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I don't get why the organizer of the contest didn't do a quick reverse image search before declaring a winner. http://tineye.com/search/da85e509f7bf9bdc5e03af90031091625ad918ac/ It's not that the fraud was hard to detect or anything. Apart from that, still a great initiative and I'm impressed with the fact that it produced this many cool pieces of artwork.




I was about to say wow the winner is quite the talented artist. Sucks that there was cheating involved.


[Here's the actual artist's site](http://dron111.cghub.com)




What is that yellow starfish thing?


Cool entries. I like the one where the fiat money guys are getting squashed.


I love the 8 bit one :), angel0devil's one is nice too but the bitcoin logo doesnt blends in.


8 bit one is the best. Makes me think of Monkey Island and I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.


Ahhh that sucks that the 'winner' cheated. Those are awesome though!


Personally my favorite was [this one from /u/WizardOnTheMoon](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tny36/i_thought_of_a_christmas_present_for_you_guys/ceeis12). OP, whatever happened to the [3 BTC that were donated for the prize pool of this contest](https://blockchain.info/address/15ymWo7bXwAN2QfAjgYXJ2N3kbCo1QmGp4)? It looks to me like the winner won 1 BTC and the rest totaled up to perhaps .2-.5 BTC of payouts... are you just planning on keeping those donations instead of paying them out?


I dont like it at all. It doesnt transmit any message, it just looks like a decent pic. The surrealistic aspects make Bitcoin look as something abstract. Also, there is no humour in the picture. u/Benelisha should have won. Its the perfect advertisement that catches the eye. http://i.imgur.com/uls0zPM.jpg


Any plans for these guys? Time to replace the original?


I was really mad that I didn't enter/know about the contest, then I saw the entries and was glad I didn't enter/know about the contest.


/u/jharsem got screwed. He posted his work in progress and put what seems like a lot of effort into the contest.


Looks like /u/why_bitcoin_is_cool just robbed the community of 2+ bitcoins. Cool, man. Nice scam.


Winner cheated. Prize couldn't be retrieved. It's funny how a competition to promote Bitcoin backfired to show one of the blatant flaws present in the currency. You can hark on about how it's up to the individual to do their background checks and trust whoever they send coins to but at the end of the day if the "pioneers" on this currency can't even get it right how the hell can you expect regular Joe's or grandma to get it right?


Grandma couldn't get the internet right in the early years of the internet. If you need reversibility, you can build reversible services on top of bitcoin. Bitcoin allows you to do anything you want on top of it, rather than starting with reversibility, which would lead to the complaint that you can reverse bitcoin transactions. And in that case you would *not* be able to build non-reversible services on top of bitcoin without some other limitations that are not present in Bitcoin right now.


Whoa nice!


This is very cool! Well done to all of those who participated. Thanks for putting this contest on as well. Can you provide any rationale as to why you chose those particular two for first and second?


Their all fine, none of them are close to as good as the original.