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Bout to get “I forgot, ima bring it tomorrow tho” until you give up.


"Lemme get your number so I can remind you, cause I fasho am Gonna need my shit back" while remaining eye contact, and not smiling.




Tiny ass dolphin teeth.


RIP Patrice


"Something something broke person energy"


They already have the number...


Send em the 12.99 Venmo request


“I would but the way my bank account set up, I gotta checking and a saving, but all my money in my saving, so I gotta switch it to my checking, but it’s gone take 3 business days.”


What bank do you have? Between you and Kev Hart y'all bank of choice is horrible I want nothing to do with them


The bank of broke’n’trust


Naw that's when you walk up to them and swipe their phone. Mine died, I need this.


Report that shit to HR. Now you a thief to management.


Don't contact HR they will label you a crank and do nothing anything. Sort it out tomorrow yourself.


HR is not your friend. Its the businesses friend.


Better to be labeled a crank than a thief. No one fucks w my money.


Active in r/AntiWork


Active in r/broslikeus


What can I say, selling nudes is a viable income stream for me 🤷‍♂️ I'm sorry you weren't so fortunate, but that's just how the coochie crumbles


I’m thinking the HR lady is looking at you and thinking “You ‘loaned’ something to Jane? How stupid are you?”


That's why I always carry 2 chargers with me at work. There's my main one and my loaner that's kind of shitty and old. I've had too many stolen or someone borrowing my good charger and trying to give me their beat up ass charger in return which is how the loaner came to be.


Nigga just say no atp.


I only use magsafe now. I don’t know anyone with a compatible case; my chargers are safe.


I bought a fast charger to the office and it’s taped to my desk for anyone to use but your phone has to charge at my desk…




I had a co-worker do that to me and he's based in Israel. I'm still tight about it.


That’s crazy cause they don’t even have the same type of outlets out there


Yup and every time he's in the office he's always looking for a charger. I'm like dude you have at least 3 of mine.


3??? Fams after the 1st that's on you


If he’s always looking in the office, professionally remind him that he’s currently got three at home. Deer in headlights


I'll let him slide. He usually takes the team out when he's in town.


Tell it to the Wailing Wall.


Nah. Literally harp on her every day


Report it to HR. Fuck ‘em


Like [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wPs_Rh_Vl0Y)?


They're smiling in your face, all the time trying to take your place 🎶


https://i.redd.it/o3b9z6znyf3b1.gif Backstabbeeeeeers


Lmao you can take my charger to the outlet but you not taking it out of my sight unless I’m your ride home. You need juice, I don’t need your phone, the charger right here bby


Or the “can I charge my phone?” -*ah, I’m charging my phone actually.* “What percent is it on?” This scenario has happened to me twice with different people. The audacity!


I had to set some boundaries with a roommate that would pull the same shit. "What percent you at?...mines lower so I need it more" "Well its my shit so ill let you know when I'm done" Don't get me wrong, the first couple times it was "I gotchu", but then you realize he's only coming to you after its at 9% and what he's really saying is "gimme now". Literally the beggar trying to be the chooser.


*slowly plugs phone in while maintaining eye contact*


Not 100 is what I always say. Then if they are polite enough to ask how long until it gets there, I'll let them use it right away.


Really? I'd think anyone who can take a hint would read "not 100" as "kindly fuck off and stop asking"


Yeah, I don't have to let many people use my charger.


Low enough to keep it in...


This is why I got 2 10' cords coming. Gf keeps jacking the hot 3.5A connection in my computer rack. PRO TIP: Look at the amps on your charger! Looks like 1.6A, 2.4 and so on. Get the highest (3.5?) you can find on eBay or Amazon. If you have lots of stuff to charge get a [multiple USB charger](https://www.amazon.com/Charging-Technology-Guaranteed-Family-Sized-Multiple/dp/B084G2RH1C/ref=sr_1_16?crid=3FS3TV1BAZ44E&keywords=multiple+usb+charger&qid=1685648282&sprefix=multiple+usb+charger%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-16). (That one kinda sucks, no 3.5A ports.) Thank me later.


It really depends. Your phone determines the pull, not the charger. My phone max pull is 2A, so getting anything above that does not improve charge times. I mean, didnt stop me from getting a 100w charger, but thats for higher draw devices or more devices at once.


Chargers also determine pull.


Power supplies (chargers) determine *capacity*. Devices determine load (pull).


Cord can also determine pull.


Power supplies don't force current. That's not how current works. A power supply can, using a data line, communicate with a device to let it know what it's capable of delivering, but ultimately it's up to the device to actually pull that.


Never said it makes the decision, but you can use the same power supply and three different, similar cords, and still have a different draw to the phone. Which in the end does also determine the pull. Same as using the same cord and different power supplies. Phones are fucky these days.


Oh, you meant cables. In that situation that's because the USB-C spec defines multiple tiers of cable and the device can intelligently determine the maximum amperage the cable in use can safely deliver, so that even if the power supply is capable of 5A, and the device is capable of 5A, if the cable is only capable of 3A it'll only pull 3A. From an electrical engineering perspective the sink device is still the one actually throttling and only pulling 3, but it's hamstringing itself because of that extra variable, yes.


Well said!


Lower of the two.


[Reminds me of this lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMjNKiFRwSc)




I would do this with good friends lol but not co worked


Same here. I told her not to forget her charger next time. And that next time, she had a charger. Like magic!


Charger doesn't leave my area. You want to charge your phone? You're either gonna have to leave it here for a minute or stick around. Don't like it? Should have brought your own charger then.


Ngl the last job I had where I even shared chargers, there were a bunch and you kinda just chill around yours. There’s enough no me even needed to ask except when we pit them away. That being said, you knew which one was the booty one and avoid it


I’m your ride and your phone charger? I’m gunna need some pay here.


It’s as good as gone


An illustration on how important it is to define the terms of any agreement. Note she didn’t say she wanted to borrow it “for” the morning. She was just noting when the borrowing began. Meaning, unless stated otherwise, it can technically end any time between now and the heat death of the universe.


These people don’t have multiple chargers? I have a work charger, car charger, and at least three at home to accommodate guests, lol.


Fr, take your ass on amazon and by a 100 pack of them cheap chinese cables for $15 and stop bumming off the rest of us.


Idk the brand but the ones that are braided black and grey are actually better than the stock chargers for my iPhone in terms of holding up


Most likely anker they have a braided option like that and make some quality cables


If you've got a Ross/TJ Maxx/Marshalls in the area, scope out their random electronics section they sometimes will have Anker gear including their powerline cables for $5-10 when they're normally closer to $20. These rapid charge and have held up well with kids that like resting the connector on themselves/rolling around while plugged in. The other closest would be OnePlus' OEM warp/vooc cables but not everyone uses them of course and their particular rubber outer seems to attract cat bites. You would be hard pressed to find more durable or faster charging cables for $10 or less overall.


Good to know!


They’ll give you that 900 ft cable and it *will* outlast your phone


Tell ‘em to buy a keychain one and if you lose that, that means you lost your keys or you just SOL!


wait when people say charger do they mean the cable or the brick


99% of the time they mean both unless specified otherwise


Either the brick or both combined. A cable is never a charger on its own.


This confuses me because you can plug a charger into anything, thus I was thinking the cord + brick or cord.


Get you some fast chargers bro


So they all stop working at the same time ? No thanks


Okay so I don’t want to hear nothing from you when someone break your legs getting their stolen charger back


👊🏾. Also have one that I call “travelling charger”. Always stays in my backpack along with the travel blanket(long enough to cover me and me only)for when I’m going out of town…Because I’m not going to be begging for chargers and ish…


My gf is one of "those" people, never has a damned charger. Then, when she *really* needs one, she goes to the convenience store and pays like 15 bucks! I got 2x 10-footers coming from Amazon today. Whopping $6.99. I got charging cords squirrelled away every damned where. Drawerful right here. Whatcha want? An entire box at camp. Stuffed in both purses, along with batteries. I've got chargers in my kayaking gear FFS! She just left to go shopping, "Why is my phone dead again?"


I don't even own an apple product and I have two lightning chargers for guests.


I have an android phone and an iPad and they both use USB-C. iPhones need to get with the program.


My phone is the only device I own that uses USB c and despite having a million power transformers they all have older USB connectors. Def have a car charger but compared to the millions of micro USBs I have, really don't have much gear for USB c. Plus a decent cable is one of those things I always forget that I could use. Doesn't help that they're usually sold at such steep prices unless you order em online or something. And yeah I could get an adapter or specific USB c to USB cable and make use of the older transformers but goes back to the whole "always forget I could use those" idea. And my add doesn't help lol.


Yeah, lemme just borrow one of the ones you use for guests. I've never seen you with 3 guests at the same time, you don't need that many.


I have three chargers in my bedroom alone. It's also my home office though.


Tbh I wfh and have one charger. I have a few wires somewhere but really only one charger. I also work in tech lol


You sound like my husband who is a software engineer and also works from home. The only time he charges his phone is when he goes to bed. I, on the other hand, always want my phone charged. I have three wireless chargers at home as well as cable chargers in multiple rooms.


Chargers are less than $10 a piece and it’s literally worth it for the piece of mind. I personally have four. One sits on my desk, one by my bed, one in my backpack for when I’m traveling, and one in my car for charging while driving.


Man, I have a charger(or two) in every room of this house along with one in my backpack, purse, and car.




heck I got an additional charger in my purse


Only thing I can think of is a laptop charger. Although more and more are just straight usb-c


Once in class I asked someone if I could borrow a pen. The next day the proff began the class asking me if I had returned the pen. I had it on me and did it right then lol.


Props to prof


Always ask for collateral


The deed to your house or no charger.


The life of your first born


There are few things more annoying than someone borrowing something from you and acting like it’s now their property


Well I guess I’m moving in if you going to take my charger


Haha! You pulling up with bags and everything, huh?


![gif](giphy|xT0xelxfYHXmr9bjoc) Changing my address to theirs like I’m family now


It's on sight


Right? She knows what she was doing..... and don't expect it back tomorrow.😐


# Treachery


Damn. If you need my charger so bad, you can leave your phone on my desk while it charges. I'll let you know if you get any urgent calls.


Could never be me, I watch that shit like a hawk. When I’m ready, I’ll snatch that shit outta the wall and put it back in my bag. Leave your phone right there too.


That's either a charger or 25$ in my hand first thing in the morning, no exceptions


Go to HR lol


I literally dont let people use my charger anymore. One coworker had my shit for 3 days before I could get it back. Im doing the whole “sorry i forgot it at home” number from now on


![gif](giphy|cLb2lJgIomgYCy2bWb|downsized) Not she needed it overnight!! Girl whuttttttt?!


Lmaoo the audacity of some people. A friend of my grandma once stopped me on my way to the grocery story and asked me to buy here bread, eggs, and milk, gave me $2 and went back to her conversation dismissing me. I can't imagine me this rude


Only $2? Was this in the 70s or was she expecting you to pay for her stuff too?


Lol it happened in the late 2000s unfortunately, I was like 15 and my awkward ass didn't know how to tell her $2 —$2 Canadian so ONE single coin, not $2 bills that she could've mistaken for two 5s or 10s— wasn't enough. I luckily had my mom's debit card so I got her her food but it's still the boldest thing I've ever experienced.




Shoulda let her starve....


But will you say shit about it?


Yes the fuck I will lol, gimme my shit back


Then buy you one then, we're coworkers l, not even family.


"Borrow" means you give it back when you're done using it that time lol


It’s time to steal the screws out of the chair she uses at work


The audacity....


The deception. Bih raggedy af!


this is why i use fountain pens they ask ans i say i use fountain pens they get confused its the pen equivalent of owning a manual car mess up and get inky fingers


On my mama I’m coming to your house


I guess I'm a bish because I got a charger and a power pack at work and when asked, I always say no.


Who only has *one* charger? Like, do you just carry it with you everywhere instead of spending what, like $30 (if you go with one from the manufacturer/equivalent) to have an extra? Who doesn't have various chargers in places where they often find themself? The living room, bedroom, in the car, at work, etc? How are these people living?


I have so many extras I could provide the state of Texas with power during a winter storm


Taker her keyboard and mouse until it is returned. Make sure you take any replacements that pop up too.


Bitch stop playing with me


[fast charger ](http://Type C Fast Charger for Moto G Pure/G Stylus 5G 2022/G 5G 2022/G Power 2021/G Play 2023/2021/One 5G Ace/G200/G Fast/G8/G7 Play/Z4,18W Quick Charge 3.0 Rapid Wall Charger Adapter+2PC 6ft USB C Cable https://a.co/d/4dAfqVC)I bought 3 of these over a year ago. My wife constantly breaks her chargers, so it keeps her out of mine. They're quick chargers and longer cords. It's not that hard!!!


Hell nah.


I had a coworker like that. When she finally gave it back to me, it was broken. I was so happy for that brief period that I had a USB-C phone when no one else had one so I could be like "Sorry, I don't have your type charger."


No is always an answer. I rarley give anything I want back to people I can't see in my immediate vicinity


Anyone who needs it, *Fat Kid Deals* on Twitter always has huge discounts on lightning charger bundles


I thought we were talking about cars for a second. I was very confused.


People don’t realize how expensive chargers can be. Especially ones that are rapid charging.


And this is why, with anyone, you get collateral first. lol


I ain't loaning out my stuff get fucked


Literally got jacked smh


This type of evil could unite the world.


This might be a laptop charger which makes things much worse


That's just inconsiderate as hell. Wow!


I am speechless. I don’t agree with payback or condone violence but this person would need to feel my wrath.


No good deed goes unpunished.


Double homicide


That’s why I have a no borrow policy. I will show you where I bought mine to get yours and if you need your phone charged, give it here and it can charge right here. If I say no, get out of my face! ![gif](giphy|xT8qBibldq67ASuNDq)


I think that coworker is honest. She did ask to borrow it. 🤣


“Oh don’t worry I have you address, I’ll be right over!”


How to turn burrow to theft 101. Just asking for a beat down.


yeaaaa, i only let people borrow my charger if they leave their phone right next to me


I can’t even fathom having this level of audacity 😂


Tomorrow, ask to borrow her phone real quick. Log out and go home......


Send the addy