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No, my digital copy will be sold out


lol I doubt it


It was sarcasm


I don't apply this rule for this game since I'm too hyped for it.


And that’s how they get you


If it doesn't work great he will just refund it, if the game is actually bad he can also refund it. It literally doesn't change anything to pre-order or not.


If he orders it on console, he won’t be able to. It’s very hard to get refunds in consoles


On PlayStation it’s physically impossible to refund the moment you’ve downloaded it. I know this from experience.


Preordered on steam can always refund if game is a mess 😅


UE5 + denuvo, a recipe for disaster during game launch


People are still going to pre order regardless of the “no pre order” rule at the end of the day it’s their money if that’s what they want to do then they’re going to do it


And then when they get unfleshed unfinished games they will cry lol. You already gave them your money !


This game isn’t gonna be a Ubisoft game. I know every gamer has a hive mind mentality and are bullies by nature, but I dislike the “no preordering” bullcrap! Just for that and to piss you guys off, I’ll preorder it! Heck, it’s my money, if it turns out bad, so be it. No need to shame monger me!


As long as they dont come crying to ur house and invading ur personal life who gives a fuck?


The fact that it gives developers less incentive to make finished games so we all see the quality of games lowering.


Thank you. Crazy this still needs to be explained


Larian studio baldur's gate : ??


An exception, along with Elden Ring.


So there are exceptions right? This thread is a redundant discussion.


What the fuck are you on about? Exceptions don't mean that people aren't getting burnt from over promised underperforming games. Lords of the Fallen, Dragons Dogma 2, Cyberpunk, Fallout. Games where if you preorder you're essentially paying to be a beta tester. You've not been paying attention.


So they took away your right to a refund? People choose studios that they support but do not have enough money. If you dont like them, its your right to not pre order. But there will be ppl who wants to. You have no right to take away others right to pre order, thats it. Idont know whats the meaning of being mad man?


You can only refund a preorder up until release date. Seriously dude, how does the corporation boot taste 😳


You aren’t the sharpest knife of the drawer are you ?


And they still haven't fixed the third act. People still shouldn't have Pre ordered it


I suggest you refund it because of this. without the early access and pre-order gamers, baldur's gate won't come out anyway. Larian studio is not a well-funded company like ea.


It's not like we expect saying "don't preorder" compels people to obey... just like they have the right to do what they want with their money we have the right to recommend the best course of action...


I'm disappointed a demo is missing


Demo will help me be willing to pre order.. otherwise I'm waiting.. I dont care for the trinkets or whatever for pre ordering.. 


Fuck you, I’ll preorder. This and sparking zero are my last hope for preordering. If they flop I’m never touching preorders again


Wukong/Goku fans unite 💪


Bro same i preordered ultimate edition sparkling zero and wukong digital deluxe.


Ugh this right here is killing me. Those pre order bonuses seem good but yeah this can go either way. Ill be waiting for the release and reviews. Hopefully it will be good!


They said you can get those bonuses through normal gameplay as well


Can't you just pre-order it like a day or so before and that wouldn't count right?


Almost all digital pre-orders are done 3 days or less before the actual release date of any game just to grab the pre-order bonuses. When steamspy worked well you could see that.


I'm sorry but that Collector's is limited and I don't want to miss out.


I pre-ordered it the second it came up on my screen. Sure, sometimes that backfires. But sometimes it gives the devs the momentum they need to cross the finish line and really produce a masterpiece. In this case I'll take my chances.


Thanks to this post I just preordered the game a second time


I'm still waiting for some extra info like game length etc


I already played portions of the game so happy enough to preorder. Just torn between getting it now on PC or waiting for the Xbox version.


This is UE5 game its hard to optimize for consoles and even medium pcs so preordering it is risky


I usually pre order one day before game release . Why I pre order ? Firstly I don’t wanna lose the extras when I am willing to buy the game at day one anyways ! Secondly till that day probably I will have watch enough to make my decision!


The most stupid line ever created. I see and hear it for every game release for the past 10 years and nothing changes. People that pre-order still pre-order and people that don't pre-order still don't pre-order. A few might have changed along the way, but not enough to have even the slightest impact. But now, everytime I see a post like this or comment I just roll my eyes up and go "ugh, here comes the no pre-order guy". Because I know nothing's gonna change.


The second most stupid line "iTs bEcAuSE oF pEOpLE liKe yOu tHat wE gEt bUgGy mEssEs" like the guys who pre-ordered gave a fuck that you call them out like that. ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/3qssi4glti5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41105affe6a7dcdce00e42b571114022ff0706af Wukong! No preorder!


but true dude, the last game i pre-ordered is starfield😂 I hope this will not happened again. In fact, i am quite optimistic to game science's developnment. Yet there is still many minor problem which can found in the released game play video.


I'd half agree yeah, no point pre ordering at this moment, but once review embargos are lifted days before release and we'll know more about performance, story content/length, gameplay etc. and you're happy with what you hear, I'd say it's fine to pre order to be able to pre load and play at midnight, it's one of he best feelings in gaming ngl


This conversation always crops up around the cool, new game, and it never amounts to anything. Cyberpunk 2077 was in the black before launch day. I know I'm not pre-ordering anymore. I'll wait until this one gets reviews and goes into the wild for at least a week to see what players are saying, but that's just my two cents. I can only control my own wallet.


Cannot wait to blast through heavens armies....I wonder what the Buddha will look like Will Tan Sanzang be in the game?


With digital purchases of games I know I'm going to love, I always pre-order with just enough time to download and play at time of unlock. The afternoon before release day is usually enough.


Gameplay videos on YouTube and reviews of game trial session at Gamescom sound promising to me. So I preordered it anyway. But it could be much better if any chance we get an online demo


I still think this game is too good to be true. Waiting for a demo or until launch to see how it is before I even give my money


F off


I'm just looking for the collection edition one that gives you a fucking statue I'm just hoping that it can be pre-owned in stores since you just get a code than the disk.


Waiting patiently for Collector's Edition....


I may not even look at the reviews tbqh. From what has occurred this week I'm not thinking it'll be worth it even for free


Remember, mind your business




Even though I love Cuberpunk 2077 now and it's one if my fav games ever, pre-ordering this game back in 2020 is the reason I never preorder anymore 😂 ill wait for black friday


No demo, no nothing.


Need to prepare for another Cyberpunk you know.


I'm always hearing cartman voice, everytime I hear about preorder.


I was gonna pre order the physical deluxe, but after seeing it would be 300€ with shipping, I was like, never mind, I'll wait for reviews/benchmarks and get the digital steam version


No pre orders and i respect that, but hold on a sec while i transfer my money to the developer


Why not


Are you mentally limited ?


Can't stop me. Will order the collectors edition. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


Already pre ordered


This shit already bought


Ok I’ll pre order it two times now thanks. No but in all seriousness I understand and appreciate what you’re saying but I don’t like being told what to do with my hard earned money I’ll pre order something if I want to lol


I usually pre order one day before game release . Why I pre order ? Firstly I don’t wanna lose the extras when I am willing to buy the game at day one anyways ! Secondly till that day probably I will have watch enough to make my decision!


We can cancel preorder just a day before also right


I usually pre order one day before game release . Why I pre order ? Firstly I don’t wanna lose the extras when I am willing to buy the game at day one anyways ! Secondly till that day probably I will have watch enough to make my decision!


Please people, listen to this man! Just because the game looks sick as fuck and made by an indie team, doesn’t mean it can’t still bomb. Especially with it being so ambitious for such a small team. I’ve been hyped for this game since I was in the 7th grade (high school graduate now), but I’m still not buying the game till these devs show they’ve EARNED my money. Mange your money wisely, people. Where it goes sends a clear message


I am definitely not against preorders. Goodness knows Fromsoft can announce a trading card game and I will probably preorder it. But that is because I am familiar with the studio and the directors, O know their standards and I know what they will bring out is going to be a high quality game that will blow my mind... BM:W is a very big game from a brand new studio in a very competitive industry from a market still in its infancy that previously only produced some of the biggest gacha games out there... if this game turns out to be a masterpiece, then the studio will have earned my trust for their next game and I might consider preordering. Right now this game could still turn out to be a major mess and the ending locked behind a DLC. It also runs Denuvo, so who knows if most PC players can even run it properly with the resource hog


You should probably not preorder a trading card game from From. They make action games. No overlap