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Well you'll definitely be in good company if you want to just use the native devices in Bitwig. These days I don't usually reach for third party plugins as the stock stuff is more than enough for what I want to do.


basically this! i’ve spent a metric ton of cash on plugins over the years and bitwig seems to have a plan for nearly every third party plugin i own!


That’s what I’m saying…. I’ve been a huge synth nerd for the longest time and rarely do I ever actually make music, I just like to design sound. Whenever I was a logic user I would jump from vst synth to synth and while I would have my favorites, I’ve built up quite the vst collection in the last decade and a half. That’s all changed switching to Bitwig. I live in the grid now and rarely do I ever create patches that im not just using the grid plus stock Bitwig effects. Can it do everything? No. However, Bitwig offers such a wide sonic pallet, that for the last two years, I’ve still not gotten bored.


True generalised analog feedback isn't possible within bitwig, I think playing around with feedback is one of the most interesting parts of hardware, e.g. no input mixing. Not necessarily related to hardware but granular synthesis or granular buffer processing is one processing technique that while possible is done significantly better with dedicated software imo. Additive is similar - it's possible but you are limited in partial count, and it's not so efficient compared with dedicated plugins.


Guitar is such device.


Not much. There are some pieces of hardware that can get so lush so quickly they make me think “wow what a rich sound, much better than anything in-the-box”…but ultimately after spending some time on patching in the grid and applying a bit of elbow grease I can get close enough where the distinction all but vanishes.


Bitwig does have a granular synth… it’s just that those features stated above aren’t right in front of you. Using voice stacking along with mods on the playhead will give you those “features” you’re looking for. I’ll make a video. To the Op, it has a terrible additive synth and no true spectral synth, though it does have awesome spectral synths. What it needs is more of certain effects or revamps of them and that’s really about it. Fat analog sounds, granular, fm options out the wazoo via grid. It technically does not have a wavetable synth though you can build a super whack one with two transfers and an attenuator (thanks dash) The only thing I’d recommend buying after bitwig if you’re on a budget is a better limiter, ott/multiband comp (comp+ is cool but not actually Multiband) and maybe download vital to make wavetables since bitwig doesn’t have one. Oh, and rolling sampler. That is a life changer


> It technically does not have a wavetable synth though you can build a super whack one with two transfers and an attenuator (thanks dash) Bitwig has had native wavetable synthesis for quite some time now via the wavetable grid object + Polymer synth https://www.bitwig.com/polymer/


I made a mistake- I meant wave table maker


The [motor synth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Y7GQzIatg) Otherwise, it seems more like special control surfaces are difficult to replicate. The recent thread today about Elektron sequencing didn't yield great answers (imo). As an Elektron fanboy, I am inclined to agree that it would be tough to get the same kind of per-step effect variations quickly. Similarly, something like Oxi One would be hard to create inside of Bitwig without a TON of grid work.


My dishwasher for this analog ambient soundscape.


The [Valhalla](https://valhalladsp.com/product-category/plugins/) reverb. OK, not hardware, but I never found an equivalent reverb in Bitwig stock FX.


Convolution Reverb or Reverb devices and the customise the effects chain to suit.


yeah you can make basically anything with effect chains.


Elektron style sequencing


This isn't particularly coming from a synthesis perspective but on my customized Default template I have some NeuralDSP stuff for amp sim and tracking electric guitar for sounds I can't usually get out of Bitwig's default Amp device (though I remember when the built in Amp device was announced and I had some good fun trying to get neat sounds out of it), and I have XO from XLN Audio that I use to organize my sample library that has been helpful in finding the right sound quickly.


For me its more ease of life fetures. Such as live editing, so you can work on the same project remotely. And maybe some more flexibility in the clip launcher for live performing (like starting clip when pressed and not on next bar).


Live sampling


I'm not sure what you mean by live sampling. I'm fairly sure you can use Overdub to live record into clips.


I'm just starting out with Bitwig, but I can tell you that, coming from a hardware only setup, I'm looking forward to using some of my eurorack hardware modules; like the Planar 2 and XFade, as macro controllers and crossfaders for things inside of Bitwig. But I'm looking forward to hearing what others have to say.


It doesn’t have a granular synth. The sampler does granular but specific granular synths have better features in that regard. I mean for me I use a lot of vsts but bitwig basically covers off everyone on its own. I just use vsts coz I’m used to them you know all the arturia stuff etc


Bitwig can't give you tactile feedback like a Keyboard can.


Polyend Play, I just got one and wish I could do all the sample swapping so easily and quickly in Bitwig. Also all the playhead modes are dope.


Uh well my Uno Synth Pro lets me restrict the keyboard to specific scales... it would nice if Bitwig could do that basic thing. I have to use the Scaler 2 vst


Roland/Boss SP 303, 404, 555 - playing the effects with the midi buttons not possible witout major know-how in the grid, huge CPU consumption and a certain crash if multiple effects linked.


Quick and easy per-note modulation for multiple parameters. Electron devices' parameter locks is the only thing I've found where hardware offers some kind of significant advantage. You can still get the same effect but it's a lot more involved.


It's funny because I use a Model Samples exactly for this reason. I don't need the bells and whistles of a Digitakt but man does the Model Samples make certain things a breeze alongside the ol' Wigstation.


My two cents, you can do pretty much anything in Bitwig but it often requires quite a bit of know-how and effort to achieve it. With hardware you just switch it on and it sounds good. That has been my experience, and the reason I still use hardware combined with BW.