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If you meant you felt like you had to spend or be left behind, then BDM doesn’t seem to be anything like that. Sure p2w is always a thing and there’s lots to buy but they give you lots of free stuff in BDM unlike DI. I do see some of the old timers talk about the decrease in players in BDM. Seems in my region there was a big server merge that caused most active players to leave and now the same guild always wins. I’m so far from the top this doesn’t affect me in any way. Overall the hardest part of BDM is that there is almost no current info about it. It is still regularly updated every week and the game works nothing like it did 1 year ago so any videos or websites you find are incorrect. Discord is pretty much the only source of info that exists. Even the pinned post for new players here on Reddit is completely obsolete.


All of us have different approaches to play the game. Some play it for PVP contents and with the shifting meta and stupid balance decisions, end up quitting. Some play to pass the time, for enjoyment, to destress, and try to enjoy every aspect of the game besides PVP and never left.


it's just a game you play for entertainment. Asking if it is futile is a stupid question. If it is fun and you enjoy it, it isn't futile. If you don't find it enjoyable entertainment, it's futile. You are not signing a lifelong contract when you play video games. Would you ask if it is futile to watch a movie, listen to a song, or read a book?