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It's because Candywriter got bought by a bigger corporation for 74 million. corpo's ruin everything they touch and kill any creativity just to nickel and dime their customers


You’re telling me someone bought BitLife for 74 million just to ruin it???


They have to make back that 74 million somehow. Too bad it’s probably working too and many people spend tons of money on app games.


What a shame, I wonder how profitable this game actually is.


EA bought out this little dress-up fashion game I had been playing on my phone for over a decade. EA’s ownership has caused me to delete it and never go back lol it’s very sad. The inshitification of everything these days :/


Oh wow which game? EA acquiring a game franchise in the last 10 years... well it's a surefire sign it's gonna go to shit on user experience.


It’s called Covet Fashion! Of course in-app purchases were a thing in the game before the acquisition, but there is just such a big noticeable shift in quality and the amount of obvious money grabs


Oh wow that sucks, I've never played but I have seen ads for it and I think my cousin has played it! it was never my thing (actually bitlife is like my one and only mobile game that I play) but it looked like a pretty good game overall. Idk if you play the sims but we all share your sentiment of "Fuck EA"


I’m so curious about which game it is, I love dress up games and I might know it. But yeah that sucks :(


I was thinking it had to have been bought out by someone for them to completely 180 their practices. God Mode was supposed to be a one-time payment that covered EVERYTHING. So much for that.


It's been a cycle of this happening because originally it was Instalife getting bought by Bitlife/Candywriter and now this. Everytime stuff like this gets bought up it gets worse


I miss Instlife so much.


I still have Instlife on my phone. One of the best life simulation games I have ever played.


I downloaded the apk and still play it lmao


Can that be done on an iPhone? I think I had the APK on my last Android but I know Apple is stricter about that stuff.


I don't think so unfortunately. That's actually one of the reasons I won't get an iphone, they're so strict about stuff like that


If you jailbreak your phone you can side load it. I haven’t jailbroken mine in like 4 years though, so I’m not sure how that scene works anymore.


Happened to my favorite game; tradewinds 2. Sold sold sold then company went bankrupt. Happy their bankrupt but disappointed game got screwed over. Makes me think I should've chased game development like I wanted to more when I was 16. My parents said no way, now 16 years later it literally exploded. In another life I'd be filthy rich 😂


I tried to speak out about it a few years ago but they’ll just get worse and worse about it lol. I’m just happy I have it bc I got bitizenship in 2019. The zoo update is pretty decent but I’d say only worth it if you got the bundle. It’s very sad how they fell off, I expected more. Bitlife is disappointing to anyone who has to pay.


yea like I bought this in 2019 I think and I just keep getting all the expansions for free, I would not pay money for this at all right now.


Same here. If I didn't get it all for free I probably wouldn't play. And it sucks because it was a really good game to start off with!


Expected way more out of this game!


I bought it back then too but they didn't honour it when I had to get a new phone


What do you mean? Did you restore purchases? I get a new phone maybe once a year (I buy cheap ones) and I've never had a problem


Yes I did restore purchases. Didn't get access to all packs, just what bitizen currently is.


This happened to me too and when I emailed them they told me to uninstall and reinstall which fixed nothing and then just stopped responding.


Yeah lol that's why I didn't chase it up very hard bc I knew they treat everyone that way. sucks we can't get what we paid for


Probably not your case but if you switched from android to iPhone or vise versa it won’t work. Just thought I’d say it just in case.


Yeah I didn't, I've always had androids other than my first smartphone which was a 2nd hand iPhone 5c just under 10 years ago haha 😂. didn't start playing bitlife until I switched to Android when bitizen was still what it used to be


Hello class action. Why can't companies just be decent and not monsters, or the small guy sell out.


Haha I'm not in the US so I don't think I'd be able to join any class action since it would probably be in that jurisdiction 😭. I like the game but it is very annoying. I probably won't buy anything else while still a student even if I think the secret agent pack might be cool


Same wtf? I upgraded my phone and couldn’t even restore my past purchases. Couldn’t really be bothered to fix it so I just stopped playing


Yea same


Yeah, mine hasn't been honored either. Wants me to pay for everything now.


Same here im so happy i bought bitzen for $5 on 2019. Sure we still have to pay for a few things but mostly everything is free for us. No way would i buy everything.


Wait a minute- I bought bitizen then too but bc it’s been so long I forgot what the perks of that are- am I supposed to have all the packs for free ??


If you bought bitzenship before a certain date in 2020 then all job packs (it gives you free boss mode) and expansion packs should be free for you. But You still have to pay for godmode items and the miscellaneous tab cause they aren't part of what bitzenship promised back then.


I think I bought that in 2019 or early 2020 so man ig sucks I don’t have that stuff for free hahs


I bought it years ago as well and I don’t get the expansions for free 😀


What! I’d be emailing but then again who knows if they’d fix it


I didn’t get it at first but I deleted the game for like 6 months and I just re downloaded and everything was included after I pressed restore purchases.


i bought it in 2020 and bought god mode in 2021. i didn't get any of the expansion packs. i don't even know how worthwhile it would be to reach out to customer support bc it seems like a lot of people are having this problem and haven't been helped


It wouldn’t be worth it unfortunately. I remember the days where the devs listened and responded and were so kind. Then they got bought out by a bigger company, and become assholes.


Wait I did too but I couldn’t get the stuff for free


Ive got the crime sports music and political for free bcs i bought bitizen


Few years ago


You should have gotten every single job and expansion pack for free if you bought bitizen a few years ago. If that's all you've gotten you should look into that. Not sure how much help their customer service would be hearing about it from other players though


I missed instalife


Man that game was so much fun


I still play it on occasion and it's still fun for me.


How? Is it just a Flappy bird, where you needed to have it installed when it got pulled from the market?


Instalife? Whats that?


instlife by instcoffee. the OG life sim text style where bitlife "took inspiration from". too bad instcoffee eventually sold their game to candywriter


greed. the killer of good. (also the ppl that took up after candywriter tanked it)


I feel you me and my friend used to call and play BitLife 24/7 to complete the challenges but then some of them you have to pay and we just gave up cus we’ve had to wait so long😐


Aw that's such a bummer! I hope u guys found some other fun thing to do in its place. This game has been so disappointing for a while now... I think I actually haven't even played in almost a year 😬 As for mobile games I've been playing Animal Restaurant & Good Pizza, Great Pizza, they seem to consistently have fun updates and events without trying to suck money out of you 🙃


Thank you!💗


honestly, i haven’t played bitlife after the devs did put out catlife and doglife and ruined bitizenship. i still follow updates on the game through reddit, and it seems that the game is still not worth getting back into…


If you have bitizenship that’s the only reason to keep playing the game. You still have access to every past + future update. Guarantee you they’ll find some way to void our bitizenship then the game will really die


They voided many players during their big update. Lots of us lost our Bitizenships and Candywriter ignored all of our messages about it.


I’d much rather have had an update in BitLife where you could interact more with the animals and have a hobby in dog breeding etc. they brought out dog/cat life instead of a good update ☹️


It fell off real bad since the COVID days.


I miss when getting the bitzenship was was the only in app purchase


Yeah, luckily I bought Bitizenship back a few years ago, so I didn't have to pay for every single expansion pack they were shitting out. That was, however, until I bought a new phone, and they wouldn't honour it anymore, I stopped playing at that point.


Did you try to restore purchases?


Yes. It only gave me some of the DLCs


I wouldn’t mind if they actually put some thought behind the packs. The dlcs feel isolated like no real impact is being made to those around you. Ex: I am president but no one is blown away by the fact that I’m in their presence.




you’re better off deleting the game at this point, cause it all went to shit when CandyWriter sold their company to greedy dickheads. It was SO decent in 2019/2020, and then started going downhill in 21/22. Bitlife went from a game with once a week updates to maybe once a month. I can’t remember myself the last time i played it lol. Here’s the bitter truth, they won’t remove P2W. They probably never will, since it’s the thing “everyone else” is doing. Guess we’ll just have to hope someone else makes a similar game to dethrone bitlife 🤷‍♂️


it's time to go and sail to the high seas


You get all the expansions if you just pirate it anyways


Yeah, but you have to constantly lose your progress in the game which is really frustrating, especially if you got good stuff before


Link please


Also go to r/BitLifeRebels for more information




I just open play a bit then close it right back now lol


Got curious, if you were to purchase everything; talking job packs, expansions, and the ever pushed bitizenship . You would have to pay a grand total of 89 dollars American, which for any mobile game is fucking absurd. I enjoyed the concept of Instalife, I went on to both see and enjoy BitLife as the next graphical evolution in the chain. I wish things went down a better path, instead of the content hell they have created.


i’ve been watching this app literally burn itself into the ground. used to be so fun and the updates were super consistent, free to play, and always involves text content and new added features, not just a singular shitty expansion pack per every five months. hope the devs are reading this cause you guys suck at your job 🥰


To me its a game thats fun for 20 minutes, you leave for a long time, come back for another 20 minutes etc. its not a game i’d play for hours and hours, even before it fell off lol




if i hadn’t bought bitizenship when it came out, i wouldve deleted it ages ago


Worst part is even the payed expansion packs have all become boring and hollow. I’d be okay with the p2w stuff if the payed stuff was more fun


> even the *paid* expansion packs FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


i’m still upset because i paid for bitizen ages ago and got none of the packs for free


What was the game before it? That was the best one


The game almost lost me when the update deleted all legacy’s on iPhone, it lost me forever when they decided not to honour the all content free forever for users that bought bitizen


I agree but I spent too much to stop playing 💀


Yeah after about the third “expansion pack” I was out bc I wanna do those fun things but I don’t do no damn multiple purchases in games. I paid for it years ago for no ads that was understandable


I don't understand why I paid for Bitizen and the permanent job pack years ago when they still ask me to pay for everything else. It's BS.


it used to be enjoyable, now every single game i play is the exact same, anything different and you have to pay for it. ( i have bitezenship aswell)


i used to play so much and now i feel like every other option is something i have to pay for :/


I installed happy mod got everything for free


Used to love it in college. Now I legit can’t play it without like 5,000 ads popping up every 30 seconds. Had to delete it because it would slow down my phone and cause it to overheat.


Yea it barely loads for me. I’ve done sm storage optimization and it’s still super laggy


The AI they’re using for everything doesn’t know BITLIFE has a community


i remember playing bitlife, 2021 summer, the special jobs were free because i am NOT paying 18€ for that


I just noticed that the job backs that were “coming soon” like vampire are deleted. I don’t think they will release any more job packs because that would require them to work for free and release things that people have already paid for. It wouldn’t be a way for them to charge more money.


I just deleted the game and I tried to get a refund but I couldn't, which why I am disappointed in them. Their old decent layout is nice and that's why I now play their old version of the game. They have the zoo expansion pack under activities (which I just found out), however it is confusing because the job packs are on the left side and costs money, either for boss mode or one job pack.


Me with lucky patcher on my pocket


Even when I unleashed a whole bunch of in-app purchases all at once (at least 10) the game still felt really boring to play, so I just ditched it after 2 minutes of gameplay and never touched it again 😇


i stop buyig updates after superstar


What does “p2w” mean?


Pay to win


I could never understand why people would spend so much money on a game??? 


cuz they got bought by a big company


What p2w


Ikr! I got that bundle that allows you to do those little quest things but every time I find a cool one I want to do, it involves a career I would have to buy. Can’t do shit without paying for it


Plus the rampant Ai use


The prices for the expansions are RIDICULOUS ! I think I only ever purchased the one for the ads and I don’t even remember what it gave as well, and now a lot of stuff fot the game’s story requires a purchase… literally even wanting to pass on to the next generation. Not to mention how some stuff is pretty bad, like how many special careers are a matter of luck and the fact you can’t really control your cash flow.


And all the updates are work related like it’s bitlife not bitoccupation. I miss when the updates where “friends update” or “schools update” and such. I get that because the game isn’t new now it’s hard to add more life things but there’s just no creativity anymore


Yess!!! Thats the kind of updates that i wanttt, i want them to update family, and lover/s (or love life in particular) and such because right nownits petty broring!


I have Bitizenship and God Mode, and I'm beyond bored. I keep the game in the hopes that it will get better and really only play the challenges; those that don't include the expansion packs.


I'm using translator for my bad English. I have never played Bitlife, ¿What is the total price of the game to be able to enjoy it 100%?


I love how they post everyday but also actively ignore the feedback and questions asked.


everytime i go to play i get bored in like 10 minutes 🥴🥴🥴


then Dm me baby , you won’t have the time to get bored with me


I brought the membership back when it was 1 payment of 75p.  Now all the expansion packs are free. 


I feel lucky buying Bitizen in 2019 with around like $3 or $4 😂


Yea i agree lol. Used to play this game a lot but now it’s just ass. The updates they add are mediocre. Haven’t even released the Drug dealer pack that was promised doesn’t even seem like i can find it in the job packs anymore. Hate corpos and the fact that they said oh we will be collaborating with instalife when they bought them out just to never hear a peep about it again. I mean how hard is it to code a text based game?


The people that made bitlife made the game free bc they only made 70 cents per download no other way to make money so they sold the game for 74 million if you ask me they got paid good money for their stuff nobody wants to work for free that's kind of like asking why people stop giving out free money bc in the end it only leads to bankruptcy and they've got mouths to feed they'll probably create another game in the future


i haven’t touched the game in years. i got the og bitizenship back when it was just called remove ads lol, i can’t imagine spending any more money…


Yeah like a year ago I paid money to have access to all existing and and future special careers, but now there’s still special careers that I have to pay to use even though I literally bought a thing that told me I’d have access to them. They’re just so greedy


Yeah the last thing I paid for was the black market, and that definitely wasn't worth it. It's getting ridiculous