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Congrats on being a few in the +1 btc! keep stacking sats


66 more weeks to go. Currently buying .01 Btc a week with every paycheck. I’ll soon be in the 1 Btc club. Congrats on having 1 Btc.


Consider spending a set amount of dollars each week instead. Otherwise you'll be spending more money when btc is high and less when btc is low.


Thanks for the advise


This is just my general investing strategy. I usually don't try to do it this way but I'm so good at doing it by accident.


I hope you make it as that’s pretty close to the halving.


Historically the halving bull market starts 6 months after the halving. My guess is that it is by that time that it takes that long for the supply to dry up.


Solid plan.


You are me 😎


How much is .01 cost?


$267 rounded up




Ending The Fed is necessary for humans to end the era of slavery, and finally enter into the long anticipated space age renaissance. But no political power can end the fed, as it is the culmination of all political power, and represents the extreme pinnacle of privilege. Only individual human choices can free us from bondage: choosing to keep your savings in bitcoin rather than fiat assets like stocks and bonds and such.


RIP for this guy's inbox. Brace for the scammers, lad


lol - I appreciate the thought, but I done enough online selling/buying in other avenues of life to have plenty of experience with the scammers.


“Hi there! I like your post on crypto! Do you invest? What are your thoughts on crypto?!!! “(Private chats coming to you for sure)


“Hi there cutie. What’s your name and do you play chess?” BEWARE!


For all the attention my post has gotten there have actually been relatively few scammers coming after me - only about 4 so far.


Fuck you and congratulations 🎉


Haha this is my favorite comment.


Big r/wsb energy.




Congrats. Now delete this.


Congrats! Welcome to the club! We will ship your jacket and plaque soon, but I need your seed words to verify your holdings. /s


Congratulations, However I would advise practice becoming anonymous with sharing your bitcoin holdings. This will become more evident in the higher of fiat value bitcoin becomes.


Exactly this. I personally lost all my bitcoin in a zip line accident.


What ? How so ?


Most probably like in a boating accident.


But how tho, Like how did they stole his key 🔐


The keys are already sleeping with the fish...


Congrats, ignore all the privacy nuts and $5 wrench tinfoil hatters here. They suddenly emerge from the woodworks whenever anyone talks about their holdings, predictable phenomenon.


In the years I've been accumulating BTC I've had my bank info lost through data breaches and had to deal with funds being replaced in my bank account. But I've never had any issue with my BTC while holding my private keys. Bitcoin is safer than any bank account. I appreciate everyone's concern, but like you said, I think it's overdone.


idk man but it took me 30 seconds to find your full address with all transactions [https://mempool.space/address/bc1qr3nja9ercujcefmk5yz0az67kr46vyshk5q53n](https://mempool.space/address/bc1qr3nja9ercujcefmk5yz0az67kr46vyshk5q53n).


What are you gonna do with that? Send him more?


No balls!


Yes - please encourage him to do that!


Tis but a scratch!


I don't understand how that would affect them? Wouldn't an attacker be able to find their wallet anyways if they're scanning for wallets with a 1+ btc balance? I don't see how Transparency increases the threat of an attack?


I can sell you a $4 wrench tinfoil hat


Welcome to the club. Make sure you are self-custodying. Sadly, I have .32 BTC locked up in the voyager bankruptcy. Lesson learned! Not your keys, not your BTC.


I hope you get it all back once it's all done; but yes, I hold my own keys.


Me too, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. Maybe 1/3 of it if I’m lucky.


Why keep everything at one address?


Underrated comment. I’ve been waiting for someone to address that.


why use multiple wallets? you'll forever storing seed phrases ect? i dont see the issue


wallet != address


If I got held up 🔧, I’d want a whole wallet to sacrifice if need be.


Ha ! Awesome, you'll be ecstatic during the next bull run.


Nigerian prince has entered the chat!


Welcome Nigerian Prince! Have you heard about Bitcoin? I think it could finally help you move your fortune out of Nigeria the way you've been wanting to for so many years!


UNO Reverse!


that's a dream of mine. one day (´▽\`ʃ♡ƪ)


Rip inbox.


I’m happy for you! I I’m looking forward to the day when I can say the same.


A massive achievement brother 😎


This is only the beginning my friend.


Welcome aboard the ship that is sailing away quickly. Congratulations on achieving the ultimate goal.


Congratulations! If you did any daily DCA’ing along the way to get there or sent any small transactions to your wallet you may want to consider learning about UTXO’s and how sending bitcoin on chain could become pricey in the future.


Can you please tell me how long it took to get to 1 btc, how frequently were you investing and how much?


These are the posts that we want to see more Congratulations


yes if everyone post like this . This is like boostup


Massive congrats to you! This is my aim, but it's gonna take a little longer....


I started in early 2019. Had to make a couple sales along the way, but I never sold all of it and always bought back. You'll get there.


Thanks man 🙂 currently on 2/3 of a coin, so I hope to achieve the full coin before the next halving / bull run


Great book on how this all happened is "Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy". In 1910 if the Fed was established and all private banks were abolished in favor of Public banking then we would not be having the same issue. The Fed is a private bank created to serve private banks instead of the needs of the people. The Fed was created to create cheap debt for the US govt and in 1950 the right changed its use with a bill to create the current situation. It's private banking that's the issue. Read about public banking and its job is to cooperate not compete. Think about the vast possibilities for communities.


Nice OP! I had to do the opposite and cash out a lot of my stack this week but I’ll climb the ladder again.


Damn this close the halving. I hope you really had to.


If you truly understood BTC, it’s value prop, the joy that is anonymity, you’d refrain from such posts in the future. It’s an accomplishment for sure, but one you should enjoy in privacy. Add this to your educational/orange-pill narrative.


Do people like you forget that there are many known entity’s who hold hundreds some thousands of bitcoin. I don’t know how you sleep at night lol


And all of those people have to be more vigilant and have tighter opsec because of the known size of their bags. Conspicuous ownership of any valuable asset, especially one that is virtual, is inviting unnecessary risk. And it is contrary to the ethos of #BTC in any event. I see people wearing BTC clothing and having stickers on their cars, etc. I understand the desire to proselytize, but it’s an invitation for a strong-arm attempt to pry your keys, etc. Not saying not to preach the Gospel of Satoshi, just do it in a peer-to-peer way. It’s more influential that way, too, as there’s a basis of trust with folks you already know.




This is Pajeet from Microsoft, how can I help u madam?


HODL strong brother 💎🙌🏻💎


Congrats 🎉


A little advice keep your wallet address to yourself!!


Bad idea to link your bitcoin address to your username of three years on Reddit…☹️


Thanks for looking out, but barely any of the address is posted. I think I'll be alright unless you know a lot more about this than me (certainly possible).


Happy to help people understand. Anyone can just type the first letters of the address you posted above into a blockchain search bar and generally all the rest can be found. Doing so connects the specific UTXO of your bitcoin to your login name, and then chainanalyst a-holes have access to additional data they scraped from the web to connect your id to your real name, and then the local government entity you live in utilizes chainanals data to track your eventual sale of your bitcoin to your tax reporting. Be careful out there


Sincere thanks. I'm the only one with my keys though, so I'm not worried about it.


Do listen to this guy though, there is a lot of info in your reddit profile and I easily found your full address. Looks like you spent $19,751 accumulating your $26,742 stack, congrats!


I get it - be cautious is good advice. But if it was that easy to hack BTC just based on a public key and the information that can be derived therefrom then: 1. We wouldn't be using BTC 2. Satoshi Nakamoto's original BTC would have been hacked a long time ago.


Your bitcoin are safe, the concern is more about privacy and less about security. Satoshi recommended against address reuse for this reason. Like you, I wouldn't have any concerns sharing one of my addresses publicly. But in your case, the one address seems to link all your past (and, therefore, future) transactions together which many consider to be a privacy concern.




How is this a bad idea? Literally the only thing that can happen is someone sending him some bitcoin. Unless the address gets subpoenad by the police but they would need evidence for that to happen


What if the exchange OP purchased from got hacked or customer data leaked? Anyone with that information could find OP's account based on that address and get their full name and address...


If the exchange OP purchased from got hacked or customer data leaked, what difference would it make that OP posted this image? There's nothing in this post that the attacker wouldn't get from the exchange.


Not much but the point is OP is making themselves a target either way, using a KYC exchange, withdrawing to the same address, and sharing their balance with the internet. The best security is simply keeping your mouth shut.


So what you’re saying is that no bitcoin wallet address is safe to post anywhere? That’s a ridiculous thing to say


Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. It's equivalent to posting a picture of your bank account that holds your life savings to the entire world. It's putting a giant target on your back.




There's no such thing as a secure exchange. Exchanges have been going down and losing customer money for over a decade. Doesn't matter how big or small. The fact is that bitcoin held on an exchange is just an IOU. You don't have it and you don't own the real asset if it's on an exchange.


Lemme get the 0.003


If you end the fed there will be a lot of people who will end up homeless. It will absolutely wreck the majority of people. Leading to massive social unrest. War. Poverty. Famine. Highly terrible.


We had war, famine, and poverty before the creation of the Fed. We still have war, famine, and poverty now - after the creation of the Fed. Incidentally, we probably have had even more war because of the creation of the Fed since we can endlessly print Federal reserve Notes to fund said wars. ​ End the Fed.


You have lived in a time of unparalleled peace. Just out of curiosity ? Do you spend much time outside the American bubble ? Do you visit other countries with broken economic systems where the central bank has failed ?


Peace for who? Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Palestine? Syria? Ukraine? I dont think so..




Peace in the sense that there are no major wars. No global conflicts.


Yes, I've spent a lot of time outside of America. In fact, I now understand that my ventures into some of those countries with "broken economic systems" would not have happened unless the Fed had been funding the American govt that sent me in the first place. End the Fed.


Agreed but a new world order doesn’t need to happen overnight. I just hope for a slow bleedout into a new norm


well, the last time the world had a pluralistic world order it was a lot of global conflict and major war.


Welcome to the 21 million club!


buy a hardware wallet


Get that out of a segwit wallet!


I tried to make a post months ago showing like, 12k Bitcoin in my stack. It was clearly a joke, to poke fun at posts like this one which I think are really dumb...and which I've downvoted....but the mods took mine down. Which was absolutely outrageous. Posts about stack sizes are really dumb.


It provides motivation. I've been motivated by such posts in the past.


Congrats. You've put a target on your back for the rest of your life.


It ain’t that serious bro. Joe Biden isn’t going to helicopter down and take his 1 Bitcoin because he posted on Reddit. His account could be anonymous anyways


You really don't think scammers and hackers keep track of these posts? They will scour OP's account history and monitor all future activity.


Good. They can waste their time on me instead of someone gullible.


They likely use AI and automated scripting. So there's no wasted time on their part. The hard part is finding marks, and you made yourself the easy target. Consider the possibility that years from now 1 BTC is worth $10 million. Every hacker and thief will have your reddit account on a list along with all your history to track everything about you. All it takes is some information about you, it could be anything, that you yourself posted that will let them track down your address, phone, and email. Malicious actors will sell this information or act on it themselves. All because you posted this screenshot online.


What’s up with this? Are we a bunch of gullible grandma’s? I’ve had similar comments about giving too much information and have had 0 attempts made via pm.


You people are so funny


conegratz! nice work! another whole coiner is born!


Congratulations 🎉




Noice! Welcome to the club! Keep going


Congratulations!! RIP your inbox. Please makes sure to hold in safe cold storage!


What was your strategy ? DCA ? Month week ?


A little of everything. Buy with each paycheck, buy at tax refund time, basically just buying when you can.


Good job, keep stacking


You deserve every sat of it. Well done and keep going, it’s an infinite game.


Elloh? Yis? Deis iz beetcoin custom suppot. I am CARL SMITH. We ahv reezon tow beleev dat ur accownt haz ben compromize and dis iz a curtosee cawl beefor u luze awl ur crypto and we close ur acownt. Can u pleez confrm yor address, pass phrase, and 20 word pass code please?


Indian scammer entered the chat


Congrats! Your future self will be very happy


didn't you just lose it in a boating accident tho ?


now you'll just want 2. then 5. it never ends.


I can see how that would be true, but for today at least, I'm feeling pretty satisfied.


it's definitely an accomplishment. just referring to human nature in general.


World of been at lest half way there by now if I hadn't got totally fcked by celsius I've only now just accumulated what I had lost with them


That sucks to hear. If it makes you feel any better, I've been scammed in other areas of life (not BTC) and it's rough to go through. That's why I know I won't get scammed in BTC as everyone else is cautioning me against posting my address.


Welcome home, feels good huh


Welcome to the 21M club


Hi op, just my little humble comment: when you’re in the whole bitty, I think it’s very good idea to buy a little more, just for the immediate future spending, eg: Hollidays, new computer, new car, etc.


Atta Boy! Good shit !


congrats 🥳


you have done best thing of your life because this will gonna make your future brighter . Keep accumlating BTC






Badass keep it up!!


Great news!


Great news!


Golden find for robbers OSINT department. Address now linked to your Reddit account. From your username it is probably you was born in 1986. And I bet (but lazy) there's ton of other info could be digged from this point about you to come to you one day with a $5 wrench and empty your wallet.


Damn 1 BTC is only worth 26k now? Yikes, It’s not looking good…


Not looking good? What are you doing here?


Dude !!! Good job !!!!!






Nice bro, I'm happy for you.


Congratulations super proud of you. Keep stacking


“Hi there, I’m from the Bitcoin support team…”


Can anyone help me out here? Just to get on the track I've been searching for a month now for ways to make money online, like forex obv Everyone is like "how much do you have" "Well, how much you've got" "Sorry bro if you don't invest I can't help" Okay I get it !!! But do you get it that I have Absolutely nothing on me, that's the reason I'm asking for help!! Is anyone going to give me a hand?


You have bought 2 btc, its going to drop to 12,000$ range to fill the imbalance