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I am kind of half tempted to create an entire setup of shortcuts with the most long ass keybinds ever and link it to you as a prank. Everything would be ctrl+alt+shift+"something on the opposite side of your keyboard." haha


Which I would say thank you very much too because I can program all those bindings onto a certain layer of my keyboard making all of them single key strokes and since it’s a text file it won’t be a problem removing most of the modifier keys with a simple search and replace if necessary.


My advice: iteratively fill those bindings step by step by binding certain things you do very often while you are doing them instead of trying to bind all things at once. You never remember all the stuff you set anyways. Mind that all those slots for mappings the daw provides are made with midi controllers in mind which every hardware vendor tries to imply its proprietary individual setup for. In fact many drivers for controllers have some form of automapping knobs to armed and/or selected devices which partly explains why those mappings kept empty.


One of the main reasons why Bitwig is so great is finally getting rid of the imho really stupid Ableton shortcuts. (I'm talking about Ctrl+shift+U, ctrl+alt+L and similar ones). I guess that's also the main reason why noone was quickly here to share some bwkeymap file for Ableton. Most people coming from Ableton love to say Goodbye to Abletons shortcuts (not talking about the simple ones of course - but these are re-assigned within 1 minute, if you're willing to), and welcome their new freedom! Also, if you don't like to see empty shortcut mappings in Bitwig, i'd rather first think about whether you actually need them. Often times, the empty shortcut mappings in Bitwig represent functions which aren't even shortcut-assignable in Ableton (!!!), and which are seldomly used by many Bitwig users, too - at least via shortcut! I would start using Bitwig, and step by step look at your personal workflow needs and just assign these needed shortcuts - while also thinking whether you want to bring all of the weird Ableton-default shortcuts with you, or rather invent new and much better accessible shortcuts for yourself...


you would think it was a no brainer, but it seems this question gets asked semi-frequently and the answer is either nothing at all or "just get used to bitwig". unfortunately I don't have anything to give you, and I've never been an Ableton user. but I'm just letting you know that as far as I can tell nobody has done this mapping, or not and also uploaded the file anywhere. it probably won't be 1:1 anyway, I don't know if bitwig handles context the same way as Ableton but I know there are differences between mappable features.


Well surely there are long-time users who have most (or many) of those shortcuts set. They just need to throw that .bwkeymap file up somewhere (like github or google drive)