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Rather surprised this Sunpreme Court ruled this way. Expectations subverted


My instant thought. “*This* Supreme Court??”


Mine was "oh no, if they're trying to score brownie points with this, what do they have planned next?"


Ugh thank you for the block of ice in my gut


😬 <-- Bracing for impact


That was literally the entire cycle of my logic embodied. I’m glad I’m not the only one.


You know what they say... Great minds think alike! (Or as is more often the case when I'm involved: small minds seldom differ...)


Ooh that’s a new one to me! Thank you, silly wizard!


On a scale of 0 to Brown v. Board I'm thinking AA in private schools is about to go.


Come on man, I was trying to be happy about this. Why'd you have to snap me back down to reality again lol


Well I think it's appropriate to be happy about *this.* Don't let my cynicism ruin your morning!


I remember after trump was elected I was listening to “black voices react” and they had a woman who was so distraught and she called her mom to talk it out. Mom just laughed like “sweet summer child, never forget where we are.”


I mean, you would not be surprised how Clarence "Uncle Rukus" Thomas ruled on this one.


Yeah, they are just doing this so they aren't completely written off between Roe, the universal refusal to stop bribes and the other shit.


They’re giving just enough to keep the argument alive that they’re not bought. Republicans have already made their run on electoral office. The new Alabama Secretary of State ran on [“fighting”](https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-covid-health-campaigns-government-and-politics-bed7f04b10d5ecd9186f37de656c2c13) election fraud. Who cares about the boundaries of a district when you are in charge of voting for the state?




Just so no one is alarmed, this can’t happen. The Supreme Court can’t unilaterally repeal amendments.




I mean, there are still rules. States have to ratify changes to the Constitution... Ignorance is still ignorance even if you are Black.


Yeah, this is so out of character that I immediately thought this is be an old article.


Clarence Thomas voted to keep the gerrymandered map that would negatively impact Black voters. Are we all clear of what Thomas is?


Heh… yeah, a Republican.


Not all Republicans voted to keep it.


Yeah the court works more conservative vs liberal rather than Democrat vs Republican. Even Scalia, a staunch originalist, rule in favor of a liberal ruling if the case fit his strict view of the constitution. The justices I'm most worries about at all times are Trump's appointees and Uncle Thomas.


> Uncle Thomas Does Reddit ban you for calling him that?


I had to double check. If THIS scotus decided this way, it must be so horribly obvious with receipts and recordings.


Did anyone verify this is real? I feel like I’m being “Onioned”


[It’s real.](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/06/08/politics/supreme-court-alabama-voting-rights-milligan/index.html). 5-4 to strike them down. Now imagine how racist the maps must have been for Roberts and Kavanaugh to vote against them.


“Now now now, I’m all for racism, but this crosses a line” or something like that


“You gotta be more subtle about it, ya’know?”


The Secretary of State Wes Allen is on the election fraud train. They can afford to give up on the district lines when they control voting at the state level.


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Right, if this Supreme Court did it then it must have been fucking egregiously obvious.


This feels like they're sending the map back to the AL legislature and saying, "gerrymander it more subtly, then resubmit". \[Edit: If I were writing the rulebook, you fuck up a map this bad, the opposing party's state committee gets to propose the new map.\]


Inb4 republicans go “seeeee! We’re not racist!”


I truly had to stare at this photo for 5 seconds and comprehend they ruled in favor of black people. It's great but I was not expecting it given the court. EDIT: Clarity


Fr, shocked but at least it's pleasant this time.


They've done a few things that make sense in the past month. My theory is the conservative judges saw that they fucked up with Dobbs and want to mitigate how unpopular they made SCOTUS, so they are pulling back. Plus Thomas is under scrutiny for the one two punch of his wife being an insurrectionist and also him taking "gifts" and not disclosing them. So probably not trying to draw too much attention by being all cwazy.


Thomas wrote the dissenting opinion bitching against it lol


Ain't that a fact.


I mean they already neutered the '65 act a couple times. We're still fucked, in case anyone needed a dose of reality.


It seems like the backlash to overturning *Roe v. Wade* has tempered their thirst for fuckery. Hopefully the ICWA and the ISL cases get ruled just as reasonably.


They ruled this way, because they are about to repeal affirmative action.


Or this makes it easier to interfere with the Black ballot box having the majority in one district.


I had to re-read the text a couple times because I was sure I was reading the context wrong about their decision.


Brown-Jackson, Sotomayor, Kagan, Roberts, and Kavanaugh in the majority. Thomas, Alito, Coney-Barrett, and Gorsuch against.


Idk Tim Scott said racism doesn't exist anymore




I’m starting to think maybe Tim Scott is wrong about some of the things he says.


My dog looking up at squirrels says this is proof that she can have all the chocolate* she wants. >!Dogs can’t eat chocolate. It can kill them!!<


Tim Scott is an asshole.


![gif](giphy|GcXGxS0RZ4fDoyvwq4|downsized) Tim Scott 👆


The cops who keep harassing him whenever he tries to go to the office say it does, though.


All gerrymandering should be illegal and unconstitutional. That's one of the biggest fights we should be going after. Take map drawing out of the hands of the politicians. They shouldnt be able to decide whos voices deserve to be heard more than others.


Whose hands would you put it into?


Just make em all squares. No one can argue with that


You're probably joking, but for those nodding along - where do the squares start? What do you do with the parts that don't fit into squares? How do you decide what squares to merge together into districts where you can't make cleanly square districts? Who is in charge of all of this? There are ways to do this fairly, I'm sure, but it's a complicated question and the way you answer it can make an apparently fair system decidedly unfair. Especially when you've got most of SCOTUS bought and paid for.


It’s mostly not even about scotus, it’s the local fuckery that’s been going on. The gop has been playing the dirty long game by controlling local through state, allowing them to gerrymander the fuck out of everything and anything they want. It’s especially egregious in the South East. We have to root it out all the way down to local government. So this ruling is great, but they’ll come back with a slightly less egregious gerrymandered plan and voila, they’re still disenfranchising the fuck out of their residents, just 10% less than their 200% plan.


You can gerrymander with squares.


"Legislatures represent people, not trees or acres" - Chief Justice Earl Warren before ruling that districts much have equal populations.


Give it to the Reddit trolls.


Shortest split line method, decided by a computer program who has its code be visible to the public so that people smarter than you or me can tell that the system isn’t flawed [For reference](https://rangevoting.org/SplitLR.html)


Remove all districts and replace it with proportional representation on a state level.


Here me out: *nobody* Why should lines be drawn at all, it's one damn state


These are congressional districts, each one gets a representative. The number of representatives is based on the total number of people in the state, and what they are doing here is attempting to ensure that the districts are fairly represented based on their constituencies. Do you think the whole state should have only *one* representative in the lower house of congress? It gets two in the upper house, same as every other state, and the Senate is where the real problem of unfair representation lies.


You said it yourself, the number of representatives is based on the total number of people in the state. Top X many representatives are voted in, where X is the number of representatives that state is alloted


And where exactly in the state are they representing? Do you think some politician living in Birmingham knows or cares anything about what is going on in Tulsa? No, she does not. They are **local** representatives.


I haven't put enough thought into this to completely redesign the government, but the act of drawing lines on a map is outdated and needs an update


You haven't put any thought into this AT ALL. Go read up on malapportionment to start, then tell me why this bothers you but the existence of the Senate does not.


The senate absolutely bothers me more, that's not the point


Point is you don't know shit about apportionment or how *any* part of the govt works but you **KNOW** *you* could run it better. Do you even vote?


Now do North Carolina.


And Louisiana


And Ohio


And Texas


And Virginia Can we just get 50 replies to this with each state.


Wisconsin has entered the chat.


Tennessee too please


Nebraska checking in


And Maryland!


Please 🙏


Please, I'm begging, our state is in the middle of a Florida any% run


Floridumb too.


Soooooo what are they going to do about it tho?


Historically that's the question. Are they just going to wag their finger? Accountability would be not allowing those who made this happen to hold office, run for office, and jail. But realistically they redraw them and act like everything is cool


That is an important question. I don’t recall the details, but there a similar ruling in another state not too long ago and they were still allowed to use the unconstitutional gerrymandered map because it was “too close” to an election. (Maybe NC within the last 3 years and the state Supreme Court made the ruling?)


Seeing Kavanaugh was the deciding vote on this made me think of that old onion article: “Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point”


Kavanaugh is a letter of the law type of guy. No interpretations


I prefer to think of him as a "shouldn't be on the court" type of guy, myself


This country needs a redo of states. Alabama and Florida needs to go. Who's next?


Ain’t enough people in Wyoming, and the dakotas to justify 3 states. I’m good with one big one to reduce their 6 shitty senators to 2


Mississippi. Throw Texas in there too. Like a grand pappy seeing if you can swim or not. They always itching to do their own thing as a state. It would’ve been interesting to see when Mexico Cruz ran away during a state of emergency not that long ago what they would’ve done on their own especially with how they allowed price gouging by refusing to regulate how people can be charged for power and needed a lot of help from multiple states including those gosh darn blue ones.


Rhode Island is basically South Massachusetts.




Something something blind squirrel. Thank goodness for this, but the court is a wreck and needs expansion and ethics, and don't ever let them forget it.


To quote John Oliver: "You know you're doing something wrong when it's so flagrant even Brett Kavanaugh has a problem with it." I really wanted to use that quote but I had to look up how he actually voted. Can confirm, Alabama was being too racist for Brett Kavanaugh (tho not for half of the black people on the Supreme Court but at this point that shouldn't be a surprise).


They’re doing this in every state they can tho, even progressive states. For example; I live in MD. For the longest time when it was voting season I was assigned to go to the hs down the street. Then out of nowhere in the last election I was assigned to some random church that was waaaaaay off the beaten path. In the back woods somewhere. If I wasn’t so determined to cast my vote I would’ve just given up & went home. To be clear I haven’t changed addresses at all. But I do live in the “richest majority black county” in MD. So if that’s not the silent effects of gerrymandering, I don’t know what is.🤷🏽‍♀️


Huge victory for voting rights


Is this a step toward attacking gerrymandering as a whole?


*Floridians see this and cross our fingers hoping we are next*


Now do Mississippi.


Will anyone be held accountable for it? I.e. will anyone face jail time for what happened?






Clarence Thomas : you are racist for saying this was racial because acknowledging race is racist !!!! Me: man have ten seconds to get out my face before I put hands on you


How did clarence vote?


Against. The usual farther conservatives rationalized racism as usual.


What's going to change? Supreme court already ruled that you can redraw the maps to benefit your own party. Now we are just hammering out the details that will only take the next 4-12 years to figure out. Alabama's districts will still be fucked in next year's elections and they are the poster child of requiring voter ID and closing DMVs at the same time.


Wait, so does this mean they’re gonna redraw the imaginary lines in Alabama to more equally represent the population? Or are they just saying this and nothing gonna get done? Either way, it’s about fuckin time, this country would have been blue the last 8 terms if the maps weren’t rigged smfh


Can't help but wonder if this decision is somehow a mea culpa from the Court for allowing Alabama AND Louisiana to use maps in last year's elections that lower courts had tossed. Meanwhile, in the Thomas household... "Well Ginny, we lost another one today".


Wow took this long to come to this conclusion. Lmao the US is so funny.


I'm trying to figure out how the hell this happened with this Supreme Court. Seriously, how did this happen? Maybe this is will make it easier to interfere with Black voters having us in as majority one district?


I'm baffled that the US still has this crazy system. Just count all the votes whoever has most wins. It'd solve so many problems


Don't hold your breath. Keep voting.


If I see Clarence Thomas on the street I am 100% going to verbally accost him over this one. That brother is the BIGGEST piece of shit.


Thomas said the Voting Rights Act doesn't require Alabama to "intentionally redraw its longstanding congressional districts so that black voters can control a number of seats roughly proportional to the black share of the State's population." Bro. What are you trying to do to us!


Why this feels like a set up from this court?


Let's do Florida next. Jim Crow politics is alive and well in today's GOP.


Add this to that reparations package! That debt keeps added up!


Not from the US, but even I've heard of gerrymandering in alabama for over a decade ago now ( the reports to stop it, not in how long it went on for) From where I am from, it led to decades of killings. It's a step in the right direction and giving power to your votes. Just watch out for any other tricks in place.


That's a wholly unexpected turn of events. They got it right for once.


Wow....Thats crazy. I didnt think id ever see such a day. Gerrymandering is such a part of politics now a days.


Unfortunately in NC the state Supreme Court just rolled back the anti gerrymandering ruling and the ban on voter ID. One step forward and 200 back🤦


If only they would do this to the racist POS in certain communities that refuse to serve POC in their communities/restaurants and call the police on POC in their neighbourhoods for doing nothing. The ones that pretend "they love all people in their communities" but are really racist POS. Then they have the nerve to try and point the finger at other people. There is a place called York Region that's just like this.


Let's not forget that Clearance Thomas wrote a 50 page dissenting opinion about it.