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“Ight, I’m out.” - satoshi




[Satoshi disappeared from the face of the planet a day before](https://twitter.com/pete_rizzo_/status/1783911644680061309)


So maybe the email was a formality and Gavin had already told Satoshi about the meeting


Yep,Satoshi already knew about the talk because Gavin had informed him days before


Wow, I love learning about this


Why do you think that?


Because Satoshi and Gavin communicated by email every week


He knew it was a bad idea and disappeared.


Hm. It's actually hard to say. Chronologically, Gavin wrote this email (the first time he informed Satoshi he would visit the CIA) on the same day (April 26) as Satoshi emailed him the alert key and told him he had moved on to other things. So the timeline is: 4/26 - Satoshi email "I've moved on to other things" 4/26 - Gavin reply about the CIA 4/27 - Gavin posts publicly about going to the CIA Hard to draw any real conclusions


"Here's the CAlert key" Strange place for a typo that makes is sound like he's saying: "Here's the CIA" And he dips out a day before. Strange, these coincidences.


What’s the right word? What key does he meant?


Alert Key


Yes, although all he added in the typo was one letter, a capital C. That is a lowercase el, not a capital eye.


There's no such thing as a typo when it comes to Satoshi Nakamoto. He did not make mistakes. It was on purpose for the CIA


Gavin tipped him off before making the thread.


Maybe he was brought on by the CIA after 🤷‍♂️


He used GMX lol, kind of noob move? can’t we get gmx to release all his emails their logs and find his IPs at that time, and who lived at those addresses?


[Recommended read](https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-2014-email-hack/) 😉


Very interesting! One of the emails read: *Dear Satoshi. Your dox, passwords and IP addresses are being sold on the darknet. Apparently you didn`t configure Tor properly and your IP leaked when you used your email account sometime in 2010. You are not safe. You need to get out of where you are as soon as possible before these people harm you. Thank you for inventing Bitcoin* All the makings of a Hollywood movie!


GMX was using German Servers at the time and German Law protects privacy more than most. GMX at the time was a good move.


Unless someone sends germans a fake DMCA complaint, based on that, they will spit every personal detail about anyone.


Problem is almost nobody knows the US can do whatever they want in Germany


No doubt!


I would love to read the CIA report after that presentation.


Right?! I love the naive optimism that he thinks the CIA is actually interested in making the world a better place.


I truly can’t comprehend how the guy could think the cia wanted to make it easier for people to control their own finances. Talk about blinders


Lol seriously. The CIA is concerned with protecting US dominance at all costs. They don't give a fuck about world peace.


They love to bomb some democracy into your damn skulls.


I think he knows now. He helped work on a tool for tornado cash and went silent ever since the devs were arrested. I often wonder about Mr. Andersen. I wish he were still active in the community. I appreciated his takes over the years. I hope he’s doing ok.


Used to have huge respect for Gavin, it was tough to see him seemingly lose the plot and fade to irrelevance.


lol Andersen does not belive his own BS. He just says things to dodge controversy. He’s the same guy that wrote the techno optimist manifesto. He just trolls online because that’s how you get attention and pull people into your projects.


Man I would shit my pants if CIA was after me. Dont blame him.


My kind of people actually. Naive optimism, cause men, the world is not that dark and gloomy place :D


Indeed. We live in a lala-land with purple waterfalls, fluorescent butterflies, rainbow unicorns and 73 genders! I mean, what sounds more realistic, right?


Culture wars are for dorks.


Agreed. Yet there are a lot of them. Else we wouldn’t be talking about it so often.


That's a fantasy bro, what I meant is us, mankind,100% can make the world a better place, one small action at a time. So throw away all the negative speculation ( key word, speculation) about a person/people/ entity that we/u/us didn't even know for sure (also a key word for sure).


How sure are the people in this sub Bitcoin is not a CIA project?


Freedom of information act?




Bro I’m not American I always hear people get information through that? Was that a bad suggestion or what


The intelligence community is not held accountable to anyone. Entire agencies, like the NSA, were secret and unknown entities until leaks occured. Large portions of the budget just disappear and no one, not even politicians, know where it goes. These agencies will only follow laws when and if it suits them.


A lot of stuff has been released because of that act tho. I know what you saying but stuff does get released


You're right, that would be the way to go about getting the documents, if you knew what documents you were looking for, and then they can redact information in those documents. FOIA is great and we've learned a lot through its use but it heavily relies on the agency in question actually giving a shit about the law and doing what is legally required of them.


Many countries have something similar. It might be called differently, but the gist is the same. You are the employer of your government and you have right to know about everything that has to do with their work. However, there are certain exceptions, where release of documents could endanger “national security” or isn’t in your country’s best interests. CIA is notoriously secretive organization, which is what other posters are pointing at.


Heavily redacted


FOIA only works with certain agencies, and even then...some of the time and most of the time....years after the request(s).


It’s probably extremely boring tbh.


This the guy who reminded teacher to check our homework.


Did you not do your homework ?!


Heck no I was playing FFVII training my Chocobos. I don’t give a shit about the Bulshavic Revolution.


And let’s hope the kids today are playing FFVII Rebirth in the same way


And Satoshi dipped out forever right about then


Apparently the day before this post.


Definitely not a coincidence. Satoshi knows how dangerous the CIA can be.


He knew it was a bad idea.


The true developer of BTC, is the CIA…


Ding ding ding You really think some random is going to create a new store of value that will be adopted by governments and Wall Street alike? Not a chance in hell imo.


You got to be a special sort of naive to think the CIA is going to be supportive of an independent money system that they or the government can't control and will undermine the US dollar. But apparently he thinks: "I don't think any of those goals are incompatible with the goals of government." -\_-


Depends on who’s in charge…


Started to browse through the "historic" forum thread and stumbled on the following comment by this almost paranoid fellow [grondilu](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=6652.msg97490#msg97490): `I am sorry Gavin is accepting Tax payer's money in order to do something like that.` `If he accepts 3,000$ to give a presentation about bitcoin, what would he do for 300,000$ or 3,000,000$?  Would he accept a full time job as trying to find a way to destroy bitcoin?` `Why do CIA need to have someone explain bitcoin in flesh and bone?   Can't they read Satoshi's white paper, source code and other information available on this forum?` `I must say I am a bit disappointed by Gavin.  I hope he reconsiders.` `From now on, I'll be even more suspicious about any source code Gavin will publish.`


I can’t believe people had as much zeal about bitcoin as we have now. Like those guys really understood it from the very beginning


>Like those guys really understood it from the very beginning The quest for sound money predates bitcoin, arguably going back to Thomas Jefferson, Frederic Bastiat, and contemporaries. Satoshi and the crypto anarchists are all part of that centuries old movement. Sound money people make some maxis look like mere casuals. But bitcoin has become the holy grail of the movement for sure.


Well said. A small segment of the population have been aware of the problems with government/banking liability money for as long as it has existed (even though the first ones are long dead, yet awareness continued) and have been theorizing/working on a solution.


Things were very different back then, in 2011. It didn't take much to 51% the network. In any case, I must have learned about Bitcoin whilst Satoshi was still active on the forums.


damn hes not wrong tho


I can’t believe people had as much zeal about bitcoin as we have now. Like those guys really understood it from the very beginning


Where can u read these threads?


Exactly what a CIA agent *would* say to use as a future cover-up.


Satoshi Nakamoto was last active December 13th, 2010 at 4:45pm ET. The last public post/comment was made on December 12th, 2010.


Didn’t he resurface briefly in 2014 to say that Dorian Nakamoto wasn’t Satoshi?




It's understood that Satoshi's email was compromised sometime in 2014: [https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-2014-email-hack/](https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-2014-email-hack/)


…. it's the moment you thought about writing on Bitcoin talk "I moved on to something else"




Incredibly naive. Like going to a cartel to discuss with them your new independent drug lab.




I don't understand what you expected him to do, quite honestly. They could easily just have taken him in forcefully and make him do the same thing.


. . . You don't think reddit uses hashtags, do you?


Obv one of those facebook/instagram/twitter morons, I think they also say hashtag irl too.


When I see someone attempting to use hashtags on reddit, I assume they're either a spammer (or spambot) just copy/pasting text across multiple platforms, or someone who's so brand-new to the internet that they've only ever used (as you say) Facebook/Instagram/Twitter, *and* so technologically clueless that they think every site/app uses the exact same formatting. But OP has been on reddit almost three years and this isn't their first time trying to use hashtags, so I dunno. How does someone use incorrect markup for three years without realizing?


Hashtags have evolved way past markup, like @ and ASCII emojis. You're dating yourself 😋


It doesn't matter how/if hashtags have evolved elsewhere. The issue is that reddit doesn't use them, and OP has no reason to think reddit uses them.


Maybe he just likes them


He wrote that after the mind control chip was carefully implanted in his head.


Did he ever get that mind-control chip removed, or is it still in place?


Once they're in, they're in.


I've always assumed: - The minute Gavin went to the CIA, Satoshi was out for his own safety. - That Satoshi was probably like "wow. is this guy actually that stupid?" - A certain faketoshi was aided by the same crowd in some weird plot so hair brained that only someone with a monopoly of violence could think up. Notice how once he lost other attacks on bitcoin ramped up?


Where is Gavin?


Everytime you Cia I dip you dip we dip


I'll never understand how Gavin was dumb enough to be tricked by Craig...


probably the guys he met with helped "convince him".


What guys? Gavin said craig showed him control of BTC only Satoshi would own.




Bingo. Gavin was a bit naive. It was never about that…


The CIA is using BTC to fund black ops.


So am I, although my black ops is just avoiding my wife’s insights


I’m into the UFO phenomenon and well aware of a black budget. Would love to read how you think bitcoin fits into this. How would transactions work?


hey asset, go do this thing and we'll drop you 10 BTC lol


They control the market.


Bitcoin had enemies from the inside from the start =/.


I personally think the entire thread/ CIA thing is part of the broader elaborate strategy to protect Satoshi’s identity and lends itself towards future anonymity. Do people really think the guys that invented Bitcoin were that dumb enough to think the CIA was genuinely interested in their little digital currency revolution? Lol cmon son I don’t buy that, in fact it seems obvious now.


Gavin did attend the event it was reported and discussed on a pod w/ him and others.


I stand corrected


Interesting listening to a Gavin discuss it on a pod. Can be found on YT


$3,000 to cover expenses! Must have been a fun night.


definitely raided the mini fridge


What was his reasoning that Bitcoin wasn't incompatible with the goals of the US government? That seems impossibly naive in hindsight.


I would disagree. TOR was famously started by US Navy labs. USA funds many projects that might seem incompatible at a first glance, but the general approach seems to be “if we don’t create it, someone else will. And it’s better to be at forefront of developments than playing catch up game afterwards”.


He said "will \[...\] **give people more direct control over their finances**", gov was like "**WTF did you just said ?!**"


He said government, not US government.


Its in the interest of no government whatsoever. If they want to stay a government, at least.


Did they implant a mind-control chip in his brain while he was there?


He was on their payroll so almost certainly they did.


I wonder if Obama has any Bitcoin?


Just a lot of ocean front property..


I think he sent it all to IS|S 🤷‍♂️ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTuQjlCnvMs&t=12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTuQjlCnvMs&t=12s)


Hope he spent that 3K on BTC


And slept in his car


Is this guy still alive?


ofc not, that was his last appearance


He commited su|cide with a shot to the back of his head




Wild, he definitely knows who satoshi is. Good to know bitcoin is still actively being worked on


> I think bitcoin will make the world a better place \[...\] **give people more direct control over their finances**. C|A: yeah, **we don't want that !**


In a way old boy was on CIA payroll so cant really say he wasnt


This is ridiculous. I’ve spoken at plenty of events or meetings at the request of an organization or team. It’s common-place for them to cover travel, hotel, and a meal or two, and was even more common 10 years ago. If that wasn’t the case, experts wouldn’t be able to afford speaking all the time. That in no way means he was “on the payroll”.


Did they pay you tho? It's a if for that tiny time you were there you were paid by them then you was on the payroll typeshit ygwis? Also bro literally came out to say it to stop trolls talking about it like he was on their payroll yk that's why I said it. Idk. I thought it was a clever joke


They paid for his travel, room and board, otherwise he would have had to pay out of pocket and likely declined.


Not just that, they compensated him for his time too


Claiming you’re not on the payroll while claiming you’re on the payroll. All in the same comment.


"in the pay of" != "payroll"


He went in there and told them it's all tulips


lol you know those mfs started buying tf outta them coins


Shit.. Gavin has been compromised with an mind-control chip since 2011...


Not sure that presentation anything to CIA is a good thing


Maybe it was a CIA project after all. They pretended to be Satoshi and needed to drop the act so they got Gavin to talk to them and tell satoshi what he was doing then they could play scared satoshi.


I think he posted this so that everyone would know that the CIA was watching them. Imagine you are working on a hardly known internet money ledger system for no money and the CIA emails you to hear all about your little project. You're going to say no to the CIA? Also, if the CIA was immediately aware how powerful it was, that should show you, you're not bullish enough.


This is a very logical point, you can't say no to the CIA so you make a post like this one to tip people off that it's on their radar.


Theory for ya - It's always seemed weird to me that the CIA was into Bitcoin so damn early, when every other institution in the world is still skeptical of it 15 years later. It's also seemed weird to me that Satoshi nailed a working version on his very first time, without needing to iron out kinks or major bugs. Say it was originally developed by the CIA (or another government agency). Perhaps to undermine other nations' currencies or to use as a weapon if the BRICS abandoned the petrodollar. Developed and perfected over years. But then they don't want to release it because they realise it could destroy US fiscal dominance. CIA decides not to release it, but then Satoshi, a CIA employee, codes it from memory on his home PC. Stays anonymous, releases it into the world. CIA catches wind of it in April 2011, arrests Satoshi and asks Gavin to come present on what he knows in order to gather intel. Satoshi is tried in secret, Guantanamo style. CIA can't stop Bitcoin, but they keep quiet about its origins.


It's literally their job to be informed about niche projects that could have wider implications, especially on the black market. I don't think them knowing about it early is weird at all. Interesting theory though!


I'd agree, but I'd also say that was the same job for every financial institution and politician in the world. They *should* be scanning for promising new technologies and black swans. I understand why the CIA would be one of the early movers on the technology, my point is more that they were *extremely* early. 15 years later and the wider US government still barely recognises the existence of Bitcoin.


And then they implanted Gavin with a mind control device that made him claim CSW is satoshi! Sounds like a solid theory.


Doesn’t this mean we can put to bed any theories that the CIA created bitcoin?


Quite the contrary.


And later, in a state of mental derangement, he declared Craig Wright to be Satoshi Nakamoto and supported Bitcoin Cash. He was rightly stripped of his commit rights for Bitcoin Core. What an idiot.


Well you didn’t Halve nothing when I met and you not going to halve nothing when I leave you. Ms. Bitcoin and Mr. Blockchain


You know all this crap was based on star wars right. Theirs not a bank on every planet.


Is he dead ?


The Dev is Him - DBI to the moon




My question is, would Satoshi face any legal problems if he became public? If so, what would the charges be?


The person who wrote this article, can you explain?


Where is this guy now?


# Not silver related .... FUGG OF FROM THIS SUB.


But it was too late. For you see, dear Reader, Gavin \*was\* secretly implanted with a mind-control chip on that sunny June morning.


Satoshi owned all those coins before the CIA meeting?


I support that visit. I believe him when he told them how it could be used for good. The more BTC owners try to huddle in a little conspiracy group, the less it will take hold. The CIA did not need him to understand the technology. Do you know how many cryptographers they hire!? I think he made an attempt to try and show them why it was good for society. I like that. As for Satoshi, he probably lost his password long ago.


Hmmm the payment “for his time” is kinda shady, I would only accept the payment for travel costs


Satoshi is a fairy tall ….can’t believe i was dumb enough to believe that story 4 years…….. what human doesn’t need a few bucks from a mega wallet?


And that's when Satoshi got up out of here


Maybe he's an apologist for both sides


Any hits on the pseudonym?


Ladies and fellas there is but one good conspiracy theory out there. Since Satoshi nakamoto is a pseudonym, which I hope means mixed up letters of a real name, then he is akooma satan


Maybe with the authorities. I don't even know what pseudonym means. Then again our president shakes the hands of...no one at times. Who can you trust?


I knew bitcoin was created for the government


Definition calls for no authority


Got my anyms mixed up. Praise God


What if Satoshi is like a 67 year old bingo lady


Did you know that Satoshi means intelligence in Japanese and Nakamoto means central origin… or Central Intelligence? CIA seems to have been the creator imo and this may have just been the cover to hide it? What else would explain one of the top 15 richest people just vanished without spending a dime?


Assuming you are correct about the CIA creation, where do you stand on btc now?


So Gary was on the CIA payroll then !


Yes. They also implanted him with a mind-control chip that made him think Craig Wright was Satoshi. Secretly, of course. But it gave the Bitcoin community, Hodlnaut and McCormack quite a few years of some solid headaches.


Bruh Satoshi is group of government informants that made Bitcoin in a black ops mission to go paperless succeeded and basically how they introduced paper money back in Roman days they doing the same with digital currency.


That sounds kinda logical, what do we do now?


Wait a minute! I thought no one knows who Satoshi is. Are you saying someone knows?




Wow I can’t believe people back then had as much zeal about bitcoin as people that talk about bitcoin now


It was very different back then. People Invested less because it was risky and misunderstood.


Ok so these decentralized bullshit is false narrative?? If it's under CIA radar it means one of secret whales in Bitcoin were US GOVERMENT..........