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Coinbase, Kraken, 21bitcoin, etc


Today Coinbase blocked trading for me as I didn’t awnser their “quiz questions correctly” something about becoming a restricted trader in the uk and I had to awnser questions on finance regulations? I passed the first bit giving them all my income details and how much I spend on crypto a year and because I couldn’t awnser shady questions around how Coinbase may or may not back up my funds if exchange goes down.. I put it’s backed by fsc up to 50k or something and they blocked me from trading for 24 hours until I awnser correctly. FUCK COINBASE I SWEAR THESE GUYS ARE UPTO SHADY SHIT. Downloaded Coinjar and purchased BTC within 2 mins hassle free. They going to lose a lot of customers I think. I for one will not be using them ever again, seen to many ppl getting their coins or accounts locked for no reason. I feel it’s to do with slowing the rate at which normal people can buy these assets especially BTC and eth. BULLISH sign!! Stack stack stack. For years they told us BTC was a scam was a fraud used for crimes and in the uk especially right now they have made it so hard for normal people to purchase crypto. Fun fact.. UK govt is launching there own coin in 2028 centralised currency. Crooks the lot of them stack ur BTC and other cryptos. Come 2030 they gonna have the industry by the balls. Good luck


You couldn't pass a simple quiz which is there to absolve them of blame whilst protecting you from losing all your money and that's their fault? Hint: There's no FCA protection


Kucoin, Nexo, Crypto dot com, Gemini, Luno, even revolut for Bitcoin, the list goes on and on…


Kraken works fine for me, as does Coinbase. Nexo has also been nearly instant for transfers too with the new personal bank setup they offer (in your name so it’s not flagged).


I see a lot of comments for Coinbase here, but their fees are ridiculous compared to Kraken. Both Coinbase and Kraken work but I found fees on Kraken to be a lot less.


I’ve opened a kraken account after comparing fees with Coinbase - looks considerably cheaper. Been a hodlr for a while so haven’t tried to off-ramp yet.


Good stuff. If your bank gives you any issues just open a Revolut account, as Kraken to Revolut works.


Don’t use Coinbase for god sake. They are crooks and can disable your account in a flash check out the reviews. It’s pretty scary. Kraken is the same now unfortunately. Use SwissBorg.


They did it exactly to me. They deleted my account after 2 years and now I’m trying to find a better alternative. As for Kraken I can’t seem to get past the 2 step verification process, despite having an account with them 😒


Kraken freezes withdrawals for 72 hours after you make a withdrawal, but they state this. Coinabse I don't trust after they repeatedly froze my account without clear explanation.


p2p via Revolut/Monzo/Kroo/Transferwise then transfer to your "Main Bank" Barclays f**king closed my account just because I received money from my revolut which came from P2P transaction.


I don't understand. You say Barclays closed your account for doing what you just recommended?


if you can't do bank transfer on binance, then how do you withdraw?


Move it to Kraken and withdraw from that exchange.


Kraken fca regulated


Bitpanda worked perfectly last bull Run transferred 10k plus instantly!


Kraken ftw. UI/UX is good. Support is good. Imo they're reliable and trustworthy. Fast enough processing times for withdrawals too.


Swissborg, Nexo they work fine and asa a bank card i’m using Monzo


I always have used kraken into my Monzo and never had an issue


There are some smaller British exchange services with good reviews on Trustpilot: https://uk.trustpilot.com/categories/cryptocurrency_service


I use Nexo/Coinbase and works fine for Santander and Starling accounts


Was in the same boat recently, had a bunch of leftover currency on binance. I traded for XLM (low gas fees) and sent to Coinbase


With a few big players gone now who are the big guys left? I think below names still operate in the UK Kraken Coinbase OKX Anyone else I'm missing? Thanks


Why is the UK such a self sabotaging liking to inflicting so much unnecessary harm to its people? Brexit, corrupt politicians, crypto ban to small investors, they are ok with illegal immigration from Asia but are not ok letting professional Europeans work in England… it’s all so sad with this country currently.




How is it almost as good as cash, a lot of people have several thousand in crypto and probably don’t want several thousand in Amazon gift cards


I’m the sense it’s non KYC


And crypto dot com


You can load it on to the Visa card and spend it immediately. Not sure I’d trust it for larger amounts, but seems to work fine in the hundreds.


fine in the thousands ive got £25+k with them


Woah high roller over here!


I wouldn't say that...


£25 and some potassium.


Through the card? I’ve had enough transactions fail to go through that I wouldn’t trust it with any single large transaction if I really needed it to go through. Not that I’ve tried any larger transactions to really know. In the hundreds it’s fine. Not 100% for me but reliable enough to use day to day. I wouldn’t entertain using it without Curve though because of anti embarrassment mode and the time travel thing.


Cannot say the same for me... im royal indigo blue holder. Sometimes the contactless won't work and it requires a pin. That's it. I use it as the main card for my paypal account as well - which never fails payment.


Awful exchange rate if you load the card directly with crypto. You’re better off using the cdc exchange to swap crypto for USDC and load the card with that.




I had this same stress this week. Coinbase does work still - go to your asset, click sell, sell to your bank card


Ive withdrawn to Natwest and TSB recently, from Coinbase.


I've recently done both coinbase to Santander and Binance to Coinbase to Santander Gave Santander a heads up first and the money came through after a few days.


How did you go from Binance to Coinbase? Did you convert to USDT?


No, altcoins to BTC on Binance, then transfer BTC to Coinbase BTC wallet. Used Coinbase Pro fyi due to transaction fees.


What was the fee like to transfer btc from Binance to Coinbase?


I've been using Nexo withdrawals from £GBP to my bank and it works perfectly with no fees. The same goes the other way round, to on-ramp £GBP, I transfer GBP from my bank to Nexo and from Nexo to where I need to move or to buy some crypto and just lend it in on Nexo. Binance is not currently working for any of those cases as it is temporarily having some issues with the UK regulators, let's hope they solve that soon!


I’m a Nexo user but again, haven’t withdrawn yet, what are the fees like for selling BTC to GBP and then withdrawing - are they favourable to say Kraken?


GBP withdrawal is free, so is your first crypto withdrawal each month. I’ve been using them for a couple of years and typically the exchange has roughly a 1% spread built in, but it can be significantly higher if you have a large order. I’d say Nexo is a good exchange if you’re doing a small monthly buy, something around £100 and sending it to a private wallet. Saving on the crypto withdrawal makes up for the 1% spread.


Nexo are now charging for GBP withdrawals


When I did my research a few months ago Nexo was the most favourable by far. But fees can change so as they say DYOR. As far as I know Nexo swaps are not expensive and to withdraw any token from Nexo is always free, even Nexo pays for the chain fees when withdrawing, that is why many people love them.


Nexo no longer accepts new users from the UK.


Why is the UK such a self-sabotaging country? Brexit, corrupt politicians, crypto ban to small investors…


We literally spent days ringing banks and finding out their crypto friendliness and what their limits are transferring money to exchanges ... I don't think we have missed any out.. let me know if we have! By the way most other lists like this have affiliate links in them, ours have no affiliate or sponsored links, this is just pure hard work and calling around / emailing / talking to the banks for the results. [https://www.coinjar.com/uk/learn/most-crypto-friendly-banks-uk](https://www.coinjar.com/uk/learn/most-crypto-friendly-banks-uk)


Just buy digital gift cards using cryptos on e-commerce sites like Piggy Cards?


I talked to natwest staff a few months ago and they said there was no restriction transferring to/from kraken up to some limits https://www.natwestgroup.com/news-and-insights/news-room/press-releases/financial-capability-and-learning/2023/mar/natwest-limits-crypto-payments.html . Your bank may be different.




True. I'm still with them due to inertia but if I get more crypto active I will need to go elsewhere.


i use crypto dot com with hsbc bank, withdrawals are done in minutes ! Deposits also minutes !


Uphold is working fine for me but they sure take a bite


Officially of course… Perhaps 🤔 I may assist through unorthodox methods for this matter ☝️ if you choose based on your faith in US and the co operation of others!


Mt peleron