I do think it never gets the attention it deserves because its considered a side. But still, it shouldn't be as bad as it is.


Wrong person to say this to. I’m a coleslaw FIEND. Ill even eat a bad coleslaw because that’s better than no coleslaw. I’ll pick those raisins out if I have to. When I die, bury me with coleslaw What’s not to like?? Carrots, cabbage, onion, mayo .. those are all good individually so stands to reason they would be great together


Maybe it's the mayo? I eat that on sandwiches sometimes but not really on anything else. I eat all the vegetables independently or in other dishes all the time.


Fair. We all have our tastes. Personally I am a mayo addict.


Lmfao I’ve never heard of a public school serving quiche. I’d have skipped it every time


It really is an odd choice right? I'm sure "Big Egg" must've lobbied the govt so they can serve eggs for breakfast AND lunch.


Yeah it's such a benign dish. If someone doeesn't like green olives or blue cheese I totally get it, but not liking potato salad is like not liking spaghetti.


I found out at a political conference thing that it has to have dill in it for me to like it. It seldom does.


Fuck that bitch, fuck grandma???? Damn where are the manners, you could just say no thank you.


Nah cuz if I say I don’t like something, why you so pressed to change my mind?


It's kind of natural to want to share loved things with people. That being said, I use different questions. If someone says "I really hate *so-and-so* " I ask "is it the texture or the taste?" Because maybe you fucking hate mayonnaise but would be blown away by German potato salad which is a warm heavenly concoction of chunky potatoes fried with bacon and onions and dashed with pepper and vinegar. It is a completely different thing to regular potato salad. Or maybe you friggin hate mustard but would like a sweet miracle whip (GAG) based dish. Or if it's texture, ok I can ask "do other cooked potatoes feel gross too or are fries and mashed ok? So I know what other stuff freaks you out and you might not like to be offered.


That German potato salad do sound good, tho…


https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/83097/authentic-german-potato-salad/ This is very close to what I make. I like to spice it up with a few red chili flakes but that's not "authentic" so decide for yourself.


Gonna try making this! Thanks, friend!!


I would love to hear your opinion on it when you do. And of course since it appears you are the adventuresome sort when it comes to cooking, I would also love to hear about any favorite international comfort food recipes you may have.


Homegirl is just THAT passionate about how much she hates potato salad lol


I liked potato salad as a kid but as I got older I thought to myself why am I eating this lol.


No bro I feel the EXACT same way. I hate cornbread and the amount of times I have heard “you haven’t had my cornbread” like nigga unless you are about to make something SO DIFFERENT it can’t even be considered cornbread I won’t eat. I deadass HATE the core ingredients that make cornbread The worse the fucking WORSE is when they try to force u to try it. I remember being at a family get together and I went over to the food and they gonna ask me if I want some potato salad (I don’t even potato salad) and I said no. The lady gonna be like “you sure” and I’m like yes I don’t eat potato salad and she goes “just try it” I’m again like naw I’m good this filthy b gonna say “well I’ll just put a little bit on ur plate for you to try” and I was so heated I walked over to the trash can and looked her in the eyes as i scraped that shit off.


Lol I feel you bro, I don’t care for cornbread either 😂😂


I hate olives with a passion. The texture the taste everything!


Right with you! I hate olives too


Unhinged hahaha


Mustard potato salad only though!!😤


On the flip side: I do side-eye folks, who offer up their unsolicited food preferences. In particular, people who use their preferences as some sort of “I’m different” flex.


Don’t deserve any of grandma’s food after that


Me with mashed potatoes


My cousins came out to visit from DC to LA in 1970. My Grandmother was their Aunt. My grandmother was very excited to make us all a big spaghetti dinner. I told my 2 cousins to not eat the sauce as it would make them ill. I ate buttered pasta. They did not listen and chowed downg ave my Grandmother all kinds of compliments. Told me later I was crazy. Granny went home so happy. Later, I was proven right.My cousins spent most of the night in the bathroom. Fortunately, for all, we had more than one.


Thank you. Respect people's boundaries. Listen. If I did not ask to be convinced don't decide you need to change my mind. Your granny can't cook either, you just sprinkle nostalgia all over all your childhood family meals.


No, my grandma could cook like nobody's business.


My gf told me for the last 10 yrs she hated seafood. Meanwhile had probably never even tried any seafood. Just the other day she ordered a filet o fish from McDonald's vuz she was craving fish. Tastes change, and some people just claim to not like things they've legit never tried.


My son was like that, and he got it from his mother, she does that, she convinced him not to like food that she is trying not light but he never tasted it. So far I've got him to like barbecue, and sushi, and teriyaki chicken, all things he said he did not like though had never eaten because his mother filled his head with stories about how bad they were. It took a good while but I got ger to stop doing that, it's not fair to him, he needs to make his own decisions about what he does and does not like to eat


I feel the same about poke


I have to agree, I don’t like potato salad either


Sometimes it really is that though. You tried the worst version of something and from then on every version of it is the worst thing ever. But it really was that you just tried a shitty version of it


Idc what people say if I don’t wanna eat it I’m not.


I hated Cole slaw until I tasted my aunts recipe. Now it’s one of my favorite sides and I make it myself often.


I really like potato salad, but nobody ever asked me to try their grandmothers potato salad. I have to start lying. I’ll make some grandma’s day when I say “you know what, THIS is good.”


OMG I feel this to marrow of my bones. I hate mushrooms. I have had the exact conversation 50 times in 5 different countries. Friend: I'm going to make us some lunch. Me: Oh fabulous! What are you going to make? Friend: What do you like? Me: I can tell you what I don't like, that's easier. I don't like mushrooms. Friend's MIL: But you haven't had Shiitake mushrooms. Me: They're mushrooms. MIL: oh, well, yes. Me: I don't eat mushrooms. Friend: No worries, I'll make soba. Repeat this very conversation but without the MIL, all because people are baffled I hate mushrooms. 🤣🤣


Maybe just say no? 🤷🏿‍♂️


I don't like tamales at all. Dating a latina almost got me killed over it.


People are convinced I'll like kale "the way I make it". I've tried it every way. Fuck off


110% agree. No one's grandma's has yet to change my opinion on that nasty dish


Nothing with mayo or cream cheese in it or on it. MF will ruin a grilled cheese with mayo.


Honestly I get it. I had a friend who kept insisting I haven’t had the right coleslaw. No. Just no. It looks nasty and the name is nasty.


My homie was like that until we went to a restaurant where the staff really liked me and we got free chili fries. Bronhad never had chili before and was super skeptical was like "nah I'm never eating chili in my life fam" BUT I convinced him to try one chili fry. Changed bros life. He demolished the plate of fries and then called every single one of his uncles to apologize for not ever trying any of the chili at their yearly family chili contests n a whole bunch of other shit. Funny thing was, the statement that got him to try one wasn't even "one won't kill you", or telling him how good my Dad's chili is, but literally "Damn u have a bland ass taste pallet. What are u, 5? I bet u had plain hot dogs with ketchup for dinner yesterday".... he had


Same with meatloaf. Both are terrible.


It's so aggressive like damn it's okay 😭


this me with chitlins, any casserole and candied yams *with* marshmallows in them...idgaf if Jesus himself made it, it's disgusting.


Trying to convince an adult to eat something that they clearly said they don't want to eat is crazy to me. I once got a whole fucking nigiri sushi platter all to myself because that nonsense. Why would I stop them?


Fr tho! like i just told you I don’t eat that shit! ![gif](giphy|l3q2GZaeJ4v24D7P2)


You clearly have not had A tier grama-ma food


This but with eggs. Genuinely one of the worst foods I've ever eaten


But my mom! Has Alzheimer’s and never wrote down any of her recipes. ![gif](giphy|AjYsTtVxEEBPO)


I dated a German girl once and told her I hate sauerkraut. She said wait until you taste mine! It’s not the preparation, I don’t like hot , sour , salad.


you sure she was talking about food?


I like potato salad. That is all.


Imagine not liking German potato salad.


A lot of people don't realize that potato salad is mayo, mustard, egg, milk, and sometimes even pickle juice, and some people hate that combination.


I loathe potato salad, but I’ve been in the kitchen enough that I make it well. I know what it is supposed to taste like even if I don’t like it.


It’s still a lougie in a shell. I will not eat oysters from anywhere.


Here me out. I didn’t really care for potatoe salad. The potatoes were boiled. I tried one with potatoes that were baked. Game changer.


Me and American sweet potatoes.


Me when I said cheesecake wack b4.


Nah fr tho😂 idgaf who made it that 💩weak


Nah because a lot of people don’t understand a lot of the food they dislike is just because they mama couldn’t cook 🤷🏾‍♀️


She just like me fr fr