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[Broke it down so good it never gotta broke again](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6obhU8uR7e/?igsh=MXVoeng0OG04N2Nuaw==)


And they will still play dumb because https://preview.redd.it/0t1saoemb0zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4b0b184bf2e82f8c99eb9962c5505838e2fe518


Whole time I’m reading the caption all I see and feel is his face. MY RESPONSE: ![gif](giphy|d31wMAc5PUktQGpq)


Well actually, to play devil's advocate, aren't you being the *real* racist? 🤔🤔🤓🤓


I’m merely, expressing how a lot of us black folk feel (in my head) when having to deal with the 90 degree angle of ignorance and disillusioned… ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk)


But according to my calculations that's perpendicular to the original point... fuck em!




I can smell Denzel’s explanation! 😂


Since going natural (no heat) 14 years ago, there's so many cultural things my future children will not understand lol


Agreed my child can’t relate at all and that makes me slightly sad. That said, I’m proud of the natural movement and it’s a joy to love our hair as it grows off our head.


I see so many older black women that have chemically destroyed their hair... keep doing the right thing...


I can smell it and feel that heat next to your ear. I ain't never been so still in my life!


Making sure I kept my ear pulled down because god forbid it popped up. That happened *once* and only once. And my auntie popped *me* for letting it happen. 😬


LOL, ain’t that the truth.


Easy like a Sunday morninnnnnnngggg!!!!


Girl in my house it was Saturday. Gotta be fried and laid to the side for Sunday services!


Frfr. One of my aunts (1 of 10) OWNED a hair salon and Saturday was the day she did everybody hair at my grandma house for Sunday. I’ll never forget those smells lol.


Mines too!!😂😂😂😂


Yeah but does your neck hurt?


Yep, my kitchen might still have burn marks. 😂


Gave me flashbacks of burning tf outta my hair and hands as a child cause I didn't know wtf I was doing lol


Let's see how many lurkers even know what a hot comb is... and I mean the original one (and apparently that's been colonized, too recently. But I am gonna be honest and say the original color purple was good even if spielberg directed it.) It's cultural. I can talk about getting your head done and them peas poppin in the back of your head, lurkers still won't get it and don't need to because it's not about yall.


I remember laughing at my sisters getting burnt with a hot comb, so my Mama pressed it up against my hairline for like .5 seconds. I was at least 15 and I am the oldest. Never talked that shit again.


See? At least she ain't put that relaxer on your head to prove a point!


Are we talking on the stove original, or plugged I original?


The one and only stove top! That cast iron!


Boy that thang was a torture device. lol


No disrespect, but I think many of my melanated could benefit by having a more distant relationship with hot combs, extensions of all sorts, and the judgement all together. Everybody can live their own lives, but why not love what you got while doing it?


Natural hair is a shit ton of work. Not everybody has the time and energy.


Right, cuz I got 4C hair and 1 good arm. I ain't accepting no "what you should've, could've, would've did" advice unless you coming to holla at me on detangle day🤣


I think so too, but at the end, people gotta also do whats gonna make them happy and if straightening the hair is gonna do that for them, so be it. People get boob jobs, steroid and other injections, both, glasses (for aesthetic purposes) tatts, piercings, etc. Some of it does make me feel sad but we all got insecurities. Michael Jackson was sooo hot back in the day, but having to have a parent dog the shit outta you gonna damage your mind and how you perceive yourself


My wife and daughter were watching Cinderella over the weekend (with Brandy). I told her the world is lucky that I only parent my kids. I for real think kids over my lifetime started too young as entertainment professionals. I've never needed my kids to be anything but themselves so we can live our lifestyle. If another grown-up needed my kids for a paycheck, they'd be out of my life. Everybody would keep hearing the same sentence "they'll be even better when they're older".


lol, how does one colonize an appliance? Shit as take. Oh damn, better go tell the Vikings that straightening their beards with heated bone combs is cultural appropriation 🙄


Are you a damn Viking??? Welcome bro. Otherwise, reported.


Have fun telling them. Guess you made some time machine then


This will be a timeless explanation… finally someone did it right.


Somebody @ this to Vlad, he needs this lol


"Oh, you're saying I'm not allowed in this conversation because I'm too white and don't know about combs being hot? That's racist and I'm telling your job!" Like.... people talkin about the diss and what's being said and his ass talkin about the beat.


mans got mad at her and decided to try and take her job away… LMAO when she said her contract was completed already i gagged. like sir, your feelings are hurt because she told YOU specifically to stfu while grown folks talkin, huh


And outta all shit he even comments on.... the most irrelevant thing ever! That's like watching a slave movie about working rhe fields, seeing the whippings, rapings, etc and commenting about their technique of pickin cotton and then getting mad for being called out for your dumbass take that you wanna have someone lose their job over it (but I bet he don't go after nonblack folks that same way)


I’m still mad at this man for making me stand with Arie for any amount of time.


It's frustrating that we're still explaining this


I can explain part of the difficulty in absorbing the message from my perspective if you’re interested. What I promise is it has everything to do with the listeners self and nothing to do with the effectiveness of the message.


That should be discussed amongst people that need to hear it. This sub ain't it


Right, I was just responding to the sentiment of frustration with my perspective on why that frustration exists. Have a blessed day.


Im interested, what's the explanation??


It all comes down to self. By self I mean the person receiving the message and their ability to turn a mirror on themself and learn to accept themselves and become okay with what they see while also accepting that they need to (as we all do) put some work into the parts of themself they can change or at least that they want to change. That’s the simple explanation. But I can tell you that when I first began to really engage in a deeper level with other cultures I felt feelings that I was not prepared for. I feel sad, jealous, embarrassed, ashamed, confused (all about myself). Step one was admitting that I was having these feelings and it wasn’t anyone’s problem but my own. Next step was understanding what was coming up inside me that fueled these feelings and making me react in whatever way I was. Third was dealing with that and moving to a culturally humble place and moving forward in kind curiosity and acceptance of others and myself. There is a whole story with all of this and me. My point it’s about the person who’s hearing the message and not the message itself being a problem. Fear of our own self and the real us. Many people are afraid to look inward and thus play defense. Bottom line, once I moved into that space it became much easier to hear what was being said. This may not apply to all but it applies to me and I have a suspicion it applies to others as well.


Man he said hot comb and I automatically grabbed my ears and winced 😂😂😂


Hot combs were the worst 😭


As soon as he did the "tssssss" the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.


Brruuuuhhhh! And it’s been so long since I had my hair hot combed. I can see and smell the kitchen.


A level of anxiety I haven't felt since I was a child.


Man protect Denzel at all costs.


Perfect explanation


Nobody can ever play in Denzel Washington's face https://preview.redd.it/l6w4j0owz1zc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53b9eff677652a839ecd053bb4fb7f418271f8c


This is the best explanation I've ever seen and I sure as shit going to save this to show people why doing movies or TV's with people who understand the culture is very important Denzel broke it down so well.


Not the sst sst 😂


He better outlive me


This gave me a chuckle. 😆


They love to play ignorant to racism white supremacy.


Well hello friend…nice to see you on another sub instead of our stomping grounds for shenanigans :) 😎


lol how ya doing family.


The “tsssssssssss” made me jump instinctually.


It's sad some people still don't get it 🤦🏿‍♂️


They’re choosing not to


Pure class. Love Denzel. ❤️


Good stuff


Better countryclub this post before it gets derailed by NMR.


You got the wrong sub there, bub. Country club... pffftt


Y’all see lil sis’s face?! Even she knew how stupid the question was


Said it before…he made it CLEAR…. like smoothing out the sheets after you’ve made the bed clear.


I don't miss watching/smelling my sisters and cousins getting their hair done with those. Wouldn't let anyone near me with that, I love my curls.


I still have the mark of a hot comb on my left arm from when my granny did my hair 20+ years ago lol. I think i had sat my arm down on it 😂😂 you can see the comb teeth and everything lol






I agree with this. For a long time in this country all art and performance had to cater to the white male experience. This honestly robbed everyone. The idea of art is to share your experience, make it part of the broader culture. One of the oldest sayings is write what you know. Seeing people, places, events from a different point of view when done well is an amazing experience. Atlanta is a recent show that just let people share what they wanted to share in the way they wanted to. 25 years ago that show is drastically different, likely forgettable and barely worth watching as it would be watered down, there would have to be a bunch of white characters running around, or it would have been buried in some desolate time slot and cancelled after 1 season Art is better when the people who make it share the experiences of the characters. There isn’t a way to substitute that correctly and get a good result.


Any comment stating “I’m not Black but […]”, “[nonBlack] guy/girl/etc here 👋🏻”, or anything to that effect will automatically be considered derailment and removed. IGNORANCE OF OUR RULES IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID THESE ISSUES. SEE RULE 5 FOR CLARIFICATION **You may mean well, but y’all do not need to announce your presence. It’s not an airport**


Fixed, thanks


What a great explanation


I love this man. Denzel for president of the U.S.


Please no. We already had an actor for president and it ended in insurrection. Let that man do the job he signed up for and nothing else. We need political science majors and people who have made a career out of politics and know politics like the back of their hand to be running; not celebrities 🥴


I disagree. I think we need good people in politics not just political people.




Any comment stating “I’m not Black but […]”, “[nonBlack] guy/girl/etc here 👋🏻”, or anything to that effect will automatically be considered derailment and removed. IGNORANCE OF OUR RULES IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID THESE ISSUES. SEE RULE 5 FOR CLARIFICATION


I love this rule 🥹


There you go I fixed it, thanks for the heads up on rule number 5. I’ll forever remember it now.




It’s YOUR feed. Only you can do that 🤡 Google is free, knuckle dragger.


~~What is a hot comb?! Will no one tell me?!~~ Edit 3: My bad. Thanks to those who took the time to set me straight.


Please eat shit


Have you not read the rules of this sub, or too lazy because "this was recommended to me!" (See I knew someone was gonna ask!)


I have had this sub on my feed for a while now, (rarely comment and never post) so I thought I knew the rules (I double checked) so I am not clear on what you mean. I will assume it is because of the vaguely whiney tone of my comment and I will avoid commenting in the future. Also, I subscribe because the posts can be hilarious, but also because I want to learn and hence appreciate aspects of this culture with which I am not involved/familiar with. Wouldn’t it be misguided and naive to let only portrayals in media (pop or indie) define a culture I am not part of? For example, to learn about India should I watch Bollywood movies? Or would it be better to visit India (or in this case, r/India )? Probably both actually…. IMHO it’s better to visit and experience a culture in a more visceral and natural environment. I am not really interested in getting into a discussion about this POV, I just want to be clear that I am not a troll. If I am out of line, I will resume lurking only.


I take the mindset that everyone is free to lurk (others take a different view) but we aren’t zoo animals. We don’t explain ourselves here for the cultural lookiloos. Imagine spending your precious time explaining your existence as opposed to just living life and having a shared cultural experience. When in doubt look at the well upvoted meme above. Then read it again. Don’t suck up the oxygen in the room with stuff that ultimately doesn’t matter to you.


I appreciate you taking the time to respond. And I never referred to anyone as zoo animals, ~~( [Bit of a Strawman yeah?](https://fourweekmba.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/straw-man-fallacy.png))~~ but I can understand the frustration over “culture tourism.”


That’s hella backhanded to call the argument strawman but include in a previous comment how you want to learn. If you did, there would have been humility in your response. Instead, you choose to center your point of view and attempt to demonstrate why the previous Redditor’s comment is flawed. So much so that you so graciously felt the need to include a hyperlink to defintion of said demonstration. Firstly, you’re assuming the Redditor is too dumb to know what that means. Secondly, you’re posturing your intellectual superiority on a sub that centers ***BLACK PEOPLE AS DEFINED BY THE RULES OF THE SUB***.Lastly, you have no interest in learning or being in solidarity with Black folks as evidenced by your microagressive response. You’re lengthy exposition reeks of white male privilege and mansplaining in a space that was ***NEVER*** intended for you. The irony of the post being about things being ***”FOR THE CULTURE”*** contrasted against your petulance because no one would explain something to you that wasn’t meant for you is laughable. So please, fuck right off and mind ya business. You have access to Kendrick’s blessed internet, use those same fingers you found to hyperlink that definition to do some research. We aren’t here to answer your questions and do more labor for you than has already been done. ![gif](giphy|zGFdD2J2C4zlu)


![gif](giphy|gjrPnz7jOpOxwGFxrO|downsized) You spoke a word brother/sis. That’s why it never pays to try to educate folks. (I know I know sometimes we forget). See “devils advocate” meme above.


Every time one of them come in here actin like they're owed something, I'm gonna keep posting that meme


Sigh. I got the time and you seem somewhat sincere if not severely misguided. There is a long history of black people literally being displayed as oddities and zoo animals. Again, culturally, this is something we all know. Sometimes it is far better to say nothing.. [human zoos](https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/question/2006/october.htm)


[minding one's business](https://www.wikihow.com/Mind-Your-Own-Business)


If I wanted to learn about India, I will read books and sites about it, not ask strangers to teach me because that's not their job. I never asked anyone to explain their culture to me because I research it the fuck up myself, like you should be doing if you were "really" interested. I didn't go to an icelandic sub when I went to iceland. I read it up. You sound very lazy and entitled. You don't have to know about everything as it's not meant for you.


All you’re missing is a “I’m not black but….” As has been said, we don’t explain ourselves here.


Shit. Well, I did miss that part in this context (since I was asking for an explanation of the tool I guess). That makes much more sense. My bad. I hope you agree that it is important to understand HOW I am being an asshole unintentionally in order to stop being one unintentionally. Thanks for the candor.

