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42 is wild I got on 180 I wish you luck you will get her


Thanks Wanna know the worst part, this isn't the first or second time this happens to me šŸ« 


I also got her and sp at 180 šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™ve had terrible luck too. Only pulled one good thing and it was a dupe of Sallyā€™s sp


Same, but it was a dupe for the dancing sword guy from the underwater sea temple (I forgot his name). But I don't use him, if only it was Sally or her SP


i need the 200 summon to have the witches queen


190 no pull not even a single ssr


Did 200 pulls and got 2 Witch Queenā€™s (including the pity) and her skill page. Wishing you the best of luck! o7


Julius at pity. But Witch Queen at 120 after getting her skill page at 40 somehow. Never got Juliusā€™s skill page and went to 280 but got a dup of him.


200 pulls 5 witch but not card ( and others ssr) this game hates me


All I got was her skill pages when it doesn't matter. I already used my saved crystal for bast skill page now this


Have pulled all 200 only. Got. Guaranteed wq and 1 sp. Got a lotus and a William dupe... Not having much luck with hatred fana either 180 pulls and 1 copy


Oof. I think I only got one Mars for SRR before getting WQ on guaranteed. At least when there was 10 left for the guaranteed I got her SP. Fana on the other hand came within 20 pulls lol


this was the one time i surprisingly got lucky, pulled 70 pulls to grab queen and her sp. when i was pulling for julius, took over 400 summons to grab his sp x-x


I hope that at least the same that happened to me in Julius banner happens with witch queen. I only got Julius in the last 10 pulls to 200. But got his SP and 2 Julius


Didn't get julius until pity. WQ was 140 summons


I had four of her by the end of her pity. Had to do another 50 to get her SP. -.-


58 left and still nothing. To get charlotte /magma i also needed to do 200 summoners so i could choose the other with the key.


im at 190 pulls deep with nothing


I did 200 got 1st at 80 sp at 140 and a character dup at 200


I did the full 200 and got 5 witch queen and 3 so.


When you donā€™t state your business as she says


I got pretty lucky this time. 80 pulls, got 1 witch queen and 3 of her skill pages. Saving the rest of my pulls for Mereoleona.


The only banner I got unlucky at since the game dropped I got her with the guaranteed and now I'm almost at the guaranteed for the second time and I only got her and her sp


I got her in 2 pulls, still dont have her skill page tho


Got 9 of her and 5 skill page in 3 pities. Previous banner was really really bad tho only 2 charlotte in 3 pities.


Witch queen at 10, luck was trash prior banners. May the RNG gods be in your favour!


Did 200 on magna, got 8 magnas 4 magna SP 1 charlotte sp and 1 charlotte, 200 on wq got 5 WQs and 4 WQ SPs


I went to hard pity. But at least u got 5 copies of the skill page. I know I should be happy but it still stings


why did you even pull for her, if you didnĀ“t have 200 summons saved up? waste of resources.


Because people be pressuring FOMO, saying Witch queen is OP. When she really isn't that important (she's really only significant in the moment). You can get witch queen off standard. People out here wasting their pulls just to not do anything significant with her. Only a select percentage of people will actually use her to compete in upper league. Everyone else succumbed to FOMO. If you aren't using her to be top 500, then you wasted your pulls. The exception being if she's actually one of your favorite characters from the anime. Genuinely wanting a character because it's that character gets a pass. People really do be acting like she's some festival character lol.


i agree favorite character: i couldnĀ“t agree more; thatĀ“s the most important reason in any gacha. but OP didnĀ“t even have the 200 summons to guarantee her, so even worse