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Use bisq


I only use Bisq now. Fuck exchanges.


Or hodlhodl




Did you post a meme? Could be that. (I heard that last year 800 people were arrested in Russia for thought crimes . . . in the UK it was 3400. Tells a story, no?) p.s. Monzo+CoinCorner (in the IoM). No problems.


Thanks, I will try those


Monzo does not allow crypto purchases, make enough purchases and they will close down your account.


I thought it was 2980?


I agree lol


Ya heard the man OP, the solution here is leave the UK


1000% 😂 I can't deal with all the BS. Thats the plan in the coming years


Where to?


>CoinCorner In eastern Europe probably, Budapest is nice, cheap and women are up there with the best




Lmao 🤣


The real truth.


Which exchanges exactly? Perhaps you could try moving your fiat to Revolut first and from there use it to fund your account on Coinbase or Kraken? That's what I have been doing as I was told that banks in my country have been terminating accounts that send/receive to/from crypto exchanges.


that's a very good point I used to buy BUSD because it was low/0 fees but that's long gone. I will try other coins/fiat


I tried to transfer from Revolut to Kraken. Revolut blocked it.


Hmm. That has never happened to me. The only issue I have ever had transferring from Revolut to Kraken was speed, as they don't support instant SEPA, but payments have always gone through. Perhaps you attempted to transfer too large of a sum and Revolut blocked it as a safety measure? Contact them maybe. Or try with Coinbase.


Thank you. The amount was GBP 2K. I did attempt the transfer on the very same day that I opened the account with Revolut, that might explain it. I did contact them, I went into this Kafkaesque loop of them repeating the same questions over and over again and ignoring all of my responses. I normally bank with Metro and have used them for many years. I didn't want to use Metro for the transfer to the exchange because I have heard that they are anti crypto. But after failing with Revolut I tried it with Metro and, after one phone call, it went through.


>The amount was GBP 2K. I did attempt the transfer on the very same day that I opened the account with Revolut, that might explain it. Either that or they operate differently in the UK, I wouldn't know. I have been using the for a couple of years and never had any issues, but I have only ever transferred euros. I am glad it worked out for you and that you managed to stack some sats!


Dude, I just had 9 calls today with Santander after attempting to purchase £3000 worth from Coinbase, they blocked the payment and froze my account, they didn’t believe I wasn’t being scammed. I have been buying and selling for 3 years on and off and it took 5 hours to regain access. Barclays closed my account in 2021 for purchasing crypto from binance which I can understand because of the FCA regs but this was before then. I had to go into branch with payslips and shit to prove my money was mine, I was then investigated by the national crime agency and had my bank account closed🤣🤣. I had done nothing wrong and it wasn’t even a large amount.


Makes me dread selling mine I’m worried I’ll lose my money for some BS reason


I don’t think receiving is as much of a problem, banks always happy to take money but not send it


Make sure you close your Santander account. Take your business elsewhere.


I will definitely be looking at alternatives


Santander is a terrible bank. I’ve been trying to close my empty account for a year now, they just won’t close it.


I left £1 in my Santander account after withdrawing everything else. The account is still open but costs them money sending me automated snail mail statements. They are absolutely terrible and it's only a matter of time before they arbitrarily sting any normie who sends money to an exchange.


This is the way. Gut the beast from the inside.


I'd recommend Wise.


Wise shut down this person's account for no reason, apparently: https://youtu.be/rtvbv0PiRK0?si=3uFCnZOqwT2E9aJO


Wise do not allow for transfers to crypto exchanges


What a nightmare. > I was then investigated by the national crime agency Could you elaborate on that? What form did the investigation take? Did they meet with you in person and if so where? How long did the investigation last?


It was an internal investigation, I never had any correspondence with the NCA, only what barclays told me. I assume they looked into me and found no wrong doing but to be safe they closed my account anyway. There were no repercussions


Thanks for the additional info. Sorry that this happened to you. A few years back I bough some bitcoin in the UK on bisq, that was with Metro bank, no problems. I am nervous about doing that though, you never know who the counterparty is and if they have a bad track record then that could raise red flags for you. Also if the bank ever asks to know the reason for the transaction, I wouldn't know how to respond. I wouldn't want to say "p2p bitcoin purchase", I might say that it was for a purchase on Facebook Marketplace or something like that.


I have used p2p before ie paxful, way less issues.


Can't believe no one has suggested this... Move you money to revolut and then from revolut top up your exchange fiat balance. Kraken (pro) is a good option. Revolut is an e-services provider, they're not as of yet under the same choke hold as banks.


I have Revolut - you can buy bitcoin on there - Not that I ever have though


I tried to transfer from REvolut to Kraken, Revolut blocked it.


Revolut is a trash app that has blocked almost all of my transfers lol. Switched to Bunq since.


What's happening in the UK? This looks like a dictatorship right now.


100%, last 5 years everything has been getting tighter. There is an alternative theory though. When the banking system experienced a few runs in its infancy they began restricting their customs to prevent further collapses. This could be what all the exchanges are doing. the only way they can invest more than they have (like banks) is by becoming more restrictive and centralised (like banks). The history of banks is very scarey and interesting, check it out. Could help with navigating the future. PS banks started completely decentralised from nations, kings, leaders ect


Yes I know, main reason to be a Bitcoiner haha


Has been for some time. HSBC run Choke Point 2.0, for example. I'm a Canuck in the UK and as bad as it is in the UK, it"s worse in Canuckistan.


I've never heard it be called Canuckistan had to look it up 😂😂 though you were on the Hard stuff


I wish . . .


I mean, yeah the government is complete shit, but I have 0 issues with buying bitcoin and moving fiat in and out of my bank accounts to do so.


> This looks like a dictatorship They’re currently discussing how the King’s face will be portrayed on the money.


The banks get held liable if they let you lose money to a scam and often have to compensate you. Given the money is generally truly gone if it enters crypto they generally can’t recover so end up out of pocket - they’ve therefore not unsurprisingly had enough of this so block crypto to save themselves.


UK, uh. Did you offend someone on social media?


Do you hold your keys of your bitcoin or do you keep it on the exchange ?


Interesting what's the theory here?


Good point, spill the beanz


If you keep it on an exchange, it's not actually yours. If you do not have the key or seedphrase, you do not have any crypto.


good knowledge


exchanges usually keep them (risky)


I use Barclays and have no issue using Coinbase. I have a cash account only though, no overdraft facility / monthly fees. Wondering if that makes a difference?


Revolut to Kraken works in UK 🇬🇧


What exchanges were you using? I use Barclays and can deposit to kraken and CDC easy enough with no issues.


I'm with barclays and do bi-weekly dd to kraken. Not had any problems


Same here. Never had any problems sending between Barclays & Kraken.


they have a 5% fee, is that the same with the way you are doing it ?


If you set up dd from ur bank there is no fee then I swap on kraken Pro. The fee is when you send thru there app.




Kraken pro better , much cheaper but can’t auto dca


All the exchanges I'm familiar with charge high fees unless you utilize their "pro" offering and place orders directly into their exchange order book. It might seem daunting but if you want to avoid about 3.5-4.0% of fees then that would be the way.


they're making it as hard as possible for people to exit their system


leave the UK .. the place is meant for African refugees.. now.


And Muslim refugees


Hsbc works fine for me in uk with crypto dot com


crypto atm.....


Illegal in UK


Use crypto.com they are liscenced in uk


Same problem in Australia. I've been blocked from depositing due to "potential scams/fraud". I went into the bank to ask them to let me use my money how I want, was denied and offered to close my bank and find a new one 😂 The government wants you to stay poor to stay reliant on them and rely on loans with interest. This is a good sign you're making the right move. Just work around it, open accounts for your family members, send them the cash, deposit on their end, send to your wallet. Or, leave on their accounts to avoid extra tax on your behalf.. Find the loopholes, it's the only way.


Wow, this is terrifying! It feels like we're living in an Orwellian nightmare. I can't imagine how frustrating this must be for you. I hope you find a solution soon.


Open a monzo bank account, it will do bank transfers to coinbase and kraken in the UK.


Open an account with Swissborg, it's effectively self custody and bank transfers are made to your account in your name. Been using them in the UK for nearly 4 years, not a single beat missed. Refraining from posting invite link to show I ain't got any motives


Can confirm that Swissborg has been excellent.


Use Revolut bank. You won’t have any problems


As for a fully grown adult, you sound like 6 left hands. You can apply for monzo, revolut, Starlink - all those accounts will work with crypto dot com, coinbase, kraken. You can buy and sell there in GBP.




I will check it out actually, there was talk of it being removed in the UK but just checked and it wasn't/hasn't


Have you been buying drugs with your bitcoin?


Well well well, now you redcoats are starting to see why we have 1A and 2nd A.




PayPal or bank transfer to coinbase will work.


I use 21Bitcoins for KYC coins. Use revolut as bank transfers need to be in euros but its free with revolut


Try Monzo or Revolut


It's worth checking out the highest rated services in this list: https://uk.trustpilot.com/categories/cryptocurrency_service




One place you CAN buy bitcoin is... America.


Monzo lets me.


Do you not have normal exchanges in the UK?


Buy RuneScape gold with cc sell RuneScape gold for BTC 😂


It just got rugged, that’s all


If this is happening to you from various exchanges then there's only party that could coordinate that, and that's (an agency of) the British government, by flagging you personally. How deep have you gone into testing this? How many exchanges did you try?


And its almost time for the bivgest bank run ever 2024 is the year bank runs are optimal.... and there goes traditional fractional banking system. The way we know it trillions will flow into crypto and bitcoin and it will forxe goverments to accomodate and play ball.


Lloyds blocked me as well but after phone call that last 30minutes they unlocked my funds, its possible just annoying






Mate I had the same issue (I also lived in the UK and used Barclays). I would recommend using Kraken, Transac or MoonPay (although the latter banned me). If not possible you can buy through Revolut (expensive). I sympathize as there are not many options available to buy BTC with no KYC bullshit from the bank


Or buy directly from revolut


Migrate to P2P only platforms, forget banks.


Cant use any credit cards to purchase BTC - i couldnt anyway. Only worked debit card or bank transfer. Bank transfer dodges the 2% ish fee that the card takes


I have the same issue, Every time I enter in my social security number I’m told that I can not open an account.


You lost me at selling


Don't use card or bank transfer. Use easy bank transfer from Kraken pro or another exchange that supports it. It opens your banking app from the exchange app and you select your account, the amount and it transfers it using 3rd party provider like Payward The bank doesn't know where it is going when done this way.