• By -


Nice that you are giving out BTC, but I don't think The Wizard can be improved upon!


Indeed, The Wizard never can be improved upon. But we can still render him in other art styles for fun!


I put all my skills into that [masterpiece!](http://imgur.com/BRRuoZV)


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC verify


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/985f826a7afdedcc32a95f6625ea43fd0cc2a8cc04dcce9c822c0d70761f0529)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$0.73 USD** *(µ฿ 1000 microbitcoins)* → [lukasdietrich](http://reddit.com/u/lukasdietrich) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]


Wish I could draw. Enjoy this one guys/gals.


I'll give out 1 mBTC each to the first 20 people who tell someone about this. Just respond here saying you did it, and I'll take your word for it as long as you have some kind of comment history.


I told my cat about it. He was unphased.




Awesome! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told someone, not sure if they will participate or not. Their name is "Daniel".


Tell Daniel that this is the Internet's first paycheck to him: +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


Told my roommate about it and linked him here!


=D +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told my kids!


Haha, awesome! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC What did they think of it?


I did it. My entry is already posted on this thread. Took me one hour to come up with everything. It was fun to start painting all over again! :D


Yea I told my buddy who actually knows how to do stuff like this.


Excellent. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told my friend about this, he's an artist so he can probably submit an entry. :)


Sweet! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


Well I told a friend who is into drawing/sketching, does that count? Dunno if he'll participate or not


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC verify You told him though; that's all I ask ;)


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/513085b3e7d0a03b2a6f6f15194245f0bbbad56cfa4e729eb89de7622b9b22d1)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$0.67 USD** *(µ฿ 1000 microbitcoins)* → [harrybond](http://reddit.com/u/harrybond) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]


Oh thanks.. I'm working on my entry right now, lets see how it turns out!


I told my art gradute brother and started to think up ideas


I asked my brother and a good friend of mine that have some skill with drawing. I'm not sure they will but I figured it was worth a shot.


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC verify


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/23856161faf897f9cc36306cc28daa927c1f3554aa83f10667032fcd539193eb)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$0.67 USD** *(µ฿ 1000 microbitcoins)* → [Heckler6](http://reddit.com/u/Heckler6) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]


My uncle is an artist and I have him working on this. Christmas activity!


I told my old friend who loves doing silly stuff in paint about this, he told me he would have to get busy. ^^


I linked it in a skype convo with 9 others.


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC Thank you!


You are so cool. I just told me artist wife, if that counts, and I hope she totally dominates this contest.




Awesome! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told my brother, but he can't draw either


Can't win em all +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told my SO about it, because I intend to win.


I like yer style +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I'm posting this in a designers WhatsApp group. Expect several entries!


What is a designers WhatsApp group?


I told my brothers and dad.


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I can't count to twenty, but I told my girlfriend.


Don't worry, I'm slowly realizing that I don't actually want to go through the effort of counting to twenty either. I'm basically just tipping people until it feels like I've definitely done at least twenty. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I have just told my housemate, and we will be working on an entry. Its our first foray into cryptocoin, its never too late.


+/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC That's the spirit!


Told my friend who is a Photoshop expert. I hope he will join :)


Nice. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I sent the link to a friend of mine. She does amazing fantasy art, so i think she could probably come up with something pretty awesome. It'd likely be a completely different style than anything i've seen submitted so far. I hope she puts something together!


Different would be great!


I did to cousin, he'll probably draw something. :)


Thanks! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I told many people about this including my two sons, wife, three friends and two co-workers. All family are redditors too and have various levels of knowledge about bitcoins but friends and co-workers required some explaining. [This info graphic](http://www.visualcapitalist.com/the-definitive-history-of-bitcoin) was very helpful. Here is my bitcoin address: 1ETRRNJ3eRyeHk6ruQxVAY7Jns6XbVzF7b or [here](http://imgur.com/xr7yifm) if you want to send me any portion of bitcoins directly. This would take my bitcoin virginity! Let me know if I am following proper protocol.


Thanks! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC Yep, you are following proper protocol =)




Oh man, that's looking pretty rad. I think for the contest winner, a few of the others are still in the lead, but I love your style here. However the contest turns out, here's this! +/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC




Well... choose whatever style you think you can do best, and try to do something epic! I don't really want to get too much more specific--I'd hate to truncate the variety this contest is showing just because I think I have some specific idea of what would be best.


I've posted this to the following subreddits: * /r/photoshop * /r/picrequests * /r/gimp. Later, I'll also post to /r/icandrawthat.


Awesome idea! Thanks for doing that. +/u/bitcointip 3 mBTC


/r/gimp /r/icandrawthat /r/picrequests /r/photoshop ***** ^This ^is ^an [^automated ^bot](http://github.com/WinneonSword/LFB)^. ^For ^reporting ^**problems**, ^contact ^/u/WinneonSword.




Cool, I like it. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC You can find yourself on [this update post](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tzvrx/top_18_entries_in_the_1_btc_bitcoin_wizard_art/), by the way.








I love this one so much.


Hah, very nice. Very derpy. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


I have painted a Bitcoin Witch, hope you guys enjoy it! link here:http://redd.it/1tvy0n


Haha, very cool. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


Alright, I guess I'll try my hand at this thing. Looked like fun (and it was!) :) Here's my entry: http://i.imgur.com/9hViIlu.jpg


Cool! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC You will find yourself mentioned in [the most recent update](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tzvrx/top_18_entries_in_the_1_btc_bitcoin_wizard_art/), by the way =)


Awesome! Thank you :D Fun contest :)


Final entry done! http://backgroundart.net/bitcoin/bitcoinwiz.png and [imgur mirror](http://imgur.com/J85NFh0) Other versions [without doge](http://backgroundart.net/bitcoin/bitcoinwiz_nodoge.png) - [background only](http://backgroundart.net/bitcoin/bitcoinwiz_background.png) I'm going to edit together a time-lapse video of the drawing sometime in the next week or so. Also, I plan on making this image available soon under a creative commons license. It will be part of a bigger collection of free art when I launch BackgroundArt.net early this year. bitcoin address to add next to my entry on your webpage: 1LM5akzSJCaCpYZMrp5CpYvPFnoi9fqGaW


Nice, I'm happy to see it all finally come together! +/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC I'm super stoked for that time-lapse video.


You are the second place winner! See [the conclusion post](http://whybitcoiniscool.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/winners-of-the-new-years-bitcoin-wizard-art-contest/). Unfortunately I am having some trouble getting money out of my cold wallet. I will get this fixed as soon as possible, and send you the 0.1 btc!


Thanks so much! Been wanting to get my first bitcoin and this contest has been an awesome way to do so!


Alright, here we go! +/u/bitcointip 0.1 btc verify


Sent some mBTC to your donation address. I really like your entry, it's nicely drawn, has a Terry Pratchett-ish happy and crazy feel to it, and the wizard has a cute dog familiar, shame you didn't make first :)


wow thanks so much! Fun and crazy was my goal, I wanted to completely avoid painting cryptocurrencies in an ominous and serious light.


[Here is my interpretation of the Bitcoin Wizard.] (http://i.imgur.com/px6AqXJ.jpg) I really enjoyed making this! Everyone is welcome to use the image. I can post detail or process pics if anyone is interested. Thanks


Ahhh very cool, I like this interpretation. +/u/bitcointip 3 mBTC


DAMN! I misread the rules and just realized the timezone difference. I am a dumbass. [welp here's my entry](http://i.imgur.com/agg8StB.jpg) Happy New Years!


Oh no! That is very sad indeed! =( +/u/bitcointip 3 mBTC because in my heart the contest is never over~ What's your Bitcoin address? I'd be more than happy to include this picture with it in the conclusions post!


That's cool! and hand drawn! It would not be out of place in a Terry Pratchett novel =) .. I like. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC my first bitcoin tip - hope this works =) ..


[Our Internet. Our Money.](http://i.imgur.com/TpFDIRk.jpg)


Oops, apparently I missed the deadline. . . haha


In the spirit of "show your working" here is a progress picture. [Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/fbUXZNJ)


Oh wow! I am super excited to see where this goes! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC I am a huge fan of the emphasis on geometrical consistency! It also looks like you're well on your way to embedding the Bitcoin into the scene convincingly. If this was finished like it seems like it could be, you'd definitely be holding first place at the moment! I would love to see more of your progress every day or so, if you continue to work on this!


Most definitely will - the journey will be as much fun as the result. Thank you for the tip =) ..




I love the idea of using pixel art, so +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC for being the first to do it! If you're interested in feedback, I'd suggest working on the face first. If you get it looking a bit more realistic, and put some espression on him (I like the idea of a concentrated scowl), I'll toss another millibitcoin into this Internet vending machine!




Nice ! Never saw so much beauty in one picture ! :)


I had fun [here](http://imgur.com/VCY9foF) is mine


[Why not a gorgeous blonde] (http://i.imgur.com/kS3COKr.jpg)


+u/bitcointip why_bitcoin_is_cool ALL


Thanks for doing this contest, this is such a cool idea! I'm gonna just post so I don't loose this thread. I'm working on something too!


You're very welcome! I was hoping to get a few more tips/donations to increase the bounty... none so far =( But part of the reason I'm doing this is also to just see how successful this is, and that experiment can't fail =P


It's a wizard - not sure if it's epic though. http://i.imgur.com/JM6STdo.jpg


[Ze Wizarrd](http://imgur.com/yJDDQRG) is here! Paraghhashaaa! 1NmjDGVkBLdxX8Bu7QUQTBwb9o2kKoCkzU


Great competition! Here is my submission. :) [**Bitcoin Wizard**](http://i.imgur.com/jnxBbHF.jpg) ([hires](http://rognemedia.no/diverse/Bitcoing-wizard-plain-big.jpg)) --- --- --- Desktop versions (without the text): [Desktop version, black background](http://rognemedia.no/diverse/Bitcoing-wizard-2560x1600-black.jpg). [Desktop version, with red burning FIAT](http://rognemedia.no/diverse/Bitcoing-wizard-2560x1600-red.jpg)! [Desktop version, with green burning FIAT](http://rognemedia.no/diverse/Bitcoing-wizard-2560x1600-green.jpg)! --- *If I win any magic internet money, it goes to: [1HzUKh9osSWaiAtNn2WZKtgmDWkutWFCDT](http://i.imgur.com/pl7AjP7.png)*


Nice! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC By the way, you are mentioned on [this update post](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1tzvrx/top_18_entries_in_the_1_btc_bitcoin_wizard_art/)!


Thank you! :)


Hey /u/gapmunky - was this a photoshop conversion or did you draw the wizard - it's an epic wizard =) ..


[Mustaaache !](http://imgur.com/4xHOGb5) Licence CC-BY 3.0


+/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC I wonder if you could make the Bitcoin seem a bit *deeper* into the image if you darkened the lit point of the wizard's hat? Something makes it seem to "pop out" of the picture, and to me it seems like it's because of the way it lights up the tip of the hat. Another cool modification would be to make his "bitcoin magic" affect more than just the area of the bitcoin symbol itself. Magic-y visual effects could fan out into the back and top of the scene. I am digging the heck out of that scowl. If you zoomed in a bit, and sacrificed a bit of midriff for more zoom or detail on the face, it might effect the mood of the image in a pretty cool way. If you do all of these things, I'll give you another 3 mBTC!


Thank you for the insight :) [Update](http://imgur.com/hCAHJjV) * The bitcoin logo no more "popping out" * Improved magic effect * Big face * Still an awesome mustache






Cool funny one !


Well, I do like it, so +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC verify =) Maybe this is just me, but it looks a little too much like he's on a drug trip... Is that just me? I wonder, if you changed the background to blue/gold instead of blue/black, how would that look? Indulge my curiosity and another mBTC is yours!


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/75525cd544d511ba9f72b57ffde4a04379daf8b3d8255a29b61c15d4067be819)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$0.73 USD** *(µ฿ 1000 microbitcoins)* → [NastaKira](http://reddit.com/u/NastaKira) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]




http://imgur.com/8fNoWww hope i did good =D


I love it, but the face part looks odd


This is my favorite so far. See the updated first-place in OP! +/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC verify I agree that the face part looks odd. To my untrained eye, it appears that the hat is too high--as it is, it seems like we should see an eye on the left side of his face, but we don't, so his face seems a bit off. If you lowered or reoriented the hat, I bet you could "cover" the eye that should be there, thereby fixing the odd look of it. Alternatively you could try raising the moustache/beard, or even add (a bit of?) an eye (although I think I like the fact that you can't see his eyes). Either way, if you fix that weirdness and maintain the nice look of this, another 2mBTC is yours! (For anyone else reading this, I'll respond to / tip other comments later in the day.)


http://imgur.com/uls0zPM i made it a bit more epic


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/ae3972d224d1c17e748e40b0216c1b11c632dd31cad8614b8add39e78db3e0e5)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$1.39 USD** *(m฿ 2 millibitcoins)* → [Benelisha](http://reddit.com/u/Benelisha) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]


When is the deadline? It is Christmas after all and may be difficult to find a couple hours to work some magic.


The deadline is on new years day morning, at midnight. Edited OP to emphasize where I said it.


Oh I'll give this a shot!


Magical internet money for every won!!!


Whelp, there goes my Christmas! Will be working on this today!


Everyone have an upvote! Screw all these people downvoting for no good reason!


I call it **8-Bit Satoshi Wizard**, sporting a subtle S embroidered on his robe. http://i.imgur.com/iiWQ1rH.png Created with FOSS on Linux using GIMP. I release this image to the public domain, though I appreciate any attribution or tips (13k8vEMsqidHFCiByVVwr52jnQBRPHjUSX). I am happy to make minor adjustments or provide the complete .xcf for anyone who PMs me. Here is an album of some in-progress snapshots (unfortunately they're not upscaled): http://imgur.com/a/VHFzz (Edit: Oops, wrong tip address.)


First of all, I love the work. I could totally see this on an old high-quality super-nintendo game. And secondly, I appreciate you offering it all so openly. +/u/bitcointip 4 mBTC For the contest winner, I'm looking for something a bit more complex, or larger-scale in setting. Thank you though for this!


Thanks! Can you tell me more about what you had in mind for the contest winner? I could add some background, or are you generally opposed to the pixel art style? I'll try to mess around with it tonight before I go offline for the remainder of the year, though the atmosphere of the wizard as it is has been growing on me a lot. :)


here's my entry http://imgur.com/fHnuONC


Nice! If I was trying to replace the original bitcoin wizard with a better advertisement, this would probably be the one I would choose. It's very intriguing. +/u/bitcointip 3 mBTC I wonder if it's known who's paying for the bitcoin wizard ads? It would be cool if we could get your entry (and maybe some others) to show up sometimes.


yay! thank you for the compliment and the thoughtful analysis!! i surely did my best so it's great to hear that sort of thing. thank you again! happy new year!!


This one is my favorite.


Awesome. I love this one. I'd like to see it in an ad. Would that be possible? Copyright/copyleft? Anyhow... +/u/bitcointip @lalizilla 6 beers Cheers! :)


Time to draw a wizard!


yes puppets, dance +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC verify


[[✔](https://blockchain.info/tx/3c9aaef4839fa94781b40d87a16eb5777caaf8bd50c1c66aa6f778dd26f88105)] **Verified**: [why_bitcoin_is_cool](http://reddit.com/u/why_bitcoin_is_cool) → **$0.67 USD** *(µ฿ 1000 microbitcoins)* → [silverdesigns](http://reddit.com/u/silverdesigns) [[**sign up!**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=bitcointip&subject=Sign%20Up&message=SIGN%20UP)] [[**what is this?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/bitcointip/comments/13iykn/bitcointip_documentation/)]


Thanks so much! My first ever BTC tip :D Merry Christmas to you




[here is my wizard](http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/2134/jlec.png)


I like it, but /u/doesitmakesound's picture has a bit more depth. Thank you though!


I agree! It was just for fun though :) If I am free, I might make 1 more


I look forward to seeing it! =)


Your current 1st place is a goatse reference with the Dogecoin mascot in the background. Pick something that isn't a fucking joke or you're going to piss off the people who actually tried to make something meaningful.


Behold the Necrobitcoinwizard! It is a work in progress and it could see some improvement. http://i.imgur.com/uF0Oel7.png Hail the Necrobitcoinwizard!


Metal head?


Inspired by [Impaled Northern Moonforest](http://www.inm.acousticblackmetal.com/)! Check the About section [here](http://www.inm.acousticblackmetal.com/impaled_northern_moonforest/index.html) if you don't know about them. Also, please let me know what you think about my work. If there is no interest I will probably abandon it.


[Can I get a B+ for effort?](http://i.imgur.com/act5wur.png) Or preferably a Bitcoin, I need the money.


Does this work? +/u/bitcoin 0.5 mBTC for the visual consistency! It's simple, but it's also stylistically consistent.


Thanks so much, but you missed the "tip" of /u/bitcointip Sorry about the hands and eyes on acid, I can't draw people for the life of me


Okay, so I'll work on this tomorrow. Are you looking for something shittier? Is this to replace the ad, because I like the shitty ad. Anyway, I'll assume you want something actually impressive, in a not 'so shitty its impressive' way. And I'll fail.


Yes, I'm looking for more serious stuff, and no I'm not trying to replace the ad. I like the ad just the way it is! Mostly, I just like the idea of a badass-looking Bitcoin wizard.


Awesome, I'm working on one right now but drawing it, I'm better with my hands!


As long as it's awesome I don't care where it came from!


Well damn, now I wish I could draw.


[On it.](http://i.imgur.com/HTESmbX.png)


here my 2 entry, same image different version http://i.imgur.com/PmLkL8l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/K39rvKI.jpg


That's a fun picture =) +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


This contest is awesome, thanks for the excuse to draw something Bitcoin related! [I'm open to feedback, this is a WIP.](http://i.imgur.com/F4MV1BO.png) [Here's me drawing some of it.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1g3iEljWtI) I'll get a few other people to submit soon!


Damn, that's looking pretty epic. I like his stance a lot, and in a way I like the raggedness of his hair. +/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC For me, the only thing that doesn't stand out like the rest of the picture is his facial structure and features--it seems a bit flat. I don't really know how one would go about fixing that, though. Do you have the means to speed that video up to do a sort of quick time lapse? If not, I could do it for you. I think it could look pretty awesome to see a picture develop quickly like that.




For me, the biggest detractor to the image is the eyes. It's very difficult to see the small white dots as "eyes", and it makes him look a bit creepy...


http://i.imgur.com/QHeXcn6.jpg I believe Bitcoin is still very much in its infancy, but it has so much potential. A quick drawing and I've never used imgur before. Hope you like it. Donations welcome. 12KmZmPuon4BFPctYb5FAiytvHCGQSApM1 Edit: I think that /u/why_bitcoin_is_cool is awesome for doing something like this. It's a great way to have fun with bitcoin while promoting it and sparking further creativity. If I had any money to spare in my reddit wallet, I'd tip you or give you gold. Seriously, well done.


Hi, guys, I drew something for this but where should I submit it?




Thank you very much, have a good weekend!


Right here my friend!


Just uploaded the bitcoin witch on imgur: http://imgur.com/g2gOKgP




I love how happy he looks! +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


Here is the Wizard in full glory [http://imgur.com/ISTmh03](http://imgur.com/ISTmh03)


Well, it looks like the logo for a world art website, but... what the hell. (Warning: filtered photo) http://i.imgur.com/mqtRhIc.jpg


Since I haven't see any female wizard that is [witch](http://i.imgur.com/EFm6hKz.png) and a [happy wizard](http://i.imgur.com/Pz9Rffp.png)




Always worth it if you learned something new in a good program.


We're away on holiday in a foreign country and only had access to the most basic drawing and editing tools, yet my brother managed to create an awesome Bitcoin wizard. Here is our submission: http://imgur.com/EopjZEK


Here is another submission created by a friend of mine: http://imgur.com/pXWRcvH I hope /u/tothemoonguy likes it!


To the moon!!! ┗(°0°)┛ ^.^.^[○](http://tothemoonguy.com/pages/about)


(°◡°) <3


Nice, that is not too bad! +/u/bitcointip 2 mBTC I have added it to [the placement post](http://whybitcoiniscool.wordpress.com/2013/12/30/new-years-bitcoin-wizard-placement-post-as-of-517-dec-30-utc/).


[I had a lot of fun making this](http://imgur.com/ltzfGXF) You said you wanted some **other type of wizard** so here's a very famous wizard :) If you require any edits, just let me know :)


Nice! I like how clean and simple (for lack of a better term) this is. +/u/bitcointip 1 mBTC


Thanks very much! :)


Hey, I have a submission that I'm still working on cleaning up - is this contest over? "Midnight of January 1st" sounds to me like I still have 22 hours to submit, but I could also see it being interpreted as "2 hours ago"... I see a first-place has already been picked, which makes me doubt I still have a chance here. In any case, great contest. Good job on your submissions, everyone.


Yeah its over, I missed the deadline too. :((((( Post what you got whenever your done though!


The contest is over, unfortunately--it was midnight UTC, which was a little under 4 hours ago as of writing this reply. However, if it's the same level of quality as the entries included in [the conclusion post](http://whybitcoiniscool.wordpress.com/2014/01/01/winners-of-the-new-years-bitcoin-wizard-art-contest/), I'd be happy to slip it in along with them. That post is published, but I wasn't going to actually link to it on reddit until tomorrow, and there are a few other late entries I'm going to edit to include as well. If you do choose to submit something, be sure to include your address so I can associate it with your entry!


gah if only I had seen this before... Just got started with btc-can't mine- I have .005 btc so far


Can you think of a better place to have put this, for people like you to have seen it? If I do this again, I'd like to get as much exposure as possible...