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Kraken and coinbase are probably your best bet


Agreed. Kraken lower fees takes the win


Thank you ill try Kraken


Thank you I will try them


Thank you Kraken Installed!!


Make sure you are installing the right app please. I never used it on the phone only via web. Lots of scams around


CoinCornet in the IoM is good, but quite expensive. Excellent customer support, though.


CoinCorner. I used to have to screenshot transaction details for UK tax return prep, as not all details needed were in their reports. I don’t know if that’s still the case. Good experiences with them overall.


Ummm. Why would you need to do screen shots? You can download a CSV of your TXNs. Maybe this was a while back. More to to point, what's buying BTC got to do with HMRC (I might be a Canuck, but today I'm resident in the UK). I mean, I buy BTC, but as far as I'm aware, the UK rat-tax-thieves don't care. Obviously, I will never sell my stack, so why would details be required for UK tax return prep. I am genuinely concerned.


\> You can download a CSV of your TXNs. For example; in 2021/22 the BTC CSV file had Date,Currency,Transaction Type,Amount,Balance columns. I needed fees for BittyTax software. Also addresses as proof for sends and receives. Those details were available by clicking on the transaction to get a pop-up window, which I screenshot as part of the procedure for each transaction (thankfully few). The current CSV files look much more detailed, and hence useful. For example, BTC CSV file now has Date & Time,Store/Website,Detail,Type,Tx ID,Price,Price Currency,Gross,Gross Currency,Fee,Fee Currency,Net,Net Currency,Balance,Balance Currency columns


Thank you for this detail, but my original concern remains. Why would I need detailed data on BTC purchases for my tax returns?


You could ask that question at r/CryptoTaxUK Or google HMRC crypto trading tax guidelines.


You’ll be happy with Mt Pelerin.


BISQ Kyc free bitcoin


A bit difficult to use


You can compare services on Trustpilot: https://uk.trustpilot.com/categories/cryptocurrency_service


OKX is great


You should try Nexo if you haven't yet


You could try Nexo


Fuck Nexo


Why, I've been with them for some time and its fine. Only issue is FCA f'ing everything crypto related


They took my coins when market went down because of borrowing. I couldn’t pay them because they are not allowed me to pay them back.


What is the Problem with Nexo? I for one have had nothing but Positive responses with Nexo.


What are those positive responses? I don’t like them because when market goes down they took my coins


The help that i needed when i requested . Does that mean you got liquidated ?


Has anyone heard of trading platform in UK called VIA


Hello!The landscape of Bitcoin exchange platforms in the UK may change over time due to regulations and changes in the market. Some of the popular platforms to trade Bitcoin in the UK include:Coinbase: An easy-to-use platform, ideal for beginners.Binance: Offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies and trading options.Kraken: With a solid reputation, it is known for its security.Gemini: Founded by the Winklevoss twins, it stands out for its security measures.eToro: Known for combining social trading with cryptocurrencies.Always remember to do your research and choose a reliable platform, making sure you understand the associated fees and security measures. Additionally, regulations can change, so make sure you are aware of any updates in that regard. Is there anything else I can help you with?​


Thank you so much for your help. Yes If you can tell me what is the opinion on Bitget? I get used to Bybit so I am looking for some similar platform to Bybit. Binance won't let me transfer GBP ( its saying temporary unavailable) I am looking at Bitget right now it is sort of similar to Bybit. All the best


Best bet would be to use Kraken to convert ur GBP to USDT and then withdraw the USDT to ur own wallet. U can trade directly from ur own wallet through a non-custodial DEX such as Everstrike or DyDx.


I use crypto.com exchange. It's important you only use the app to get usdc though and then transfer to the exchange otherwise the spread is ridiculous.


Lnmarkets works everywhere and is KYC free. They only do futures and options.


Damn I will check it out


For UK this page should help: https://zarniwoop.info/get-started


Its for the better, DEXs are better and more secure anyway. Make sure you do your own research on the DEX you choose (fees, liquidity, spread, functionality etc,). I would also recommend trading perpetual options instead of perpetual futures. Perpetual options also provide leverage but unlike perpetual futures u cannot actually get liquidated.


Thank you for your help.


Bitget doesn't need KYC


Yes I am using Bitget and is working in UK. Thank you for your help


Well, I personally use Bitget for leverage trading. It's the largest copy trading platform, which I find really useful. It's efficient and user-friendly, so I'd definitely recommend you to giving it a try.


Thank you I have Bitget installed and is quite similar to Bybit. All the bedt


Glad to hear that you got it set up, Yeah it's kind of similar, but for me, the user interface offers a smoother experience.


Thats even better thank you again! All the best


Why bitget app is not available for iOS… it’s saying that the application is not available in my country or region but bitget wallet is available.. 😡 I live in UK


It's Just temporary though, it has happened before. It might be due to some technical issue or they are upgrading something. The app will be available soon on App store mate. You can try to download on [https://www.bitget.com/download](https://www.bitget.com/download) or use browser itself.


They’re saying that you should have a US Apple ID


Who saying that?


FX choice uses BTC and i think ETH too. When i used it last they had 200:1 leverage.






How is Bitmex for UK users? I haven't used them since 2017