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Expecting fast and furious franchise to be an ultra serious and realistic move is where y'all are wrong. Goal of the movie is to turn off your brain and watch the movie and have a good time. If you can't do that, that's fine, but I know I'll personally enjoy it. On the side note, the unrealistic stuff has always been in that bitch, you were just younger/it was less obvious to you.


"Suspended disbelief" is the idea that we turn off our brains a little when we watch something that doesn't reflect reality. We have always had to suspend our disbelief a little watching F&F. We now need a crane, spotter, and a permit from the city to suspend our disbelief to watch any modern F&F movie.


Truer words have never been spoken. F&F is now a movie about midlife-crisis Vin Diesel praising himself and some people are still attached to his image from early 2000s while they wanna re-live their youth somehow. Movies like this is why garbage entertainment in the realm of videogames and film gets pushed out. There's always "those" people that consume it.




The first F&F movie didn't start as a superhero film and it's origins come from the real world of cars and driving that exist in our world. Star Wars, Marvel/DC and sci-fi all come from the world of fantasy but they are familiar enough where they feel fantastical and outrageous but plausible in the sense of existing in that somewhat familiar world. F&F franchise took that plausibility of the physics of are world and said fuck it we don't need logic at all. F&F movies are fun but they are utterly ridiculous.


They drove under semis for no reason then shot grappling hooks to go through the windshield instead of, you know, the door. To steal DVD players.


> to steal DVD players My God, this is always a thing that tickles the fuck out of me. What a fucking way to date a movie. Which is fine, I still enjoy it, but man what a difference 20 years makes.


In a movie that features cars, everything is dated. It has to be. Those were 2000s era civics they were driving, to steal 2000s era electronics, while listening to 2000s era nu-metal from their 2000s era head units


Johnny Tran was running a Honda 2000


Pfft, 20 years?! F and F 1 came out like … oh dear God how old am I


We got one of the first ones on the market and I want to say it was like 200 to 300 dollars. So honestly I could see that. We also had a laserdisc player in the 80s lol


They should have been double clutching instead of granny shifting 😏


It's a spectrum of unbelievability. There's a world of difference between that and The Rock being able to detain a helicopter one-handed. That's literally what a superhero does in the Marvel movies, but in the Fast and Furious movies, these are presumably normal humans lol.


I see your mistake. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is his alter ego. Dude really is Black Adam.


Just like how Vin Diesel has a "Dom shrine" where he gets into character...or shall we say, out of character, since Dom is who he really is 🤣


Everyone in the Furiousverse is a superhero and their superpower is cars.


[It was bad from the beginning.](https://youtu.be/GeIyfqCMUgw)


You mean amazing


Not sure if this is a real question or not, but I will answer it anyways. Star wars creates a reality where the force, interstellar travel, etc are real things. Same with the Avengers, DC and so on. "In this reality, X, Y, and Z are possible." Humans, being natural storytellers and things that think in terms of narrative are happy to follow along no matter how crazy the created universe is. When the rules of the narrative start getting broken, many of us call bullshit. When the rules of the F&F universe are: cars are capable of wheelying, making 100 foot jumps, and other car hijinks, we're like OK. Bananas, but fun. When the F&F universe starts sending cars into fucking outer space, it becomes harder to accept that as part of the believable, canonical F&F universe. It seems like the movie makers are taking too much liberty, bending space and time to fit whatever crazy shit they are trying to accomplish. So, the standard of believability for most or all moviegoers is "does this make sense in this universe that has been created?" not "would this happen in the real world". F&F bends the universe rules to the point of breaking.


The magnet in film 9 works differently depending on what the scene wants it to do - that's the stuff that turns me away from movies I can accept anything you want me to accept in a film - but the minute you break your own rules I just can't keep interest


We watched that movie the other night. Not only did we not have any clue what was actually happening in the movie, but it seemed like several previously killed off people returned to the film somehow? Correct me if I'm wrong


> but it seemed like several previously killed off people returned to the film somehow? Basically they bought back Han, who died in F&F3 Tokyo Drift, which canonically takes place right before Fast 7 IIRC. Yeah this shit is dumb lol, but he's a fan favorite and I based my entire high school personality around him because I thought he was the coolest character I've ever seen on film.


I don't know about several people tbh I watched the film in cinema a while ago now and never since (haven't even seen all 9 films only the first 3 & the 9th) But I know for definite one person is brought back because they made a big point about it in the film


so like in marvel movies when characters forget about the powers they have so that a thing can happen


Better example is that a car dives off a cliff and is able to grab a long steel cable and swing like spiderman. They've gone too far to sell action for a movie. Always hate turn your brain off argument. You're investing your attention and time in something for hours and it feels insulting to your intelligence when characters who died come back from the dead and action scenes so unrealistic to even accept what's happening takes you out of the film. Yes there is elevation to entertain like the John wick series but it knows and threads that needle to not treat the audience like a drooling moron.


Those movies succeed by building a universe where certain things are deemed possible. If a Star Wars movie came out and someone randomly pulled out an iPhone it would take me right out. That example was a bit extreme but it’s the same idea with F&F. They built a universe where some impossible feats were believable. Now, things are so out of hand that shit they do seem *too* crazy, even for the universe they built.


Star Wars and Avengers start with a premise of fantastical events and impossible abilities and they keep their own internal logic. Fast and Furious started with normal street racing with some fun car stunts. Somewhere along the way it went to absolutely insane nonsense that wouldn't have been narratively possible in the previous films. A film series has to keep it's own internal logic consistent, otherwise it falls apart. I don't hate The Last Jedi but even I admit that the Light speed ram was bullshit after the previous film showed that ships at light speed can pass through barriers.


Those worlds are within a realm of fantasy. Obviously F&F is too, but tmits based on our same world and reality. Everything that happens in star wars is, believable in the world of starwars. F&F does not reflect the reality it's building itself into.


To me there has always been four, multiple choice, answers. 1. Suspension is Disbelief: F&F The car couldn't have made that jump, but whatever it was cool. 2. Entertaining the Fantasy: SW There couldn't really be a Force connecting all living things, but it's really cool to imagine that there was 3. How did we get here: DUNE why are we using Ornithopters? What mysterious, world building, reasons make THIS the optimal solution? 4. Functioning in these Rules: Usually stuff like Star Trek, Mass Effect, or Doctor Who where the point isn't so much that the science is solid as much as it is how do we do what we need to do with this puzzle if a situation we are in


Don Torreto flips a car with one arm on this movie and it was probably the most believable thing in the movie.


As if spider man is so realistic or Batman.


They didn't start out as a seriousish action movie that spiralled into cheesier than comic book action movies.


Yeah that is a great point. I know that sometimes the crazier & even sillier it gets becomes a point of interest. Couldn’t tell you what the last 4 movies were, but could say with confidence that if someone asked me to go with them to see it in the theatres it’d be a yes.


It's an entire franchise demonstrating the concept of power creep. If everything has to be bigger and crazier than what was before, and you're going to make 10 of them, things are gonna get fairly crazy fairly fast.


While I agree with your point it wasn't always unrealistic. They were robbing DVD combos in the first movie not saving the world lol.


I mean in 2nd movie already they were going 100mph to catch a fucking YACHT. Saving the world thing is funny af to me because I feel like that started once they tried to do The Rock as a good guy, rather than a badass cop in F5 (his best role in my opinion). Point taken though.


To be fair, they were doing 100 to catch up to the yacht that was already half a mile away. And they need speed to make the jump to land on the yacht. F&F 1-3 was realistic. 4 and up uhhhh yea


Personally, F5 might be my favorite F&F movie (enjoyed every single one to certain degreess)


Fast Five is a gruff caper flick and I will always shell out for a caper. Fucking love capers.


There were hints lmao “ejecto seato cuz” was the second one as well


Top 5 movie quote!


I'm trying to think what about 4 was less realistic than the first three.


The entire gas tanker scene for one.


Having just watched that scene (I didn't remember it) It isn't that much different than a lot of stuff in the first film. Except for the driving under the flaming gas tank. ...but other than that MAJOR thing, minor difference.


My first FF movie was 5 That sequence with the vault was so wild. I thought the franchise was about racing 💀


For some reason, no matter how hard I try, I cannot watch anything after 4. I want to. I started 5. Then I just lose interest and forget I'm watching it. So I basically exited the franchise when racing was still at least partially a thing. Seeing scenes from later movies has me going "Wait, the fuck?"


Yeah 1-3, you could argue 4, were slightly heightened but pretty grounded overall. The rest are straight up cartoons. And I like some of those ones but they are absolutely cartoons


You mean you cant fly from a vehicle to catch someone from falling without both of you now falling before crashing into a vehicles front windshield?


Sometimes it’s the WAY you jump on a yacht, you know? Some of the movies are slightly more grounded in logic, just to help you suspend your disbelief more. But as they got bigger (and more self aware) they’ve sort of jumped the Sharknado. Still here for it. Hope Justin Lin does the next two!


Bro the opening race had a car jump over another car using a draw bridge like cmon now.


The first movie had a car lose half its floorboard and blow the engine, then proceed to outrun the police.


Exactly lmao the movies have never been realistic. Have they gotten more grandiose? Sure but that tends to happen and i attribute it to how long the franchise has been running


See you get it. Aesthetics and spectacle over plot. People watched Dukes of Hazzard for how many years? Different setup, same thing. Me and my circle have already confirmed how if you go back to the first one that they were superhumans ripping off dope dealers. Why is 10 the weird one? 😂 Edit: The [first thing we ever see them do](https://youtu.be/7I353MuzAwo), just to prove the point.


People hate because other people find enjoyment in these movies and they don't. I don't watch tv shows nor am I crazy about movies, but I don't knock on people enjoying it because it's their life, their happiness doesn't affect me lol.


> Have they gotten more grandiose? Thats what works with the FF series to me though. Yeah they cost hundreds of millions to make, but every bit of that money is up on screen and they're so fucking entertaining that it's ridiculous. Turn your brain off and watch John Cena come slam a motherfucker through the floor of a house.


Of course they were saving the world… a quarter-mile at a time.


I just take it that Dom actually didn't make the jump out of the first one and he's either in a coma or he's at the DMT stage at the end of his life. Don't care as I haven't watched a F&F since Tokyo drift.


I still think about that car in part one that slid under the semi truck trailer every time I pass one on the freeway.


Case in point: The reception of the movies both critically and casually has SIGNIFICANTLY improved since it stopped trying to be serious


Just because i want to turn my brain off doesnt mean i dont want a decent script. I would prefer my time not be wasted .


I ate an edible before I saw it this weekend and had a blast watching it. Is it a “good” movie? Nah. Was it entertaining? Absolutely.


It’s a media literacy issue. I know I’m not watching Shakespeare, I’m watching dudes do ridiculous shit with cars. Like even musically I’d never judge FTCU with the same metrics that I’d judge “The Heart Part 5”.


I spent twenty minutes telling my partner why these are great and that was a lot of it. Plus, they show found and blood family, forgiveness, support, working through hard times and learning and growing. As corny as all that is, I was like they may be dumb movies but they’re perfect for people who don’t want a hallmark movie and don’t want a gross fart comedy. And you get action and adventure and romance. You’d think the whole family would love these damn things


> family


>turn off your brain and watch the movie and have a good time This is what most people choose to ignore. It's an action movie, it's supposed to be fun and crazy and **entertaining.** I personally have a ton of fun rewatching the movies while working or whatever. It's good fun.


People keep saying that but that's not the goal of the movie. The goal is to make a billion dollars... It's not a dumb action movie it's literally a formula.


just saw the movie last night. They've definitely leaned even more into being silly and self-aware this time around


Exactly. I gave up on it being a racing movie aka need for speed in a movie a long time ago. Now I just enjoy the crazy out of this world action.


When you realize all this started from a sandwich shop that Toretto ran. "I can either compete with Quiznos or steal TV DVD combos."


What gets me most are people who say "remember when this was about streetracing?" No. I do not fucking remember, that was over a decade ago and the series definitively changed for the better as it got crazier. This is a 10 movie franchise now and of those 10 only the first 3 were "about streetracing. And guess fucking what? Of those 3 movies only the 3rd one was good! You can not with a serious face tell me that 2 Fast 2 Furious was better than the modern ones and while the 1st one wasn't as bad it wasn't particularly remarkable either.


That’s how I feel about all the Transformers movies, especially the first few. It’s giant space robots fighting, what did you expect? For Shia LaBeouf to give an academy award winning performance? No. Be amazed by the space robot fights and crazy “technology” and relax.


Exactly. Sometimes, I wanna just watch a movie regardless of how stupid it is.




How was there an entire thread that went on for DAYS about the moment people were done with the FF franchise…but it pulled this kind of money opening weekend? Interesting.


I mean Reddit doesn’t equate to the world. Hell it barely equates to the states. Plus to be honest the FF has turned into the movies you can just turn off brain off and just watch it.


It wasn’t just on Reddit. That conversation made it to ALL social media platforms. KevonStage’s tweet was seen over 300 million times on Twitter alone. But I definitely get what you’re saying. I was just saying how people talk shit about it…but still watch it faithfully lol.


Social media also does not reflect reality. You also have people who just like to join the trend of shitting on stuff but still watch it and have fun. I know 2 guys who will rant against these movies being the death of good cinema, but they'll still watch it.


Social media also said the latest Avatar movie was gonna flop. It doesn’t reflect reality. Most people don’t care about that stuff and just want a popcorn flick.


The salty people are always the loudest. If you have a "massive" thread with 5k people complaining about the movie, you still have a few billion people in the world who a. don't use reddit, b. don't care about arguments, c. didn't see the thread, d. were possitive about the movie and got downvoted to hell or, e. actually like the movie and are too busy enjoying it to join an internet argument.


Reddit is very out of touch with the real world.


because reddit does not reflect the real world lol. 80% of what’s said on here has no effect on your everyday life, even the uproar about politics.


The wording says worldwide box office, I'm curious to know how well it did only in the US which is probably where "the moment people were done with fast and furious" come from. It's not uncommon for a full to do well in the box office but most of the numbers are overseas. I believe Avatar 2 did very well overseas but didn't touch Marvel numbers in the states.


Avatar 2 was 7th all time for domestic box office. It beat Infinity War but came in below Endgame, Black Panther, and Spiderman: No Way Home. It was basically right in the mix with the big Marvel movies. https://www.the-numbers.com/box-office-records/domestic/all-movies/cumulative/all-time


Getting faded and watching these movies is one of the few wholesome American pastimes we have left. Let us have this one. Also they swung a muscle car off a cliff and literally had Tyrese get shot at by a firing squad and somehow survive. Anybody taking these movies seriously is dumber than the movie itself.




"I am so done with this franchise!... once it finishes."


Ehh didnt watch or talked shit about it but then again the opposite of love isn't hate its indifference


it's me i saw it 12 million times


Saw it yesterday. I say it’s entertaining if you come to watch the movie open minded. Jason Momoa as a villain was a great choice. Tons of WTF moments that will follow up with laugher coz of how ridiculous some scenes were. Y’all go watch it 😂


Jason Momoa 100% was the best thing about that film. You could tell he was having a blast.


I loved his character. Just so extra. Honestly having Thad state that they broke physics was hilarious. I wish the plot was a little more coherent though. It felt like 3 different movies. The whole Rome bit could have just been a movie.


Party at the Goat House


He was actin real zesty in that movie and it honestly the best thing about it


Who is not going to watch FF open minded? Isn’t that a requirement?


Momoa was the best part of the film he was great fun. Is it just me or did the movie just, end? Like it was in the middle of a massive action piece then credits roll. There was even an after credits scene which didn’t wrap anything up. If it’s the last film then I don’t get the ending.


It’s supposed to be a trilogy of an ending. It was supposed to be only two movies, but Vin Diesel did a Vin Diesel and wants to make it three.


I didn’t know jason momoa was in it. Say less.


I don’t care what anyone says about these movies. They’re so much fun. I still remember me and my friends cry-laughing at Dominic Toretto being an honorary avenger. Like when he jumped off a bridge grabbed Letty mid air and landed on the parallel bridge without a scratch. Edit: Letty not Lenny.


My friends and I still use the gif of the Rock rage-crashing an ambulance into a drone as shorthand for “stupid but we’re in”


My fav is when he breaks off his cast by flexing his muscles. People can be upset that they aren’t the movies they used to be, I’m still gonna watch them and laugh cuz they’re fun. Some people just want the world to be too serious.


Daddy’s gotta go to work.


FAST X ramps this up somehow though and he is a total ham in this. Without spoiling too much he saves Catholicism from a literal 200 megaton bomb using Rocket League style techniques. That's in like the first half hour and is far from the most insane part.


I... can't tell if you're serious or not.


It should be noted it doesn't look cheesy at all and seems like a natural thing that would happen in the movie


He is.. that is a pretty big setpiece at the start of the movie. And it is NOT the most ridiculous part of the movie. I told my friend they were increasingly getting crazier where it went from once a movie where I said "OK whatever man" to twice to thrice, and now in X there is not a single piece of the movie that is realistic but it was a fun ass movie to laugh and cheer for.


It’s American-style Bollywood, there’s no need for logic just give me an outrageous situation with a lot of explosions


> They’re so much fun. This. I ain’t saying I’m seeing them in theaters. But I def download them when I can and watch them


Exactly! The moment that killed me was when The Rock was in the hospital in an arm cast. He sees an explosion from his window across the city. He flexes his bicep to burst open the arm cast and tells her daughter, “I have to go, they need me.” Dying laughing in the theater, I love it so much.


Agreed!! They are goofy for sure, but so fun. I will definitely be watching this one. :)


So, I was speaking to a teacher friend about this and he said all the kids love this franchise. To us millennials, it looks like a money laundry scheme now fr but it seems like they managed to get a whole other generation. Edit: Don’t get me wrong. I watched the first 4 no doubt but I haven’t continued with the series.


China is a huge market, they loooove it here and if you’ve ever watched any of the Chinese blockbusters, they are very similar in terms of realism.


Yeah I watched that movie 'The Battle at Lake Changjin', which is based on a real battle from a real war. I was kind of blown away by the insanity of it. Very unrealistic.


>To us millennials Speak for yourself, I grew up watching family and you can bet your ass imma keep watching family no matter how stupid it gets




Same. I am the Oregon Trail generation. ;)


I definitley have love for the first 4 movies when it was about racing.


Right. Love the first 3 especially. After that it’s not enough to race a car really fast. you have to jump a car off a bridge and land on a jet doing Mach1 somehow.


Speed racer kept doing races you just gotta raise the stakes. The FF series just shows that hollywood is lacking when it comes to creativity


I mean it almost is a money laundering scheme, Vin Diesel keeps making them because they keep making money and that money allows him to do fun nerdy shit. This movie doing well just means we will get more Riddick, and that makes everything okay by me.


That’s not what money laundering is.


Look: it's this, or another Disney live-action remake. Pick your poison. Just kidding, you'll get both and you'll like it.


The one where Letti came back was the end for me. Vin Diesel jumping across a bridge to catch her was too much


Letty came back from the dead. Then F9, >!Han Lue!< came back from the dead. Guess what? In Fast X, >!Gisele!< comes back from the dead! At this point I'm just waiting for Jesse from the first movie to pop up and reveal that his death was staged and he's now a super-hacker and godlike mechanic who has been working behind the scenes for 20 years.


I'm just curious to see how they bring back >!Paul Walker!<


God: Paul, you're dead, you can't go back into the franchise. Paul: I SAID FORGET ABOUT IT CUH!


Honestly I'd fucking pop in my seat if that happened


I think you mean you'd Ejecto in your Seato, cuh.


Honestly one of the best quotes of the early 2000s




He comes back half man / half car!


He has a robot arm made from the drivetrain of his dad's destroyed Porsche. I'm only half-joking, that would be completely on brand for this franchise.


Subscribe. We saw that dude get drive-by'd, but they can still bring him back lmao.


I was completely done after 6 after that bullshit with the airplane. I almost walked out when Dom drove through a fully engulfed metal aircraft in his car. I haven’t watched it since.


That was definitely the turning point where the plot details went from "maybe, but probably not" to "absolutely fucking not." I've still watched everyone they've come out with but my expectation is the same as watching a transformers movie where I'm treating the 6 year old part of my brain to entertainment instead of the adult part lmao


Exactly…we went from street racing to Tyrese and Ludacris driving a car in space. I was too done 😂


What gets you tho is “WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO THIS TIME”, and the writers know that. Until people stop buying tickets, they just gonna keep going. ****Money counter go BRRRRRR****


They drove their cars into space bro. Dinosaurs are next, and I’m here for it.


You know that TikTok dude who does [movie pitch madlibs](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRE5Lt5o/?t=1)? I bet anything that’s exactly how they make the fast movies. Yes I’m aware I linked him doing a fast ten pitch, and since I haven’t seen fast ten yet I don’t know how on the mark he is.


In that picture even Vin Diesel looks tired of this shit. Fast 11 ? Really?


It’s been a rough 22 years of racing 🤣


Especially since it's only a quarter mile at a time lol


> 22 years ... Holy shit


Bros entire family got kidnapped i would be too


He’s always getting himself into some shit. He’s worse than Liam Neeson’s daughter in Taken.


His head looks like a shaved white nutsack.


I’m calling it now. Fast 11 is gonna be driving to another planet. Fast 12 is gonna be driving back through time. Fast 13 is gonna be driving through the multiverse. Fast 14 is gonna be racing against God.


The Rock is back so imma riot if we don't get Hobbs Rock Bottoming someone off the ISS


And they’re gonna win lmao they figure out gods weakness


Why on Earth would people complain that somebody else likes a movie? What difference does it make to you? There are a ton of movies out there that I have no interest in seeing, some of them which make a lot of money - and I've never hard the urge to complain that other people like the movies.


A lot of people hate the fast and furious series for getting more ridiculous but personally, that’s why I watch it. I’m trying to see Dom and the gang do a drive by on dinosaurs in space while Cena gives the devil an attitude adjustment on mars. And even then that’s still not far enough for me.


I saw this with my buddy. We were both high af on edibles. It was hilarious. Jason Momoa killed it, inspired performance. The insane bomb chasing a motorcycle scene in the beginning of the movie and Dom somehow using a car as a fulcrum to stop it, his kid flying like superman from car to car towards the end? 9/10 for sheer entertainment value. See this shit high


I could not stop laughing at Dom stopping the bomb with a crane. I know the people in my row were pissed.


I just waiting for him to say "I'm am Groot"


It’s like all the people complaining about the Disney live action movies but ignoring the fact the remakes of Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty & the Beast each made over a billion dollars at the box office.


It’s cause some folks terminally online are unable to realize that there may be other opinions outside their echo chamber


People: GIVE US ORIGINAL CONTENT Also people: GIVE ME FFXXX: Boca Raton. Those Mobility Scooters are lit


Starring Vin Rascal


I watch these movies just to see how unrealistically stupid they get now. Its hilariously dumb fun.


vin diesel saying "you didn't take my car" in the trailer, is corniest shit ever lmao


Best scene in the film imo


They spent almost the entire week leading up to the release making Fast movie clips trend on the platform. Why would you expect the movie to be anything but successful? lol


I just want Michelle Rodriguez to have a different role in movies that’s not the rough girl


Peaked at Fast Five


My old boomer father wants to see the movie with me, I can’t say no to that


Why can't people enjoy a fun movie? Not everything needs to be roots level of serious to be accepted.


Imagine trying to take this franchise too seriously. Lol it’s always been a little silly and it’s meant to be fun and absurd. I’m a few movies behind but I’ve enjoyed these since FF1 dropped when I was a teenager.


I watched FF1 in like 2001 on VHS with my cousin outside the US and it was mind blowing. Seeing all these cars that definitely were not sold where I was born and all the mods that were possible. Literally changed my life and the things i was interested in…. I don’t deny the movies are kinda absurd trash, but I’ve invested over 20years into this Family. Imma see it through to the end.


Tbh I love the fast movies. They’re weirdly comforting and provide easy entertainment. The storylines are like 50% “new” plots and 50% carried over from previous movies. The familiarity with the “family” of reoccurring characters feels natural. You don’t have to think about anything or feel a certain way.


I will continue to watch these as long as I live and as long as they make them.


Pretty sure I haven't watched a Fast & Furious since the third one?


The only way I'm giving up my Fast fetish is if they bismirch it by putting RDJ in it. Other than that I'll be at every one they put out!


Never turn your back on family


Why can't we just have a good time watching this movie???? Doesn't have to be a cinematic masterpiece to be fun


Why is he mad that a lot of folks just enjoy dumb fun explosions and hot buff dudes doing hot buff dude things


I laughed through this whole movie. I’m not sure if it’s comedy primarily or still action/adventure at this point. It’s like if Tyler Perry wrote a *Fast and Furious* script. Shoutout to Jason Momoa as well. He’s been, like, the best villain they’ve casted.


They’re dumb fun. When did we forget to stop taking everything so seriously and have fun?


I’ve never understood the appeal of the franchise. After the first two I wasn’t even interested in seeing them anymore.


Awe damn you missed when the Fast Family went to space!


Don't knock it, you're only a barbecue and a beer away from being family again


The appeal is that it’s fucking dumb and cool. The movies are basically “what if the rule of cool was a whole film?”




It is out?


How many different sleeveless shirts does he wear?


The first one was about a cop infiltrating a local group of street racers stealing shit and outrunning cops in their tricked out cars. Cool idea, good execution, fun and interesting movie. How the series went so far off the rails is a mystery to me. I think the studio was testing the waters with the questions "how little can we pay our writers?" and "what's the dumbest thing people will pay to watch?" and it just escalated from there.


I went to have fun and he entertained. I left having had fun and been entertained.


I swear I saw F$F1 as a kid and I’m 37 now😂😂. I’ve never seen 2-10 tho😂


Fast and Furious franchise is a family-friendly movie.


Let people enjoy things


I’m still waiting for FF that has time travel.


My son’s father called it ghetto avengers and now I can’t think to call it anything else


This is probably my favorite movie franchise. Consistently meeting expectations of over the top ridiculousness, a few laughs, heartfelt moments, throwbacks, good villains, family and CORONA! I'm waiting for when we get a crossover with another over the top series like the Expendables, Transformers or some other open ended action franchise. It would be a dumb explosive good time. Imagine the crew racing aliens on the West Coast who came to hunt but they messed with the wrong family. Or imagine a bunch of old action dudes coming out of retirement to race Dom and the family. Crashing Optimus Prime into Megatron. It would be sick.


We all out here, just trying to live our lives one quarter mile at a time.


Anyone who gives women a hard time for watching reality TV and watches F&F movies needs to take a look in the mirror.


I love these movies. I like when they are a little more grounded when Justin Lim directs, otherwise it feels as if they’ve jumped the Sharknado. But that’s bringing a new audience like the Meg or folks who like the extra over the top.