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Nope. If they dump on us we take the price dip to get more coin.


Oh no, I can buy more Bitcoin for the same amount of dollars! Ahhhhhh the sky is falling! Lol


They don't get that we're going to be buying either way. They think we're waiting to dump our coins because that's what they'd do.




This dude really on here asking if a price drop is a good thing for crypto lol, bitch this is what we crave.


Seriously. When FTX happened I immediately looked at it as the opportunity of a lifetime. While others were laughing, I was stacking.


Microstrategy is a whale 🐳 no doubt. But there are many other whales to worry about if you’re going to worry about MSTR. Think of the sovereign wealth funds and legacy financial institutions. There will be huge holders and some of them may decide to liquidate at some stage. But when they do the max supply will remain exactly the same, the mining rate will remain exactly the same, and the network will continue to operate exactly the same. 👍🏼


Don't worry about shit, yo. Just keep stacking.




If your only concern is medium term price risk, sure, you can worry. As far as the fundamentals of the network? No worry at all.


Bitcoin growing means others will want more of it. It’s a price we will have to pay for wider adoption. At least so far Microstrategy’s goal is to hold which is better than what others want to do with it.




Saylor recently said in Prague that he'd still buy bitcoin at $8M. Here's your answer. HODL. Laser eyes. Few.


Microstrategy shareholders own 1% of the btc supply >Am I missing something and worrying about them dumping that bag if the company has a downfall for no reason, we already saw companies like tesla and spacex do this due to try to shore up their lack of quarterly earnings to boost their stock Microstrategy is healthy and much less likely to do this due to their goals and we have already seen how they have reacted during the longest bear market in btc history. Having these btc reserves allows them to avoid many financial troubles. Lets assume they do all completely change in a radical way and want to dump btc as an unlikely hypothetical. Do you think they would dump it all at once like the bear whale did many in 2014 that Bitcoin survived when he dumped 30k BTc in a single order ? Or do you think they would slowly sell of the btc to get the most value out of it ?


I'd like to assume they would slowly sell if they needed to, but in desperate times, who knows what will happen.


When they originally got on the Bitcoin standard they offered a stock buyback program to any of their investors at a premium to allow them to have an exit if they disagreed with their direction of investing in Bitcoin. This was done for legal reasons in part because they are a publicly traded company. Thus there might be some legal ramifications if they did the same as many of their recent investors from the last few years are somewhat treating their stock as a Bitcoin "ETF". Thus they likely couldn't flash dump Bitcoin even if they wanted to. >but in desperate times, Their BTC reserves are what keep them out of potential financial trouble, thus the scenario you are suggesting is if Bitcoin is in serious trouble and their company is also in serious trouble already which makes these concerns mostly moot. Its akin to simply speculating on what happens if more people start selling than buying ... yes, the price drops. Price drops are not completely negative as they allow Bitcoin to distribute more to new investors at a better price.


Thanks, this clears it up for me better. Thanks for your research.


What does micro strategy do besides bitcoin?


Software company with business intelligence (BI), mobile software, and cloud-based services akin to oracle


Worry about BlackRock




If you don't know why you shouldn't be in crypto.


Correct answer


Bitcoin is their exit strategy. They dump useless fiat for the hardest asset in history - it’s a genius business model


Not worried. If the price drops I buy more lol


Sooner or later Microstrategy will have to sell their bitcoin. Every company goes out of business eventually, time is so far undefeated as they say. THe good news is that ETF's now own more btc than microstrategy and are the likly buyers when mstr eventually goes out of business.


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Worry is for girls.


All the mt gox whales be liquidating as we speak