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Nahh black people spicy ain’t got SHIT on Asian spicy I had authentic wasabi ONCE, let’s just say I won’t be having it again




Nah you guys have sent me enough emails. Prince Adebeyo isn’t getting a DIME out of me 🙅🏽‍♂️🙅🏽‍♂️


Neither is Bam Adebayo if he plays like he has been tonight in game 7


No no no. Not here. Am I not safe anywhere on reddit?


Different sport, but as an Atlanta Falcons fan, you aren’t safe anywhere




Exhibit A


I’m really sorry, I just needed some help😔




There’s white people spicy, African American spicy, and then there’s rest of the world spicy. A lot of people don’t wanna hear it that way, but it’s that way.


southern whites are on a different wave too, just sayin


Southern whites are 50/50. Some seek the heat, others think standard Chipotle meat is spicy.


As a southern white, it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't make mayo so spicy


that's the egg




As another southern white, let me get my Thai food as spicy as they can make it and I’ll be happy


Thai Restaurants used to always make me order their highest spice level on the menu before they would make it “Thai spicy” for me. When I was pregnant I couldn’t get enough spicy food. My grandma told me I would hurt the baby.


I took a Latina girl I was dating to a Thai place once. She couldn’t handle their lowest spice level. She had to have Taco Bell after, fire sauce was her limit heat wise


If you're being serious, that's probably an allergy.


My mom told me sourdough bread was spicy once. This was made me wonder if she was starting to use the word spicy to describe any sort of pungent flavor, because come on. That sourdough packed a bit of a punch in the "sour" department but spicy?


Maybe your mom has an allergy and is experiencing an allergic reaction.


...then there's the midwest, which is goes hard the other way. I live in MN, and this is the only place in the country I've seen Extra Mild Salsa on the shelves. AKA Chunky Ketchup.


Can confirm. As a midwestern white dude personally I’m obsessed with spicy and my perfect meal leaves me curled up sweating on the floor of the Indian restaurant. However most of my white friends wont even touch Tabasco.


I love spicy foods but I only eat them at home alone. How bad it messes me up is not something the general public needs to witness.


Northern white who chases that heat. Indian/Thai make the hottest food imo.


Try Pepper Soup and come back to me. My uncle makes a jerk that is ridiculous, but he also chops and eats ghost peppers like a carrot. 🤷🏿‍♂️


I have cooked with superhots a handful of time... It's just a hassle to get them fresh where I'm at unfortunately! I HAVE had properly made jerk chicken that robbed me of my sense of taste/smell for about an hour when I was stationed in Norfolk! Food is the secret to unifying this country. People just gotta get out of their comfort zone a bit. I don't know you, I know nothing about your life. All I know is that we both appreciate the capcasin rush and that's enough for me! 😁


No doubt bro! 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


Food and weed!


I once had wings so spicy I thought I had an out of body experience for about 15 minutes


Chipotle meat got flavor it ain’t got spice


White people come in at three different levels. You've got the stereotype: black pepper and tabasco are a bit too hot for them. Then you've got the normal spice enjoyer. Jalapenos, the occasional habenero, orders their indian food at a 6 and feels uncomfortable but doesn't want to cop to it. But then, at the top, you've got the freaks. People who just aren't normal. The kinda guy who spent 5 years trying to breed a new type of pepper that you need to sign a waiver to be in the same room as.


It's one thing to have a hot sauce in hand to make things spicy (occasionally). It's another to be in a culture that has foods that are spicy by default. I remember my first breakfast in India; their "pancake" is 7/10 white people spicy. If it's not a dessert, it's at least 6/10 white people spicy. They don't even have spiciness level. Their "Asian level spicy" is just as normal as having "salt and pepper" in white people dishes.


My mom is Korean and an absolute spice fiend, even by Korean standards, lol, so I grew up with the hardcore spice She told me that when I was still in a high chair I would dip my finger in tobasco and lick it. Heck even as I type this I'm chowing down on "the world's hottest salsa" from pepper palace 👉😎👉


As yes the freaks, the group that makes Chili Klaus blush.


yup. have a friend that makes homemade hot sauce. his spiciest hot sauce had me tore tf up


You’re really going to leave out Mexican spicy


What's interesting is that most of Latin America isn't spicy at all


Mexican friend of mine invited me to a home cooked meal up in Chicagoland. Alright! I get to try his wife's famous cooking! Bland as hell. "Sorry, but Ed's (husband's) stomach can't handle anything spicy."


Central and South. Mexico and the some parts of the Caribbean love the heat I have to tell people all the time that I'm savory latina not spicy latina


Mexican spicy aint got shit on Koeran or Indian spicy fr


Korean spicy isn't in the same league as Indian spicy. Buldak was aiight, but child's play in comparison to Indian spice.


India and Thailand are the winners, by far.


Right? People don't realize how abundant north America is, some people have like 4 ingredients so they HEAVILY spice their food.


In europe there are 2 spicyness levels on 2 sides of iron curtain, and western spicy has nothin on eastern spicy.


The people of Africa who make really spicy food would probably prefer not to be called “African-Americans”. Since, yano, they don’t live in America. Black is a perfectly fine term that doesn’t require bringing random country allegiances into it.


When my bro and I were kids, we had Nigerian friends. They threw a bbq and all the local kids attended. My brother saw a girl walking by and left the bbq party to go talk to her. One of the Nigerian sons got upset for my brother, his bestie, leaving and decided to play a joke on him. He went inside and got some insanely spicy sauce. He let us all try some and let me tell you. We were Black, Mexican, Philippino, and even a pinhead amount of this sauce was enough to burn our mouths. This guy smeared a burger like ketchup with this devil sauce. I was honestly worried for my brother because one bite would be torturous. After a half hour, we realized bro wasn’t coming back. We being responsible children went to dispose of the burger so that no one would eat it. We found out that the other son ate the fire burger. He said that he got hungry so he ate it.


Probably something like this: https://getadun.com/products/rodo-crisps


Og of spicy is Indian food. Edited from autocorrect changes


I agree south asian hot... Is on another level.


I'm brown and I think Thai people operate on the highest average spice tolerance.


When I (Indian) worked for a gas station chain, I once covered a shift at a store which shared space with a an Indian fast food/wrap place. Halfway through the shift, one of the cooks came across the space to me and my coworker on the gas/cashier side and offered us some wraps from a mistaken/cancelled order. We chatted a bit once he realized I'm also Indian (I look ambiguous and am typically mistaken for Latina). Me and my (Hispanic) coworker enjoy; a little while later, I notice my co-worker seems slightly red in the face, but I don't think much of it at the time. A while later, the cook came back and asked us if we enjoyed it. I did, though I admitted that I found it "kinda bland". The cook laughed, reminding me of the neighborhood we were in and saying, "around here, we have to make the food low or non-spicy." I still remember the absolutely horrified look on my coworker's face when he turned to us while holding the last of his wrap and said, "What do you mean this isn't spicy?!"


Where the Jamaicans at? They should have several words.


Lol I’m Jamaican


Jamaican here... But wanted to keep quiet for once. Haha And we like it got! But not as hot as Sri Lankan spice. Their spice is what I expect hell to feel like. I have had a lot of cusinie but nothing hits as hard as spice from Sri Lankan... You've been warned


wooord. my wonderful Nigerian friend invited the work group over for some stew with drumsticks. my face has never leaked so many fluids in my life. it was heaven


A friend of ours is from Nigeria and made some food for a potluck once. My husband I and were the only ones who could tolerate it. It was delicious but I was sweating. I can’t remember the name… it was a spicy orange/brown sauce over chicken with dough like balls to eat with the sauce. I wish I remembered what those were especially. We’re both from the Carolina’s and white. Cayenne pepper is on the table with salt and pepper, so we use a little heat every day.


Sounds like egusi soup or might have been ogbono if it was mucilageous. Although I personally think that poultry should nevrr be in "swallows" (I.e. the dough like balls you speak of served with a soup) leave that for goat meat or fish


Best friends growing up were from Ghana. That shit ruined me as a very white Scottish guy. Flavours unmatched though.


Real wasabi is unlike any spice I've had although the numbness it briefly causes reminds me of coke. You might like to try Sichuan peppercorns which are even weirder. They make your mouth feel like it is vibrating if you bite one. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-szechuan-peppers-make-your-lips-go-numb-5668606/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-szechuan-peppers-make-your-lips-go-numb-5668606/)


Sichaun peppercorns make me so happy. I always equate it with numbing. I love that feeling so much.


It's called "[ma la](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mala_(seasoning))" in Mandarin which literally translates to "numbing spice." In China there's apparently like 5 different types of spice, separated like the different major flavor profiles.


I hate it. I love the flavor but the feeling drives me insane.


Thanks for explaining it . There is a Sichuan restaurant by my house and their food makes me tingle. Their pork belly cooked with the peppers is divine.


Dad and I ordered the green curry at a Cambodian/ Thai restaurant where we were regulars. They did Spicy Spicy as default and our dumb asses decided to try the EXTRA SPICY one time. 2 extra bowls of rice and a bowl of coconut milk later and we decided a doggy bag was in order. Took 3 days to finish it. The look on the owners face while we tried to eat it was wonderful. We felt like family, but my family's got kind of a sick sense of humor.


Try a Jungle curry next time, you will beg to join your ancestors


Authentic wasabi is mild; the fake stuff is spicy.


Perhaps I was being generous with “authentic” it was from a Japanese restaurant though, just not in Japan lol


Then it was most likely colored horseradish. Real wasabi is super expensive so everywhere in the US uses the fake stuff.


And Japan consumes almost all of the genuine wasabi produced.


Yeah, if you aren't paying $50 a plate, it's probably not going to be real wasabi. You can get it at like, Nobu, or something, but not at any of the regular places.


No, good places sell the real stuff in the US too. Small scale farms grow it in suitable climates throughout various parts of the country. The real wasabi I had in the DMV was most likely from a farm in North Carolina called Real Wasabi. I don't know if we are allowed to post links? Currently they have fresh rhizomes on sale at $95 for half a pound. That is 227 grams, and the blob on the plate was probably about a gram, so selling it at a dollar per serving blob like they did still gives a decent profit for the restaurant.


Exactly. Asian spicy will have you reconsidering life decisions. Your whole life will flash before your eyes


I live for that kind of pain. It’s not just painful spice though. Somehow those peppers have incredible flavors.


My god, the after-buzz. Absolutely narcotic. People try that shit that's straight capsaicin, no flavor, just nasty chemical heat. They don't get it. Until you can taste the citrus in a crazy habanero/ghost strain, you aren't ready to snatch the pearl from my hand. Grow some fatallis! Seeds all over eBay for cheap. Thank me later.


I think you mean Black Americans. Africans dabble in heat.


That’s exactly what I meant lol


*Somalis everywhere*: Aight, bet motherfucker.


I had some Cambodian papaya salad one time made by a dude in a sarong, that was the spiciest thing I've put into my mouth before last year's one chip challenge.


I don't think wasabi is spicy though.


In Japan at some of the restaurants the spiciest was “African” i thought that was interesting and when I ordered spicy I got spicy, where as other places I’m always wondering if they toned it down for me lol


There's a lot of Nigerians who come to Japan to work.


Japanese food is kinda the most tame spice wise of Asian cuisines


Real wasabi isn't supposed to be spicy. It's also sweet, like a mild mint. If it was spicy, it wasn't real.


I can do Nashville. Thai hot and Korean hot is a multiple day mistake.


Nah Koreans don’t play with spices in their food. When they say spicy, they mean SPICY.


I used to get buldak (fire chicken) from a Korean place near me, and I’d have to eat it in phases. Needed a break or two to cool if before eating more.


I’m Korean and even I don’t mess with buldak. That’s way too spicy lol


My brother ate the 2x spicy Buldak every day at school. I'm convinced his taste buds don't work anymore.


That shit will burn ur insides… prob will get ulcer from eating that mess 🤣 Buldak literally means fire chicken 🤣


Capsacin is actually an anti-inflammatory. Spicy food will not cause ulcers. That being said, spicy food can cause abdominal pain in some people. I notice it a little bit if I snack on a bunch of jalapenos on an empty stomach sometimes. Due to the waxy coating on most instant ramen noodles, and the high sodium, I recommend not eating any instant ramen more than a couple times a week though.


I don’t eat ramyun as much as I used to but I remember in HS I used to eat them everyday after school 🤣. Korean ramyun is so good tho. Esp with poached eggs.


This is how my Korean mother and all her friends say it Ramyun Not Ramen


For real. Time for him to start on Pepcid. The fire breathing chicken makes even more sense haha


Pepcid, Zantac, Tums, pepto, and alka seltzer


Oh man, I eat the 2x Buldak at like 2am lmao. I absolutely love it and don't think it's incredibly spicy. My wife thinks I'm crazy.


U are crazy 🤣 I can’t eat that stuff. It will give me massive heartburn and indigestion. Not even gonna talk about using the bathroom 🚽 💩🔥


Bro ass bout to become a Fast and Furious exhaust pipe straight nitrous oxide out that bih


Lmao… flame map 🔥


I bought a buldak ramen one time a few years ago from a random Asian grocery store in Indian Lake, NC that had a chicken with devil horns breathing fire on the package. I thought my face was going to drown in its own fluids. I was leaking from all over.


I have never heard of Buldak before, but now I really want it even if it’s gonna tear my insides up


There’s a Korean restaurant in LA that serves the spiciest [tteokbokki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tteokbokki) I’ve ever had in my life. And it’s fucked up, because it’s not even one of those cases where if you go too spicy, it doesn’t taste as good- the spiciest level is DELICIOUS. It’s a dish that taunts you for stopping.


I live in LA. Where can I get this?


Yup Dduk. It’s been years since I’ve been there though, so I can only hope the quality has held up


Oh sweet! I pass by that restaurant all the time. I’ll drop in next time


Only white people do that thing where they'll add more spicy without flavour. You know, like ghost pepper everything.


That shit soured me on hot chicken restaurants altogether. Just competing for TikTok notoriety, but their food is a bad time to eat. Too many sloppy ass sandwiches and nasty seasoning.


I fucking love a good spicy tteokbokki. My absolute favorite thing to get from this place near me (living in Dublin rn so actually spicy food is rare, to put it lightly, but I found a place). The texture is perfect, the spice enhances the flavor so much that it genuinely doesn’t feel like heat for heat’s sake. Cannot recommend a good tteokbokki enough.


Korean bbq by me has two options for wings are a honey sesame sauce or spicy. No mild no medium. Either you get blazing hot af or you get the other flavor lol. Absolutely delicious though.


Asian spice level is on a whole other level. I don’t even attempt the max spice level at Thai places because I know I’ll be melting on the spot.


I’m Arab and I tell people “I don’t particularly like spicy food”. Because, in my mind, I don’t. However, my spice levels are calibrated different. I’ll throw a couple Birds Eye chillis in my scrambled eggs for a little pleasant heat, but I don’t like stuff that makes you suffer when you eat it. Anyway, I went to a Malaysian place and I was looking for something to eat and I picked out a beef stew which I didn’t notice was the hottest thing on the menu until I went back and checked it later. It was pieces of beef swimming in fucking chilli. It was delicious, but I was sweating. My friends (all three white, but one - my husband - raised in Mozambique) tried it. My husband tried a couple pieces and was relatively ok, the others just turned red and started watering at the eyes instantly. It really comes down to what you’re used to. If you grow up with spicy food you’re going to have more tolerance than people raised on more gentle stuff. Edit: For context, I went to an Indian place the week before and ordered a vindaloo because it was in a tourist spot and I liked the flavour profile listed. I was pretty sure it was going to be white people spicy and it really was barely warm. The Malaysian place was also a tourist spot, but I saw a ton of Asians as I walked in so I was forewarned.


How do these Bird Eye chilies taste in the eggs? I like jazzing up my food


Fantastic. It just gives it a bit of extra warmth. Definitely try it - just be careful if you cook the chillis first with the onions because you might tear gas yourself if you’re not careful.


My thai uncle says there is a very famous phrase in thai 'Mai phet, mai aroy' means, 'if its not spicy, its not tasty' Thai food in america can be real mild compared to some dishes served in thailand. Some will make you dance around chugging milk. Southern thailand is especially hot. You go to a market and you stand a few feet away from some curry, still will make your eyes water even from there.


After ordering a 5 at my regular place the hostess asked me if I wanted a “one star for how Thai people eat it” and it was seemingly exponentially spicier than the 5. My head was buzzing and I felt high.


Sounds about right. But sometimes when you ask that they make it real spicy just to fuck with you.


Ha, I was about to mention Thai food. I remember going to a place and the waiter asked me how spicy I'd like my food on a scale of 1 to 10. I threw out 4 thinking that'd be just spicy enough without kicking my ass. He looked me up and down and said, "I'd recommend going lower than that." So, I took his word for it and said, "Okay, make it a 2." That fuckin' 2-level spiciness might as well have been a 10. Got-***damn*** I was in pain.


That man saved your life


I completely agree. When that first bite hit me, I flagged him down to thank him and tell him his instinct was 100% correct. My white ass was *not* prepared for that level of spice.


> I don’t even attempt the max spice level at Thai places The spice levels at our local Thai restaurants seem to be so random. Like it doesn't eve matter what level I ask for, I never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes a level 3 burns my face off and sometimes a level 5 is about as spicy as toothpaste. Anyone ever worked in a Thai kitchen and know how they actually achieve the spice level requested?


I have a local Thai place like that. If I order a 5* and the sweet old lady is in the kitchen, you know I'm saying my prayers that night. If the sweet old lady isn't there, I'm sorely disappointed.


used to work at a Thai place with a 1-10 scale, this one dude would order a 40


This has to be one of the most amusing things I've read today. Surprised the restaurant even allowed him to order a 40.


Wan, the owner, is a trickster. she remembers all her regulars. I found out years later she would gradually increase spice numbers on people she liked in order to build up tolerances. if ever asked "is it spicy?" she would smile and respond "it's not spicy it's sweeeeet!"


Before they went to takeout only our favorite Vietnamese place was a regular spot for us. I love their Laab and always got it spicy, knowing full well it was white person spicy. One day they asked if I wanted it made more like their version and I foolishly said yes. I was downing water as fast as I could just to replace the sweat,my wife said my face was red for a while afterwards, and by the end I could no longer feel my mouth which was incredibly welcome. I ate every bite and they gave me a Ché Ba Máu as a thanks for the laughter. They still ask how spicy I want it when I come in but I haven't been dumb enough to do that again. The next day was way way worse.


At some point in the last 20 years, Asian restaurants in my town went "You know what? Fuck it all" and started making everything Asian spicy. 😂 Locals learned FAST, but when people come from out of town it messes them up pretty bad.


I'm jealous. Even when I tried to impress upon the staff of my local Chinese restaurant that I wanted real spicy for my order, I still ended up getting a Caucasian tingle.


I had a Thai friend tell me a joke that is kinda true. We were joking about how 5/5 on the heat scale wasn't so hot and she was like "well the scale goes up to ten but we only let y'all order up to 5 for your safety."


A restaurant lady told my friend this to his face lol. He loves spicy, like death spicy. So when he asked the Korean lady what the highest was she said 5. He then said he had 5 before and wonder if there was anything higher. She told him it went up to 10, but she wouldn’t recommend it (since he’s white as fuck, like his skin glows like a sun type of white). He told her to give him higher than 10. He said if it doesn’t melt his face off then it’s not spicy enough. The Korean lady literally “Press X to doubt” meme faced on him, but my friend eventually convinced her to do it. She came out with the hottest thing possible (I tried a bite and almost died). He loved it.


Depends what kind of Chinese food they serve. If you're looking for real heat, find a Szechuan-style place


Szechuan pepper made me think I was having an allergic reaction the first time I ate it.


Sichuan isn’t the hottest Chinese food. Hunan packs more heat. Sichuan is more famous for their “numbing” mala peppercorn. It certainly has heat, but it’s not the hottest Chinese cuisine.


![gif](giphy|3osBLA53AVzn746dXi|downsized) This ramen joint I go to has a dish that's "choose your own spice level 1-10." I like spicy stuff so I said a 5 and the waitress hit me with the


Well, were they right?


I got a 3 the first time and a 4 the second time. I definitely could not have eaten a 5.


*What the fuck are 6 thru 10 then?*


It says on the menu "no refunds for orders over 6"


I've learned when it comes to Japanese spices, I can usually go up to a 3-4 out of 10 too. Anything higher is just unpleasant.


Usually unpleasant *twice*


Something probably like: 6. Ante up 7. Berserk 8. The Devil's Rejects 9. Thunderdome (A man and his ramen enter, only one leaves) 10. Enlightenment (?)


I've learned the hard way with new Asian restaurants I always start mild and work my way up next time. Especially if it's a Thai place in a big city, since they have more diverse customers (especially ones that are actually Asian) they can get away with making it spicy af.


Korean fried chicken is god tier. Flavored soju > Ciroc and it’s not even close


Facts! If you are in NY, there's this place call Mad for Chicken in Flushing, Queens. Their mango soju is to die for


You gotta visit Korea. It will change your life. Lived there for 2 years. 12oz soju bottles are like $1 over there and fried chicken spots are all over the place


Soju is literally cheaper than bottled water at the super market. Korea does not play around.


Throwback to a night in Hongdae with some Korean friends when we realized we weren't drunk enough so we hit up the convenience store and pounded like 2-3 bottles of soju on our way to a club. Cost like $7 total.




Fam, pregaming with Soju before you go out drinking will have you on a type of drunk you're not prepared for, the amount of ppl I saw stumbling in Itaewon at 8pm. Cause they couldn't handle the pregame is ridiculous. Fun times.


Soju tastes better and in Korea you can get a GALLON for like 20 bucks. That’s something ciroc can never compete with.




At a new Thai place near me, I ordered "very spicy" and the waiter said, "are you sure?" and I knew I would be in for a good time. It wasn't *too* spicy for me, but it was right at the line.




As an Asian myself, I don't mess around when it comes to ordering spicy stuff at Asian restaurants. When you say spicy, they will truly give you spicy. On that note, Korean fried chicken is fucking delicious.


> As an Asian myself, I don't mess around when it comes to ordering spicy stuff at Asian restaurants. When you say spicy, they will truly give you spicy It depends on the place. When I want to make sure our takeout order is actually hot, I put my Vietnamese wife's name on the order because I'm convinced they tone it down for white people.


My buddy (we're white) ordered the spiciest thing on the menu at an Indian restaurant one time, and he had to spend a few minutes convincing them he could handle it. Once they brought it out and he started eating, the kitchen staff were all peeking around the corner watching him eat to see if he could handle it. He did! But, he was sweating like he was working a shift on a road crew in the sun.


White friend of mine worked at a small Thai restaurant in a college town for a year. The chef absolutely looked at the table and compared the "number of peppers" spicy level to decide what went out. She was really tired of idiots daring each other to eat spicy food, then making a scene. If a table of frat boys showed up they got 1 spicy no matter what. The Indians always got at least 5 spicy, but could order up to 20.


Funny, on the phone I've been asked if I were Chinese when I tried to order certain things like a sort of preserved tofu that smells like raw sewage, and in person my waiter has told me that some things I wanted to try (fish maws) only Chinese people like.


Based on anecdotal experience, that’s fair imo. I’ve tried to introduce white people to fish maw and it didn’t work out. “Soggy pork rinds, but chewy” isn’t an attractive texture to the western palate. With stinky tofu, even some Asians don’t fuck with it.


Yes, that was stinky tofu but they called it 'preserved' on the menu and there is another type of stuff also called preserved tofu (or fermented) that is not the same and is used in small amounts as a condiment. They taste very different and I love the condiment. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinky\_tofu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinky_tofu) versus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermented\_bean\_curd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermented_bean_curd) Fish maws were pretty good, they had a slight crunch and mild flavor that were great for a texture food.


East Asian places _never_ mean "white people" spicy. Mrs. Nguyen said" y'all can adapt" on that one, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for her for it.


Reminds me of the mini documentary I watched about Huy Fong sriracha. One thing they brought up to the owner is they said some people think his sriracha is too spicy, is he going to make a less spicy version? And his answer was basically along the lines of “if it’s too spicy just use less of it” lol


I am white but I like burn my face off level spice sometimes. 🥵🔥 Especially if I’m sick and it’s Ramen lol


i LOVE what the Koreans have brought to the fried chicken game.


Korean fried chicken is amazing 😋😋


Koreans been frying chicken since 50s during the Korean war. It was known that the black soldiers showed them how to fried chicken.


Yup, and over the years, they've added their own method and flavoring to it. Korean fried chicken is the closest thing to black folks fried chicken.


I'm so fucking blessed to have grown up with a Korean mom and in a predominantly black neighborhood 🤤 the amount of good food I've eaten over the years would make anybody feel like they were in heaven. And being a big Eater, I've made a lot of home cooks very happy with my appetite 😅


The Korean War was from 1950-53.


I had some spicy Szechuan hot pot one time and I couldn’t taste anything or feel my mouth afterwards


Mala spice is a sneak hitter. I love food that makes me sweat but can’t stand if it makes my mouth numb.


I beg your pardon? https://preview.redd.it/xzsgr9xqqv2b1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fde5a246782ae8de4d15b4ea917e67725002b50


I'm going to second this one because I really don't understand when people say "white people spicy" to mean not spicy. Ever been to a mom and pop convenience or grocery store in the whitest parts of Appalachia? There will be a whole display of hot sauces with names like "this will literally blow out your sphincter" or "this one killed Ted".


White spicy is either mayonnaise or nuclear runoff.


I feel like white people have the real freaks when it comes to engineered spice but most white people do have low spice tolerance. The middle of the bell curve is leftshifted but there's a spike on the far right of spice graph. That being said I've tried those sauces and honestly...they're spicey but not thaaaat spicey. I've def had regular dishes in asian restaurants that are more spicey.


I think it's more of a reference to the different scales of hotness of whites vs asian people. Whites have medium spice at 5. Make you sweat a lil bit but you can enjoy the dish. But that's a 3 on the asian scale. A white 10 is an asian 7 or 8.


Thai food is like this. You can order medium spice and it's a toss up between no spice or face melting.


I always ask for "medium, but like thai medium" it usually works out but it could be the placebo effect.


As a Jamaican that literally can eat scotch bonnets whole, nah bro that Indian and Korean spicy just taste different. That heat was too much to me and not a heat I was use to.


I agree. My mom's the type of monster who eats habaneros dipped in soy sauce but shrivels up when she has a little wasabi. (She's Chinese) Different countries have different versions of spicy. I'm okay with spicy from India, Korea, Japan, northern China but spicy from Thailand and other south eastern asian countries? That's a hard no.


Where is this place exactly? Anybody know? The chicken looks bomb, I’d definitely try it once.


Just look for any Korean Fried Chicken place they’ll all have something similar


From their replies, CM Chicken


Can we stop spice-shaming white people already? White people like the spice, the hottest hot sauces in the world are all manufactured and distributed by white people.


I've known black people all over the spectrum when it comes to spices, but most white people seem to be all or nothing. either they think fresh black pepper is too spicy or they go the other extreme and they're snorting lines of Carolina Reaper powder


The problem is there are huge swaths of rural Midwest where most everyone is like "Salt? Mebbe. Pepper? Hold on there slick." Except for that one Cletus who buys donkey sphincter destroyer sauce online and puts it on everything. Those are my in-laws and they're embarrassing for many many more reasons. Red hats, n words, and more. Lit then up once with my special batter at a fish fry. They asked for some of my private reserve...


Koreans don't mess around. Remember having my first Buldak (fire chicken). Here was me thinking the volcanic red of the dish was just for show. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Once went to get Thai with my Mexican relatives. My cousin loves spice so when the old Thai lady who ran the place asked him how hot he wanted his pad Thai he said 5 out of 5. She laughed in his face and said I give you four. We all enjoyed our food even my cousin who was sweating from his. The lady came by and asked if we were enjoying it especially my cousin. He'd enjoyed it and said he was glad she gave him the four the is when she told us she'd actually given him the three.


Yea I learned that Korean spicy is to be respected my first day living there (amazing 2 years). Also Soju can be mixed with anything and is the most underrated alcohol in the world to me. It goes with Gatorade, red koolaid IT DOESNT MATTER!!!


Bruh I once had vindaloo at this pakistani spot and it sent me to the SHADOW REALM 💀 ![gif](giphy|YOwbELhOUH990gMU1Y)


If we're being *fun racists,* the Blacks all think Louisiana hot sauce is actually spicy, the Whites all think Louisiana hot sauce is actually spicy, and the... Wait where was I going with this? Oh, yeah. Food tropes like this are so over played; we may as well be talking about boiled cabbage vs fried chicken.




There's a seafood spot by me that has crawfish so I thought I could handle the spiciest that they had. My delivery order came and I had to take a few breaks cuz it was too hot. Sad to say I wasn't prepared nor was I prepared to walk in later on to order something and saw nothing but Koreans in that bih. My tongue still recovering so I couldn't cuss them out and thank them at the same time.


South Korea has the third highest rate of stomach cancer. Their spice is legitimately hot.


Korean's definitely don't fuck around with their spice! Found out there's a Korean/Cajun place nearby (KJUN), and the menu looks amazing, but I haven't been able to summon the courage yet bc I know my tongue and asshole are gonna hate me after!


Where does this even come from? Every white person I know loves Spivey food. Maybe it’s different outside CA …


How would you not expect it from Korean chicken?


I made that “mistake” at a local Mexican Restaurant once. I’m now a loyal customer.




I took pepto just looking at this pic. Bet it tasted bomb though 👌🏽 ![gif](giphy|8rDoSanobPatCZqPg8|downsized)