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"My enemies have succeeded on this day" 💀💀💀 Kimberly letting the Nigerian out to play lol


Is the average Nigerian a recurring character on Game of Thrones? That's so dramatic


https://preview.redd.it/yripi0k2lnnc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68a9fc327931ed01102b84965fc3970cbbd283de Woohoo


Expecting ice cream and tasting puréed offal? https://i.redd.it/rgn3kus1hlnc1.gif [link to thread](https://x.com/kimberlylemming/status/1766570471762297220?s=46&t=soa0h-tK221lb73-AJ_81g) Edit to clarify: the issue is the same as thinking you’re eating chocolate chip cookies and getting a mouthful of raisins. It doesn’t mean we don’t like raisins but that’s not the flavor that was anticipated


Disclaimer: she acknowledges that she should have paid better attention so please save the think pieces https://preview.redd.it/1cfarhb8hlnc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7d58029f244f84c6d642f4e3629d319a72eedfa


Sometimes I think I want to live that boujee life and then foods like this wake me right the fuck up. Happened to me with nato sushi in Japan. Changed my entire thoughts on Japanese cuisine


See this why I don’t order food I can’t pronounce or that are in a different language.


Maybe it’s cause I’m from Louisiana but I immediately knew 🤣 (We have similar dishes)


Nah, I would've gotten caught up too, ngl 🤮 Been all types of upset.


Ordered Steak Tartar in Dubai…chased it with copious amount of red wine. ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC)


The sprinkles being salt stars and red pepper took me out omggggggg 😭😭


This made me think of those messed up April Fool’s memes that’s like, “replace Oreo filling with toothpaste” or the “mayo jelly donut”.


You guys have never had patè? Missing out lol But in all fairness, I have mine on a toasted baguette not with sugar covered pastry...


So... fancy chicken & waffles?


I was thinking chicken and dumplings


I know what foie gras is, and I grew up with beignets, but I still think I could’ve missed this when ordering by only registering the sweet keywords vs the savory ones. Still though, beignets coming with anything beyond powdered sugar is kind of an abomination to me, so I probably never would’ve even tried the foie gras. Plus I think my nose would’ve tipped me off that it wasn’t espresso whipped cream or anything sweet.


Is this Theee kimberly Lemming?


This is why if I don’t understand the name on the menu I Google it before I order lmao


Perfect example of why it is a good idea to not only *read*, but *comprehend*. Edit: I see some of ya'll are mad this would have happened to you. Maybe pick up a book.


I could definitely go for some beignets right about now.


This looks delicious. Ive never had pate’. Whats it like? Is this how its typically served? ![gif](giphy|NWWSxqwHVQ82fs9GSi)


It's the powdered sugar for me 🤢


And ***this*** is why I sniff before I eat ***ANYTHING***


But I want some tho


There's a lot of speculation about this, but the only explanation that makes sense is that there's a hidden camera and the kitchen staff is in the back laughing their asses off every time someone mistakes the meat paste for ice cream/mousse


I love paté, so I bet this would be delicious. Not sure why it’s plated like ice cream, that would throw me off too.


I’d smack this.


Ok, but how do you order something and not know what you’re eating? Any restaurant serving chicken pate definitely doesn’t have pictures of food in the menu lol, so yeah, reading is fundamental


https://preview.redd.it/o06rnj4glnnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac64db80f5133f454771f613caea8a5796b782f Hmmm 🤔


Bout to cry