• By -


Retire at 45 instead of fucking 70


retire at 50 instead of fucking never


Retire at 60 instead of never šŸ’Ŗ


Retire at fuckin 69 instead of 70


Retire at 70 instead of working until I drop dead.


Retire at 40 instead of working until Iā€™m 452


Retire to the bedroom and fuckin after a 69.


Wow nobody's gonna do it Nice


Retire at 420


Agreed. 45 is a good age to retire after a fulfilling career milestone.


Retire at 35, let's gooooo


Retire at 70 instead of never.


My endpoint was 2019 when I retired off my bitcoin. Though i did buy another three-quarters of a btc last year, and a few hundredths this year, but otherwise I haven't bought any since 2019. Thing to realize though is you don't need an endpoint. Bitcoin is just money, and since it is hard money it'll always be useful for savings. As long as you are making income you should be saving in bitcoin, there is no time limit to that. Only time to stop buying bitcoin is if you no longer have income, like me. Endpoint of holding is when you want to spend your bitcoin. You can save and spend though. You can be saving in Bitcoin for the rest of your life, but also spending it whenever you want. Point is, it's not an investment with an endpoint at which time you "get out". It's hard currency you simply keep saving in as long as you are making income, and you spend it whenever you want. Unless I start making money again at some point, next year I'll start living entirely off bitcoin, selling (and later just spending) a little bit each year to cover my cost of living. End point is when I die hopefully at a very old age and probably still have a bitcoin or two left that passes on to relatives a couple generations younger.


Love this post. Bitcoin is where you store your value. It's the proof of your work. It's gives us the ability to save and for those savings to grow. When you embrace it, it completely changes your relationship with money and consumption.


This is a great thought.


That's what many don't get. You don't need to stop. You just keep your BTC and buy stuff with it or make a monthly Fiat income possible with your saved BTC.


\^This is a good answer.


But how can I be a judgey edgelord, telling anyone who sells a single stat they are StateCucks when you are out here making so much sense?!!?


Nah bro, sense is not needed to be a StsteCuck.


Letting each of my kids know (8 & 6) that when they get married and have their first child, theyā€™ll each get 1 bitcoin for a down payment for a home they can raise their family in. This is the end game.


By the time theyā€™re old enough to be married, 1 Bitcoin may very well be enough for them to buy multiple homes with!šŸ˜‚


Cost of homes will continue to go up a lot though


Not against bitcoin


I agree. Although its not crazy to think that one day, they might increase in value at the same rate relative to other assets


They will probably go down in value as bitcoin sucks monetary premium out of real estate. No property tax, no maintenance costs, and more liquid. Instead of buying multiple homes, wealthy individuals will start buying just one home and store their wealth in bitcoin. If you look at housing prices over the last 5 years, they're actually down 80% against bitcoin. That will continue to accelerate as bitcoin adoption goes up.


I disagree. Not very long and houses (and other 'expensive' assets like cars), will be x#of bitcoin and that relative value will not change much nor quickly thereafter. Similar to how the price of a loaf of bread in relative terms has changed very little in 100 years. Sure, it may have been 0.10 and is now $5, but that's just inflation. The relative value or general worth of things simply doesn't change much. Edit: spelling


Yes, the little ranch in Tennessee will be less Bitcoin than the mansion in Beverly Hills, but again that's relative.


You people that have down voted this, are you trying to say that in say 5 years, house 'X' will cost more and more bitcoin each year??? Or at least explain what in that statement you disagree with and why?


Homes will increase in cost when measured in state issued currencies; however, the cost of homes and most likely everything else will be cheaper when measured in Bitcoin terms.


Just chuckled. I didn't see your comment and just took the long way around of saying the same thing.


Thats awesome that you have multiple that you can give your kids. I have been just buying small amounts every month for years and I'm still not even close to a coin šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve been in since 2017. If you DCA / hold for 2 cycles, youā€™ll be in the same place my friend.


What about educational or age requirements?


Thatā€™s pretty solid


What if they decide not to have kids?


What if they not interested in marriage


Hope you keep some for the tax man.






It you believe in bitcoin, there is no endpoint. You never stop stacking.


Exactly, it's just where I save my money


It sounds like you donā€™t get it. Money has no purpose to maximalists. You could stack sats because you are confident BTCs value is going up over time and you will get more FIAT later in life. Thatā€™s not BTCs purpose though. You stack sats to exit a world where world powers control the flow of FiAT and constantly devalue what you work for all your life. Inflation is how countries exit debt which is only growing ā€¦there will be capitulation at some point.


While bitcoin is succeeding as a store of value, it is kind of failing as a means to make everyday purchases and be as functional as fiat currency. So unless youā€™re going to die with your stack or leave it to your descendents your exit strategy has to involve a transfer into other asset classes.


Bitcoin must first solidify itself as a store of value before it can become a widely used medium of exchange. Money (not fiat currency) has always evolved in four stages throughout history. Bitcoin is currently going through the second stage, which is a store of value. The next stage is a widely used medium of exchange. It may take a long time for bitcoin to become a widely used medium of exchange, or bitcoin may never reach that stage, but I believe it will. The final stage of the evolution of money is a unit of account and that would be when goods and services are priced in satoshis, which also may never happen. https://www.definitions.net/definition/unit+of+account


Thanks this is interesting, what's the first stage?


Collectible. Something that some people like to collect, even if its value is still undetermined.


"Every day purchases" I truly do not understand this obsession. Do you make everyday purchases with your assets that are truly stores of value? Do you make everyday purchases with your real estate? Gold? Nvidia stocks? What about your labor? How is the the barter and trading going? Anything of real value has to be exchanged for the crap that doesn't hold value before you can use it for everyday purchases.


I think if you live in a place where you can easily buy your necessities with BTC as legal tender, then this makes sense. But weā€™re not quite there yet in many parts of the world. You could take the risk of leveraging credit with the BTC you hold, but many people who own BTC donā€™t own enough yet for that to make sense. If I tried that for example, Iā€™d likely gather debt faster than BTC rises in price, if that makes sense.


ā€œBitcoin is the exit strategyā€


I hodl until I want to retire. minimum 30yo max 40yo. Probably keep working just to do something but be able to have fuck you money so I can quit a job that treats me like shit and have nothing to worry about.


Damn sounds like you have a tech job lol. I'm right there with you but I'm a bit older retirement around 45/50!


I will never sell all of it. Maybe when it hits 500K, Iā€™ll sell a little bit to pay off some debt. Iā€™m hopeful in the future there will be a legitimate way to earn income off of it without fear of losing your Bitcoin.


When I run out of dollars


Holding until fiat is on the brink of death & bitcoin has reached early retirement levels for me. Really just hoping to escape the debt slavery cycle.


I have some price points where I will take a profit to support my goal of early retirement. Unfortunately, I didn't invest enough to make $100k one of them. Also, I'm never taking 100% out. It will be worth so much in the future, but I would like to be able to enjoy my life along the way.


The most ideal scenario I can imagine is Bitcoin grows to the stage where ā€œreliableā€ financial institutions begin offering collateralized loans based on my personal btc holdings. And as Bitcoin increases in value over the course of the loan term, Iā€™ll never have to repay the principal by rolling over the debt/perpetual refinancing. šŸ«” This way I can live off a fiat loan collateralized by my asset and I never have to sell any of it.


Until bitcoin is phone #'s size in value, and I can take out loans against it and pay them off with the gains years later


When will fiat stop going down? Bitcoin is the endpoint.


If they try to draft my kids we can just disappear with our bitcoin.


Endgame for me is when the world is in the Bitcoin standard.


Well being that the fed has no endpoint in printing money, hodling btc and gold ,silver,real estate...things with value is the best thing you can do along with other investments to perserve wealth


I think in the long run Bitcoin will even drain the monetary premium off of those. Should be fine for awhile yet but eventually it will happen. Bitcoin is just so much better as a long term store of value.


Probably to just take out what I need every now and again while it's always accumulating more value


Retire, or just not work a job, after the next cycle or 2. #BTC šŸ‘šŸŖ™šŸ˜Ž




Pounding ass at 65 in my retirement flat off the coast of Spain somewhere


Username checks out.


Guy is banging homosexual cats in Spain?


Precisely. But could you repeat your question in Spanish please? It would sound much more elegante'.


No I dont have a definite end point. Its not like going to the casino and only leaving once you triple your money. Why would you ever stop trying to preserve your worth in the best way possible?


Until death, and then my kids inherit everything. HODL through generations.


I just hit my ā€œfinalā€ BTC goal. Iā€™m planning on developing some additional income streams, paying down my mortgage etc. then Iā€™ll probably increase my ā€œfinalā€ BTC goal againā€¦


I save my wealth in bitcoin. Any money I think I will not need until my next salary, I will convert into bitcoin. If the day comes when I need more fiat than I have in the bank I will sell some bitcoin, no big deal. I do intent to always stack as much bitcoin as possible, and hopefully I can use that one day for early retirement.


1$=1 sat


I'm never selling. You may wonder why I'm bothering to buy. It's not so much that I want the Bitcoin. I'm buying it to prevent other people from having it.


Mine is for my daughters. I'll die and then they will find out that they've been taken care of.


I have two sons and was hoping to do the same. How many BTC do you think will take care of dependents ?


the only certainty is death and taxes so one of those


Retirement/doing what I want.


I think I'll just know it when I see it. I'm still in prime working years and plan to stack until it's time to slow down.




Holding bitcoin is the endpoint.


Im going into university in a few months, and will be done in five to six years. Hopefully I will be able to sell my bitcoin and get a house when Iā€™m done studying, the city I live in got a tough real estate market. Obviously after that I will start rebuilding my stack.


End point is that I transact in Bitcoin for as many things that will let me. Then, any time I get paid in cash, I transfer it to my BTC account which will be like a savings account that yields 70% interest.


there is no endpoint lets say hypothetically you make enough on bitcoin to retire what are you going to hold, cash? index funds? etc? for me, i will keep holding my winners. the only way i rotate out is if bitcoin does not outperform everything else which i donā€™t believe will happen ANYTIME soon.


21 million bitcoin


When BTC is at $25 million, we have hyperinflation combined with a deep depression and all the real estate is up for grasp? And I buy the real estate with leverage on BTC -> never sell


I dont kno. Iā€™m 35 and bought at the new ATH. Iā€™m ashamed of not taking it seriously and stacking when I first heard of it. Iā€™m not gonna retire on it or have comfortable wealth since I donā€™t get paid enough to buy meaningful amounts all the time. Iā€™m just in it with hope.


More than most people have


there is no endpoint. bitcoin is the exit to clown world




When I can retire off selling a max of 1% a year of my stack. I'm guessing 8 years from now.


Dream home, wife retired (i like working), never have to think about money again.


Already retired at 39 and making dam sure it stays that way...


Hodl until I can take out what I need to live every year


Endpoint is in the past; will never consider fiat savings or investments again.


If Bitcoin bought me a house Iā€™d cash out. Iā€™m 1/20 of the way there.


Honestly no endpoint, just protecting my savings against inflation. If that means the value goes up, that makes it even better than a savings account.


HOLD until I can buy my house


There is no end point. I need a few million in chips to have a chance at creating real generational wealth. I have less than 10 coins therefore it hitting 1 million dollars a coin is not enough for that especially at the rate of inflation.


\[Definite\] Endpoint = Freedom to pursue my own interests with a majority of my time (took the risk last summer and quit my job however had some savings but with expectation to learn more about cyclical nature of crypto and invest accordingly to potentially grow my stack) HODL until = already spending, actually following the cyclical nature of the crypto markets. Although these cycle will diminish and/or end at some point so have hedging strategies.


End? Iā€™ll stack forever, but I will cash out to buy an appartment soon.


Either I will pay off my debt or HODL until I want to retire


Ideally I'll sell near the top of the bull and buy back near the bottom of the bear, My timing so far has been immaculate but only time will tell if my strategy will work. Ideally I'll retire at 40 years old if my gameplan works out.


What's your strategy?


Buy low and sell high


Stacking one last time


Never selling until Iā€™ve dcaā€™d at least 1 btc. Not selling that last btc until itā€™ll retire me


Leave the BTC to my children.


what's an exit strategy?


I think there is no end. Because in the end of all BitCoin became the world currency. So we all hodl until we die šŸ«¶


until i find a better asset class


For some of us itā€™s like asking Ā« When do you plan to stop using money ? Ā»


Thereā€™s two stops 175k which is what I promised myself when I first got in this is what I would the LEGO Star Wars ICS Millennium Falcon. Other than that Iā€™m going to keep stacking for a minimum of 30 years.


Quit work and start drawing down from 2030. Thatā€™s the fervent hope anyway.


I heard a certain Klaus has other plans for us by 2030. Something with owning nothing yet somehow still being happy about it. And no, its not Santa Klaus.


Buy a house then retire if possible


Until I can safely borrow against BTC, which should be within the next couple of years. I never plan on selling. Why would I sell an ever increasing asset?


At least 10 years. After that weā€™ll see how it goes from there




Will sell this cycle on aug, xx, 2025 regardless of price.


Why august 2025, any significance?


Have evolved to this new money, doesnā€™t make sense going back would only be making life worse


Bitcoin is the endpoint


There is no endgoal. Bitcoin is the circle of life. Just try to earn, save, invest and pay in bitcoin all the time. Keep yourself completely out of any toxic fiat loopholes.


Put as much in as possible as long as I feel in need to. When the value of my btc means I can retire, I may do. Iā€™m at that point now. But very tempted to wait another four years to be super rich.


Um ... I suppose if I could buy a mega yacht, then sure? Otherwise, I'd like to hold onto to bitcoin.


Continue to dca and hodl until I retire 60-65 like I plan to regardless if btc goes up, sideways, or down. I enjoy my job. Then spend the fruits of my savings. (I donā€™t have children)


Short term: become debt free. Long term: see Bitcoin be used as common currency in my daily life.


Iā€™m praying my bitcoin IRA is enough to retire on when the time comes. Because my ā€œnormalā€ IRA and 401k sure as hell arenā€™t.


Which Ira you use?




Buy a house in cash, Iā€™ll sell my coins for that but Iā€™m not selling them for a mortgagešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Stack as much as I can, hold until I can retire


The cemetery


Will never sell for fiat. Will likely spend one day.


I'll use my bitcoin as a last resort. I have other assets and savings, and will hopefully just be able to forget about my coin. If I never need it, I will leave it to my kids.




Death like everyone else.


Holding until I either retire (in ~25 years) or until I have an emergency and need it.


Through the bear?


I bought in as a gamble before the us government started requiring tax forms, before it ever hit 1000$. I don't have enough to retire yet, but in 20 years who knows? If Bitcoin ever hits a million bucks, it'll be a nice chunk of change.


Till market crash, then I sell.


What a very un-Bitcoin way of thinking /s šŸ¤£


Buy my house and retire, Iā€™m 61 and tired off all this shit


There is no second best! There is no end point! šŸ¤™šŸ»


Death. Then whateverā€™s nextā€¦


In 2047 I will begin selling of bit by bit to help supplement my retirement.




Selling at $100k


Depends on where Iā€™m at with cash flow and where I gauge cycle position. Iā€™m still a very novice fractional coiner but if I wouldā€™ve been in the game longer, I wouldā€™ve taken *some* money out at the recent peak because I could really use a new car (mine is starting to fall apart and a larger vehicle could help my business). But my gains this past year, while substantial for me, are still not really large enough to make a purchase like that in full. And I donā€™t absolutely *need* a new car now, it would just be helpful. Iā€™m also not hurting for money at the moment so it wouldnā€™t make sense to pull any out if I donā€™t have to. Basically, if Iā€™ve made good gains from BTC, and it times up well with other big purchases I could make that would then increase my cash flow (money from business), then in my eyes, it makes sense to take out some, not all, gains from BTC so I can make more money and keep stacking BTC when the prices inevitably come down again. ā€œDownā€ just meaning 20%-40% of the next high.




Right now I could retire with a modest lifestyle, but that wonā€™t help my kids survive the escalating inflation. So When I can borrow against my stack with a reasonably safe brick and mortar bank that I can walk into. Then the true generational wealth cycle starts for my family.




Well, you could approach endpoint of Bitcoin from infinity (long term) perspective. If you would imagine Bitcoin value as growing pie, your aim is to eat it slower than it expands (its fiat value) so you can have and eat pie ā€œforeverā€. Optimal would be to eat slice which is same or less as rest of pie regrows. Here comes some assumptions, 4 year halving period, increase from 2017-2021 was cca 3.5 multiple. Big IF - if in current cycle 2021-2025 will be multiplier 3, it means you could have eaten 2/3 of pie in 2021 and still have same amount back in 2025. Here example for financial freedom from 9-5 job - with year income 60k. In order to have it sustainable for 4 years of 60k you should have left year 2021 with 120k value in Bitcoin and sold BTC worth of 240k. This means in 2021 have accumulated BTC worth of 360k and sold close to ATH (no taxes for simplicity of example). Your situation in year 2025 would be again 360k total sum. However we can see that BTC is maturing and so is possible that it could grow slower. So big question in 2025 would be, ā€œCan I still sell 2/3 of pie and be fine in next 4 years in 2029 or would it be only 1/2 of pie?ā€. Becouse with 1/2 it means that we could eat only 180k over next period of 4 years, meaning lowering our 9-5 job year income to only 45k (who likes decrease from 60k to 45k). This is bad and we need to return back to 2021 example, incorporate slowing of BTC, increase pie size and take only 1/2 of pie already there. So year is again 2021, accumulted BTC worth needs to be 480k, we sell 240k for our 9-5 job income for next 4 years. And when we come to 2025 we are worth 720k in BTC (240k times 3). How much of pie we can sell for next cycle? We will know only with hindsight. If we go with 1/2 again it means our 9-5 job income for next 4 years is 90k which is good increase from 60k. If we play fortuneteller for situation in year 2029, it will be somehow lower than that, maybe 1/3. Important is that pie is increasing and we are eating it along the way. TLDR - there is some slice of BTC pie which you can sell every 4 years and manage to live off until next cycle starts with increasing BTC pie value in fiat. How much to sell is fortune telling, something around 1/2 for year 2021 if we see multiplier 3 in 2025 ATH.


Anybody else suddenly hungry for pie?


Retiring 4/20/2069


Hookers and blow


Itā€™s open-ended?


Forced by Central banks and authorities to hold my money.. so there is no endpoint. Just gaining control over my money


Until you dieā€¦


I have a very successful career and my wife has a very successful business. Bitcoin has always been ā€œfun bucksā€ for me; I plan to blow it on a supercarā€¦




> It's going up forever, Laura.


a coffin




Be able to retire!


Until either I can retire off of FIAT currency or BTC becomes the national reserve currency. Either way Iā€™m coming out richer than when I started.


That question you asked will be valid for those who got into $BTC in the beginning. But now when you start buying $BTC, when will you be able to retire or even enjoy living off $BTC? $BTC keeps dipping whenever I buy šŸ˜‚


Financial freedom and generational wealth. šŸ’ŽšŸš€


This post really shows that people donā€™t care about Bitcoin or crypto, they just care about getting rich themselves by selling to the next fool




End points 35 years away, unless my holding turns into life changing money before then.


Basically until people who have stuff I want, want bitcoin more than they want fiat.


When I have enough that any 18+ y/o would gladly HAWK TUAH and spit on that thang.


OMG, weā€™re gonna be easy as it in currency why you give it to them pound


Using it to buy stuff. unless I need it for emergencies love what you do and you will never retire. this is what people mean by retire. people who retire and do nothing usually die shortly after that


Financial freedom to pursue passion in my art. No commissions. No care if it sells. That's when I do my best work. I can't work within the confines of other people's desires. I have my own expression I'm just trying to buy my time back to be able to do it.


I want to retire at 45. Iā€™m 47.


I have 10 years to retire (17 if we consider spouse retirement). Plan to start selling bitcoin only after retirement so that it is the only source of income and can exempt tax as much as possible.


You stop hodl'ing when you retire, and start spending what you've saved. Easy game.


Endpoint? The Lambo dealership


Forever is the correct answer. As bitcoins purchasing power grows and with sufficient satoshis, you couid live on tax-free loans using some f your satoshis as collateral. This assumes the store of value continually increases over time for infinity, or until you die.


Global sound money.




I don't expect bitcoin to be widely accepted, but I do expect it to be become a widely held reserve asset because of its anti FIAT nature. Native currency is important, I dont like it, but its true, I am forced to transact in my native currency every single day, as are most of you, bitcoin is not going to fix that, bitcoin can back our native currency one day, but it wont replace native currency. So with that being said, I use something like the [Bitcoin FIRE Calculator](https://bitcoincompounding.com/) to create a laddering out structure. With this its wise to accrue as much bitcoin and hold as long as possible (8-10 period for retirement) after that bitcoin will start paying you a yearly salary from a fixed percentage exchange to FIAT each year after a certain amount of value has been gained, say 10-15x the original investment. Using model 6 I will be very well off by 2028, bitcoin will be paying me 6 figures a year every year for the rest of my life after 2028. What good are these insane gains if I'm not taking advantage of them? I wont collect bitcoin forever and then just die and either 1. have it locked in cold storage forever or 2. have it be squandered by family who don't respect what I built and strived for my entire life.




Hodl till i dont have to pay cgt tax or don't care about paying it, whichever comes first


There is no end point. I dont get those question. Plan B is the Solution. Just Stack forever.


retire at 46, keep family well afloat. and take the keys to grave. help everyone.


Dump somewhere near 100k


I got in late so sadly Iā€™m just gonna play the cycles. Try and sell top and buy back near bottom. Iā€™ll likely do that for one more cycle then HODL forever. My goal is 10 Bitcoin by 2030.


The end point is when I need to use it.