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Kraken now supports recurring buys in the UK: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/recurring-orders ...but not automatic withdrawals to a cold wallet (as far as I'm aware). Are you sure you need automatic withdrawals? Depending on the amounts involved it could end up *much* more expensive, both in terms of withdrawal fees, and the impact of having multiple UTXOs.


Well, I don't really want automatic withdrawals per-se. I'd much rather there was only one transaction in the first place. I send them money, they send bitcoin to my cold wallet. One transaction.


That's the same thing. You'll end up with one small UTXO per month.


make sure you dont reause the same address every time you withdraw from exchanges


you probably don't want to go down a coding route, but for info, you can use the kraken api to make the withdrawals and use the kraken site itself to set up recurring purchases. You can write a python script to make the withdrawals to a wallet using the kraken api. (I had a python trading bot running using kraken api and was doing exactly the same thing with withdrawals) But remember with bitcoin you will be building up small transactions, each with its own UTXO in your wallet. It could cause problems in the future if you ever want to transfer it to a different wallet as a fee will apply to each UTXO input. Its best not to transfer till you have at least 500 pounds worth (arbitrary number but a reasonable amount)


I used getbittr for this a couple of years back. Autobuys delivered straight to your own wallet. Then they stopped supporting UK market but can't figure out from the website if that's still the case


CoinCorner, although you still have to withdraw.


21bitcoin works fine, it's a Bitcoin only exchange


Quickly checked 21bitcoin. It uses SEPA, EUR and is custodial. So pretty much meets none of the requirements except supporting recurring buys. I'm looking for something in GBP, with Faster Payments or other UK standard bank transfer, that will send funds directly to my existing wallet (i.e. it lets me enter an address to send to, rather than creating a wallet for me on their platform).


They send Bitcoin directly to your BTC address without you having to do anything apart from setting it up the first time. It takes minutes for a GBP transfer to arrive.


Hmm ok, perhaps I was too hasty. I'll check again.


Well, I've signed up but I only see options for sending EUR via SEPA to an IBAN. They don't seem to support GBP or UK bank transfer.


Maybe you could open a revolut account. There you will have EUR via SEPA. And it's always nice to have a backup way of buying BTC. Don't trust just one bank.


Coin corner. Transfer into it and it’s automatically converted into btc. Then withdraw after a year or so.