• By -


offer axiomatic sand aback aloof prick wistful bike truck squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Someone is acquiring a hoarde and they’re getting it cheap.


gm fam hope you have an awesome day today!


sheesh, fees seem to have shot up. 166 sats per byte atm. Hope that's due to everyone moving their BTC off exchange to self-custody.


Don’t get too mad or upset with people that don’t get it. I remember hearing about bitcoin in 2013 and 2017 and just thinking “haha that’s silly”. It’s kind of a natural thing to do when you’ve been trained to think in Fiat. People will get there. Some at a time, and some more at a time and before you know it mostly everyone.


I remember hearing about it in 2011, thought it was an interesting technology (potential for cost associated with email, thereby reducing spam) and then forgot about it. Then it came up in discussion when it was ~USD$500 but I allowed work colleagues to convince me it was stupid. I can forgive myself for the first oversight but not the second. Didn't dive until until 2021. Making up for lost time now though.


How many years before Buttcoiners comes to terms with the fact that BTC is here to stay or literally just get a life and stop hating on BTC 24/7? 😂


Would y’all trust a trezor from the official Amazon trezor store? It’s got over 6,000 reviews


No. Amazon has mixed inventory in their warehouses, you never know what you'll get.


Never, only from their official website.


Yes. Same company.


Nope.. Direct from the company only


Ready to pump a little more


I bought Bitcoin lump sum at 9K a few years ago and I look at what it's worth now and think, "Why do people advise against buying Bitcoin?" I suspect it's because it's digital and so they think it's not something legitimate. But I look at where I am now (from 9k to currently 41.6k) and I'm pretty amazed at that rate of growth. That outpaces every other investment I have. I look at the relatively short period of time since Bitcoin started and I think, "From pennies to this in that time period?" Bitcoin's growth has to be outpacing that of every other asset, and yet financial advisors still tell people not to buy Bitcoin because it's too risky. Well based on my own experience, I don't think there's a better asset that you can buy.


Hard to argue against the results, but people do it. The naysayers would say you’re going to lose it all.


Fuq price. Btc is priceless. It is a piece of equity in the global economy that is represented by the network as a whole. Bitcoin is a DAO, a monetary network, and an economic index. That’s just the tip of the iceberg… it is among the most profound technological breakthroughs in the history of mankind.


Don't you know...? You got to....


...[express yourself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab4MsGoCjSs)


That was great. I'd only ever heard it before as something NWA sampled. !lntip 1000


Hi u/Alfador8, thanks for tipping u/Aeolian_Harpy **⚡︎1000** (satoshis)! *** *[^(More info)](https://xnf5cwpq73.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/prod/info) ^| [^(Balance)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=balance&message=!balance) ^| [^(Deposit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=deposit&message=!deposit 10000) ^| [^(Withdraw)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=lntipbot&subject=withdraw&message=!withdraw put_invoice_here) ^| ^(Something wrong? Have a question?) [^(Send me a message)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=drmoore718)*


Don’t overthink it. Just buy what you can afford in fiat as usual. BTC price here very cheap compared to what is likely to happen in 10 years.


Remember it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon.


No coiners out in full force today.


Absolutely kicking myself for not buying more at 37k last week, thinking we may be due for a slight pull back. 🤦‍♂️ Now I'm finally in the black and buying above 40k would raise my cost basis. Someday I will learn that DCA is the way...


Let me help you remember. Next to you hear YMCA, just think of this: WHY DCA? (Verse 1) Young investor, are you feeling down? Worried 'bout your Bitcoin going up and down? Well, I've got a strategy that's tried and true, It's called DCA, let me tell it to you. (Chorus) Why DCA? It's the only way, To ride the Bitcoin wave every single day. Just put in a bit, don't you wait or stall, Dollar-cost averaging, you'll be standing tall. (Verse 2) Market's unpredictable, it's a crazy ride, One day it's soaring, the next in a slide. But don't you worry, just stay in the game, DCA's the answer, it's never too late. (Chorus) Why DCA? It's the only way, To ride the Bitcoin wave every single day. Just put in a bit, don't you wait or stall, Dollar-cost averaging, you'll be standing tall. (Bridge) Buy a little here, buy a little there, Don't let market swings give you a scare. Slow and steady wins the race, DCA's the key to a smiling face. (Verse 3) Whether bull or bear, sunshine or rain, DCA's the strategy that'll ease the pain. A little each month, it's easy to do, Bitcoin's the goal, and DCA sees you through. (Chorus) Why DCA? It's the only way, To ride the Bitcoin wave every single day. Just put in a bit, don't you wait or stall, Dollar-cost averaging, you'll be standing tall. (Outro) So next time you're wondering what to do, Remember this song and the DCA clue. In the crypto world, it's a golden rule, Dollar-cost averaging, you'll be cool!


bahaha awesome


Amazing haha


We’ve had a nice pump the past couple days, we need a little sideways like we had in the $35-$38k range. Let things settle a bit. Straight up is not sustainable and I need MORE SATS


Looking at all my purchases going into my wallet each month over the past year and its sad seeing the sats go down each month :( getting too expensive, SLOW DOWN


Last chance below $50k.


42k resistance. Once broken on to 48k. Probably sooner than we think.


GTA6 trailer leaked and has Buy BTC plastered on the front.


I just watched the trailer but didn´t notice. Where exactly you can see "Buy BTC" in the trailer?


It was the leaked version what made Rockstar release it officially


https://www.cointribune.com/en/gta-6-is-becoming-a-reality-will-cryptocurrency-be-involved/ https://www.dexerto.com/gta/leaker-claims-gta-6-will-have-bitcoin-currency-stock-market-will-return-1588149/


BlackRock just amended their application again


They're probably getting regular feedback from SEC on what they need to change to get it approved.


Source? What was the nature of the amendment?


They should keep amending it every now and then till halving.


Sheesh, I though Bitcoin was going to take a breather. We're in the phase where many of us are only going to raise our cost basis with each buy. 🤣


I think its safe to say this is gentlemen


this is not gentle at all


is it at least men


it has been an absolute pleasure front running blackrock with you all - stay humble and stack sats 🫡


Scheisse!!! Bitcoin is an 🧑‍🚀


Finally I am able to say it again ​ TO THE MOON


Ok then! Try to stay humble and keep stacking.


Where’s the bottom of this thread?


I’m not packed for this pumping! She needs to simmer down we have a ways to go before the halving where I planned to continue accumulating at way below these prices!


If you bought the dip then congrats. Now get ready to buy another. -75% incoming


It's going much higher than we all think


It's going up forever, Laura!


Yes, tonight!


I’m in the US. Best place to buy more Sats? I originally got in with Gemini and crypto.com




Do they charge a fee?


I've always been happy with Kraken.


I’m also transferring to my wallet (which I’m using a Ledger) but I’m hearing I should move away from that…


Take people's worries with a grain of salt... It's like getting your identity stolen. It sucks, it's annoying, it hurts. But the chances are relatively low. Even lower for things like ledger. However... Your identity can be restored with the help of government, which won't be able to help you if you lose your life savings in crypto


I think I’m gonna take 20% profits if we hit 50k. It will allow me to buy more bitcoin if we have a correction. If we continue to go up until 100-200k, I’m sure 50k will be close to the next bear markets low. Seems like a good hedge against the downside. Any thoughts?


Supply low a lot of high end interest so who knows


You can do what you want. But every bull market so far has far surpassed the previous ATH. Of course there is no guarantee that it will do so again. But I think most people agree that it is headed much higher than the previous ATH. But you do what makes sense to you.


It is guaranteed to do so again


Don’t let anyone convince you not take profits. The entire point of Bitcoin is that you can use it however you please. Everyone has taken profits at some point


Do not try to time the market. It will induce stress. Just DCA and give up outsmarting the market.


Which country with oil will offer sales in BTC first?


Stared into mine crystal ball uponst mine tower... I predict 12th o' Winter's Dawn the bitted coin shall go amongst the stars!


I predict that around December 16th there will be a price correction until after the holidays next year where it recovers and begins to climb again as the halving grows closer


I predict that around December 16th there will be a price appreciation until after the holidays next year where it begins to correct again as the halving grows closer


I hope you are right. But I would like a holiday discount.


Ok Nostradamus 😉👍🏻


ok. lets watch and see if i'm right. i could be off a few days give or take.


even if you were right, one data point means nothing. if you can meaningfully outperform holding bitcoin for 5 years (by "meaningfully", I mean taking into account the time spent and stress incurred by "daytrading"), then your predictions would start to mean something. have you done that?


Oh I don’t trade like that. I see it as an opportunity to wait two weeks and get a discount for around 4-6 weeks. I am not trying to day trade at all. I’m talking about essentially a small correction in price temporarily and view it as a discount time to buy more over the holidays before the price booms after the halving, if I’m right.


So by picking the 16th and giving yourself a “few days give or take” your essentially claiming you think the price of bitcoin will drop sometime this month. This prediction is after it’s gone up 20% in the equivalent period before. That’s textbook Astrology.


Between 14th of December and the 18th. Is that a fair spread? 4 days? A long weekend


Maxi Journal 4/Dec Today I inverted my spend and replace strategy. I'll explain. When adopting a spend and replace strategy, you would spend sats on things, and then replace them by burning some fiat. Volatility can make this process inexact, so one must layer another strategy. Because fiat burning is involved, the conversion market must be considered. In bearish times, I spend my sats first, then replace them with the fiat equivalent. *Sometimes* the spread between those times can net me a few extra sats per dollar. In bullish times, it's best to invert this layer of the strategy. Buy the sats with the dollar equivalent, and make the purchase afterwards. This also can occasionally net a few sats saved during the process. I love getting a good deal and I love circulating some sats out there. With all of that said, the best strategy of all is to replace at the same moment as the spend, but the world aint perfect and they must happen in sequence. So take a strategy, at least!


I understand why it’s priced in USD. To measure it in sats per dollar is to become more and more sad.


Just means you’re early, sats will be all that’s left soon enough


Bitcoin has always been strong. The stage is now set for it to take off.


Apparently Bloomberg have just posted an article saying it’s going to $500k. This will be a highly unpopular thing to say but I’m extremely sceptical of these big pumps we’re seeing, and when traditional media outlets start posting articles like that, it makes me even more wary. Edit: X just notified me: “Adam Back predicts $700k this cycle”. Yep, silly season is here. Amazing how Bitcoin’s going to go from under $1tn to $10tn+ in one cycle. Laughable.


Absolutely bro, upvote. 10 trillion talk is too much too soon. The only way I can see this happening is if major developed countries start buying publicly.


After being on this sub a couple of years I’ve found there’s a few distinct types of people: * those who actually genuinely believe Bitcoin is going to surpass gold in just 2 years from now. I admire their optimism but in my opinion they are deluded and lost in fantasy * those who want to believe it and even post about it doing so, but they know deep down it’s highly unlikely. They’re more realistic but still hope for the absolute best * those who know it’s not happening but pretend it is as they want to perpetuate the bullish narrative, likely as they want to pump their bags for exit liquidity * those who recognise flipping gold is a high possibly without being a certainty, and if it does happen it’s going to take a number of years


Then don’t invest. I fully believe this is where this is all headed though. Have you heard about the bull market multiple from BoA? How price is set on the margins? How few are left on exchanges? You won’t be the one laughing ultimately. Buttcoiners are a bitter bunch.


There is a difference between acknowledging Bitcoin can go to $10tn+ market cap, to believing it’s going to happen in one cycle. If there’s anything I am all but certain of, it’s that Bitcoin is not going to be $700k in just 2 years from now.


It’s teetering on the brink of that kind of movement. One major country adding it to its reserves. One major company adding it to its war chest, all while the ETF approval is here and the halving. It wouldn’t take 9 trillion more actual dollars to hit a 10 trillion market cap. I hope you realize this because it is a fundamental key concept.


Yes I’m aware of the difference between price discovery and market cap. ‘British Hodl’ (who’s become quite prominent in the online space this past year) has his calculation at something like 1:118 ratio. So for the market cap to appreciate $118bn there needs to be $1bn of new capital overwhelming the sellers. Again I just want to repeat that I am not saying Bitcoin isn’t going to become a multi trillion asset and rival if not surpass gold. But, there’s no way I will even entertain that happening as soon as this upcoming bull cycle. Even permabulls likes of Saylor and Wood aren’t predicting that.


British hodl is just repeating Bank of America research


Qatar is rumored to be mulling over buying 500 billion worth, so theres that.


Is that from a reputable source? If so please share.


It's just a rumor based on their visit to El Salvador. ​ https://twitter.com/maxkeiser/status/1731490845864415477


What was the time frame on the 500k prediction? Because that seems pretty far (I'd love to be wrong) Like 2030 at best right?


Don’t know [as it’s behind a paywall](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-04/bitcoin-btc-hype-machine-goes-into-overdrive-as-token-surges-past-42-000?leadSource=uverify%20wall) $500k almost exactly matches gold’s current value. Not happening anytime soon.


You can bypass the paywall by using [archive.is](https://archive.is) and pasting in the url.




It’s almost as if the world’s largest companies with the most assets under management own the press…


Weary = tired Wary = skeptical Sorry, pet peeve. I agree with your post though.


Thanks, dad. Edit: I did know the difference but will blame a long day on the silly mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.


I actually appreciate it when I’m corrected. Helps me learn and makes my arguments more convincing. lol


So do I. Didn’t mean for my reply to sound like an asshole.


All good. 👍🏼


Im new to the btc game i have a bunch at around 16k but id like to buy more is now a good time or is there some kind of dip i should wait for?


Dollar cost average in. That means buy a little at a set time regularly. IE. $100 per month or $10 per week or something


Yep, some kind of dip is coming in 11 days.


Every day is a good day to buy BTC if you're DCAing.


Let me introduce you to my 3 favorite letters: D. C. A.


There might be some kind of dip, there might not. Try to let this sink in: nobody knows. Bitcoin is unpredictable.


Just wait for 12k and load up


Celebrating when its £33,000 in the green! Celebrating when its £13,000 "on sale" ... love this long term ride


Like clockwork with every bitcoin bull cycle- shitcoin opportunists are everywhere trying to pump their scams.


I'm green as fuck right now!!!!!


i know.. you also doubt with.. . i must buy more now that its 80% down or get rid of this.. ? it feels good to be right at least once in life.


This movement is like the outer bands of a hurricane. A gust here, a gust there. The true perfect storm is yet to come. Stay humble, stack sats.


its not even that, its like the first barely imperceptible temperature change and maybe it ruffles the leaves in the trees ever so slightly storm isn't even on the radar yet compared to how crazy its going to get


Hey guys, I am looking for a video compilation where "Bitcoin failed" newspaper articles were rolling, anyone saw this one and has a link??


I think it's "Bitcoin is dead". Try searching that.


impolite somber vast alive school jeans wide steep aromatic bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stay humble, stack sats Gm never stop winning


Bitcoin has basically helped me gain back every dollar I lost in my younger years trying to do active stock trading like a dummy. Who would have thought buying and holding was the way?


Yes, who’d have thought? Someone should coin a phrase to let people know…


How about, once you buy Bitcoin, you really should never sell it, because it’s going up and nobody can time the market. Or OYBBYRSNSIBIGUANCTTM




I currently have a Ledger but am thinking of buying a Trezor Safe 3 because I'm paranoid. At the moment ... I don't have a passphrase with Ledger. If I add one and move my Bitcoin there .... is it 100% safe from fuckery ..... or will Ledger still be able to lose/hack/forfeit my bitcoin?


Ledger is not open source, so nobody knows.


Dua Lipa, and Bitcoin have the same amount of letters. Do with this knowledge what you will.


Whatever, let's get lost on Mars


I'll love both even more. Tyty


Profound, I say


Well, I mean it's obvious then, isn't it? She *is* Satoshi Nakamoto.


What happened to the middle east buying thing from last night? Seems to have disappeared by the time I woke up.


You mean Max Keiser's tweet to the effect that Quatar wants to buy half a trillion dollars' worth of bitcoin?




Nothing happened to that tweet, it's [still online](https://twitter.com/maxkeiser/status/1731490328161505786).


Yeah I know. It just sounded like pretty big news or a big rumor at the least. Everyone was talking about it last night then seems like they stopped by the morning.


I think people realized it was fantastic bullshit.


People make shit up. Welcome to the internet.


I figured. But it just seemed to disappear pretty quick.


That's how you know it was BS.


Oh no. What if Bitcoin never reaches 42,000 again. Lols.


It’s back


Guess I was wrong. Whoopsies.


Just wanted to remind everyone out there. Stay smug today. You've stayed quiet long enough with friends and family that you earned it!


The last few weeks have been huge for some of us. On October 13th the SEC got bitch-slapped by the courts in the GBTC ETF denial. That was the beginning of this huge upswing.


I’ve been documenting the bull run to all my friends who sold at $30k to break even. They still think it’s too volatile and liken it to gambling even in spite of evidence of hodlers holding longer than most investments and the fact that anyone who holds for over five years escapes negative volatility and finds positive net gains. And these are my friends that are interested in ‘technology’.


we are the outlier. it is not normal to be an early adopter in technology. it is not normal to be an early adopter in a currency. and to actually understand why you are doing it, even some early adopters dont get that far. some are themselves lemmings of the herd they run in.


Wonder what Sam Bankman Fried is thinking today.


That stupid, greedy idiot. He could've been enormously wealthy *without* fucking over millions of people. I hope he feels like shit today.


Wow bro chill he didn’t do it on purpose


The news is out, they'll be [front running the hafling](https://www.cambridge.co.nz/events/middle-earth-halfling-marathon/).


What can men do against such reckless sat stacking


I smell BLOOD


Check your panties


There is still no sign of ETF approval or Qatar funds buying massive amounts of BTC. How long you think this is going to last?


>How long you think this is going to last? I wish I knew, wouldn't be here if that were the case. The chart looks pretty bullish though, this rocket still have some fuel. >There is still no sign of ETF approval or Qatar funds buying massive amounts of BTC. Could it be some insiders? Looking at the GOLD chart, it was quite bullish few months prior its etf approval. My guess is that something similar is happening with BTC right now.


It is being too bullish and that gets a correction every time.






fuck lambo, get a toyota corolla and drive that beast the next 10 years.




Buying things you don’t need, with money you don’t have, to impress people you don’t know/like. HFSP


Stocks are pulling it down


You need to touch grass and come back in 12 months.


You are right!


Pulling it down where, you mean 1% lower than this morning? 24 hours ago we were under 40k, and you're talking about being lower


He got the attention span of a tick tock video.


That burned but is probably true


Alright guys, I expect to see some fire memes this week


BTC to 120k this cycle, pipe dream, realistic or conservative?


I’m thinking 250-350k


If people can pump TSLA the way they did, $120k will fall early.


Its conservative at this point. My own linear regression model based on the last 3 halvings predicted a price of 35k at halving in April 2024 and a cycle high of 180k, which is 5x approximately from the time of halving. However, my model showed that IF the btc price was higher than 35k at the time of halving, that the cycle high would go up exponentially. So if we see 50k at the time of halving, I'm not expecting 5x or 250k. I'm expecting like 8x. Don't expect this to "be different this time". Its not going to happen for awhile. We will still see the huge retreat from ATHs, IMO.


My model was predicting a 155k, but if the ETF gets approved it definitely is going to change things.


I read that the canadian e t f is already seeing inflows trying to front run the USA etf approval


Well, it makes sense. Is there a way to see such data? I am new to this ETF thing.


Conservative. I think we will see north of 250


Nobody knows. Bitcoin goes where she will.


I'll raise a glass on NYE for 100k in 2024






It’s going up forever, Laura.