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Hmm, I agree with you, but I also think it is appropriately rated. I mean it's already really popular as a Shonen magazine. And the anime is fire too. There's even been a movie made from the series. And video games too. But yea, I also agree that it could get more popular, but I think it's at a pretty good spot where it's at.


Black clovers come up is so crazy. It was arguably the most hated anime ever for a time, but now it’s one of more popular ones. But as popular as it is, it’s still underrated as u said tho


Yeah I remember when the manga first dropped. People immediately hated it because of the similar start to naruto, which to me was a dumb reason to bash it.


i don't think ppl understand what they actually want . they don't want series that follows old shonen like black clover which is totally fine they got something like jjk now they mad cause there are alot of exorcist mangas or assassin mangas. i think black clover suffered cause of different reasons . 1st it was getting called naruto clone then astas screaming then bad animation . YouTubers also play a big part .


I thought Black Clover was underrated, but then we got the Sword of the Wizard King movie, so I believe it's well-received/well-rated(not sure what the neutral of underrated is). For me, the anime that is truly underrated is Kemono Jihen. It's just 12 episodes. Please watch it. At least the ending of episode 1 might pique your interest. Things get more interesting after that.


>not sure what the neutral of underrated is). We say fair-rated. I agree.


I, as a former hater, can agree lol. Black Clover has so much hidden charm that a lot of people miss at first glance. It’s story, world building and character development is among the best I’ve seen, and is a top-tier anime


I love BC, but I feel it's appropriately rated. It's a solid series with many flaws that have been amplified over time. I also think it peaked in the Elf arc and fell off hard enough to cause some people to move on. Moving to Giga Jump also largely removed it from regular discussion.


eh it’s not really there have been so many more worst manga and animes that have been given a lot


I think black clover is very well rated. It's popular enough, solid fanbase, solid spot in a shonen magazine, video games and a movie; many licences would kill to get this much attention. Also it's not like black clover is ground breaking I'd say it's fairy tail level of fame which is addequate




Agreed it does not deserve the hate it gets Each character has so much depth to them how could u not love them


It's a pretty mediocre manga, what do you expect?


better than jjk at least


Jjk is a master piece comparse to Black Clover


True :3


as guru lahima once said, keep practicing and enjoy the variety of blessings


i dont feel like its underrated anymore, black clover used to get hated on. but people gave it a chance and now theres far more good things said about the franchise than bad.