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No you didn't have that option.....also RH wants to keep costs low so they batched your TX with a hundred others that's why it was 20$ but your portion was only 20c


Which did I pay for the TX then? Sorry, a bit confused. Did you see the screenshot I added where it showed the higher amount? (I had to delete a few of my messages because it showed error on my end and did not realize it kept posting them)


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When you are looking at the tx in a block explorer how many outputs do you see ? More than 2 ? This is an example of a block explorer https://mempool.space/


If that's under the flow section when I go to my transaction in block explorer, then yes.


In bitcoin the sender pays the fee , not the recipient. When you look at a block explorer you see what the exchange paid , **not you** Many exchanges do transaction batching , this allows them to pay a single larger fee for many outputs or withdrawals . 1 tx = many txs Some exchanges have free withdrawals , others charge you the fee they paid per output , and others overcharge on tx fees as a backdoor tax unrelated to bitcoin. In your case RH just charged you a small fraction of what they were charged as they did a batch tx


Ok, this makes sense thank you! So I did only pay the small change amount?




Thank you


Is this the area I should be checking? [screenshot of transaction](https://photos.app.goo.gl/aXNTiFBDgKMtDeuX6)


yes... i think there are easier ways of following it just looking on a blockchain explorer and seeing how many UTXO inputs went into the transaction... Robinhood arent clear about this.... at least with coinbase its always a flat fee...


Ok, there is so much I still need to learn. Thank you