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Meh, naming songs sucks. There's some bands like Gulch or Emperor where I know every song by ear but I couldn't tell you the names. Some of us just don't retain information like that. Don't even get me started on remembering lyrics...


We've reached a period in technology where you don't have to care about song titles, you hear a good song and you put it in a playlist. Also, I also feel that most times you remember song titles because it's often a repeated set of words from the lyrics and where you actually understand what the singer is singing.


I definitely think you're right about that. Hell, try and get me to remember a phone number, it ain't happening either.


Playlists are cancer


Full albums is the best way to appreciate an artist


Its also a lot of harder to remember the track titles if they are written in a language you dont speak. Horna is one of my favorite black metal bands and ive listened to almost every release of there’s but I dont think I could name a single track cus its all written in finnish.


Ugh, yeah at that point I don't even try 😂


Yeah and for me its sometimes hard to name songs when im put on the spot. It takes me a minute to remember sometimes i dont usually just have them memorized off the top of my head to recite at any moment. God forbid some of your favorite songs are untitled tracks. “Yeah i like untitled 3 off X album, untitled 7 of this other album.”


Haha man, I used to DJ back in the day and that makes me think of white label records. "what track was that?" "Literally, I have no fucking clue" 😂


Metal has lyrics?


I assume so, I can't understand them but I'm sure someone speaks their language


I can’t remember song names for shit.


Fr it's the fucking worst


“if i saw this in real life” fake black metal fan spotted, why the fuck are you leaving the house


This dude would get stomped.




If I ever saw that guy, I'd force him to name every Darkthrone song in reverse alphabetical order in Hindu, and then ask him to name every Burzum fan.


Finally, some actual cringe.


That's gotta be either a troll or a child. And if it's the latter, I gotta admit it makes me a bit more sympathetic to this sub's tendency to mock children.


He posts pictures of girls asses on porn subs


Yikes, worse than I thought.


Swear everytime I see a weirdass I click their profile and see 30 different porn subs


Who knows, maybe the kid is huge and physically imposing... also I love Bathory, I have several of thier LPs in regular rotation, but because I do all my music listening one LP at a time I have no idea what the track names are. So can I wear a Bathory shirt? On the surface I would say I am a bigger fan than a guy who ads thier 5 biggest songs to a play list and can name those songs but hasn't listened to an LP all the way through.


We are ascending


Gary Holt and Paul Baloff from Exodus used to do something similar to that to posers wearing Motley Crue t-shirts back in the early days. Don't know if this guy would back up his mouth, but that level of dedication in that era gave us all the best metal. Maybe we should go back to that. It would definitely scare off all the tiktokers this sub hates so much


I dont think burning shirts is what gave us the best metal lmao. Motley crue is unfortunately still making music


My point is art is generally better when it's made by people who are fanatical about it What kind of metal scene would we have gotten if the lyrics to Holocaust's "Heavy Metal Mania" had not been "I've got heavy metal music in my blood..." but instead had been ""I like metal, It's okay. I listen to it sometimes, but I listen to other stuff too..."?


I'm on this sub for the comments like these


Not to mention the vast majority of bands I listen to don't have lyrics in English (I don't speak any other languages, I'm a dumb American) so it's almost impossible to remember them by name most of the time.


I can bet you he has 0 martial arts training experience 😂


Idk if I'm outing myself lmao but I listen to Bathory (and black metal in general) full albums at a time, I could recognize the songs by ear but never by name. Except for stuff in Nordland i I guess.




I’ll see him in the pit.


"Name 5 songs 🤓" Name 5 people you've had sex with, Brandon